55 research outputs found
Loss-of-function ROX1 mutations suppress the fluconazole susceptibility of upc2AΔ mutation in Candida glabrata, implicating additional positive regulators of Ergosterol biosynthesis
Candida glabrata is one of the most important human fungal pathogens and has reduced susceptibility to azole-class inhibitors of ergosterol biosynthesis. Although ergosterol is the target of two of the three classes of antifungal drugs, relatively little is known about the regulation of this critical cellular pathway
DNA/RNA: Building Blocks of Life Under UV Irradiation
International audienceDuring the last 10 years, intense experimental and theoretical work has proven the existence of ultrafast nonradiative decay routes for UV-excited monomeric nucleic acid bases, accounting for their high photostability. This mechanism has been explained by the occurrence of easily accessible conical intersections connecting the first excited ππ* state with the ground state. However, recent studies of substituent and solvent effects indicate that the situation is more complicated than what was initially thought, notably by the presence of dark excited states. Moreover, the actual shape of the excited-state potential energy surface may induce nonexponential dynamics. Further efforts are needed in order to clarify how various environmental factors affect the structural and dynamical aspects of the nucleic acid base excited states
In situ measurement of bovine serum albumin interaction with gold nanospheres
Here we present in situ observations of adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on citratestabilized
gold nanospheres. We implemented scattering correlation spectroscopy as a tool to
quantify changes in the nanoparticle Brownian motion resulting from BSA adsorption onto the
nanoparticle surface. Protein binding was observed as an increase in the nanoparticle
hydrodynamic radius. Our results indicate the formation of a protein monolayer at similar albumin
concentrations as those found in human blood. Additionally, by monitoring the frequency and
intensity of individual scattering events caused by single gold nanoparticles passing the
observation volume, we found that BSA did not induce colloidal aggregation, a relevant result
from the toxicological viewpoint. Moreover, to elucidate the thermodynamics of the gold
nanoparticle-BSA association, we measured an adsorption isotherm which was best described by
an anti-cooperative binding model. The number of binding sites based on this model was
consistent with a BSA monolayer in its native state. In contrast, experiments using poly-ethylene
glycol capped gold nanoparticles revealed no evidence for adsorption of BSA
Ultrafast IR spectroscopy of polymeric cytosine nucleic acids reveal the long-lived species is due to a localised state
The decay pathways of UV-excited cytosine polymers are investigated using picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. Similar yields of a non-emissive (1)nÏ * state are found in the single-stranded dC(30) polymer as in the dCMP monomer, but with a longer lifetime in the polymer (80 ps vs. 39 ps). A longer lifetime is also found in the d(CpC) dinucleotide. No evidence of excimer states is observed, suggesting that localised (1)nÏ * excited states are the most significant intermediates present on the picosecond timescale.A
Resident Satisfaction Measurement with Cultural Life
Import 26/06/2013Práce se zabývá mapováním současné situace kulturního vyžití v Uničově a následnou analýzou spokojenosti obyvatel s kulturním životem ve městě. Jejím cílem je zjistit postoje obyvatel města Uničova ke kultuře obecně s následným zaměřením na kulturní vyžití ve městě. Na základě této analýzy je vyhodnoceno, do jaké míry jsou obyvatelé s kulturou v Uničově spokojeni. V závěru práce jsou navrhnuta doporučení vedoucí ke zlepšení kulturní situace ve městě. Tento cíl je naplňován prostřednictvím marketingového výzkumu formou dotazování. Práce se konkrétněji zaměřuje na vybrané kulturní oblasti a kulturní instituce.This diploma thesis discusses the present situation of cultural life in the city of Uničov and then it analyses the citizen customer satisfaction with cultural life in the city. Its aim is to ascertain their attitude to culture in general and further to focus on the cultural life in Uničov. On the basis of this analysis an evaluation is made how much the citizen customers are satisfied with the culture in Uničov. At the end of the thesis, some recommendations are suggested that would improve cultural situation in the town. This aim is realized by a marketing research through interrogation. The thesis is focused more specifically on selected cultural areas and cultural institutions.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř
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