88 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Among children with hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsils undergoing adenoidectomy, 31.3% of cases show hypertrophy of the torus tubarius, even in the absence of middle ear pathology. However, the nature of the changes in this anatomical area in these children has not been described. The aim of the study: to investigate and evaluate morphological changes of pharyngeal tonsil and torus tubarius in children with hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsil. Materials and methods: histological investigation and scanning electron microscopy were performed on fragments of pharyngeal tonsil and torus tubarius, obtained during adenoidectomy of 12 children with nasal breathing disturbances (Group 1) and 13 children with concomitant inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (Group 2). Results: In patients of Group 2, changes in the pharyngeal tonsil were more pronounced, showing inflammatory alterations such as infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the covering epithelium and subepithelial layer, as well as lymphocytes in the covering epithelium, along with the presence of fibrosis compared to patients of Group 1. Additionally, samples covered by biofilms were significantly more frequently identified in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (53.8% vs. 16.6%, p<0.05). The mucosal changes in the torus tubarius corresponded to the nature of the changes observed in the pharyngeal tonsil in the respective group. Biofilms in the torus tubarius samples were found in 38.5% of cases in Group 2 and 8.3% of cases in Group 1 (p<0.05). Conclusions: 1. In children with hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsil and torus tubarius, the morphological characteristics of the mucous membrane of torus tubarius are similar to those observed in the mucous membrane of pharyngeal tonsil of the respective group. 2. Biofilms were reliably more frequently identified on the surface of pharyngeal tonsil and torus tubarius in children with upper respiratory tract infections than in patients with nasal breathing disturbances. 3. The detected changes provide a basis for revising the therapeutic approach to hypertrophic torus tubarius in children with pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy

    Correct quantum chemistry in a minimal basis from effective Hamiltonians

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    We describe how to create ab-initio effective Hamiltonians that qualitatively describe correct chemistry even when used with a minimal basis. The Hamiltonians are obtained by folding correlation down from a large parent basis into a small, or minimal, target basis, using the machinery of canonical transformations. We demonstrate the quality of these effective Hamiltonians to correctly capture a wide range of excited states in water, nitrogen, and ethylene, and to describe ground and excited state bond-breaking in nitrogen and the chromium dimer, all in small or minimal basis sets

    Влияние сроков посева растений-доноров и концентрации 2,4-Д на чистоту образования продуктивных пыльников ячменя обыкновенного (Hordeum vulgare L.) в культуре пыльников in vitro

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    oai:oai.vestngau.elpub.ru:article/1549Creating dihaploid lines of agricultural plants is a labour-intensive but essential step in variety production in modern plant breeding. This stage allows significantly accelerate the process of creating new varieties of common barley and other crops. Barley digaploids are produced mainly by anther culture and microspore culture. The authors preferred anther culture in vitro. In the present study, the influence of climatic factors in the cultivation of donor plants on the yield of productive anthers at different sowing dates was established. The authors also identified the more stable culti- vars with a high anther production regardless of sowing date (Signal, Laureate and Eifel). Varieties showed the highest number of embryo-like structures formation at the first and third sowing dates (Zu Suren, Zu Zaza); and sorts with a high rate of productive anther formation at the second sowing date (Acha, Exploer) were identified. Different concentrations of 2,4-D in N6 medium on the frequency of embryogenesis and yield of productive anthers were studied. As a result of this study, the authors found that different concentrations of 2,4-D (1 mg/l and two mg/l) had no significant effect on the for- mation frequency of productive anthers in all the varieties studied. When the embryogenesis capacity of the cultivars was reviewed, all the samples were found to be positive in anther culture. However, the array Zu Suren had a significantly lower effective anthers yield than the samples Signal and Acha. As a result of correlation analysis, the authors found a close relationship between the length of the ear tube of donor plants and the frequency of formation of productive anthers (r = -0.69). A close relationship with the development of optimal microspore phase for the induction of androgenesis in anthers extracted from the ear tube with an average length of 6 cm was determined. This information can significantly speed up the selection of donor plants, but it is recommended to confirm the stage of microspore development microscopically for each new cultivar used.Создание дигаплоидных линий сельскохозяйственных растений является трудоемким, но важным этапом получения сортов в современной селекции растений, который позволяет существенно ускорить процесс создания новых сортов ячменя обыкновенного и других сельскохозяйственных культур. Дигаплоиды ячменя получают преимущественно с помощью культуры пыльников и культуры микроспор. Мы отдали предпочтение культуре пыльников in vitro. В настоящем исследовании установлено влияние климатических факторов при выращивании растений-доноров на выход продуктивных пыльников при разных сроках посева и определены более стабильные сорта, которые имели высокий выход продуктивных пыльников вне зависимости от срока посева (Сигнал, Лауреате и Эйфель), а также сорта, которые при первом и третьем сроке посева показали наи- высшее количество образования эмбриоподобных структур (Зу Сурен, Зу Заза) и сорта, которые при втором сроке посева имели высокую частоту образования продуктивных пыльников (Ача, Эксплоер). Изучено влияние разной концентрации 2,4-Д в среде N6 на частоту эмбриогенеза и выход продуктивных пыльников. В результате данного исследования нами было установлено, что разная концентрация 2,4-Д (1 мг/л и 2 мг/л) не оказывала достоверно значимого влияния на частоту образования продуктивных пыльников у всех изученных сортов. Изучая способность сортов к эмбриогенезу, установили, что все образцы давали положительный ответ в культуре пыльников, однако сорт Зу Сурен имеет достоверно более низкий выход продуктивных пыльников относительно образцов Сигнал и Ача. В результате корреляционного анализа выявлена тесная связь длины трубки колоса растений-доноров и частоты образования продуктивных пыльников (r = -0,69), что связано с развитием оптимальной фазы микроспор для индукции андрогенеза в пыльниках, извлеченных из трубки колоса со средней длиной 6 см. Данная информация может значительно ускорить отбор растений-доноров, однако рекомендуется подтверждать стадию развития микроспор микроскопически для каждого нового используемого сорта

    The introduction of modern educational technologies of discipline «Life safety, emergency medicine»

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    One of the most acute problems of the Russian higher education system is the real transition from the «knowledge» to the practice-oriented approach. The solution to this problem affects not only the content, but also the technological aspects of the educational process. Among the latter, the technologies of formation of students‘ competences are especially important. For realization of cognitive and educational activity of students in educational process the modern educational technologies giving the chance to improve quality of education are used, more effectively to use classroom time.Одной из острейших проблем системы российского высшего образования является переход парадигмы от «знаниевого» к практико-ориентированному. Решение этой проблемы затрагивает не только содержательные, но и технологические аспекты образовательного процесса. Среди последних особенно важны технологии формирования компетенций обучающихся. Для реализации познавательной и учебной активности студентов используются современные образовательные технологии, позволяющие повышать качество образования, более эффективно использовать аудиторное время

    Evidence for Involvement of Th17 Type Responses in Post Kala Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL)

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    Post kala azar dermal leishamniasis (PKDL), an unusual dermatosis, develops in 5–15% of apparently cured visceral leishmaniasis cases in India and in about 60% of cases in Sudan. PKDL cases assume importance since they constitute an important human reservoir for the parasite. Host immunological responses, considered as major factors in PKDL development, are poorly understood. Limited studies have been performed to explore the host immune responses and that too, restricted to a few immune parameters. The present study employed cDNA array technique that identified various host immuno-determinants including cytokines, chemokines, apoptotic and signaling molecules which were not reported previously in PKDL. In addition, we showed for the first time that Th17 responses are present during L. donovani infection in PKDL which possibly contributes significantly to disease pathogenesis by inducing TNF-α and nitric oxide production. Our findings lead to improved understanding of the host parasite interaction in terms of immune responses and pathology in tissue lesions of PKDL

    Lipoglycans Contribute to Innate Immune Detection of Mycobacteria

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    Innate immune recognition is based on the detection, by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), of molecular structures that are unique to microorganisms. Lipoglycans are macromolecules specific to the cell envelope of mycobacteria and related genera. They have been described to be ligands, as purified molecules, of several PRRs, including the C-type lectins Mannose Receptor and DC-SIGN, as well as TLR2. However, whether they are really sensed by these receptors in the context of a bacterium infection remains unclear. To address this question, we used the model organism Mycobacterium smegmatis to generate mutants altered for the production of lipoglycans. Since their biosynthesis cannot be fully abrogated, we manipulated the biosynthesis pathway of GDP-Mannose to obtain some strains with either augmented (∼1.7 fold) or reduced (∼2 fold) production of lipoglycans. Interestingly, infection experiments demonstrated a direct correlation between the amount of lipoglycans in the bacterial cell envelope on one hand and the magnitude of innate immune signaling in TLR2 reporter cells, monocyte/macrophage THP-1 cell line and human dendritic cells, as revealed by NF-κB activation and IL-8 production, on the other hand. These data establish that lipoglycans are bona fide Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns contributing to innate immune detection of mycobacteria, via TLR2 among other PRRs

    Role of IL-1 Beta in the Development of Human TH17 Cells: Lesson from NLPR3 Mutated Patients

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    T helper 17 cells (T(H)-17) represent a lineage of effector T cells critical in host defence and autoimmunity. In both mouse and human IL-1β has been indicated as a key cytokine for the commitment to T(H)-17 cells. Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) are a group of inflammatory diseases associated with mutations of the NLRP3 gene encoding the inflammasome component cryopyrin. In this work we asked whether the deregulated secretion of IL-1β secondary to mutations characterizing these patients could affect the IL-23/IL-17 axis.A total of 11 CAPS, 26 systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SoJIA) patients and 20 healthy controls were analyzed. Serum levels of IL-17 and IL-6 serum were assessed by ELISA assay. Frequency of T(H)17 cells was quantified upon staphylococcus enterotoxin B (SEB) stimulation. Secretion of IL-1β, IL-23 and IL-6 by monocyte derived dendritic cells (MoDCs), were quantified by ELISA assay. A total of 8 CAPS and 11 SoJIA patients were also analysed before and after treatment with IL-1β blockade. Untreated CAPS patients showed significantly increased IL-17 serum levels as well as a higher frequency of T(H)17 compared to control subjects. On the contrary, SoJIA patients displayed a frequency of T(H)17 similar to normal donors, but were found to have significantly increased serum level of IL-6 when compared to CAPS patients or healthy donors. Remarkably, decreased IL-17 serum levels and T(H)17 frequency were observed in CAPS patients following in vivo IL-1β blockade. On the same line, MoDCs from CAPS patients exhibited enhanced secretion of IL-1β and IL-23 upon TLRs stimulation, with a reduction after anti-IL-1 treatment.These findings further support the central role of IL-1β in the differentiation of T(H)17 in human inflammatory conditions

    5.6 Μ M Quantum Cascade Lasers Based On A Two-Material Active Region Composition With A Room Temperature Wall-Plug Efficiency Exceeding 28%

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    5.6 μm quantum cascade lasers based on the Al0.78In0.22As/In0.69Ga0.31As active region composition with the measured pulsed room temperature wall plug efficiency of 28.3% are reported. Injection efficiency for the upper laser level of 75% was measured for the design by testing devices with variable cavity lengths. A threshold current density of 1.7 kA/cm2 and a slope efficiency of 4.9 W/A were measured for uncoated 3.15 mm × 9 μm lasers. Threshold current density and slope efficiency dependence on temperature in the range from 288 K to 348 K for the structure can be described by characteristic temperatures T0 ∼ 140 K and T1 ∼ 710 K, respectively

    High Performance 5.6Μm Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    5.6 μm quantum cascade lasers based on Al0.78In0.22As/In0.69Ga0.31 As active region composition with measured pulsed room temperature wall plug efficiency of 28.3% are reported. Injection efficiency for the upper laser level of 75% was measured for the new design by testing devices with variable cavity length. Threshold current density of 1.7kA/cm2 and slope efficiency of 4.9W/A were measured for uncoated 3.15mm × 9μm lasers. Threshold current density and slope efficiency dependence on temperature in the range from 288K to 348K for the new structure can be described by characteristic temperatures T0 ∼ 140K and T1 ∼710K, respectively. Experimental data for inverse slope efficiency dependence on cavity length for 15-stage quantum cascade lasers with the same design are also presented. When combined with the 40-stage device data, the new data allowed for separate evaluation of the losses originating from the active region and from the cladding layers of the laser structure. Specifically, the active region losses for the studied design were found to be 0.77 cm-1, while cladding region losses - 0.33 cm-1. The data demonstrate that active region losses in mid wave infrared quantum cascade lasers largely define total waveguide losses and that their reduction should be one of the main priorities in the quantum cascade laser design