166 research outputs found

    Transformasi Padi Indica Kultivar Batutegi dan Kasalath dengan Gen Regulator HD-Zip untuk Perakitan Varietas Toleran Kekeringan

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    Water deficiency. Genetic engineering at the level of transcription factors (TF) is particulary a promising strategy in developing drought tolerant rice cultivar. HD-Zip genes are TF that function in plant adaptation to some environmental stresses including water deficit. The recombinant plasmid pC1301H Oshox6 which contained HD-Zip Oshox6 gene was placed under a drought inducible promoter called LEA promoter, gusA and hpt genes were driven with CaMV promoter. The aim of research was to obtain indica rice transgenic plants of Batutegi and Kasalath cultivars using pC1301H Oshox6 plasmid. Recombinant plasmid was transformed into immature rice embryos using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Kasalath cultivar showed a better capacity to form embryogenic calli compared to Batutegi. Transformation efficiency of Batutegi is lower (1.5 - 0.3%) than Kasalath (2.2-28.3%). Regeneration efficiency is 25-83.3% and 7.7-100% for Batutegi and Kasalath, respectively. Number of putative transformant plantlets of Batutegi and Kasalath are 63 and 48 plantlets, respectively. Southern blot analysis (using hpt probe) on 12 independent lines of each Batutegi and Kasalath cultivars showed different gene copy number, ranging from one to four copies of gene

    Perbandingan Tiga Metode Transformasi Agrobacterium Untuk Pencarian Gen-gen Terkait Toleransi Kekeringan Menggunakan Transposon Ac/Ds Pada Padi CV. Batutegi

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    Transformation Strategy for Indonesian Indica Rice in Attempt to Discover Drought-TolerantRelated Genes Using of Transposon Ac/Ds. Attempt to identify, isolate the gene, and study forgene function for several agronomical traits have been done including some drought toleranttraits. Japonica rice cultivars have been used due to its higher efficiencies compared withindica cultivars. Two plasmids namely pNU400 and pUR224 were used to generate mutants ofthese cultivars (Batutegi dan Kasalath cultivars). Those plasmids contain an element calledActivator (Ac) and Dissociator (Ds) respectively. The pNU400 contains GFP (green flourescensprotein) as a selectable marker, whereas the pUR224 contains hygromycine resistant gene andgusA as a reporter gene. Each plasmid was transformed into rice genome of Batutegi andKasalath cultivars by Agrobacterium mediated transformation using three methods oftransformation (A, B and C). The transformation method A was not suitable for both cultivars,where none of plantlets were produced from pNU400 and pUR224 plasmids. The transformationmethod B produced some plantlets from the Kasalath cultivar only using pUR224 plasmid.The transformation method C was the best method to produce transgenic plants from bothcultivars (Batutegi and Kasalath), using both plasmids (pNU400 and pUR224). The PCR analysisshowed that 19 and 9 plants of Batutegi and Kasalath contained both gusA and hpt genesrespectively. None of those plants contained of gusA gene. Southern blot analysis revealed 3independent lines from Batutegi dan 7 independent lines from Kasalath. The integration of Actransposon was analyzed based on expression gfp gene when observed under UV dark reader.This research has proved that indica rice cultivars, especially the Batutegi cultivar of Indonesianorigin, could be transformed. The cultivar could be used as plant model for the indicatransformation

    Pediatric meningiomas in The Netherlands 1974–2010: a descriptive epidemiological case study

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    The purpose of this study was to review the epidemiology and the clinical, radiological, pathological, and follow-up data of all surgically treated pediatric meningiomas during the last 35 years in The Netherlands. Patients were identified in the Pathological and Anatomical Nationwide Computerized Archive database, the nationwide network and registry of histopathology and cytopathology in The Netherlands. Pediatric patients of 18 years or younger at first operation in 1974-2009 with the diagnosis meningioma were included. Clinical records, follow-up data, radiological findings, operative reports, and pathological examinations were reviewed. In total, 72 patients (39 boys) were identified. The incidence of operated meningiomas in the Dutch pediatric population is 1:1,767,715 children per year. Median age at diagnosis was 13 years (range 0-18 years). Raised intracranial pressure and seizures were the most frequent signs at presentation. Thirteen (18 %) patients had neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). Fifty-three (74 %) patients had a meningioma World Health Organization grade I. Total resection was achieved in 35 of 64 patients. Fifteen patients received radiotherapy postoperatively. Mean follow-up was 4.8 years (range 0-27.8 years). Three patients died as a direct result of their meningioma within 3 years. Four patients with NF2 died as a result of multiple tumors. Nineteen patients had disease progression, requiring additional treatment. Meningiomas are extremely rare in the pediatric population; 25 % of all described meningiomas show biological aggressive behavior in terms of disease progression, requiring additional treatment. The 5-year survival is 83.9 %, suggesting that the biological behavior of pediatric menigiomas is more aggressive than that of its adult counterpart

    Image-guided ToF depth upsampling: a survey

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    Recently, there has been remarkable growth of interest in the development and applications of time-of-flight (ToF) depth cameras. Despite the permanent improvement of their characteristics, the practical applicability of ToF cameras is still limited by low resolution and quality of depth measurements. This has motivated many researchers to combine ToF cameras with other sensors in order to enhance and upsample depth images. In this paper, we review the approaches that couple ToF depth images with high-resolution optical images. Other classes of upsampling methods are also briefly discussed. Finally, we provide an overview of performance evaluation tests presented in the related studies

    Cultivation and sequencing of rumen microbiome members from the Hungate1000 Collection

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    Productivity of ruminant livestock depends on the rumen microbiota, which ferment indigestible plant polysaccharides into nutrients used for growth. Understanding the functions carried out by the rumen microbiota is important for reducing greenhouse gas production by ruminants and for developing biofuels from lignocellulose. We present 410 cultured bacteria and archaea, together with their reference genomes, representing every cultivated rumen-associated archaeal and bacterial family. We evaluate polysaccharide degradation, short-chain fatty acid production and methanogenesis pathways, and assign specific taxa to functions. A total of 336 organisms were present in available rumen metagenomic data sets, and 134 were present in human gut microbiome data sets. Comparison with the human microbiome revealed rumen-specific enrichment for genes encoding de novo synthesis of vitamin B 12, ongoing evolution by gene loss and potential vertical inheritance of the rumen microbiome based on underrepresentation of markers of environmental stress. We estimate that our Hungate genome resource represents â 1/475% of the genus-level bacterial and archaeal taxa present in the rumen. © 2018 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    In Vivo Assessment of Cold Adaptation in Insect Larvae by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Background Temperatures below the freezing point of water and the ensuing ice crystal formation pose serious challenges to cell structure and function. Consequently, species living in seasonally cold environments have evolved a multitude of strategies to reorganize their cellular architecture and metabolism, and the underlying mechanisms are crucial to our understanding of life. In multicellular organisms, and poikilotherm animals in particular, our knowledge about these processes is almost exclusively due to invasive studies, thereby limiting the range of conclusions that can be drawn about intact living systems. Methodology Given that non-destructive techniques like 1H Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy have proven useful for in vivo investigations of a wide range of biological systems, we aimed at evaluating their potential to observe cold adaptations in living insect larvae. Specifically, we chose two cold-hardy insect species that frequently serve as cryobiological model systems–the freeze-avoiding gall moth Epiblema scudderiana and the freeze-tolerant gall fly Eurosta solidaginis. Results In vivo MR images were acquired from autumn-collected larvae at temperatures between 0°C and about -70°C and at spatial resolutions down to 27 µm. These images revealed three-dimensional (3D) larval anatomy at a level of detail currently not in reach of other in vivo techniques. Furthermore, they allowed visualization of the 3D distribution of the remaining liquid water and of the endogenous cryoprotectants at subzero temperatures, and temperature-weighted images of these distributions could be derived. Finally, individual fat body cells and their nuclei could be identified in intact frozen Eurosta larvae. Conclusions These findings suggest that high resolution MR techniques provide for interesting methodological options in comparative cryobiological investigations, especially in vivo

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    Implications of serial measurements of natriuretic peptides in heart failure: insights from BIOSTAT‐CHF

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