131 research outputs found

    Practical guidelines for standardising the measurement of resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry: a literature review

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    Accurate resting metabolic rate readings are essential for dietary planning and body composition monitoring not only for healthy individuals but also for athletes. A number of factors can alter resting metabolic rate during its measurement by indirect calorimetry. The methodology used may affect the results of the study. A clear standardisation of this procedure is needed to obtain the most accurate results.Purpose: To review the literature to determine the optimal subject condition and methodology for the resting metabolism measurement procedure using indirect calorimetry.Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The query included key words and logical phrases: “calorimetry”, “indirect calorimetry”, “resting metabolic rate”, “energy metabolism”, “basal metabolism”, “standards”. Only Englishlanguage studies and human studies were considered. Additional information was identified because of the review and included in the review.Results: the parameters of standardization during the resting metabolism measurement procedure are described: consumption of food, ethanol, caffeine, nicotine; daily activities and physical activity; body position in space and environmental conditions during the measurement; actions of the specialist performing the procedure, etc. The article outlines effective methods for measuring resting metabolism to obtain the most accurate results in both athletes and non-athletes.Conclusion: an attempt has been made to formulate precise methodological rules for standardization and recommendations for measuring resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry

    The Relationship of Urinary Metabolites of Carbaryl/Naphthalene and Chlorpyrifos with Human Semen Quality

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    Most of the general population is exposed to carbaryl and other contemporary-use insecticides at low levels. Studies of laboratory animals, in addition to limited human data, show an association between carbaryl exposure and decreased semen quality. In the present study we explored whether environmental exposures to 1-naphthol (1N), a metabolite of carbaryl and naphthalene, and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPY), a metabolite of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl, are associated with decreased semen quality in humans. Subjects (n = 272) were recruited through a Massachusetts infertility clinic. Individual exposures were measured as spot urinary concentrations of 1N and TCPY adjusted using specific gravity. Semen quality was assessed as sperm concentration, percent motile sperm, and percent sperm with normal morphology, along with sperm motion parameters (straight-line velocity, curvilinear velocity, and linearity). Median TCPY and 1N concentrations were 3.22 and 3.19 μg/L, respectively. For increasing 1N tertiles, adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were significantly elevated for below-reference sperm concentration (OR for low, medium, and high tertiles = 1.0, 4.2, 4.2, respectively; p-value for trend = 0.01) and percent motile sperm (1.0, 2.5, 2.4; p-value for trend = 0.01). The sperm motion parameter most strongly associated with 1N was straight-line velocity. There were suggestive, borderline-significant associations for TCPY with sperm concentration and motility, whereas sperm morphology was weakly and nonsignificantly associated with both TCPY and 1N. The observed associations between altered semen quality and 1N are consistent with previous studies of carbaryl exposure, although suggestive associations with TCPY are difficult to interpret because human and animal data are currently limited

    Practical recommendations for safe reduction of body weight in combat sports: scoping review

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    The presence of weight categories in martial arts requires an athlete to constantly maintain and control body weight and, in some cases, to reduce it. For this reason, it is common among martial artists to use forced methods of body weight reduction, which are often unphysiological and may have a negative impact on performance, as well as pose a danger to health. In this connection, it is of practical interest to search, analyse and introduce into practice physiological and safe methods of body weight reduction by athletes-athletes before participation in competitions. The aim of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of various methods of weight loss in athletes preparing to participate in competitions.Materials and methods: the review was conducted according to the methodology of Scoping review. Articles were selected in the domestic data-bases eLibrary and Russian State Library, using the following keywords: «методы снижения массы тела ИЛИ снижение массы тела ИЛИ весогонка» И «единоборства ИЛИ боевые виды спорта», as well as in the foreign databases ScienceDirect and PubMed, using the following keywords: «making weight OR weight loss» AND «combat sports», placed in a search depth of 15 years.Results: we found 121 studies, 3 duplicates were excluded after initial screening, 118 studies were screened for inclusion criteria, and a total of 16 studies were included in the review.Conclusion: a reduction of 5 to 10 % of body weight less than 7 days before the official weigh-in may adversely affect performance parameters and the state of the body’s functional systems. A reduction of up to 5 % of body weight 7 or more days before the official weigh-in is the safest

    Improved method for the obtaining DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine ligands for lanthanide cations

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    The composition of the reaction mixture after DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines was studied. In addition to the target product, DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine, the corresponding 6'-hydroxymethyl-substituted 2,2’-bipyridine and (5'-phenyl-[2,2'-bipyridin]-6-yl)methyl formate were isolated as by-products in some cases. Finally, an improved procedure for the DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines by using Finkelstein reaction was developed

    Practical guidelines for standardising the measurement of resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry: a literature review

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    Accurate resting metabolic rate readings are essential for dietary planning and body composition monitoring not only for healthy individuals but also for athletes. A number of factors can alter resting metabolic rate during its measurement by indirect calorimetry. The methodology used may affect the results of the study. A clear standardisation of this procedure is needed to obtain the most accurate results.Purpose: To review the literature to determine the optimal subject condition and methodology for the resting metabolism measurement procedure using indirect calorimetry.Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases. The query included key words and logical phrases: “calorimetry”, “indirect calorimetry”, “resting metabolic rate”, “energy metabolism”, “basal metabolism”, “standards”. Only English-language studies and human studies were considered. Additional information was identified because of the review and included in the review.Results: the parameters of standardization during the resting metabolism measurement procedure are described: consumption of food, ethanol, caffeine, nicotine; daily activities and physical activity; body position in space and environmental conditions during the measurement; actions of the specialist performing the procedure, etc. The article outlines effective methods for measuring resting metabolism to obtain the most accurate results in both healthy individuals and athletes.Conclusion: an attempt has been made to formulate precise methodological rules for standardisation and recommendations for measuring resting metabolism by indirect calorimetry

    New 2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione-2,2’-bipyridine-based co-polymer, synthesis, photophysical properties and response to metal cations

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    A new co-polymer based on fragments of 2-(2-pyridyl)monoazatriphenylene and 2,5-bis (2-ethylhexyl)-3,6-di(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione was prepared by using the Sonogashira reaction. The photophysical properties of the polymer were studied. The presence of a strong bathochromic shift of the absorption and emission maxima in comparison with the previously described monomer units is shown. The polymer exhibits an intense “turn-off” response toward Cu2+ cations

    Plant and animal protein for muscle mass and strength gains: a systematic review

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    Background: Controversial approaches to studying the effect of proteins of various origins on the functional parameters of human skeletal muscles have led to the erroneous opinion that plant-based protein is a lesser stimulator of muscle mass growth and muscle strength than animal protein. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review was to actually evaluate the effects of plant and animal protein intake on muscle mass and strength through studies comparing protein supplements.Methods: Literature search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Research Gate and the database of the Russian State Library. Studies were considered both in English and in Russian, over the past 20 years, filtered by date: from July 2002 to July 2022. Inclusion Criteria: Participants are healthy men and women over 18 years of age; taking protein supplements from plant products (soy, wheat, pea, rice, etc.); comparison with a group taking protein supplements from animal products (whey, beef, egg, etc.); studies assessed lean and/or muscle mass and assessed participants' muscle strength before and after supplementation; randomized controlled trial.Results: A total of 970 studies were found. After initial screening for title and abstract, 938 studies were excluded. Of the 32 publications selected, 5 duplicates were excluded, and after a secondary selection, 18 studies that did not meet the PICOS criteria were excluded. As a result of the search and selection, the review included 9 publications.Conclusions: Athletes and active individuals who prefer to consume plant-based protein products may not be inferior in terms of muscle strength and muscle mass to those athletes who prefer animal-based protein products. To further explore this topic, more randomized controlled trials should be conducted, taking into account the requirements for standardization and with a large number of participants.Registration: PROSPERO 2022 CRD4202234524

    Злокачественная параганглиома мочевого пузыря. Описание клинических случаев

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    Paraganglioma is hormonally active tumor originating from chromaffin tissue of sympathoadrenal system that secrete large amounts of catecholamines. Paraganglioma of the urinary bladder is a rare neoplasm, constituting approximately 0.06 % of all tumors of this localization. It is believed that this disease arises from embryonic remnants of chromaffin cells in the sympathetic plexus of the detrusor. Up to 10 % of these tumors have malignant origin. Diagnosis and tactics of treatment of patients with malignant paragangliomas of the bladder presents certain difficulties. The article describes 2 clinical observations of patients with this bladder pathology. Паганглиома — гормонально-активная опухоль, исходящая из хромаффинной ткани симпатоадреналовой системы, секретирующая большое количество катехоламинов. Как правило, данные опухоли развиваются в мозговом веществе надпочечников и называются феохромоцитомами. Около 10% от всех феохромоцитом развиваются вне надпочечников. Данные новообразования называются параганглиомами. Вненадпочечниковые феохромоцитомы (параганглиомы) обычно локализуются параортально, исходя из ганглиев симпатической нервной системы. Параганглиома мочевого пузыря встречается редко и составляет примерно 0,06% от всех новообразований мочевого пузыря и около 10% от всех параганглиом.[1,2,3,4]. Считается, что данное заболевание возникает из эмбриональных остатков хромафинных клеток в симпатическом сплетении детрузора [5].В 1953 году Зимерман и др. впервые описали в научной литературе клиническое наблюдение параганглиомы мочевого пузыря. С того времени в мировой литературе описывалось около 250 случаев феохромоцитомы мочевого пузыря, около 10% из этих опухолей определялись метастазы в тазовые лимфоузлы, то есть около  25 случаев относилось к злокачественным параганглиомам мочевого пузыря. [3,6,7,8,9]. Признаки «злокачественности» данных опухолей могут проявляться в появлении отдаленных или регионарных метастазов. В настоящее время не существует надежных гистологических признаков отличающих злокачественные от доброкачественных параганглиом

    Hypertrophic Stimulation Increases β-actin Dynamics in Adult Feline Cardiomyocytes

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    The myocardium responds to hemodynamic stress through cellular growth and organ hypertrophy. The impact of cytoskeletal elements on this process, however, is not fully understood. While α-actin in cardiomyocytes governs muscle contraction in combination with the myosin motor, the exact role of β-actin has not been established. We hypothesized that in adult cardiomyocytes, as in non-myocytes, β-actin can facilitate cytoskeletal rearrangement within cytoskeletal structures such as Z-discs. Using a feline right ventricular pressure overload (RVPO) model, we measured the level and distribution of β-actin in normal and pressure overloaded myocardium. Resulting data demonstrated enriched levels of β-actin and enhanced translocation to the Triton-insoluble cytoskeletal and membrane skeletal complexes. In addition, RVPO in vivo and in vitro hypertrophic stimulation with endothelin (ET) or insulin in isolated adult cardiomyocytes enhanced the content of polymerized fraction (F-actin) of β-actin. To determine the localization and dynamics of β-actin, we adenovirally expressed GFP-tagged β-actin in isolated adult cardiomyocytes. The ectopically expressed β-actin-GFP localized to the Z-discs, costameres, and cell termini. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements of β-actin dynamics revealed that β-actin at the Z-discs is constantly being exchanged with β-actin from cytoplasmic pools and that this exchange is faster upon hypertrophic stimulation with ET or insulin. In addition, in electrically stimulated isolated adult cardiomyocytes, while β-actin overexpression improved cardiomyocyte contractility, immunoneutralization of β-actin resulted in a reduced contractility suggesting that β-actin could be important for the contractile function of adult cardiomyocytes. These studies demonstrate the presence and dynamics of β-actin in the adult cardiomyocyte and reinforce its usefulness in measuring cardiac cytoskeletal rearrangement during hypertrophic stimulation