32,507 research outputs found

    Numerical design of streamlined tunnel walls for a two-dimensional transonic test

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    An analytical procedure is discussed for designing wall shapes for streamlined, nonporous, two-dimensional, transonic wind tunnels. It is based upon currently available 2-D inviscid transonic and boundary layer analysis computer programs. Predicted wall shapes are compared with experimental data obtained from the NASA Langley 6 by 19 inch Transonic Tunnel where the slotted walls were replaced by flexible nonporous walls. Comparisons are presented for the empty tunnel operating at a Mach number of 0.9 and for a supercritical test of an NACA 0012 airfoil at zero lift. Satisfactory agreement is obtained between the analytically and experimentally determined wall shapes

    The electrical conductivity of a collisionless magnetoplasma in a weakly turbulent magnetic field

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    Electrical conductivity of collisionless magnetoplasma in nearly turbulent magnetic fiel

    Ising Ferromagnet: Zero-Temperature Dynamic Evolution

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    The dynamic evolution at zero temperature of a uniform Ising ferromagnet on a square lattice is followed by Monte Carlo computer simulations. The system always eventually reaches a final, absorbing state, which sometimes coincides with a ground state (all spins parallel), and sometimes does not (parallel stripes of spins up and down). We initiate here the numerical study of ``Chaotic Time Dependence'' (CTD) by seeing how much information about the final state is predictable from the randomly generated quenched initial state. CTD was originally proposed to explain how nonequilibrium spin glasses could manifest equilibrium pure state structure, but in simpler systems such as homogeneous ferromagnets it is closely related to long-term predictability and our results suggest that CTD might indeed occur in the infinite volume limit.Comment: 14 pages, Latex with 8 EPS figure

    Conservative versus nonconservative differencing: Transonic streamline shape effects

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    Streamline patterns calculated from transonic flow solutions which were generated using a nonconservative finite difference scheme showed a net streamtube area increase far downstream of the disturbance indicating that the global mass balance was destroyed. Similar calculations using a conservative finite difference scheme did not show this defect. Comparative calculations were made at several free-stream Mach numbers for nonlifting flow over a 10% parabolic arc airfoil. In a transonic internal flow, this nonconservation of mass may be of greater concern than in an unconfined external flow

    The Effect of Pure State Structure on Nonequilibrium Dynamics

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    Motivated by short-range Ising spin glasses, we review some rigorous results and their consequences for the relation between the number/nature of equilibrium pure states and nonequilibrium dynamics. Two of the consequences for spin glass dynamics following a deep quench to a temperature with broken spin flip symmetry are: (1) Almost all initial configurations lie on the boundary between the basins of attraction of multiple pure states. (2) Unless there are uncountably many pure states with almost all pairs having zero overlap, there can be no equilibration to a pure state as time goes to infinity. We discuss the relevance of these results to the difficulty of equilibration of spin glasses. We also review some results concerning the ``nature vs. nurture'' problem of whether the large-time behavior of both ferromagnets and spin glasses following a deep quench is determined more by the initial configuration or by the dynamics realization.Comment: 20 page

    Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation Promotes Organic Carbon Acquisition by Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003

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    Anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation is usually considered to be a lithoautotrophic metabolism that contributes to primary production in Fe-based ecosystems. In this study, we employed Rhodobacter capsulatus SB1003 as a model organism to test the hypothesis that phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation can be coupled to organic carbon acquisition. R. capsulatus SB1003 oxidized Fe(II) under anoxic conditions in a light-dependent manner, but failed to grow lithoautotrophically on soluble Fe(II). When provided with Fe(II)-citrate, however, growth was observed that was dependent upon microbially catalyzed Fe(II) oxidation, resulting in the formation of Fe(III)-citrate. Subsequent photochemical breakdown of Fe(III)-citrate yielded acetoacetic acid, that supported growth in the light but not the dark. Deletion of genes (RR00247-RR00248) that encode homologs of atoA and atoD, required for acetoacetic acid utilization, severely impaired the ability of R. capsulatus SB1003 to grow on Fe(II)-citrate. The growth yield achieved by R. capsulatus SB1003 in the presence of citrate cannot be explained by lithoautotrophic growth on Fe(II) enabled by indirect effects of the ligand (such as altering the thermodynamics of Fe(II) oxidation or preventing cell encrustation). Together, these results demonstrate that R. capsulatus SB1003 grows photoheterotrophically on Fe(II)-citrate. Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) also supported light-dependent growth on Fe(II), suggesting that Fe(II) oxidation may be a general mechanism whereby some Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria mine otherwise inaccessible organic carbon sources

    MonALISA : A Distributed Monitoring Service Architecture

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    The MonALISA (Monitoring Agents in A Large Integrated Services Architecture) system provides a distributed monitoring service. MonALISA is based on a scalable Dynamic Distributed Services Architecture which is designed to meet the needs of physics collaborations for monitoring global Grid systems, and is implemented using JINI/JAVA and WSDL/SOAP technologies. The scalability of the system derives from the use of multithreaded Station Servers to host a variety of loosely coupled self-describing dynamic services, the ability of each service to register itself and then to be discovered and used by any other services, or clients that require such information, and the ability of all services and clients subscribing to a set of events (state changes) in the system to be notified automatically. The framework integrates several existing monitoring tools and procedures to collect parameters describing computational nodes, applications and network performance. It has built-in SNMP support and network-performance monitoring algorithms that enable it to monitor end-to-end network performance as well as the performance and state of site facilities in a Grid. MonALISA is currently running around the clock on the US CMS test Grid as well as an increasing number of other sites. It is also being used to monitor the performance and optimize the interconnections among the reflectors in the VRVS system.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 8 pages, pdf. PSN MOET00

    An investigation of fracture toughness, fatigue-crack growth, sustained-load flaw growth, and impact properties of three pressure vessel steels

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    The elastic fracture toughness of the three steels is shown to not decrease significantly with decreasing temperature from room temperature to about 244 K (-20 F.). The elastic fracture toughness of the three steels increased with increasing specimen width and thickness. The fatigue-crack-growth data for all three steels fall into relatively narrow scatter bands on plots of rate against stress-intensity range. An equation is shown to predict the upper bounds of the scatter bands reasonably well. Charpy impact energies decreased with decreasing temperature in the nominal temperature range from room temperature to 244 K (-20 F). The nil-ductility temperatures of the steels are discussed

    The Universal Cut Function and Type II Metrics

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    In analogy with classical electromagnetic theory, where one determines the total charge and both electric and magnetic multipole moments of a source from certain surface integrals of the asymptotic (or far) fields, it has been known for many years - from the work of Hermann Bondi - that energy and momentum of gravitational sources could be determined by similar integrals of the asymptotic Weyl tensor. Recently we observed that there were certain overlooked structures, {defined at future null infinity,} that allowed one to determine (or define) further properties of both electromagnetic and gravitating sources. These structures, families of {complex} `slices' or `cuts' of Penrose's null infinity, are referred to as Universal Cut Functions, (UCF). In particular, one can define from these structures a (complex) center of mass (and center of charge) and its equations of motion - with rather surprising consequences. It appears as if these asymptotic structures contain in their imaginary part, a well defined total spin-angular momentum of the source. We apply these ideas to the type II algebraically special metrics, both twisting and twist-free.Comment: 32 page