754 research outputs found

    Multistep, sequential control of the trafficking and function of the multiple sulfatase deficiency gene product, SUMF1 by PDI, ERGIC-53 and ERp44.

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    Sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) encodes for the formylglicine generating enzyme, which activates sulfatases by modifying a key cysteine residue within their catalytic domains. SUMF1 is mutated in patients affected by multiple sulfatase deficiency, a rare recessive disorder in which all sulfatase activities are impaired. Despite the absence of canonical retention/retrieval signals, SUMF1 is largely retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it exerts its enzymatic activity on nascent sulfatases. Part of SUMF1 is secreted and paracrinally taken up by distant cells. Here we show that SUMF1 interacts with protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and ERp44, two thioredoxin family members residing in the early secretory pathway, and with ERGIC-53, a lectin that shuttles between the ER and the Golgi. Functional assays reveal that these interactions are crucial for controlling SUMF1 traffic and function. PDI couples SUMF1 retention and activation in the ER. ERGIC-53 and ERp44 act downstream, favoring SUMF1 export from and retrieval to the ER, respectively. Silencing ERGIC-53 causes proteasomal degradation of SUMF1, while down-regulating ERp44 promotes its secretion. When over-expressed, each of three interactors favors intracellular accumulation. Our results reveal a multistep control of SUMF1 trafficking, with sequential interactions dynamically determining ER localization, activity and secretion

    Random Graph-Homomorphisms and Logarithmic Degree

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    A graph homomorphism between two graphs is a map from the vertex set of one graph to the vertex set of the other graph, that maps edges to edges. In this note we study the range of a uniformly chosen homomorphism from a graph G to the infinite line Z. It is shown that if the maximal degree of G is `sub-logarithmic', then the range of such a homomorphism is super-constant. Furthermore, some examples are provided, suggesting that perhaps for graphs with super-logarithmic degree, the range of a typical homomorphism is bounded. In particular, a sharp transition is shown for a specific family of graphs C_{n,k} (which is the tensor product of the n-cycle and a complete graph, with self-loops, of size k). That is, given any function psi(n) tending to infinity, the range of a typical homomorphism of C_{n,k} is super-constant for k = 2 log(n) - psi(n), and is 3 for k = 2 log(n) + psi(n)

    Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Platform Based on n-Doped Ge-on-Si: Molecular Sensing with Germanium Nano-Antennas on Si

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    CMOS-compatible, heavily-doped semiconductor films are very promising for applications in mid-infrared plasmonic devices because the real part of their dielectric function is negative and broadly tunable in this wavelength range. In this work we investigate n-type doped germanium epilayers grown on Si substrates. We design and realize Ge nanoantennas on Si substrates demonstrating the presence of localized plasmon resonances, and exploit them for molecular sensing in the mid-infrared

    Design of a low band gap oxide ferroelectric: Bi6_6Ti4_4O17_{17}

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    A strategy for obtaining low band gap oxide ferroelectrics based on charge imbalance is described and illustrated by first principles studies of the hypothetical compound Bi6_6Ti4_4O17_{17}, which is an alternate stacking of the ferroelectric Bi4_4Ti3_3O12_{12}. We find that this compound is ferroelectric, similar to Bi4_4Ti3_3O12_{12} although with a reduced polarization. Importantly, calculations of the electronic structure with the recently developed functional of Tran and Blaha yield a much reduced band gap of 1.83 eV for this material compared to Bi4_4Ti3_3O12_{12}. Therefore, Bi6_6Ti4_4O17_{17} is predicted to be a low band gap ferroelectric material

    Optical properties of highly n-doped germanium obtained by in situ doping and laser annealing

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    High n-type doping in germanium is essential for many electronic and optoelectronic applications especially for high performance Ohmic contacts, lasing and mid-infrared plasmonics. We report on the combination of in situ doping and excimer laser annealing to improve the activation of phosphorous in germanium. An activated n-doping concentration of 8.8  ×  1019 cm−3 has been achieved starting from an incorporated phosphorous concentration of 1.1  ×  1020 cm−3. Infrared reflectivity data fitted with a multi-layer Drude model indicate good uniformity over a 350 nm thick layer. Photoluminescence demonstrates clear bandgap narrowing and an increased ratio of direct to indirect bandgap emission confirming the high doping densities achieved

    n-Ge on Si for Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Sensors

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    The detection and amplification of molecular absorption lines from a mustard gas simulant is demonstrated using plasmonic antennas fabricated from n-Ge epitaxially grown on Si. Approaches to integrated sensors will be presented along with a review of n-Ge compared to other mid-infrared plasmonic materials