24 research outputs found

    A scalable algorithm for RTL insertion of gated clocks based on ODCs computation

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    In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for automatic clock-gating insertion applicable at the register transfer level (RTL). The basic rationale of our approach is to eliminate redundant computations performed by temporally unobservable blocks through aggressive exploitation of observability don't care (ODC) conditions. ODCs are efficiently detected from an RTL description by focusing only on data-path modules with easily detectable input unobservability conditions. ODCs are then propagated in the form of logic expressions toward the registers by backward traversal and levelization of the design. Finally, the logic expressions are mapped onto hardware to provide control signals to the clock-gating logic at a reduced cost in area and speed. The technique is characterized by fast processing time, high scalability to large designs, and tight user control on clock-gating overhead. Our approach is compatible with standard industrial design flows, and reduces power consumption significantly with a small overhead in delay and area. Experimental results obtained on a set of industrial RTL designs containing several tens of thousands of gates show average power reductions of around 42%. On the same examples, the application of traditional clock-gating leads to average savings reductions close to 29%

    Cultura de los Cuidados. Año XXIV, n. 57 (2. cuatrimestre 2020)

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    This paper introduces a new approach to sub-threshold leakage power reduction in CMOS circuits. Our technique is based on automatic insertion of sleep transistors for cutting sub-threshold current when CMOS gates are in stand-by mode. Area and speed overhead caused by sleep transistor insertion are tightly controlled thanks to: (i) a post-layout incremental modification step that inserts sleep transistors in an existing row-based layout; (ii) an innovative algorithm that selects the subset of cells that can be gated for maximal leakage power reduction, while meeting user-provided constraints on area and delay increase. The presented technique is highly effective and fully compatible with industrial back-end flows, as demonstrated by post-layout analysts on several benchmarks placed and routed with state-of-the art commercial tools for physical design

    Low-Overhead State-Retaining Elements for Low-Leakage MTCMOS Design

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    Multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) has shown to be a very effective technique for reducing sub-threshold leakage currents in DSM CMOS designs. Application of the MTC-MOS paradigm to sequential circuits requires the availability of data-retaining elements for storing circuit state during stand-by mode. In this paper we propose two novel circuit schemes for sequential elements featuring low leakage currents in stand-by mode and high-speed/low-dynamic power in active mode. We present post-layout simulation results obtained after parasitic extraction for delay and power of circuits built in 130nm CMOS technology. Our experiments demonstrate several advantages of the proposed schemes over the best previously published solutions

    Enabling Fine-Grain Leakage Management by Voltage Anchor Insertion

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    Functional unit shutdown based on MTCMOS devices is effective for leakage reduction in aggressively scaled technologies. However, the applicability of MTCMOS-based shutdown in a synthesis-based design flow poses the challenge of interfacing logic blocks in shutdown mode with active units: The outputs of inactive gates can float at intermediate voltages, causing very large short-circuit currents in the active gates they drive. In this paper, we propose two novel low-overhead elementary cells that fully address this issue. These cells can be added to any synthesis library, and they can be inserted into a netlist at the boundary between shutdown and active regions. Our results show that: (i) Our cells solve the interfacing problem with minimum overhead; (ii) A nonintrusive design flow enhancement is sufficient to automatically insert interface cells in post-synthesis netlist

    Intelligate: Scalable Dynamic Invariant Learning for Power Reduction ⋆

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    Abstract. In this work we introduce an enhanced methodology to detect dynamic invariants from a power-benchmark simulation trace database. The method is scalable for the application of clock-gating extraction on industrial designs. Our approach focuses upon dynamic simulation data as the main source for detection of opportunities for power reduction. Experimental results demonstrate our ability to learn accurate clock-gating functions from simulation traces and achieve significant power reduction (in the range of 30%-70 % of a clock net’s power) on industrial micro-processor designs.