113 research outputs found

    Mesospheric Temperature Variability and Seasonal Characteristics Over the Andes

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    The Utah State University CEDAR Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (MTM) is a high-quality CCD imager capable of remote sensing faint optical emissions from the night sky to determine mesospheric temperature and its variability at an altitude of ~87 km. The MTM was operated at the new Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO)located at Cerro Pachon, Chile (30.2° S, 70.7° W) since August 2009 to investigate the seasonal characteristic of the mesopause at mid-latitudes. Measurement were made alongside a powerful lidar capable of height sounding the mesosphere. In this study, the MTM data have been analyzed to determine night to night variability and seasonal characteristics in the OH mesospheric intensity and temperature induced by acoustic-gravity waves and atmospheric tides

    The First Ten Months of Investigation of Gravity Waves and Temperature Variability Over the Andes

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    The Andes region is an excellent natural laboratory for investigating gravity wave influences on the Upper Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric (MLT) dynamics. The instrument suite that comprised the very successful Maui-MALT program was recently re-located to a new Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) located at Cerro Pachon, Chile to obtain in-depth seasonal measurements of MLT dynamics over the Andes mountains. As part of the instrument set the Utah State University CEDAR Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (MTM) has operated continuously since August 2009 measuring the near infrared OH(6,2) band and the O2(0,1) Atmospheric band intensity and temperature perturbations. This poster focuses on an analysis of nightly OH temperatures and the observed variability, as well as selected gravity wave events illustrating the high wave activity and its diversity

    Unexpected Occurrence of Mesospheric Frontal Gravity Wave Events Over the South Pole (90 degrees S)

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    Since 2010, Utah State University has operated an infrared Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole station to investigate the upper atmosphere dynamics and temperature deep within the vortex. A surprising number of “frontal” gravity wave events (86) were recorded in the mesospheric OH(3,1) band intensity and rotational temperature images (typical altitude of ~87 km) during four austral winters (2012–2015). These events are gravity waves (GWs) characterized by a sharp leading wave front followed by a quasi-monochromatic wave train that grows with time. A particular subset of frontal gravity wave events has been identified in the past (Dewan & Picard, 1998) as “bores.” These are usually associated with wave ducting within stable mesospheric inversion layers, which allow them to propagate over very large distances. They have been observed on numerous occasions from low-latitude and midlatitude sites, but to date, very few have been reported at high latitudes. This study provides new analyses of the characteristics of frontal events at high latitudes and shows that most of them are likely ducted. The occurrence of these frontal GW events over this isolated region strongly supports the existence of horizontally extensive mesospheric thermal inversion layers over Antarctica, leading to regions of enhanced stability necessary for GW trapping and ducting

    Climatology of Short-Period Gravity Waves Observed over Northern Australia during the Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) and their Dominant Source Regions

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    The Darwin Area Wave Experiment (DAWEX) was designed to investigate the generation and propagation of gravity waves from intense regions of localized convection that occur regularly over northern Australia (in the vicinity of Darwin) during the premonsoon period. This multinational program was conducted during the austral spring 2001 using a range of coordinated optical, radar, and in situ balloon measurements. As part of this program, all-sky image observations of short-period gravity wave events in the near infrared OH nightglow emission (altitude ~87 km) were made from two well-separated sites in northern Australia: Wyndham (15.5ºS, 128.1ºE) and Katherine (14.5ºS, 132.3ºE), over a 10-day period during November 2001. A total of 25 extensive wave events were observed during this period, from which the dominant horizontal wave characteristics were determined to be: wavelength 25–35 km and observed phase speed 27–75 m/s, yielding observed periods from 7 to 14 min, consistent with previous measurements at other low-latitude sites. A key finding of this study was a marked anisotropy in the wave propagation headings, with over 3/4 of the events exhibiting a strong southward component of motion and a clear preference for wave progression over the azimuthal range SE to SSW. Although this range encompasses gravity waves originating locally from the Darwin area, the majority of the wave events exhibited propagation headings consistent with more distant sources located to the north and northwest of Australia. Assuming deep convection was the dominant mechanism for the waves, the strong asymmetry in their velocity distribution appears to result from a combination of nonuniformity in the geographic occurrence of thunderstorms coupled together with significant wind filtering effects at the source altitude and within the middle atmosphere. These results are consistent with long-range, short-period wave propagation (most probably in the form of ducted waves) possibly from intense convective regions located ~1000 km to the north over the Indonesian Island chain

    Simultaneous observations of equatorial F-region plasma depletions over Brazil during the Spread-F Experiment (SpreadFEx)

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    From September to November 2005, the NASA Living with a Star program supported the Spread-F Experiment campaign (SpreadFEx) in Brazil to study the effects of convectively generated gravity waves on the ionosphere and their role in seeding Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, and associated equatorial plasma bubbles. Several US and Brazilian institutes deployed a broad range of instruments (all-sky imagers, digisondes, photometers, meteor/VHF radars, GPS receivers) covering a large area of Brazil. The campaign was divided in two observational phases centered on the September and October new moon periods. During these periods, an Utah State University (USU) all-sky CCD imager operated at São João d'Aliança (14.8° S, 47.6° W), near Brasilia, and a Brazilian all-sky CCD imager located at Cariri (7.4° S, 36° W), observed simultaneously the evolution of the ionospheric bubbles in the OI (630 nm) emission and the mesospheric gravity wave field. The two sites had approximately the same magnetic latitude (9–10° S) but were separated in longitude by ~1500 km. <br><br> Plasma bubbles were observed on every clear night (17 from Brasilia and 19 from Cariri, with 8 coincident nights). These joint datasets provided important information for characterizing the ionospheric depletions during the campaign and to perform a novel longitudinal investigation of their variability. Measurements of the drift velocities at both sites are in good agreement with previous studies, however, the overlapping fields of view revealed significant differences in the occurrence and structure of the plasma bubbles, providing new evidence for localized generation. This paper summarizes the observed bubble characteristics important for related investigations of their seeding mechanisms associated with gravity wave activity

    Investigating Gravity Wave Characteristics and Mesospheric Temperature Variability over Antarctica

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月14日(月) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements of Mesospheric Temperature Variability Over Cerro Pachon, Chile (30.3° S)

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    — Observations of mesospheric OH (6,2) rotational temperatures by the Utah State University Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (MTM) located at the Andes Lidar Observatory, Cerro Pachon, Chile (30.3◦ S, 70.7◦ W) reveal a large range of nightly variations induced by atmospheric gravity waves and tides, as well as strong seasonal oscillations. This study investigates MTM temperature variability over the past 4 years comprising over 800 nights of high-quality data and compares the results with MTM measurements from Maui, Hawaii (2001-2005) and coincident mesospheric temperature measurement by the SABER instrument on the NASA TIMED satellite

    Evidence for Horizontal Blocking and Reflection of a Small-Scale Gravity Wave in the Mesosphere

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    The variations of the horizontal phase velocity of an internal gravity wave, generated by wave “blocking” or “reflection” due to an inhomogeneous wind field, have been predicted theoretically and numerically investigated but had yet to be captured experimentally. In this paper, through a collaborative observation campaign using a sodium (Na) Temperature/Wind lidar and a collocated Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM) at Utah State University (USU), we report the first potential evidence of such a unique gravity wave process. The study shows that a small-scale wave, captured by the AMTM, with initial observed horizontal phase velocity of 37 ± 5 m/s toward the northwest direction, experienced a large and increasing headwind as it was propagating in the AMTM field of view. This resulted in significant deceleration along its initial traveling direction, and it became quasi-stationary before it was “reflected” to the opposite direction at later time. The USU Na lidar measured the horizontal wind and temperature during the event, when the wave was found traveling within a temperature inversion layer and experiencing an increasing headwind relative to the wave. The wind agrees well with the expected value for wave blocking suggested by the wave tracing theory, implying the existence of a large horizontal wind gradient that night near the OH layer altitudes. The study indicates the critical role of horizontal winds and their horizontal gradients in determining propagation in vertical and horizontal directions

    Large-amplitude mesospheric response to an orographic wave generated over the Southern Ocean Auckland Islands (50.7°S) during the DEEPWAVE project

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    The Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE) project was conducted over New Zealand and the surrounding regions during June and July 2014, to more fully understand the generation, propagation, and effects of atmospheric gravity waves. A large suite of instruments collected data from the ground to the upper atmosphere (~100 km), with several new remote-sensing instruments operating on board the NSF Gulfstream V (GV) research aircraft, which was the central measurement platform of the project. On 14 July, during one of the research flights (research flight 23), a spectacular event was observed as the GV flew in the lee of the sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands (50.7°S). An apparent ship wave pattern was imaged in the OH layer (at ~83.5 km) by the Utah State University Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper and evolved significantly over four successive passes spanning more than 4 h. The waves were associated with orographic forcing generated by relatively strong (15-20 m/s) near-surface wind flowing over the rugged island topography. The mountain wave had an amplitude T_ ~ 10 K, a dominant horizontal wavelength ~40 km, achieved a momentum flux exceeding 300 m2 s-2, and eventually exhibited instability and breaking at the OH altitude. This case of deep mountain wave propagation demonstrates the potential for strong responses in the mesosphere arising from a small source under suitable propagation conditions and suggests that such cases may be more common than previously believed. © 2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved