1,427 research outputs found

    Proper Motions and Origins of SGR 1806–20 and SGR 1900+14

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    We present results from high-resolution infrared observations of magnetars SGR 1806–20 and SGR 1900+14 over 5 years using laser-supported adaptive optics at the 10 m Keck Observatory. Our measurements of the proper motions of these magnetars provide robust links between magnetars and their progenitors and provide age estimates for magnetars. At the measured distances of their putative associations, we measure the linear transverse velocity of SGR 1806–20 to be 350 ± 100 km s^(–1) and of SGR 1900+14 to be 130 ± 30 km s^(–1). The transverse velocity vectors for both magnetars point away from the clusters of massive stars, solidifying their proposed associations. Assuming that the magnetars were born in the clusters, we can estimate the braking index to be ~1.8 for SGR 1806–20 and ~1.2 for SGR 1900+14. This is significantly lower than the canonical value of n = 3 predicted by the magnetic dipole spin-down suggesting an alternative source of dissipation such as twisted magnetospheres or particle winds

    To Be or Not To Be: Very Young Globular Clusters in M31

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    We present observations made with the newly commissioned Keck laser-guide star adaptive optics system of 6 objects in M31 that are alleged in multiple recent studies to be young globular clusters (GCs); all are supposed to have ages less than 5 Gyr. The resulting FWHM of the PSF core in our images is ~70 mas. The four youngest of these objects are asterisms; they are with certainty not young GCs in M31. Based on their morphology, the two oldest are GCs in M31. While the M31 GCs with ages 5 -- 8 Gyr appear to be mostly genuine, it appears that many of the alleged very young GCs in M31 are spurious identifications. This problem will be even more severe in studies of the GC systems of more distant spiral galaxies now underway, for which imaging at the spatial resolution of our observations in M31 may not be adequate to detect sample contamination by asterisms.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letters. A higher resolution version of Figure 1 can be found at: http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~pbc/M31/fig1.p

    Proper Motions and Origins of AXP 1E 2259+586 and AXP 4U 0142+61

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    Using high-resolution NIR images supported by laser guide star adaptive optics from the Keck II telescope from 2005 to 2012, we have measured the proper motions of two anomalous X-ray pulsars, AXP 1E 2259+586 and AXP 4U 0142+61. The proper motion of AXP 1E 2259+586 in the sky frame is (μ_α, μ_δ) = (– 6.4 ± 0.6, –2.3 ± 0.6) mas yr^(–1) and that of AXP 4U 0142+61 is (μ_α, μ_δ) = (– 4.1 ± 1, 1.9 ± 1) mas yr^(–1). After correcting for the velocity of the progenitors, we calculate the tangential ejection velocities of the magnetars to be 157 ± 17 km s^(–1) and 102 ± 26 km s^(–1) respectively. The proper motion vector of AXP 1E 2259+586 is directed away from the putative center of the supernova remnant CTB 109 that has long been proposed to be associated with AXP 1E 2259+586. This is significant evidence for linking the pulsar with CTB 109. We comment on the possible movement of CTB 109 after the explosion. We narrow the search cone for the birthsite or remnant of AXP 4U 0142+61 to an opening angle of 24°. However, we are unable to find any suitable association

    Thy-1 interaction with Fas in lipid rafts regulates fibroblast apoptosis and lung injury resolution.

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    Thy-1-negative lung fibroblasts are resistant to apoptosis. The mechanisms governing this process and its relevance to fibrotic remodeling remain poorly understood. By using either sorted or transfected lung fibroblasts, we found that Thy-1 expression is associated with downregulation of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, as well as increased levels of cleaved caspase-9. Addition of rhFasL and staurosporine, well-known apoptosis inducers, caused significantly increased cleaved caspase-3, -8, and PARP in Thy-1-transfected cells. Furthermore, rhFasL induced Fas translocation into lipid rafts and its colocalization with Thy-1. These in vitro results indicate that Thy-1, in a manner dependent upon its glycophosphatidylinositol anchor and lipid raft localization, regulates apoptosis in lung fibroblasts via Fas-, Bcl-, and caspase-dependent pathways. In vivo, Thy-1 deficient (Thy1-/-) mice displayed persistence of myofibroblasts in the resolution phase of bleomycin-induced fibrosis, associated with accumulation of collagen and failure of lung fibrosis resolution. Apoptosis of myofibroblasts is decreased in Thy1-/- mice in the resolution phase. Collectively, these findings provide new evidence regarding the role and mechanisms of Thy-1 in initiating myofibroblast apoptosis that heralds the termination of the reparative response to bleomycin-induced lung injury. Understanding the mechanisms regulating fibroblast survival/apoptosis should lead to novel therapeutic interventions for lung fibrosis

    Dural Sinus Narrowing in Patients With Spontaneous Anterior Skull Base Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

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    OBJECTIVES: Current evidence suggests a link between idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) and spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (sCSF) leak, as well as between IIH and dural venous sinus (DVS) narrowing. However, there are limited data linking DVS narrowing and sCSF leak. This study aims to determine the prevalence of DVS narrowing in patients with sCSF leak. METHODS: A retrospective review of all patients with sCSF leak that presented to a tertiary academic center from 2008 to 2019. Preoperative imaging was independently reviewed by two neuroradiologists to evaluate for DVS narrowing. Available literature was used to estimate the prevalence of DVS narrowing in the general population to allow for comparison. Data were analyzed using Exact binomial test. RESULTS: Analysis of 25 patients with appropriate imaging revealed the majority were women (21/25, 84%) with a mean age of 51.89 years (SD 13.96). The majority of these patients were found to have narrowing of the DVS (20/25, 80%). In patient with sCSF leaks, there was a significantly higher proportion of patients with DVS narrowing compared with published literature examining this condition in the general population (80% vs. 40%, CI 0.59-0.93, CONCLUSION: The prevalence of DVS narrowing in patients with sCSF leaks is substantial and likely greater than the general population. Moreover, there appears to be narrowing in most patients with sCSF leak. Preoperative radiological evaluation of the DVS using MR venography may be useful in patients with sCSF leaks as DVS stenosis may be an underdiagnosed etiology. Further study is needed to evaluate this. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV

    Dural Sinus Narrowing in Patients With Spontaneous Anterior Skull Base Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

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    OBJECTIVES: Current evidence suggests a link between idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) and spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (sCSF) leak, as well as between IIH and dural venous sinus (DVS) narrowing. However, there are limited data linking DVS narrowing and sCSF leak. This study aims to determine the prevalence of DVS narrowing in patients with sCSF leak. METHODS: A retrospective review of all patients with sCSF leak that presented to a tertiary academic center from 2008 to 2019. Preoperative imaging was independently reviewed by two neuroradiologists to evaluate for DVS narrowing. Available literature was used to estimate the prevalence of DVS narrowing in the general population to allow for comparison. Data were analyzed using Exact binomial test. RESULTS: Analysis of 25 patients with appropriate imaging revealed the majority were women (21/25, 84%) with a mean age of 51.89 years (SD 13.96). The majority of these patients were found to have narrowing of the DVS (20/25, 80%). In patient with sCSF leaks, there was a significantly higher proportion of patients with DVS narrowing compared with published literature examining this condition in the general population (80% vs. 40%, CI 0.59-0.93, CONCLUSION: The prevalence of DVS narrowing in patients with sCSF leaks is substantial and likely greater than the general population. Moreover, there appears to be narrowing in most patients with sCSF leak. Preoperative radiological evaluation of the DVS using MR venography may be useful in patients with sCSF leaks as DVS stenosis may be an underdiagnosed etiology. Further study is needed to evaluate this. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: IV

    Descriptive Analysis of a Baseline Concussion Battery Among U.S. Service Academy Members: Results from the Concussion Assessment, Research, and Education (CARE) Consortium

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    Introduction The prevalence and possible long-term consequences of concussion remain an increasing concern to the U.S. military, particularly as it pertains to maintaining a medically ready force. Baseline testing is being used both in the civilian and military domains to assess concussion injury and recovery. Accurate interpretation of these baseline assessments requires one to consider other influencing factors not related to concussion. To date, there is limited understanding, especially within the military, of what factors influence normative test performance. Given the significant physical and mental demands placed on service academy members (SAM), and their relatively high risk for concussion, it is important to describe demographics and normative profile of SAMs. Furthermore, the absence of available baseline normative data on female and non-varsity SAMs makes interpretation of post-injury assessments challenging. Understanding how individuals perform at baseline, given their unique individual characteristics (e.g., concussion history, sex, competition level), will inform post-concussion assessment and management. Thus, the primary aim of this manuscript is to characterize the SAM population and determine normative values on a concussion baseline testing battery. Materials and Methods All data were collected as part of the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium. The baseline test battery included a post-concussion symptom checklist (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT), psychological health screening inventory (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) and neurocognitive evaluation (ImPACT), Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), and Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC). Linear regression models were used to examine differences across sexes, competition levels, and varsity contact levels while controlling for academy, freshman status, race, and previous concussion. Zero inflated negative binomial models estimated symptom scores due to the high frequency of zero scores. Results Significant, but small, sex effects were observed on the ImPACT visual memory task. While, females performed worse than males (p < 0.0001, pη2 = 0.01), these differences were small and not larger than the effects of the covariates. A similar pattern was observed for competition level on the SAC. There was a small, but significant difference across competition level. SAMs participating in varsity athletics did significantly worse on the SAC compared to SAMs participating in club or intramural athletics (all p’s < 0.001, η2 = 0.01). When examining symptom reporting, males were more than two times as likely to report zero symptoms on the SCAT or BSI-18. Intramural SAMs had the highest number of symptoms and severity compared to varsity SAMs (p < 0.0001, Cohen’s d < 0.2). Contact level was not associated with SCAT or BSI-18 symptoms among varsity SAMs. Notably, the significant differences across competition level on SCAT and BSI-18 were sub-clinical and had small effect sizes. Conclusion The current analyses provide the first baseline concussion battery normative data among SAMs. While statistically significant differences may be observed on baseline tests, the effect sizes for competition and contact levels are very small, indicating that differences are likely not clinically meaningful at baseline. Identifying baseline differences and significant covariates is important for future concussion-related analyses to inform concussion evaluations for all athlete levels

    Even More Rapidly Rotating Pre-main-sequence M Dwarfs with Highly Structured Light Curves: An Initial Survey in the Lower Centaurus-Crux and Upper Centaurus-Lupus Associations

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    Using K2, we recently discovered a new type of periodic photometric variability while analyzing the light curves of members of Upper Sco. The 23 exemplars of this new variability type are all mid-M dwarfs, with short rotation periods. Their phased light curves have one or more broad flux dips or multiple arcuate structures which are not explicable by photospheric spots or eclipses by solid bodies. Now, using Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data, we have searched for this type of variability in the other major sections of Sco-Cen, Upper Centaurus-Lupus (UCL), and Lower Centaurus-Crux (LCC). We identify 28 stars with the same light curve morphologies. We find no obvious difference between the Upper Sco and the UCL/LCC representatives of this class in terms of their light curve morphologies, periods, or variability amplitudes. The physical mechanism behind this variability is unknown, but as a possible clue we show that the rapidly rotating mid-M dwarfs in UCL/LCC have slightly different colors from the slowly rotating M dwarfs—they either have a blue excess (hot spots?) or a red excess (warm dust?). One of the newly identified stars (TIC242407571) has a very striking light curve morphology. At about every 0.05 in phase are features that resemble icicles. The icicles arise because there is a second periodic system whose main feature is a broad flux dip. Using a toy model, we show that the observed light curve morphology results only if the ratio of the two periods and the flux-dip width are carefully arranged

    Even More Rapidly Rotating Pre-main-sequence M Dwarfs with Highly Structured Light Curves: An Initial Survey in the Lower Centaurus-Crux and Upper Centaurus-Lupus Associations

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    Using K2, we recently discovered a new type of periodic photometric variability while analyzing the light curves of members of Upper Sco. The 23 exemplars of this new variability type are all mid-M dwarfs, with short rotation periods. Their phased light curves have one or more broad flux dips or multiple arcuate structures which are not explicable by photospheric spots or eclipses by solid bodies. Now, using Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data, we have searched for this type of variability in the other major sections of Sco-Cen, Upper Centaurus-Lupus (UCL), and Lower Centaurus-Crux (LCC). We identify 28 stars with the same light curve morphologies. We find no obvious difference between the Upper Sco and the UCL/LCC representatives of this class in terms of their light curve morphologies, periods, or variability amplitudes. The physical mechanism behind this variability is unknown, but as a possible clue we show that the rapidly rotating mid-M dwarfs in UCL/LCC have slightly different colors from the slowly rotating M dwarfs—they either have a blue excess (hot spots?) or a red excess (warm dust?). One of the newly identified stars (TIC242407571) has a very striking light curve morphology. At about every 0.05 in phase are features that resemble icicles. The icicles arise because there is a second periodic system whose main feature is a broad flux dip. Using a toy model, we show that the observed light curve morphology results only if the ratio of the two periods and the flux-dip width are carefully arranged

    A comprehensive study of GRB 070125, a most energetic gamma ray burst

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    We present a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of the bright, long duration gamma-ray burst GRB 070125, comprised of observations in γ\gamma-ray, X-ray, optical, millimeter and centimeter wavebands. Simultaneous fits to the optical and X-ray light curves favor a break on day 3.78, which we interpret as the jet break from a collimated outflow. Independent fits to optical and X-ray bands give similar results in the optical bands but shift the jet break to around day 10 in the X-ray light curve. We show that for the physical parameters derived for GRB 070125, inverse Compton scattering effects are important throughout the afterglow evolution. While inverse Compton scattering does not affect radio and optical bands, it may be a promising candidate to delay the jet break in the X-ray band. Radio light curves show rapid flux variations, which are interpreted as due to interstellar scintillation, and are used to derive an upper limit of 2.4×10172.4 \times 10^{17} cm on the radius of the fireball in the lateral expansion phase of the jet. Radio light curves and spectra suggest a high synchrotron self absorption frequency indicative of the afterglow shock wave moving in a dense medium. Our broadband modeling favors a constant density profile for the circumburst medium over a wind-like profile (R2R^{-2}). However, keeping in mind the uncertainty of the parameters, it is difficult to unambiguously distinguish between the two density profiles. Our broadband fits suggest that \event is a burst with high radiative efficiency (>60> 60 %).Comment: 50 pages, 33 figures, sty file included, Appeared in 20 Aug 2008 edition of Astrophysical Journa