1,044 research outputs found

    Magic mirror on the wall: Selfie-related behavior as mediator of the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use

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    Objective: Recent research has suggested that problematic smartphone use is associated with several psychological factors and that mobile apps and smartphone-related behavior (i.e. selfi e behavior) may encourage the development of problematic smartphone use. However, little is known about how the interplay between dysfunctional personality characteristics and selfi e-related behavior can infl uence problematic smartphone use. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use, as well as the mediating role of selfi e-related behavior in this relationship among young men and women. Method: In the current study, a total of 627 undergraduate students (283 males and 344 females) completed a cross-sectional survey. A structural equation model was tested separately for males and females in order to evaluate the associations between narcissism, selfi e-related behavior and problematic smartphone use. Results: The results showed that greater narcissism was related to increased selfi e-related behavior, which in turn were positively associated with problematic smartphone use both for males and females. However, selfi e-related behavior mediated the relationship between narcissism and problematic smartphone use only for females. Conclusions: The study provides fresh insight into our understanding of the psychological mechanisms underlying problematic smartphone use, which may inform prevention and treatment interventions

    A geobotanical survey on acidophilous grasslands in the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (Central Italy)

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    The acidophilous grasslands of the south-eastern part of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park was studied by the phytosociological method and analyzed from a synecological viewpoint with the help of soil analysis. Four clusters of relevés resulted from the numerical classification. Syntaxonomically they were ascribed to the following associations: Poo violaceae-Nardetum strictae, Potentillo rigoanae-Festucetum paniculatae, Nardo strictae-Brachypodietum genuensis and Potentillo rigoanae-Brachypodietum genuensis. Since the original proposal of all the syntaxa identified in the present study were affected by nomenclatural mistakes, they were corrected in accordance with the rules of ICPN. The occurrence of Anthoxanto-Brachypodietum in central Apennines, is excluded since this association falls in syntaxonomical synonymy with Potentillo-Brachypodietum. The synecological analysis proved that the distribution of the different communities identified within the study area to be correlated with topographic, geomorphological and soil factors. Among these latter, the ratio H+/basic cations, pH behave as the most influencing parameters in the distribution of the communities identified

    Three dimensional imaging of short pulses

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    We exploit a slightly noncollinear second-harmonic cross-correlation scheme to map the 3D space-time intensity distribution of an unknown complex-shaped ultrashort optical pulse. We show the capability of the technique to reconstruct both the amplitude and the phase of the field through the coherence of the nonlinear interaction down to a resolution of 10 ÎĽ\mum in space and 200 fs in time. This implies that the concept of second-harmonic holography can be employed down to the sub-ps time scale, and used to discuss the features of the technique in terms of the reconstructed fields.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Modeling and simulation of a digital control design approach for power supply systems

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    Electronic designers need to model and simulate system features as close as possible to its effective behaviour. Moreover, today, electronics systems are often composed of mixed analog and digital components. The increasing complexity has led to the use of different simulation softwares, each one specific for a particular level of abstraction: mathematical, circuital, behavioural, etc. In order to simulate the entire system these softwares should work together: co-simulation is necessary for digitally controlled power electronics systems. In this paper, the modeling of a digitally controlled switching power supply system using MATLAB/Simulink, ALDEC Active-HDL and Powersys PSIM is presented. The power converter is modelled in PSIM, the digital control is described in VHDL by using Active-HDL, and the complete system is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment. This design approach presents all the advantages of each used software and all its features will be discussed. The comparison between simulation and experimental results of the digitally controlled step-down converter prototype are reported

    Fine characterization of immunological mechanisms mediated by the major allergens of Parietaria judaica and hypoallergenic hybrid, rPjEDcys

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    Purpose: Allergy is a hypersensitivity disease IgE-mediated, affecting more than 25% of the population. The symptoms of IgE-mediated allergies reactions can be transiently ameliorated pharmacologically, but the only curative treatment of allergies is Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy (SIT). Recombinant hypoallergenic allergen derivatives with reduced allergenic activity have been engineered to reduce side effects during SIT. Parietaria judaica (Pj) pollen contains two major allergens belonging to the family of Lipid Tranfer Proteins (Par j 1 and Par j 2). By means of DNA recombinant technology, a hybrid hypoallergenic (PjEDcys), expressing disulphide bond variants of Par j 1 and Par j 2, was generated. The aim of this research project is to study the immunological mechanisms activated by the major allergens of Parietaria judaica, Par j 1 and Par j 2, and hypoallergenic hybrid rPjEDcys. Moreover, the project I am involved is trying to address the question whether this engineered hypoallergenic derivative can be a potential products for safer Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (SIT). Methods: Par j 1, Par j 2 and PjEDcys were produced as recombinant proteins. Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) from P. judaica allergic patients were stimulated in vitro with wild-type recombinant allergens and hybrid. PBMC proliferation assay, cytokine secretion assay, magnetic cell sorting of different subset of regulatory T cells, multiparametric flow cytometric analysis and molecular characterization using Real Time-PCR on sorted cells allow to study the biological properties of wild-type recombinant allergens and hybrid hypoallergenic derivate. Results: In vitro analysis suggested that PjEDcys have a reduced allergenity and maintained T cells reactivity. PBMC of P. judaica allergic patients stimulated in vitro with the hybrid and the wild-type recombinant allergens scored a percentage of proliferating CD4+ and CD56+ cell higher than unstimulated sample. Consistent with these data, cytokine secretion assay on CD4+ cells demonstrated that PBMC stimulation with rPjEDcys showed a percentage of IL-5 and IL-13 secreting T CD4+ cells lower than the wild-type allergens. Both rPjEDcys and wild-type stimulation promote the secretion of IFN- \u3b3 and IL-10 by T CD4+ cells. Finally whit the aim to study which subset of regulatory cells respond to wild-tipe allergens and hypoallergenic hybrid new experiment are setting. Discussion: In this experimental setting, the use of the major allergens of Pj and the hybrid polypeptides, rPjEDcys allows me to study the immunological mechanisms activated by the two different antigen stimulation and to investigate differences between the wild-type allergen and the hypoallergenic mutant rPjEDcys. Our data showed that CD4+ cells are clearly the predominant cell population proliferating in response to mixture of Par j 1 and Par j 2 allergens. The hypoallergenic derivate rPjEDcys retain the ability to stimulate CD4+ cells proliferation like the mixture of allergens (rPar j 1 and rPar j 2). Moreover these results highlighted a particular interesting datum; the mixture of allergens and the rPjEDcys hybrid showed the ability to stimulate an innate immune response, inducing CD56+ cells proliferative response. Cytokine secretion assay demonstrate that rPjEDcys reduce the secretion of IL-5 and IL-13, Th2 cytokines with a critical role in the development of allergy, compared to wild-type allergens. This may reflect the different biological function exerted by rPjEDcys. Conclusion: Collectivelly, our findings demonstrate that PjEDcys show a reduced allergenicity but maintained its immunogenicity and maybe it is also capable to regulate and redirect the immune response. These results suggest that PjEDcys represent a useful approach for immunotherapy of allergic disease

    Visual evoked potentials in succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency

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    In mammals, increased GABA in the central nervous system has been associated with abnormalities of visual evoked potentials (VEPs), predominantly manifested as increased latency of the major positive component P100. Accordingly, we hypothesized that patients with a defect in GABA metabolism, succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency (in whom supraphysiological levels of GABA accumulate), would manifest VEP anomalies. We evaluated VEPs on two patients with confirmed SSADH deficiency. Whereas the P100 latencies and amplitudes for binocular VEP analyses were within normal ranges for both patients, the P100 latencies were markedly delayed for left eye (OS) (and right eye (OD), patient 1) and monocular OS (patient 2): 134-147 ms; normal <118 ms. We hypothesize that elevated GABA in ocular tissue of SSADH patients leads to a use-dependent downregulation of the major GABAergic receptor in eye, GABA(C), and that the VEP recordings' abnormalities, as evidenced by P100 latency and/or amplitude measurements, may be reflective of abnormalities within visual systems. This is a preliminary finding that may suggest the utility of performing VEP analysis in a larger sample of SSADH-deficient patients, and encourage a neurophysiological assessment of GABA(C) receptor function in Aldh5a1(-/-) mice to reveal new pathophysiological mechanisms of this rare disorder of GABA degradation

    Study of uptake mechanisms of halloysite nanotubes in different cell lines

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    Purpose: Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are a natural aluminosilicate clay with a chemical formula of Al2Si2O5(OH)4Ă—nH2O and a hollow tubular structure. Due to their peculiar structure, HNTs can play an important role as a drug carrier system. Currently, the mechanism by which HNTs are internalized into living cells, and what is the transport pathway, is still unclear. Therefore, this study aimed at establishing the in vitro mechanism by which halloysite nanotubes could be internalized, using phagocytic and non-phagocytic cell lines as models. Methods: The HNT/CURBO hybrid system, where a fluorescent probe (CURBO) is confined in the HNT lumen, has been used as a model to study the transport pathway mechanisms of HNTs. The cytocompatibility of HNT/CURBO on cell lines model was investigated by MTS assay. In order to identify the internalization pathway involved in the cellular uptake, we performed various endocytosis-inhibiting studies, and we used fluorescence microscopy to verify the nanomaterial internalization by cells. We evaluated the haemolytic effect of HNT/CURBO placed in contact with human red blood cells (HRBCs), by reading the absorbance value of the supernatant at 570 nm. Results: The HNT/CURBO is highly biocompatible and does not have an appreciable haemolytic effect. The results of the inhibition tests have shown that the internalization process of nanotubes occurs in an energy-dependent manner in both the investigated cell lines, although they have different characteristics. In particular, in non-phagocytic cells, clathrin-dependent and independent endocytosis are involved. In phagocytic cells, in addition to phagocytosis and clathrin-dependent endocytosis, microtubules also participate in the halloysite cellular trafficking. Upon internalization by cells, HNT/CURBO is localized in the cytoplasmic area, particularly in the perinuclear region. Conclusion: Understanding the cellular transport pathways of HNTs can help in the rational design of novel drug delivery systems and can be of great value for their applications in biotechnology

    Dark Matter detection via lepton cosmic rays

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    Recent observations of lepton cosmic rays, coming from the PAMELA and FERMI experiments, have pushed our understanding of the interstellar medium and cosmic rays sources to unprecedented levels. The imprint of dark matter on lepton cosmic rays is the most exciting explanation of both PAMELA's positron excess and FERMI's total flux of electrons. Alternatively, supernovae are astrophysical objects with the same potential to explain these observations. In this work, we present an updated study of the astrophysical sources of lepton cosmic rays and the possible trace of a dark matter signal on the positron excess and total flux of electrons.Comment: 6 pages and 3 figures. Proceedings for PASCOS 2010, Valencia, Spai

    Stromelysin-1 polymorphism as a new potential risk factor in progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background. Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) is characterised by partially reversible usually progressive airflow limitation caused by inflammation and remodelling. Stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) has regulatory activity on other matrix-metalloproteinases. Altered MMP-3 activity has been described in different diseases. We investigated the role of a promoter MMP-3 polymorphism in determining susceptibility and severity of COPD. Methods. We studied 147 patients with COPD in stable conditions and distinguished two groups based on FEV1 values. In 100 patients functional modifications across a two-year period were noted. 133 healthy subjects were used as controls. Genotyping for the –1171 5A/6A MMP-3 polymorphism was performed using nucleotide sequencing. Results. No difference was noted in the genotype distribution between COPD patients and controls. However, among patients with severe disease 6A/6A genotype and 6A allelic frequency were significantly more represented than among mild-moderate patients (p &lt; 0.05). The 6A/6A genotype was also associated with a higher FEV1 decline over time. Conclusions. Our data suggests that –1171 6A allele does not represent a risk factor for the development of COPD while it is associated with more severe disease and different functional decline. We hypothesise that a disregulation of MMP-3, possibly caused by the –1171 5A/6A polymorphism or other linked variants, may lead to different progression in COPD
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