3,815 research outputs found

    Ultra Bright LED Light Injection Calibration System for MINOS

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    We describe here a proposal for a light injection calibration system for the MINOS detectors based on ultra bright blue LEDs as the light source. We have shown that these LEDs are bright enough to span over two orders of magnitude in light intensity, commensurate with that expected in a single scintillator strip in the MINOS neutrino detectors.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, Submitted to NI

    In vivo imaging of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides with positron emission tomography

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    The biodistribution profiles in mice of two pyrrole-imidazole polyamides were determined by PET. Pyrrole-imidazole polyamides are a class of small molecules that can be programmed to bind a broad repertoire of DNA sequences, disrupt transcription factor-DNA interfaces, and modulate gene expression pathways in cell culture experiments. The 18F-radiolabeled polyamides were prepared by oxime ligation between 4-[18F]-fluorobenzaldehyde and a hydroxylamine moiety at the polyamide C terminus. Small animal PET imaging of radiolabeled polyamides administered to mice revealed distinct differences in the biodistribution of a 5-ring β-linked polyamide versus an 8-ring hairpin, which exhibited better overall bioavailability. In vivo imaging of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides by PET is a minimum first step toward the translation of polyamide-based gene regulation from cell culture to small animal studies

    Repression of DNA-binding dependent glucocorticoid receptor-mediated gene expression

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    The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) affects the transcription of genes involved in diverse processes, including energy metabolism and the immune response, through DNA-binding dependent and independent mechanisms. The DNA-binding dependent mechanism occurs by direct binding of GR to glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) at regulatory regions of target genes. The DNA-binding independent mechanism involves binding of GR to transcription factors and coactivators that, in turn, contact DNA. A small molecule that competes with GR for binding to GREs could be expected to affect the DNA-dependent pathway selectively by interfering with the protein-DNA interface. We show that a DNA-binding polyamide that targets the consensus GRE sequence binds the glucocorticoid-induced zipper (GILZ) GRE, inhibits expression of GILZ and several other known GR target genes, and reduces GR occupancy at the GILZ promoter. Genome-wide expression analysis of the effects of this polyamide on a set of glucocorticoid-induced and -repressed genes could help to elucidate the mechanism of GR regulation for these genes

    Modulation of NF-ÎşB-dependent gene transcription using programmable DNA minor groove binders

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    Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) is a transcription factor that regulates various aspects of immune response, cell death, and differentiation as well as cancer. In this study we introduce the Py-Im polyamide 1 that binds preferentially to the sequences 5′-WGGWWW-3′ and 5′GGGWWW-3′. The compound is capable of binding to κB sites and reducing the expression of various NF-κB–driven genes including IL6 and IL8 by qRT-PCR. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate a reduction of p65 occupancy within the proximal promoters of those genes. Genome-wide expression analysis by RNA-seq compares the DNA-binding polyamide with the well-characterized NF-κB inhibitor PS1145, identifies overlaps and differences in affected gene groups, and shows that both affect comparable numbers of TNF-α–inducible genes. Inhibition of NF-κB DNA binding via direct displacement of the transcription factor is a potential alternative to the existing antagonists

    BCL-6 and other genomic alterations in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).

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    This study reports on the frequency and disease association pattern of a number of gene rearrangements in a large panel of lymphoid tumours (n = 94). We detected the t(11;14) translocation, involving rearrangement of the BCL-1 locus, in 60% of mantle cell lymphomas. The BCL-2 gene, located at band 18q21, was rearranged in 42% of follicle centre lymphomas (FCL) and in 15% of diffuse large B-cell (DLBC) lymphomas. In this study, 80% of the c-MYC rearrangements were detected in aggressive diffuse lymphoma subsets but, interestingly, 9% of FCL showed involvement of t(8q24) translocation. In our study, rearrangements of the BCL-6 gene at band 3q27 were found in 31% of DLBC lymphomas. Interestingly, 50% of the BCL-6 rearrangement positive lymphoma cases had coexisting gene rearrangements involving all of the aforementioned gene loci. The molecular dissection of these genes will improve our understanding of the genesis of the diverse clinicopathological subtypes

    Expanding the Repertoire of Natural Product-Inspired Ring Pairs for Molecular Recognition of DNA

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    A furan amino acid, inspired by the recently discovered proximicin natural products, was incorporated into the scaffold of a DNA-binding hairpin polyamide. While unpaired oligomers of 2,4-disubstituted furan amino acids show poor DNA-binding activity, furan (Fn) carboxamides paired with N-methylpyrrole (Py) and N-methylimidazole (Im) rings demonstrate excellent stabilization of duplex DNA as well as discrimination of noncognate sequences, consistent with function as a Py mimic according to the Py/Im polyamide pairing rules

    Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Py-Im Polyamides

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    Microwave synthesis was utilized to rapidly build Py-Im polyamides in high yields and purity using Boc-protection chemistry on Kaiser oxime resin. A representative polyamide targeting the 5′-WGWWCW-3′ (W = A or T) subset of the consensus Androgen and Glucocorticoid Response Elements was synthesized in 56% yield after 20 linear steps and HPLC purification. It was confirmed by Mosher amide derivatization of the polyamide that a chiral α-amino acid does not racemize after several additional coupling steps

    Development of planar pixel modules for the ATLAS high luminosity LHC tracker upgrade

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    The high-luminosity LHC will present significant challenges for tracking systems. ATLAS is preparing to upgrade the entire tracking system, which will include a significantly larger pixel detector. This paper reports on the development of large area planar detectors for the outer pixel layers and the pixel endcaps. Large area sensors have been fabricated and mounted onto 4 FE-I4 readout ASICs, the so-called quad-modules, and their performance evaluated in the laboratory and testbeam. Results from characterisation of sensors prior to assembly, experience with module assembly, including bump-bonding and results from laboratory and testbeam studies are presented

    Bosonic Quartic Couplings at LHC

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    We analyze the potential of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions Z Z gamma gamma, Z Z Z gamma, W+ W- gamma gamma, and W+ W- Z gamma through the weak boson fusion processes q q -> q q gamma gamma and q q -> q q gamma Z(-> l+ l-) with l = electron or muon. After a careful study of the backgrounds and how to extract them from the data, we show that the process p p -> j j gamma l+ l- is potentially the most sensitive to deviations from the Standard Model, improving the sensitivity to anomalous couplings by up to a factor 10^4 (10^2) with respect to the present direct (indirect) limits.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, revised versio
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