39 research outputs found

    Cooperation, Trust and Social Capital in Southeast Asian Urban Slums

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    We conduct experiments in urban slums to measure trust and cooperation and to see how behavior varies with demographic factors and associational measures of social capital. Overall, we find high contribution rates among Thai and Vietnamese participants in a voluntary contribution game, and we see that many participants are willing to signal their disapproval of free riding despite it being costly to do so. At the individual level, we find that behavior varies with many demographic factors and with many associational factors. However, these correlations often differ significantly between our two locations, indicating the role of culture, defined broadly.Cooperation, trust, social disapproval, Thailand, Vietnam

    Diagnostic d'un train d'engrenages par analyse cepstrale synchrone

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    Nous exposons dans cet article nos résultats concernant l'acquisition et le traitement de signaux vibratoires issus d'accéléromÚtres placés sur des réducteurs à engrenages. Nous montrons que l'analyse cepstrale pratiquée sur des signaux obtenus sous échantillonnage angulaire peut constituer un outil de diagnostic simple et efficace. Nous avons calculé la contribution au cepstre de la modulation due à plusieurs périodes de rotation. Nous montrons que la somme des premiers pics cepstraux associés à chaque période est constante. Ce fait est confirmé par les résultats expérimentaux


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    On compare ici le résultat de détermination du niveau de puissance acoustique par intensimétrie obtenu par la technique des points fixes à celui obtenu par la technique de balayage, pour différentes conditions expérimentales. Les écarts constatés sont faibles et restent inférieurs le plus souvent à ± 0,5 dB.In this paper, the results of sound power level measurements using a fixed points intensity measuring technique are compared to the measurements obtained when using sweeping intensity measuring technique, under differents experimental conditions. The differences are very small and in most cases stay within ± 0,5 dB

    A self consistent approach to the deformation properties of silver cadmium and indium isotopes

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    The aim of this paper is to describe reading practices in the era of cyberspace and hypertextuality. We will start by defining what is a text. Then, we will describe the actual cultural context in which our reading practices are realized. This context will be defined in terms of a double transformation, technological and cultural. Finally, we will look at the problems posed to reading by the new forms of texts. We will also look at the metaphor of navigation regularly used to describe reading in cyberspace

    Analyse vibratoire d'un engrenage

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    National audienc