797 research outputs found

    L1551NE - Discovery of a Binary Companion

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    L1551NE is a very young (class 0 or I) low-mass protostar located close to the well-studied L1551 IRS5. We present here evidence, from 1.3mm continuum interferometric observations at ~1'' resolution, for a binary companion to L1551NE. The companion, whose 1.3mm flux density is ~1/3 that of the primary component, is located 1.43'' (~230 A.U. at 160pc) to the southeast. The millimeterwave emission from the primary component may have been just barely resolved, with deconvolved size ~0.82"x0.70" (~131x112 A.U.). The companion emission was unresolved (<100 A.U.). The pair is embedded within a flattened circum-binary envelope of size ~5.4'' x 2.3'' (~860 x 370 A.U.). The masses of the three components (i.e. from the cicumstellar material of the primary star and its companion, and the envelope) are approximately 0.044, 0.014 and 0.023 Mo respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Discovery of a 500 pc shell in the nucleus of Centaurus A

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    Spitzer Space Telescope mid-infrared images of the radio galaxy Centaurus A reveal a shell-like, bipolar, structure 500 pc to the north and south of the nucleus. This shell is seen in 5.8, 8.0 and 24 micron broad-band images. Such a remarkable shell has not been previously detected in a radio galaxy and is the first extragalactic nuclear shell detected at mid-infrared wavelengths. We estimate that the shell is a few million years old and has a mass of order million solar masses. A conservative estimate for the mechanical energy in the wind driven bubble is 10^53 erg. The shell could have created by a small few thousand solar mass nuclear burst of star formation. Alternatively, the bolometric luminosity of the active nucleus is sufficiently large that it could power the shell. Constraints on the shell's velocity are lacking. However, if the shell is moving at 1000 km/s then the required mechanical energy would be 100 times larger.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter

    The 1995-1996 Decline of R Coronae Borealis - High Resolution Optical Spectroscopy

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    A set of high-resolution optical spectra of RCrB acquired before, during, and after its 1995-1996 decline is discussed. All of the components reported from earlier declines are seen. This novel dataset provides new information on these components including several aspects not previously seen in declines of RCrB and other RCBs. In the latter category is the discovery that the decline's onset is marked by distortions of absorption lines of high-excitation lines, and quickly followed by emission in these and in low excitation lines. This 'photospheric trigger' implies that dust causing the decline is formed close to the star. These emission lines fade quickly. After 1995 November 2, low excitation narrow (FWHM ~12 km s-1) emission lines remain. These appear to be a permanent feature, slightly blue-shifted from the systemic velocity, and unaffected by the decline except for a late and slight decrease of flux at minimum light. The location of the warm, dense gas providing these lines is uncertain. Absorption lines unaffected by overlying sharp emission are greatly broadened, weakened, and red-shifted at the faintest magnitudes when scattered light from the star is a greater contributor than direct light transmitted through the fresh soot cloud. A few broad lines are seen at and near minimum light with approxiamately constant flux: prominent among these are the He I triplet series, Na I D, and [N II] lines. These lines are blue-shifted by about 30 km s(-1) relative to the systemic velocity with no change in velocity over the several months for whicht he lines were seen. It is suggested that these lines, especially the He I lines, arise from an accretion disk around an unseen compact companion, which may be a low-mass white dwarf. If so, R CrB is similar to the unusual post-AGB star 89 Her.Comment: 31 pages, 26 figure

    Electron Hopping Conductivity and Vapor Sensing Properties of Flexible Network Polymer Films of Metal Nanoparticles

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    Films of monolayer protected Au clusters (MPCs) with mixed alkanethiolate and ω-carboxylate alkanethiolate monolayers, linked together in a network polymer by carboxylate-Cu2+-carboxylate bridges, exhibit electronic conductivities (σEL) that vary with both the numbers of methylene segments in the ligands and the bathing medium (N2, liquid or vapor). A chainlength-dependent swelling/contraction of the film\u27s internal structure is shown to account for changes in σEL. The linker chains appear to have sufficient flexibility to collapse and fold with varied degrees of film swelling or dryness. Conductivity is most influenced (exponentially dependent) by the chainlength of the nonlinker (alkanethiolate) ligands, a result consistent with electron tunneling through the alkanethiolate chains and nonbonded contacts between those chains on individual, adjacent MPCs. The σEL results concur with the behavior of UV−vis surface plasmon adsorption bands, which are enhanced for short nonlinker ligands and when the films are dry. The film conductivities respond to exposure to organic vapors, decreasing in electronic conductivity and increasing in mass (quartz crystal microgravimetry, QCM). In the presence of organic vapor, the flexible network of linked nanoparticles allows for a swelling-induced alteration in either length or chemical nature of electron tunneling pathways or both

    Rubidium in Metal-Deficient Disk and Halo Stars

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    We report the first extensive study of stellar Rb abundances. High-resolution spectra have been used to determine, or set upper limits on, the abundances of this heavy element and the associated elements Y, Zr, and Ba in 44 dwarfs and giants with metallicities spanning the range -2.0 <[Fe/H] < 0.0. In metal-deficient stars Rb is systematically overabundant relative to Fe; we find an average [Rb/Fe] of +0.21 for the 32 stars with [Fe/H] < -0.5 and measured Rb. This behavior contrasts with that of Y, Zr, and Ba, which, with the exception of three new CH stars (HD 23439A and B and BD +5 3640), are consistently slightly deficient relative to Fe in the same stars; excluding the three CH stars, we find the stars with [Fe/H] < -0.5 have average [Y/Fe], [Zr/Fe], and [Ba/Fe] of --0.19 (24 stars), --0.12 (28 stars), and --0.06 (29 stars), respectively. The different behavior of Rb on the one hand and Y, Zr, and Ba on the other can be attributed in part to the fact that in the Sun and in these stars Rb has a large r-process component while Y, Zr, and Ba are mostly s-process elements with only small r-process components. In addition, the Rb s-process abundance is dependent on the neutron density at the s-processing site. Published observations of Rb in s-process enriched red giants indicate a higher neutron density in the metal-poor giants. These observations imply a higher s-process abundance for Rb in metal-poor stars. The calculated combination of the Rb r-process abundance, as estimated for the stellar Eu abundances, and the s-process abundance as estimated for red giants accounts satisfactorily for the observed run of [Rb/Fe] with [Fe/H].Comment: 23 pages, 5 tables, 7 figure

    Ionization induced by protons on isolated molecules of adenine: theory, modelling and experiment

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    We here report a comparison between semi-empirical and theoretical predictions in terms of differential and total cross sections for proton-induced ionization of isolated adenine molecules. Whereas the first ones are provided by existing analytical models, the second ones are based on two quantum-mechanical models recently developed within the 1st Born and the continuum distorted wave approximation, respectively. Besides, a large set of experimental data is also reported for comparisons. In all kinematical conditions here investigated, we have observed a very good agreement between theory and experiment whereas strong discrepancieswere reported with the semi-empirical models in particular when doubly-differential cross sections are analysed.Fil: Champion, C.. Universite de Bordeaux; FranciaFil: Galassi, Mariel Elisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Rosario. Instituto de FĂ­sica de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Weck, P. F.. University of Nevada Las Vegas. Department of Chemistry and Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies; Estados UnidosFil: Abdallah, C.. University Saint Joseph. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Physics; LĂ­banoFil: Francis, Z.. University Saint Joseph. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Physics; LĂ­bano. The Open University. Faculty of Science. Department of Physical Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Quinto, M. A.. Universite de Bordeaux; FranciaFil: Fojon, Omar Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Rosario. Instituto de FĂ­sica de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Rivarola, Roberto Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Rosario. Instituto de FĂ­sica de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Hanssen, Jocelyn. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Rosario. Instituto de FĂ­sica de Rosario (i); ArgentinaFil: Iriki, Y.. Kyoto University. Department of Nuclear Engineering; JapĂłnFil: Itoh, A.. Kyoto University. Department of Nuclear Engineering; JapĂł

    The abundance of atomic carbon near the ionization fronts in M17 and S140

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    We have observed the 492 GHz ground-state line of atomic carbon in the edge-on ionization fronts in M17 and S140. We find that, contrary to expectation, the C_I emission peaks farther into the molecular cloud from the ionization front than does the CO. In fact the peak C_I abundance in M17 occurs more than 60 mag of visual extinction into the cloud from the ionization front. Calculations of the ratio of C_I to CO column densities yield values of 0.1-0.2. These observations do not support chemical models which predict that neutral atomic carbon should be found only near the edges of molecular clouds. Other models are discussed which may explain the observations

    Impact of Obesity on Perioperative Morbidity and Mortality Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy

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    Background: Obesity has been implicated as a risk factor for perioperative and postoperative complications. The aim of this study was determine the impact of obesity on morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Study Design: Between January 2000 and July 2007, 262 patients underwent PD at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH), of whom 240 had complete data, including body mass index (BMI) for analysis. Data on BMI, preoperative parameters, operative details, and post-operative course were collected. Patients were categorized as obese (BMI \u3e30 kg/m2), overweight (25≀BMI\u3c30), or normal weight (BMI\u3c25). Complications were graded according to previous published scales. Other endpoints included length of postoperative hospital stay, blood loss, and operative duration. Analyses were performed using univariate and multivariable models. Results: There were 103 (42.9%) normal weight, 71 (29.6%) overweight and 66 (27.5%) obese patients. There were 5 perioperative deaths (2.1%) with no differences across BMI categories. A significant difference in median operative duration and blood loss between obese and normal weight patients was identified (439vs. 362.5minutes, p= 0.0004; 650 vs. 500 ml, p=0.0139). Furthermore, median length of stay was marginally significantly longer for by BMI (9.5 vs. 8 days, p=0.095). While there were no significant differences in superficial wound infections, obese patients did have an increased rate of serious complications compared to normal weight patients (24.2% vs. 13.6%, respectively; p=0.10). Conclusions: Obese patients undergoing PD have a significantly increased blood loss and longer operative time, but do not have a significantly increased length of postoperative hospital stay or rate of serious complications. These findings should be considered when assessing patients for operation and when counseling patients regarding operative risk, but do not preclude obese individuals from undergoing definitive pancreatic surgery

    Contextual effects of immigrant presence on populist radical right support: testing the ‘halo effect’ on Front National voting in France

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    This paper examines the relationship between immigration and populist radical right (PRR) support, based on an analysis of the contextual effects of immigrant presence on Front National vote in France in 2017. Using a unique set of survey data geolocalising respondents at the subcommunal level, it finds evidence for the existence of a curvilinear “halo effect,” with substantial increases in the probability of PRR vote in areas surrounding communities with significantly higher-than-average immigrant populations, and independent of other socio-economic context, as well as individual socio-demographic characteristics. Most importantly, a path analysis confirms the presence of individual attitudinal mediators of this halo effect on PRR vote, thus testing the foundation of the halo, namely that the contextual effects of immigrant presence act on attitudes which drive PRR support. These findings provide a significant step forward in understanding the mechanisms linking subjective experience of immigration with voting for the populist radical right

    Comparative Immunohistochemical Study of Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys With and Without Obstruction

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    Etiology of multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) remains unknown. Not all cases are associated with obstruction. We compared by immunohistochemistry 17 cases of MCDK (10 cases with and seven without obstruction) to 17 controls and 20 fetal kidneys. TGF-ÎČ was negative in obstructive MCDKs and positive in nonobstructive MCDK. IGF2 was overexpressed in obstructive and underex-pressed in nonobstructive MCDKs. PAX2, BCL-2, and ÎČ-catenin were expressed equally in obstructive and nonobstructive dysplasia. TGF-ÎČ and IGF2 work by different mechanisms in obstructive and nonobstructive MCDKs, but there are no differences among PAX 2, BCL-2, and ÎČ-catenin in obstructive versus nonobstructive dysplasia
