314 research outputs found

    Mediacommunicative orientation of domestic education and the formation of visual culture: the problem-setting

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Evaluation of the adaptive potential of first-graders with normal speech development and speech disorders

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    The objective of our research was to evaluate and compare the results of the study of physical development, somatic health, and adaptive capabilities of younger students with normal speech development and speech disorders during entering the school. The physical development of students was assessed using the somatometric, somatoscopic, and physiometric method

    Consulting in the field of information technologies

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    This article describes the possibilities of IT consulting and its role in modern society. The causes of low efficiency of the use of information technology in the enterprise. The article also describes the steps IT consulting, what benefits the company receives from the use of IT consultingВ данной статье описываются возможности ИТ - консалтинга, его роль в современном обществе. Рассматриваются причины невысокой эффективности применения информационных технологий на предприятии. Также в статье описываются этапы ИТ - консалтинга, какие преимущества получает предприятие вследствие применения ИТ - консалтинг

    Implementation of a Policer-Based Control Loop for the Dynamic Resource Allocation of a Software-Defined Communication Infrastructure

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    The use of solutions based on the principles of virtualization is designed to increase the efficiency of using the communication infrastructure due to the dynamic distribution of existing communication and computing resources between their virtual components. The software management of the communication infrastructure components opens up opportunities for applying new approaches to solving the currently very urgent problem of ensuring the required Quality of Service. Taking into account the current trends in the development of communication infrastructures and means of their automation, it seems relevant to build systems that implement a closed cycle of communication infrastructure resource management based on traditional and promising tools for monitoring and managing QoS and studying its behavior. Closing the control loop is achieved by implementing a control script that automatically responds to changes in the transmitted data and makes decisions about changing the current configuration of network devices. One of the approaches to building a closed control loop is to change the physical bandwidth of a virtual communication channel depending on the intensity of its resource use. The paper considers an example of the implementation of a closed control loop based on the rules of the policy for limiting the rate of sending packets of heterogeneous traffic and compares the approach of dynamic bandwidth redistribution with traditional approaches. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The Qo site of the mitochondrial complex III is required for the transduction of hypoxic signaling via reactive oxygen species production

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    Mammalian cells increase transcription of genes for adaptation to hypoxia through the stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) protein. How cells transduce hypoxic signals to stabilize the HIF-1α protein remains unresolved. We demonstrate that cells deficient in the complex III subunit cytochrome b, which are respiratory incompetent, increase ROS levels and stabilize the HIF-1α protein during hypoxia. RNA interference of the complex III subunit Rieske iron sulfur protein in the cytochrome b–null cells and treatment of wild-type cells with stigmatellin abolished reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation at the Qo site of complex III. These interventions maintained hydroxylation of HIF-1α protein and prevented stabilization of HIF-1α protein during hypoxia. Antioxidants maintained hydroxylation of HIF-1α protein and prevented stabilization of HIF-1α protein during hypoxia. Exogenous hydrogen peroxide under normoxia prevented hydroxylation of HIF-1α protein and stabilized HIF-1α protein. These results provide genetic and pharmacologic evidence that the Qo site of complex III is required for the transduction of hypoxic signal by releasing ROS to stabilize the HIF-1α protein

    Состояние ихтио-, мезо- и макропланктонных комплексов у Крымского полуострова (Чёрное море) в связи с особенностями гидрологического режима в октябре 2016 г.

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    Климатические изменения в гидрологическом режиме Чёрного моря, отмечаемые с 1990-х гг., отразились на состоянии эпипелагических комплексов морских организмов, прежде всего на сезонной изменчивости их биологических циклов. Это оказало существенное влияние на фенологию нереста природных популяций рыб, видовое разнообразие и пространственное распределение ихтиопланктона, а также на устоявшиеся трофические взаимоотношения в планктонном сообществе. В конечном итоге характер взаимодействия между различными звеньями трофической цепи в эпипелагических комплексах, их сезонная и межгодовая изменчивость влияют на эффективность нереста рыб, прежде всего массовых промысловых видов, и в значительной степени определяют успех пополнения их будущих поколений. С целью изучения видового состава, численности и пространственного распределения ихтиопланктона в октябре 2016 г. (89-й рейс НИС «Профессор Водяницкий», 30 сентября — 19 октября) были проведены исследования в шельфовых и открытых водах Чёрного моря у Крымского полуострова, проанализированы не только икра и личинки рыб, но и биомасса мезо- и макропланктона. Пробы ихтио- и макропланктона отбирали сетью Богорова — Расса (площадь входного отверстия — 0,5 м²; ячея — 300 мкм) методом тотальных вертикальных ловов от дна до поверхности моря в области шельфа и от нижней границы кислородной зоны до поверхности моря в глубоководной части. Ихтиопланктон фиксировали 4%-ным раствором формалина и анализировали позже под микроскопом, определяя таксономический состав организмов и по возможности — наличие и состав пищи в кишечниках личинок рыб. Проанализированы данные о видовом составе и пространственном распределении ихтио-, мезо- и макропланктона, а также о питании личинок рыб Чёрного моря у Крымского полуострова в октябре 2016 г. Период съёмки соответствовал начальной фазе осеннего гидрологического сезона. Ихтиопланктон был представлен икрой и личинками 9 видов тепловодных и 6 видов умеренноводных рыб. Средняя численность икры рыб составляла 2,92, а личинок — 3,56 экз.·м−2. Низкая доля (30 %) мёртвой икры тепловодной хамсы Engraulis encrasicolus, а также наличие её разноразмерных личинок в море свидетельствовали о продолжении результативного нереста. Биомасса зоопланктона возрастала в направлении от шельфа к глубоководным районам. Мелкоразмерные фракции планктонных организмов преобладали на шельфе, обеспечивая здесь лучшие кормовые условия для выживания личинок рыб. Несмотря на значительную биомассу желетелых-планктофагов в октябре 2016 г., их влияние на ихтиопланктонные комплексы Чёрного моря, по-видимому, оставалось несущественным

    Plane torsion waves in quadratic gravitational theories

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    The definition of the Riemann-Cartan space of the plane wave type is given. The condition under which the torsion plane waves exist is found. It is expressed in the form of the restriction imposed on the coupling constants of the 10-parametric quadratic gravitational Lagrangian. In the mathematical appendix the formula for commutator of the variation operator and Hodge operator is proved. This formula is applied for the variational procedure when the gravitational field equations are obtained in terms of the exterior differential forms.Comment: 3 May 1998. - 11

    The role of infectious agent in development of tooth decay

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    Aim: to assess the relationship between colonization of the oral cavity with S. mutans and different genotypic characteristics and the degree of tooth decay in children.Materials and methods. 274 children aged 5 to 17 years (153 girls and 121 boys) who received a preventive dental checkup were included in the study. The dental caries experience was assessed by the DMFT index (number of decayed, missing due to caries, and filled teeth), according to WHO recommendations. The plaque was collected with sterile wooden toothpicks from the buccal gingival margin or from fissures of the first molars and placed in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes, and then plated on Mitis Salivarius Agar medium (HiMedia, India). 481 strains of S. mutans were selected for further study. DNA was extracted by an express method. Amplification was performed in the CFX-96 thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, USA). Serotyping was performed by multiplex PCR. PCR products were analyzed by gel electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel with ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL) manufactured by Helicon, Moscow, and visualized in UV light in transilluminator UVT1 by Biokom. Genotyping was performed according to the methodology (Saarela et al., 1996) with the oligonucleotide primer OPA-02 (5’-TGCCGAGCTG-3’). Strains of S. mutans were studied for the presence of the following genes: gtfB, spaP, cnm, fruA, gtfB, htrA, comE, mutA x(I), mutA (II), mutA (III), nlmAB (IV), adcA, Smu.399, Smu.583, Smu.761, Smu.940c, Smu.1449, Smu.2130.Results. S. mutans was isolated from all the examined children. Dental decay was detected in 82.4% of the children. Among the strains studied, all 4 serotypes were found: in children with a DMFT = 0 only serotypes k and f were detected; the predominant serotype in children with tooth decay was serotype c (74.7%). 19 genotypes of S. mutans were identified. In children without caries (DMFT = 0), S. mutans did not contain the genes spaP, comE, adcA, Smu.2130, Smu.1449, gtfB, htrA. With the increase in the DMFT index, the frequency of their detection increased. 9 genotypes of S. mutans had all 7 virulence factors. In 94.9% of children colonized by these “virulent” genotypes, high DMFT index scores were observed.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate that only a limited number of specific strains have a cariogenic potential. Strains of S. mutans belonging to serotypes e and c with a combination of virulence genes spaP, gtfB, comE, adcA, Smu.2130, Smu.1449, and htrA were isolated from children with tooth decay. Strains without these factors did not cause any damage to the teeth. The degree of tooth decay increases with colonization by several genotypes with the combination of virulence factors described above

    Platelet microvesicles and their role in providing hemostatic capacity (literature review)

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    In recent years the role of microvesicles in endocrine system transmission, in providing cellular connectivity, in transportation of proteins and nucleic acids from one cell to another, in angiogenesis regulation, in inflammatory reactions and in dissemination of tumors is actively studied. This article reviews the mechanisms of microvesicle formation, the structure of microvesicles and their potential value as biomarkers. Among all essential reactions involving microvesicles one thing especially stands out: their direct participation in providing hemostatic reactions for bleeding control in case of a solution of continuity in blood vessels due to different reasons. Platelet microvesicles play an important role in this process, and it has been proved by several experimental and clinical studies. In this review we evaluate prospects for clinical use of one of modern blood components – cryoprecipitate – as the source of platelet microvesicles

    Long-Term Monitoring of Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C after Achieving a Sustained Virologic Response to Antiviral Therapy

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    Aim: to analyze the dynamics of fibrosis and steatosis of the liver according to fibroelastometry in patients with chronic hep-atitis C (CHC) after ≥ 6 months from transient elastometry (TE) achieving a sustained virologic response (SVR) to antiviral therapy.Materials and methods. At baseline, a prospective observational study included 628 CHC patients with known stage of liver fibrosis (F) before AVT, some of whom were phased out due to non-compliance with the inclusion criteria. The final analysis included 297 patients who had transient elastometry (TE) data with CAP™ technology on the severity of liver fibrosis (± steatosis) before treatment and after ≥ 6 months after reaching SVR (67 % – interferonfree regimens of therapy). Median follow-up from the moment SVR was confirmed was 3 years [2; 6].Results. At the end of the study, the average age of patients was 49 ± 12 years, of which 53 % were men. In the long-term period after reaching SVR, regression of liver fibrosis was diagnosed in 80 % of cases (including in patients with cirrhosis), and the progression of fibrosis was in 3 % of patient. At the same time, regression of liver steatosis was detected only in 31 % of the patient, worsening of the results was in 23 % (26 % of them had the appearance of steatosis (S) of the liver of 1–3 degrees in persons with no fatty liver before the start of AVT). In the group of patients with liver steatosis, the proportion of men was significantly higher (p = 0.004). Clinically significant stages of fibrosis F3–F4 were significantly more often recorded in patients with hepatic steatosis, both before treatment (46 % S1–S3 and 22 % S0, p < 0.001) and after ≥ 6 months after reaching SVR (19 % S1–S3 and 9 % S0, p = 0.023).Conclusion. In patients with chronic hepatitis C with SVR achieved in the long term, despite a significant regression of liver fibrosis, a high prevalence of hepatic steatosis remains. The data obtained indicate the feasibility of routine diagnosis of both fibrosis and steatosis of the liver in the management of patients with chronic HCV infection before and after successful antiviral therapy