18,658 research outputs found

    An automated approach to the design of decision tree classifiers

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    The classification of large dimensional data sets arising from the merging of remote sensing data with more traditional forms of ancillary data is considered. Decision tree classification, a popular approach to the problem, is characterized by the property that samples are subjected to a sequence of decision rules before they are assigned to a unique class. An automated technique for effective decision tree design which relies only on apriori statistics is presented. This procedure utilizes a set of two dimensional canonical transforms and Bayes table look-up decision rules. An optimal design at each node is derived based on the associated decision table. A procedure for computing the global probability of correct classfication is also provided. An example is given in which class statistics obtained from an actual LANDSAT scene are used as input to the program. The resulting decision tree design has an associated probability of correct classification of .76 compared to the theoretically optimum .79 probability of correct classification associated with a full dimensional Bayes classifier. Recommendations for future research are included

    User's guide for a computer program to analyze the LRC 16 ft transonic dynamics tunnel cable mount system

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    The theoretical derivation of the set of equations is discussed which is applicable to modeling the dynamic characteristics of aeroelastically-scaled models flown on the two-cable mount system in a 16 ft transonic dynamics tunnel. The computer program provided for the analysis is also described. The program calculates model trim conditions as well as 3 DOF longitudinal and lateral/directional dynamic conditions for various flying cable and snubber cable configurations. Sample input and output are included

    User's guide for a revised computer program to analyze the LRC 16 foot transonic dynamics tunnel active cable mount system

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    The revision of an existing digital program to analyze the stability of models mounted on a two-cable mount system used in a transonic dynamics wind tunnel is presented. The program revisions and analysis of an active feedback control system to be used for controlling the free-flying models are treated

    LAMMR world data base documentation support and demonstrations

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    The primary purpose of the World Surface Map is to provide the LAMMR subsystem with world surface type classifications that are used to set up LAMMR LEVEL II process control. This data base will be accessed solely by the LAMMR subsystem. The SCATT and ALT subsystems will access the data base indirectly through the T sub b (Brightness Temperature) Data Bank, where the surface types were updated from a priori to current classification, and where the surface types were organized on an orbital subtrack basis. The single most important factor in the design of the World Surface Maps is the ease of access to the information while the complexity of generating these maps is of lesser importance because their generation is a one-time, off-line process. The World Surface Map provides storage of information with a resolution of 7 km necessary to set flags concerning the earth's features with a different set of maps for each month of the year

    Epidemiological Baseline of Influenza Virus in Wild Aquatic Birds in Hong Kong during the Pre-H5N1 Endemic Era

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    Influenza virus surveillance was conducted on wild ducks and shorebirds in Hong Kong at the Mai Po Nature Reserve to determine whether East Asian wild aquatic birds passing through or overwintering in Hong Kong are reservoirs of H5N1 influenza viruses and to establish an epidemiological baseline of influenza virus in wild aquatic birds during the pre-H5N1 endemic era. Three influenza viruses were isolated from 3178 faecal samples collected over three sampling periods from 1988 to 2001 during the southern and northern migration periods. The isolation rates and viruses were, respectively 0.08% (H10N5) in 1988 – 1990, 0.12% (H11N1) in 1998 and 0.09% (H3N8) in 1999 – 2001. Whereas tracheal and intestinal colon explants from representative shorebirds were susceptible to in vitro infection by the H10N5 virus, orally infected shorebirds were apparently not. Genetic analyses indicated that the nucleoprotein, matrix and nonstructural genes of the three viruses were related to those of aquatic bird viruses in Asia, but not to those of the human H5N1 virus. The present study provided epidemiological baseline information for future influenza virus surveillance in wild aquatic birds in southeast China

    Introduction: Analytic, Continental and the question of a bridge

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Introduction: Analytic, Continental and the question of a bridge, which has been published in final form at 10.1177/1474885115582078. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with SAGE’s Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.In philosophy and political theory, divisions come and go, but some persist despite beingobviously problematic. The analytic and Continental divide is one such division. Inpolitical philosophy and political theory, the division has been particularly pronounced.Analytic and Continental thinkers are divided not only over substantial issues but also over the very nature of political theorising. In spite of this fundamental nature, theorists often seem to assume that, as a division, the analytic/Continental divide requires no explanation. We suggest that, as a central division within political theory, and despite being acknowledged as problematic for quite some time, it has persisted because it has not been adequately examined. Once examined, the division turns out to be operationally weaker than it once was. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in engaging thinkers from the other side. This has been accompanied by a corresponding tendency, among both analytic and Continental philosophers and political thinkers, to reflect on the nature of their own tradition and ‘philosophy’. Both traditions have entered a self-conscious period of meta-reflection. Such questioning indicates the possibility of transformation within both groups, in the absence of settled frameworks and divisions. However, it is also clear that such signs are the beginning of the possibility of a new relation rather than a sign of the eclipse of the division. The continued institutional separation and the space between their respective philosophical vocabularies suggest that, while the time is ripe for work here, there is still much to be done

    Context sensitive formulations of antenna pattern correction and side lobe compensation for NOSS/LAMMR real time processing

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    Large antenna multi-channel microwave radiometer (LAMMR) software specifications were written for LAMMR ground processing. There is a need to determine more computationally-efficient antenna temperature correction methods in compensating side lobe contributions especially near continents, islands and weather fronts. One of the major conclusions was that the antenna pattern corrections (APC) processes did not accomplish the implied goals of compensating for the antenna side lobe influences on brightness temperature. A-priori knowledge of land/water locations was shown to be needed and had to be incorporated in a context sensitive APC process if the artifacts caused by land presence is to be avoided. The high temperatures in land regions can severely bias the lower ocean response
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