54 research outputs found

    Uma Abordagem Dinâmica para Detecção e Seguimento de Face em Vídeos Coloridos em Ambientes Não Controlados

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    Este projeto destina-se a investigar técnicas de processamento de imagens digitais para detecção e reconhecimento de faces na multidão. Este sistema pode ser utilizado para auxílio na identificação de indivíduos em situações de supervisão e segurança, bem como reconhecimento de pessoas desaparecidas. O sistema deverá ser capaz de representar faces de maneira robusta e compacta, possibilitando a distinção de indivíduos em tempo hábil

    Pre-treatment optimization of Scenedesmus obliquus microalga for bioethanol production. Bioresource Technology,

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    Abstract Fossil fuels are a limited type of feedstock, increasingly expensive, and carrying strong polluting properties. The search for alternative sources which can replace fossil fuels without the severe disadvantages that its use conveys is therefore of paramount importance. Microalgae biomass represents an example of such non-food renewable biomass that can be regarded as a valid alternative to fossil fuels. As biomass, microalgae are highly desirable since they are photosynthetic organisms with a very fast growth rate in comparison to higher plants, and their production does not require arable land or potable water. Furthermore, some microalgae are able to store large amounts of oil or sugars, prime materials for the production of biofuels and bulk-chemicals References [1] Gouveia, L., Oliveira, A.C.: Microalgae as a raw material for biofuel production

    Exploring Scenedesmus obliquus and nannochloropsis sp. potential as a sustianable raw material for biofuels amd high added value compounds

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    In this work, the authors propose a microalga-based integrated system, where optimization of several energy vectors (biodiesel, bioethanol and bioH2) is highlighted under the concept of biorefinery (Project PTDC/AAC-AMB/100354/2008). This involves the integration of different processes such as oil and sugar extraction from microalgae for biodiesel and bioethanol production respectively, and bioH2 production from the whole and/or biomass leftovers. The extraction of high value added compounds, such as carotenoids, contributes to the economic viability of the overall process

    Composição bromatológica da digitaria e do Tangola, sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação e adubação nitrogenada.

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    Objetivando avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação e de adubação nitrogenada sobre o teor de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e teor de proteína bruta (PB) dos capins Tangola (Brachiaria spp.) e Digitaria (Digitaria sp), foi conduzido um experimento na Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Parnaíba, Pi. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 x 4, com três repetições; sendo duas gramíneas, três níveis de irrigação (80%, 50% e 20% da evaporação do Tanque Classe A) e quatro níveis de nitrogênio (100; 250; 400 e 550 kg ha/ano). As adubações nitrogenadas foram fracionadas e aplicadas, na forma de uréia e em cobertura, após cada um dos quatro cortes realizados no período. A Digitaria sp apresentou maiores teores de FDN em relação ao Tangola em todos os níveis de adubação nitrogenada e no maior nível de irrigação aplicada. Com relação ao teor de FDA a Digitaria foi inferior ao Tangola apenas no nível intermediário de irrigação e no maior nível de adubação nitrogenada. A adubação nitrogenada afetou positivamente o teor de proteína bruta de ambas as gramíneas

    Food and fuel microalgae applications: insights from portuguese experience [Resumo]

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    Microalgae have a wide range of application fields, from food to fuels, to pharmaceuticals & fine chemicals, aquaculture and environmental bioremediation, among others. Spirulina and Chlorella have been used as food sources since ancient times, due to their high and balanced nutritional value. Our research group in Lisbon has developed a range of food products (emulsions, gelled desserts, biscuits and pastas) enriched with freshwater and marine microalgae (Spirulina, Chlorella, Haematococcus, Isochrysis and Diacronema). The developed products presented attractive and stable colours, high resistance to oxidation and enhanced rheological properties. Some of these products will be prepared at the Post-Congress Course “Functional Foods Development” at the University of Antofagasta. More recently, a great interest has arisen on using microalgae for biofuel production. The same group has also been exploring several marine and freshwater species for biofuel production (e.g., biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen and biomethane) within a biorefinery approach, in order to obtain high and low-value co-products using integral biomass maximizing the energy revenue. Namely, supercritical fluid extraction of Nannochloropsis sp. allowed the recovery of valuable carotenoids and lipids, prior to bioH2 production through dark fermentation of the residual biomass. Also, Scenedesmus obliquus residues after sugars (for bioethanol) and lipids (for biodiesel) extraction has been anaerobically digested attaining high biomethane yields. Regarding sustainability issues, the current trend of our group is now focused on using liquid effluents and high CO2 levels for low cost microalgae growth, contributing to a lower water demand, primary energy consumption and global warming potential by reducing the need for potable water and fertilizers (P, N) and increasing CO2 mitigation. Microalgae biomass has been successfully used for urban wastewater treatment with subsequent bioH2 production, in a biorefinery approach. Presently, ammonium-rich raw effluents from piggeries and poultry industry are being effectively used for microalgae growth avoiding any pre-treatment step

    Estimativa de potenciais técnicos de energia renovável em Portugal: eólico, solar fotovoltaico, solar concentrado, biomassa e oceanos

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    Executive Summary: There is a clear need to accelerate the energy transition, including the implementation of renewable electricity production plants, as well as the increase in consumption of other renewable energy carriers in buildings, industry, transport and other sectors. This work provides key information to make this transition possible, that is, the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal. The aim is thus to contribute to policy support, as well as to decision-making by various Portuguese stakeholders (public and private) in the domains of energy, energy transition and greenhouse gases emissions mitigation. The work presents the technical renewable energy potentials for Portugal to: (i) decentralized solar photovoltaic (PV) plants in artificialized (or built-up) areas; (ii) centralized solar PV plants in non-artificialized (or natural) areas; (iii) concentrated solar power; (iv) onshore wind; (v) offshore wind (floating and fixed); (vi) bioenergy, and (vii) solar thermal. The wave energy primary energy resource potential is also presented (not the technical potential). The technical potential values of renewable energy sources (RES) presented are dynamic values, given the substantial uncertainty associated with their estimation. The study identifies technical RES potentials i.e., the technically viable energy generation achievable from a specific technology, considering the primary energy resource available and the geographic, environmental and land use limitations. RES economic potentials represent the fraction of RES technical potential that is economically viable, but they are not presented in this work. Likewise, this report does not address market potential, that translate the capacity and energy generation that the market effectively manages to implement. The presented RES technical potentials include the total capacity currently installed in the country. The technical potentials are estimated mostly for mainland Portugal, in most cases with a spatial disaggregation of at least NUT2 and sometimes for NUT5 and/or type of building. Despite adopting an approach based on a territorial analysis in which some areas of the country are excluded, this potential does not correspond to the work done in mapping less-sensitive areas towards future definition of RES “Go-To Areas”. The decentralized solar PV potential in artificialized areas is divided into 6 area types: industrial areas; commercial buildings; residential and mixed-use buildings; villas; health, education, cultural, tourist and military buildings, and other land uses (including parking lots and patios, ports, waste and wastewater treatment infrastructure, sports facilities, among others). It is estimated a technical potential of 23.33 GW that could generate up to 36.84 TWh/year. This potential is distributed throughout the entire territory of mainland Portugal but is higher in the North and Center regions. The RES technical potential for centralized solar PV was estimated as a range of values that translate the uncertainty associated with using different levels of concern in excluding certain areas in which solar PV can be deployed (for example to safeguard ecosystems, water resources, agriculture or archaeological heritage). The centralized solar PV potential varies between 168.82 GW and 45.63 GW. The maximum threshold of installed capacity could generate 278.11 TWh/year of electricity. The value is high and reflects on the one hand, the excellence of the solar resource throughout the country, and on the other, the large size of the considered areas. The CSP potential is 62.6 GW with a corresponding electrical production potential of 183.61 TWh/year. It is mainly located in the Alentejo region, although other areas have also been identified in other regions of the country. The wind onshore technical potential is 15.7 GW, that could generate 37.13 TWh/year, taking into account the safeguarding of various areas for the protection of ecosystems and also social acceptability issues. In the case of offshore wind and considering a capacity density of 4 MW/km2 for floating offshore and 5.5 MW/km2 for fixed offshore, a total of 36 GW and 2 GW are obtained, respectively. This capacity could generate up to 126.14 TWh/year (floating offshore) or 6.31 TWh/year (fixed offshore). The solar thermal energy potential focused residential and service buildings (such as nursing homes, barracks, etc., tourism, hospitals, indoor swimming pools and other sports facilities). The potential is of 0.95 GWt and 0.95 TWh/year for service buildings, 7.26 GWt and 5.84 TWh/year for residential buildings. For industry there is a potential of 1.06 GWt, which could generate up to 1.15 TWh/year for applications up to 160 ºC. The total technical potential of solar thermal is 9.25 GWt and 7.93 TWh/year of thermal energy generated, with a substantial weight of residential buildings in the total value. Potential values are disaggregated by NUTS III and type of building. In terms of biomass and bioenergy potential, annual values of forest biomass, agricultural biomass, agro-industrial waste, urban waste and wastewater treatment are estimated, totaling around 58 TWh/year. Regarding the production of biofuels (HVO and FAME) it is estimated that the annual production of domestic used oils and other similar residues is 1.4 TWh/year. The use of oils from food crops such as soybean, sunflower and rapeseed is limited by European (and national) policy guidelines and is 2.1 TWh/year. Regarding wave energy, the resource potential is estimated between 1.4 GW for 80 m bathymetry and 4.8 for 20 m bathymetry. There are substantial uncertainties associated with the presented values, inherent to the methodological approach considered. Nevertheless, these estimates are a valuable starting point to be refined and improved in subsequent updates.N/