241 research outputs found

    Convergence of Laguerre Impulse Response Approximation for Noninteger Order Systems

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    One of the most important issues in application of noninteger order systems concerns their implementation. One of the possible approaches is the approximation of convolution operation with the impulse response of noninteger system. In this paper, new results on the Laguerre Impulse Response Approximation method are presented. Among the others, a new proof of convergence of approximation is given, allowing less strict assumptions. Additionally, more general results are given including one regarding functions that are in the joint part of and spaces. The method was also illustrated with examples of use: analysis of “fractional order lag” system, application to noninteger order filters design, and parametric optimization of fractional controllers

    Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Detection of Molecular Hydrogen Rotational Emission towards Translucent Clouds

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    Using the Infrared Spectrograph on board the Spitzer Space Telescope, we have detected emission in the S(0), S(1), and S(2) pure-rotational (v = 0-0) transitions of molecular hydrogen (H_2) toward six positions in two translucent high Galactic latitude clouds, DCld 300.2–16.9 and LDN 1780. The detection of these lines raises important questions regarding the physical conditions inside low-extinction clouds that are far from ultraviolet radiation sources. The ratio between the S(2) flux and the flux from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at 7.9 μm averages 0.007 for these six positions. This is a factor of about four higher than the same ratio measured toward the central regions of non-active Galaxies in the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey. Thus, the environment of these translucent clouds is more efficient at producing rotationally excited H_2 per PAH-exciting photon than the disks of entire galaxies. Excitation analysis finds that the S(1) and S(2) emitting regions are warm (T ≳ 300 K), but comprise no more than 2% of the gas mass. We find that UV photons cannot be the sole source of excitation in these regions and suggest mechanical heating via shocks or turbulent dissipation as the dominant cause of the emission. The clouds are located on the outskirts of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB association and may be dissipating recent bursts of mechanical energy input from supernova explosions. We suggest that pockets of warm gas in diffuse or translucent clouds, integrated over the disks of galaxies, may represent a major source of all non-active galaxy H_2 emission

    A Green Bank Telescope Survey of Large Galactic HII Regions

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    As part of our ongoing HII Region Discovery Survey (HRDS), we report the Green Bank Telescope detection of 148 new angularly-large Galactic HII regions in radio recombination line (RRL) emission. Our targets are located at a declination greater than -45deg., which corresponds to 266deg. > l > -20deg. at b = 0deg. All sources were selected from the WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions, and have infrared angular diameters >260''. The Galactic distribution of these "large" HII regions is similar to that of the previously-known sample of Galactic HII regions. The large HII region RRL line width and peak line intensity distributions are skewed toward lower values compared with that of previous HRDS surveys. We discover 7 sources with extremely narrow RRLs <10 km/s. If half the line width is due to turbulence, these 7 sources have thermal plasma temperatures <1100 K. These temperatures are lower than any measured for Galactic HII regions, and the narrow line components may arise instead from partially ionized zones in the HII region photo-dissociation regions. We discover G039.515+00.511, one of the most luminous HII regions in the Galaxy. We also detect the RRL emission from three HII regions with diameters >100 pc, making them some of the physically largest known HII regions in the Galaxy. This survey completes the HRDS HII region census in the Northern sky, where we have discovered 887 HII regions and more than doubled the previously-known census of Galactic HII regions.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    High-Mass Star Formation in the Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm

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    The Outer Scutum-Centaurus (OSC) spiral arm is the most distant molecular spiral arm in the Milky Way, but until recently little was known about this structure. Discovered by Dame and Thaddeus (2011), the OSC lies \sim15 kpc from the Galactic Center. Due to the Galactic warp, it rises to nearly 4^{\circ} above the Galactic Plane in the first Galactic quadrant, leaving it unsampled by most Galactic plane surveys. Here we observe HII region candidates spatially coincident with the OSC using the Very Large Array to image radio continuum emission from 65 targets and the Green Bank Telescope to search for ammonia and water maser emission from 75 targets. This sample, drawn from the WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions, represents every HII region candidate near the longitude-latitude (l,v) locus of the OSC. Coupled with their characteristic mid-infrared morphologies, detection of radio continuum emission strongly suggests that a target is a bona fide HII region. Detections of associated ammonia or water maser emission allow us to derive a kinematic distance and determine if the velocity of the region is consistent with that of the OSC. Nearly 60% of the observed sources were detected in radio continuum, and over 20% have ammonia or water maser detections. The velocities of these sources mainly place them beyond the Solar orbit. These very distant high-mass stars have stellar spectral types as early as O4. We associate high-mass star formation at 2 new locations with the OSC, increasing the total number of detected HII regions in the OSC to 12.Comment: 14 pages text and tables + 10 pages supplemental figure

    Inhibition of thermohaline mixing by a magnetic field in Ap star descendants: Implications for the Galactic evolution of 3He

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    To reconcile the measurements of 3He/H in Galactic HII regions with high values of 3He in a couple of planetary nebulae, we propose that thermohaline mixing is inhibited by a fossil magnetic field in red giant stars that are descendants of Ap stars. We examine the effect of a magnetic field on the salt-finger instability, using a local analysis. We obtain a threshold for the magnetic field of 10^4 - 10^5 Gauss, above which it inhibits thermohaline mixing in red giant stars located at or above the bump. Fields of that order are expected in the descendants of the Ap stars, taking into account the contraction of their core. We conclude that in a large fraction of the descendants of Ap stars thermohaline mixing does not occur. As a consequence these objects must produce 3He as predicted by the standard theory of stellar evolution and as observed in the planetary nebulae NGC3242 and J320. The relative number of such stars with respect to non-magnetic objects that undergo thermohaline mixing is consistent with the statistical constraint coming from observations of the carbon isotopic ratio in red giant stars. It also satisfies the Galactic requirements for the evolution of the 3He abundance.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters (Vol.476

    A VLA Census of the Galactic H II Region Population

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    The Milky Way contains thousands of H II region candidates identified by their characteristic mid-infrared morphology, but lacking detections of ionized gas tracers such as radio continuum or radio recombination line emission. These targets thus remain unconfirmed as H II regions. With only \sim2500 confirmed H II regions in the Milky Way, Galactic surveys are deficient by several thousand nebulae when compared to external galaxies with similar star formation rates. Using sensitive 9 GHz radio continuum observations with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), we explore a sample of H II region candidates in order to set observational limits on the actual total population of Galactic H II regions. We target all infrared-identified "radio quiet" sources from the WISE Catalog of Galactic H II regions between 24590245^{\circ}\geq\ell\geq90^{\circ} with infrared diameters less than 80^{\prime\prime}. We detect radio continuum emission from 50% of the targeted H II region candidates, providing strong evidence that most of the radio quiet candidates are bona fide HII regions. We measure the peak and integrated radio flux densities and compare the inferred Lyman continuum fluxes using models of OB-stars. We conclude that stars of approximately spectral type B2 and earlier are able to create H II regions with similar infrared and radio continuum morphologies as the more luminous H II regions created by O-stars. From our 50% detection rate of "radio quiet" sources, we set a lower limit of \sim7000 for the H II region population of the Galaxy. Thus the vast majority of the Milky Way's H II regions remain to be discovered.Comment: 11 pages of text, 146 infrared/radio images of faint HII region candidate


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    We derive the molecular properties for a sample of 301 Galactic H II regions including 123 ultra compact (UC), 105 compact, and 73 diffuse nebulae. We analyze all sources within the BU-FCRAO Galactic Ring Survey (GRS) of [superscript 13]CO emission known to be H II regions based upon the presence of radio continuum and cm-wavelength radio recombination line emission. Unlike all previous large area coverage [superscript 13]CO surveys, the GRS is fully sampled in angle and yet covers ~75 deg[superscript 2] of the Inner Galaxy. The angular resolution of the GRS (46'') allows us to associate molecular gas with H II regions without ambiguity and to investigate the physical properties of this molecular gas. We find clear CO/H II morphological associations in position and velocity for ~80% of the nebular sample. Compact H II region molecular gas clouds are on average larger than UC clouds: 2'2 compared to 1'7. Compact and UC H II regions have very similar molecular properties, with ~5 K line intensities and ~4 km s[superscript –1] line widths. The diffuse H II region molecular gas has lower line intensities, ~3 K, and smaller line widths, ~3.5 km s[superscript –1]. These latter characteristics are similar to those found for quiescent molecular clouds in the GRS. Our sample nebulae thus show evidence for an evolutionary sequence wherein small, dense molecular gas clumps associated with UC H II regions grow into older compact nebulae and finally fragment and dissipate into large, diffuse nebulae.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-9800334)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-0098562)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-0100793)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Associated Universities, Inc. Cooperative Research Agreement)National Radio Astronomy Observatory (U.S.

    Finding Distant Galactic H Ii Regions

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    The WISE Catalog of Galactic H ii Regions contains ~2000 H ii region candidates lacking ionized gas spectroscopic observations. All candidates have the characteristic H ii region mid-infrared morphology of WISE 12 emission surrounding 22 emission, and additionally have detected radio continuum emission. We here report Green Bank Telescope hydrogen radio recombination line and radio continuum detections in the X-band (9 GHz; 3 cm) of 302 WISE H ii region candidates (out of 324 targets observed) in the zone , Here we extend the sky coverage of our H ii region Discovery Survey, which now contains nearly 800 H ii regions distributed across the entire northern sky. We provide LSR velocities for the 302 detections and kinematic distances for 131 of these. Of the 302 new detections, 5 have coordinates consistent with the Outer Scutum–Centaurus Arm (OSC), the most distant molecular spiral arm of the Milky Way. Due to the Galactic warp, these nebulae are found at Galactic latitudes \u3e1° in the first Galactic quadrant, and therefore were missed in previous surveys of the Galactic plane. One additional region has a longitude and velocity consistent with the OSC but lies at a negative Galactic latitude (G039.183−01.422; −54.9 ). With Heliocentric distances \u3e22 kpc and Galactocentric distances \u3e16 kpc, the OSC H ii regions are the most distant known in the Galaxy. We detect an additional three H ii regions near whose LSR velocities place them at Galactocentric radii \u3e19 kpc. If their distances are correct, these nebulae may represent the limit to Galactic massive star formation