1,568 research outputs found

    Effect of six-month hypokinesia in dogs on mineral component, reconstruction and mechanical properties of bone tissue

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    Ca45 incorporation into the bones of the limbs, particularly in the area of the muscle attachment increased in dogs as a result of 6 month hypokinesia. There were no phenomena of osteoporosis in the cortical layer of the diaphyses; however, changes in the form of osteons, an increase in the number of anastomoses between the channels and the thinning of the subperiosteal layer pointed to disturbances of the bone tissue reconstruction. Mineral saturation of the bone microstructures of the experimental dogs had a tendency to rise. No changes in the mechanical properties of the long bones occurred as a result of hypokinesia in dogs

    State of the mineral component of rat bone tissue during hypokinesia and the recovery period

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    Experiments were conducted on young growing rats. Hypokinesia lasting from 20 to 200 days caused retarded gain in weight and volume of the femur and delayed development of the cortical layer of the diaphysis. In contrast, the density of the cortical layer of the femoral diaphysis increased due to elevation of the mineral saturation of the bone tissue microstructures. Incorporation of Ca into the bone tissue in hypokinesia had a tendency to reduce. Partial normalization of the bone tissue mineral component occurred during a 20 day recovery period following hypokinesia

    Methodology of studying polygons using the computer system “mathematics”

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    © 2015, Econjournals. All rights reserved. The urgency of the problem stated in the article is due to the fact that the traditional method of teaching mathematics to students of physics and mathematics generally considers mathematical problems that do not require large computing and constructions, while solving complex problems requires more time, which is usually done at the expense of time that is to be spent on other branches of mathematics, so there is a need to study some sections of mathematics with the help of information technology. The purpose of the article is to develop methods of using information technologies in teaching elementary mathematics to students of physics and mathematics department. The leading method in the study of this problem is a design method aimed at selection and structuring of the contents of the computer tutorial (CT) under the heading “Polygons” in the system “Mathematics.” The designed CT for students of physics and mathematics includes a classification of polygons based on their historical information, method of construction, basic properties, the use of polygons in life, in construction, etc. The developed CT is aimed at improving students’ knowledge of elementary geometry, it promotes the formation of the students’ abilities to create computer textbooks (workshops), which they can use in their professional activity thus endowing them with the skills necessary to modern highly qualified teachers

    Index insurance as a tool to improve the Russian system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations with state support

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    The Russian system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations requires a qualitative restructuring based on the increased responsibility of insurers and state participation. Low rates of developing the system of insuring risks of agricultural organizations with state support require seeking for new forms of insurance in the current conditions. The article points out that the use of the index insurance is currently one of the priority directions for the development of the country's agribusiness in general. An algorithm for creating an index insurance service is presented, the purpose of which is to substantiate the possibility of applying index insurance under the conditions of risky farming. A comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of index insurance of the regional grain crops and insurance of grain crops with state support was conducted. It was concluded that the use of index insurance could be useful for other regions that were identical to Kalmykia in terms of natural and climatic environment. The theoretical results obtained by the author can be considered as one of the priority directions for the development of the theoretical and methodological toolkit for insuring risks of agricultural organizations, can become a theoretical and empirical factual foundation for the formation of scientific grounds for regional economic policy in relation to agricultural organizations based on coordinating the interests of the triad of participants: state authorities, agricultural organizations, insurance organizations, as well as program forecasting and project developments.peer-reviewe

    Preferences of Hungarian consumers for quality, access and price attributes of health care services — result of a discrete choice experiment

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    In 2010, a household survey was carried out in Hungary among 1037 respondents to study consumer preferences and willingness to pay for health care services. In this paper, we use the data from the discrete choice experiments included in the survey, to elicit the preferences of health care consumers about the choice of health care providers. Regression analysis is used to estimate the effect of the improvement of service attributes (quality, access, and price) on patients’ choice, as well as the differences among the socio-demographic groups. We also estimate the marginal willingness to pay for the improvement in attribute levels by calculating marginal rates of substitution. The results show that respondents from a village or the capital, with low education and bad health status are more driven by the changes in the price attribute when choosing between health care providers. Respondents value the good skills and reputation of the physician and the attitude of the personnel most, followed by modern equipment and maintenance of the office/hospital. Access attributes (travelling and waiting time) are less important. The method of discrete choice experiment is useful to reveal patients’ preferences, and might support the development of an evidence-based and sustainable health policy on patient payments

    New phenomena in the clinical and morphological aspects of osteoporosis

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    The aim of this study is to compare the biochemical indexes of phosphorus-calcium (Ca) metabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome of 1–5 stages, associated with osteoporosis with morphological picture of bone tissue. Results: The results of the study of biochemical indexes of phosphorus-calcium (Ca) metabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome associated with osteoporosis were presented in the articl

    The use of technogenic raw materials to produce a high-alumina chamotte

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    When fused corundum is crushed, a finely dispersed powder is formed with an Al2O3 content of 93-95%, in the form of substandard material. It is advantageous to utilize this powder to obtain high-alumina chamotte with Al2O3 content of more than 62%. High-alumina aggregate (chamotte) was obtained by semi-dry technology with intermediate briquette molding from a mixture of corundum dispersed powder and enriched kaolin. Based on a final Al2O3 content of 65 wt. % the batch composition of the mass to produce a high alumina aggregate (chamotte) was calculated. From a mixture of dispersed corundum powder and kaolin moistened with a 5-7% technical lignosulfonate solution with a density of 1050 kg•m-3, a briquette was formed at a specific pressing pressure of 15-20 MPa. The briquette was fired at a temperature of 1700 C. The fired briquette had a strength of 164 to 193 MPa. The water absorption of briquettes was 11-12%. The phase composition of the briquette is represented mainly by corundum and mullite. The enriched kaolin did not show sintering effect on fine corundum. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Technogenic Raw Materials in High-Alumina Chamotte Production

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    The paper presents studies on the production of a high-alumina aggregate with an Al2O3 content of 75% based on fine-grained corundum dust generated by grinding fused corundum. Finely dispersed corundum powder is a by-product and due to the low Al2O3 content (93 - 95%) is not used in further production. It is proposed to obtain high-alumina aggregate without joint grinding of the components. Aggregate was obtained by pressing through a "false grain"from a mixture of kaolin and corundum dust in a certain ratio. The samples firing was carried out at a temperature of 1700 C. The phase composition of the obtained aggregate is represented by 46 - 51% corundum, 45 - 49% mullite. The water absorption of such chamotte is 14 - 16%, open porosity is 33 - 35%, apparent density is 2230 - 2290 kg•m-3. Now, it was not possible to obtain a high-density filler grade ZML and ZMK that meets the requirements of GOST 23037 - 78. The production flow chart of high-alumina chamotte based on kaolin and corundum dust should include a joint fine grinding of the components, or a separate grinding of corundum dust until it passes completely through the 0.063 mm mesh. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The Possibility of Using Tyumen Keramzite Clay in the Production of Ceramic Materials

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    The properties of red low-melting clay with the aim of its use in the production of building ceramics are investigated. The presented sample of clay raw materials by mineral composition refers to kaolinite clays with mixed-layer formations in the form of illite and ferruginous montmorillonite with Na-, Ca- and Mg-interlayer hydrated exchange cations. It is characterized by an average content of free SiO2 (10 - 25%). The clay is medium plastic with a low content of coarse inclusions, it refers to medium raw materials. Clay is medium-drying, medium-sensitive to drying, non-sintering. Mechanical strength during firing at a temperature of 900 C is 27.5 MPa. When firing samples in the temperature range 900 - 1050 C, a significant black core is formed. At a firing temperature of 1050 C, swelling of the samples occurs. Considering the properties of this clay, it cannot be recommended to produce face and ordinary building bricks. However, the studied clay can be used to produce expanded clay. The introduction of 0.5% of spent technical oil allows to get the expansion coefficient of 3.83. The temperature range of expansion is 1050 - 1170 C. The density of expanded clay granules in this case is 560 kg•m-3. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Bochkarihinskoe clay as raw material to building ceramics production

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    The possibility of using clay from Bochkarikhinskoe deposit (Sverdlovskaya oblast, Russia) in the ceramic building production has been considered. The chemical, mineral and granulometric composition of clay was determined. The basic technological properties of clay were studied: plasticity, sensitivity to drying, sintering. The frost resistance and mechanical properties of ceramic brick samples were determined. The clay studied with introduction of organic additives also may be used in ceramic production. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd