558 research outputs found
Hablando de Ictiólogos Argentinos… Hugo Luis López.
Este es un homenaje realizado bajo mi entera responsabilidad.
En mi opinión no puede cerrarse la edición de ProBiota sin publicar un número sobre quien fue su alma mater.
En lo personal, hacedor de un humor irónico increíble, aunque melancólico, con tendencia al abatimiento y a hacerse responsable por todo. Mediador, proclive a “poner la oreja”, con actitud democrática hacia sus laderos, otorgando una prudente libertad de acción a quienes trabajaron o trabajan bajo su jefatura. Fiel simpatizante de River Plate, fan de Clint Eastwood y admirador incondicional de Raúl A. Ringuelet a quien estará eternamente agradecido.
Si tuviera que definirlo profesionalmente, al margen de su labor académica formal, diría que es un promotor, un luchador y un historiador innato. Generador de ideas, siempre intentó reunir a aquellos científicos de trayectoria con los jóvenes iniciados en el camino de las ciencias, impulsando el trabajo en equipo.
Además de su producción a nivel de su especialidad, promocionó el rescate de trabajos ya editados digitalizándolos con el fin de ponerlos a disposición de todo interesado y despertar el interés de quienes no los conocían, especialmente las publicaciones “incunables” como él las denomina.
Poseedor de un espíritu inquieto y motivador, en su camino quedaron algunos intentos frustrados por circunstancias ajenas, pero a su vez, muchísimos logros con aire renovador e integrador y con una marcada originalidad.
Sería interesante y necesario que alguien más con parecida inquietud, continuara gran parte de esos logros para que no quedaran truncos desperdiciando en parte tanto esfuerzo y constancia.
Sólo resta comentar que aunque a veces estuvimos en veredas opuestas siempre nos tendimos la mano en apoyo mutuo. Fuiste mi mejor jefe. Gracias Hugo!
Justina Ponte Góme
Public crowdsensing of heat waves by social media data
Abstract. Investigating on society-related heat wave hazards is a global issue concerning the people health. In the last two decades, Europe experienced several severe heat wave episodes with catastrophic effects in term of human mortality (2003, 2010 and 2015). Recent climate investigations confirm that this threat will represent a key issue for the resiliency of urban communities in next decades. Several important mitigation actions (Heat-Health Action Plans) against heat hazards have been already implemented in some WHO (World Health Organization) European region member states to encourage preparedness and response to extreme heat events. Nowadays, social media (SM) offer new opportunities to indirectly measure the impact of heat waves on society. Using the crowdsensing concept, a micro-blogging platform like Twitter may be used as a distributed network of mobile sensors that react to external events by exchanging messages (tweets). This work presents a preliminary analysis of tweets related to heat waves that occurred in Italy in summer 2015. Using TwitterVigilance dashboard, developed by the University of Florence, a sample of tweets related to heat conditions was retrieved, stored and analyzed for main features. Significant associations between the daily increase in tweets and extreme temperatures were presented. The daily volume of Twitter users and messages revealed to be a valuable indicator of heat wave impact at the local level, in urban areas. Furthermore, with the help of Generalized Additive Model (GAM), the volume of tweets in certain locations has been used to estimate thresholds of local discomfort conditions. These city-specific thresholds are the result of dissimilar climatic conditions and risk cultures
Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing Italian hospitals: The case study of the national cancer institute “G. Pascale foundation” of Naples
Introduction: A large portion of the Italian built heritage is characterized by a significant seismic vulnerability since many structures were designed with outdated criteria, i.e., without accounting for seismic actions. This aspect is particularly relevant for strategic structures and infrastructures, whose functionalities are crucial in case of seismic events. Objective: The main aim of the present paper is to share the key findings related to the seismic vulnerability assessment of the National Institute for the Study and Treatment of Cancer (IRCCS) “Giovanni Pascale Foundation” in Naples. In particular, the main evidences could be easily extended to existing hospitals realized in the last century, with the main reference to: construction techniques, quality of constructional material, overt and convert seismic vulnerabilities and possible intervention strategies for risk mitigation. Methods: In the present paper, the assessment methodologies adopted for such a strategic hospital complex are provided, focusing in particular on: i. preliminary research of original design documents and on-site investigation for determining constructional details; ii. material tests on structural elements; iii. vulnerability seismic assessment by means of non-linear FE analyses (push-over and capacity spectrum method); iv. recommendations on retrofitting measures and cost estimations. Results: The conducted study puts into clear evidence the inadequacy of the investigated buildings to face the design seismic actions provided by the current Italian code and thus showed the significant seismic vulnerabilities affecting the Institute “G. Pascale Foundation” of Naples. Among these, particular attention has also been focused on the so-called intrinsic vulnerabilities, namely the ones not measurable explicitly and interesting non-structural elements (e.g., connection of shelves, stained glass windows, facilities, etc.). Conclusion: The presented case study highlights the strong seismic vulnerability affecting structures realized in the past century, despite their strategic functions. On the whole, the examined structures can be considered as representative of this building typology, and the adopted calculation criteria, as well as the assumptions of the assessment process, could be easily extended to similar case studies
Overall exposure of european adult population to mycotoxins by statistically modelled biomonitoring data
This study presents the exposure scenario to mycotoxins of adult population throughout Europe. The urinary biomarkers values were obtained by modelling data from two European projects. Exposure to AFB1, OTA, CIT, FBs, DON, NIV and T2/HT2 are presented. The main output obtained refers to a concern for public health about AFM1, FBs, T2/HT2 and NIV, and low concern for OTA, DON and CIT. The margin of exposure for AFM1 did not respect the reference value of 10,000 considered of low priority for risk; for Fusarium toxins, FBs and T2/HT2, probable daily intake (PDI) values resulted about ten times higher than their tolerable daily intake and NIV presented the most critical situation with a calculated PDI 30 times higher than the reference TDI value. North and South Europe scenarios were also depicted by clustering biomonitoring data. OTA and DON showed to be prevalent in Northern countries and the opposite was noticed for ZEN, higher in Southern countries. The critical issues of the availability of records feeding the dataset and of the accuracy of excretion rate for some mycotoxins are source of uncertainty for the reliability of the outputs, nevertheless the time is ripe for asking for more concrete HBM values and/or HBM-HBGV which would help in interpreting the burden of mycotoxins in Europe
Stromboli: a natural laboratory of environmental science
The science of environment is per se multi- and inter-disciplinary. It is not possible to separate the role of the physical, chemical, biological, and anthropic factors, respectively. Research must therefore rely on suitable natural laboratories, where all different effects can be simultaneously monitored and investigated. Stromboli is a volcanic island slightly North of Sicily, within a tectonic setting characterised by a Benioff zone, curved like a Greek theatre,
opened towards the Tyrrhenian Sea, with deep earthquakes. Moreover, it is a unique volcano in the world in that since at least ~ 3000 years ago, it has exploded very regularly, about every 15^20 min. Hence, it is possible to monitor statistically phenomena occurring prior, during, and after every explosion. The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) has recently established a permanent Laboratory and an extensive interdisciplinary programme is being planned. A few main classes of items are to be considered including: (1) matter exchange (solid, liquid, gas, chemistry); (2) thermal and/or radiative coupling; (3) electromagnetic coupling; (4) deformation; (5) biospheric implications; and (6) anthropic relations since either the times of the Neolithic Revolution. Such an entire
multidisciplinary perspective is discussed, being much beyond a mere volcanological concern. We present here the great heuristic potential of such a unique facility, much like a natural laboratory devoted to the investigation of the environment and climate.Published429-442JCR Journalreserve
Work function tuning in hydrothermally synthesized vanadium-doped MoO3 and Co3O4 mesostructures for energy conversion devices
The wide interest in developing green energy technologies stimulates the scientific community to seek, for devices, new substitute material platforms with a low environmental impact, ease of production and processing and long-term stability. The synthesis of metal oxide (MO) semiconductors fulfils these requirements and efforts are addressed towards optimizing their functional properties through the improvement of charge mobility or energy level alignment. Two MOs have rising perspectives for application in light harvesting devices, mainly for the role of charge selective layers but also as light absorbers, namely MoO3 (an electron blocking layer) and Co3O4 (a small band gap semiconductor). The need to achieve better charge transport has prompted us to explore strategies for the doping of MoO3 and Co3O4 with vanadium (V) ions that, when combined with oxygen in V2O5, produce a high work function MO. We report on subcritical hydrothermal synthesis of V-doped mesostructures of MoO3 and of Co3O4, in which a tight control of the doping is exerted by tuning the relative amounts of reactants. We accomplished a full analytical characterization of these V-doped MOs that unambiguously demonstrates the incorporation of the vanadium ions in the host material, as well as the effects on the optical properties and work function. We foresee a promising future use of these materials as charge selective materials in energy devices based on multilayer structures
Post-exposure prophylaxis with sotrovimab for Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant during the aplastic phase of autologous stem cell transplantation
To date, there is no information on the safety and efficacy of the novel anti-sarbecoviruses monoclonal antibody sotrovimab administered, as a post-exposure prophylactic measure, during the aplastic phase of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT).
We describe the outcomes of a Multiple Myeloma (MM) patient, who was threateningly exposed to the Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant, two days after having received a myeloablative regimen of high-dose melphalan. The patient fulfilled all CDC criteria for prolonged close contacts with an index patient who tested positive for a molecular nasopharyngeal swab (Omicron; B.1.1.529) soon after admission to the ward. Given the high risks of morbidity and mortality in the case of COVID-19 developing during the aplastic phase of transplantation, we adopted a post-exposure prophylaxis intervention based on intravenous (i.v.) sotrovimab
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