1,369 research outputs found

    Statistical evolution of isotope composition of nuclear fragments

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    Calculations within the statistical multifragmentation model show that the neutron content of intermediate mass fragments can increase in the region of liquid-gas phase transition in finite nuclei. The model predicts also inhomogeneous distributions of fragments and their isospin in the freeze-out volume caused by an angular momentum and external long-range Coulomb field. These effects can take place in peripheral nucleus-nucleus collisions at intermediate energies and lead to neutron-rich isotopes produced in the midrapidity kinematic region.Comment: 14 pages with 4 figures. GSI preprint, Darmstadt, 200

    Isotopic composition of fragments in multifragmentation of very large nuclear systems: effects of the chemical equilibrium

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    Studies on the isospin of fragments resulting from the disassembly of highly excited large thermal-like nuclear emitting sources, formed in the ^{197}Au + ^{197}Au reaction at 35 MeV/nucleon beam energy, are presented. Two different decay systems (the quasiprojectile formed in midperipheral reactions and the unique source coming from the incomplete fusion of projectile and target in the most central collisions) were considered; these emitting sources have the same initial N/Z ratio and excitation energy (E^* ~= 5--6 MeV/nucleon), but different size. Their charge yields and isotopic content of the fragments show different distributions. It is observed that the neutron content of intermediate mass fragments increases with the size of the source. These evidences are consistent with chemical equilibrium reached in the systems. This fact is confirmed by the analysis with the statistical multifragmentation model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 ps figure

    Fixed-point elimination in the intuitionistic propositional calculus

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    It is a consequence of existing literature that least and greatest fixed-points of monotone polynomials on Heyting algebras-that is, the algebraic models of the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus-always exist, even when these algebras are not complete as lattices. The reason is that these extremal fixed-points are definable by formulas of the IPC. Consequently, the Ό\mu-calculus based on intuitionistic logic is trivial, every Ό\mu-formula being equivalent to a fixed-point free formula. We give in this paper an axiomatization of least and greatest fixed-points of formulas, and an algorithm to compute a fixed-point free formula equivalent to a given Ό\mu-formula. The axiomatization of the greatest fixed-point is simple. The axiomatization of the least fixed-point is more complex, in particular every monotone formula converges to its least fixed-point by Kleene's iteration in a finite number of steps, but there is no uniform upper bound on the number of iterations. We extract, out of the algorithm, upper bounds for such n, depending on the size of the formula. For some formulas, we show that these upper bounds are polynomial and optimal

    WS-PGRADE/gUSE in European Projects

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    Besides core project partners, the SCI-BUS project also supported several external user communities in developing and setting up customized science gateways. The focus was on large communities typically represented by other European research projects. However, smaller local efforts with the potential of generalizing the solution to wider communities were also supported. This chapter gives an overview of support activities related to user communities external to the SCI-BUS project. A generic overview of such activities is provided followed by the detailed description of three gateways developed in collaboration with European projects: the agINFRA Science Gateway for Workflows for agricultural research, the VERCE Science Gateway for seismology, and the DRIHM Science Gateway for weather research and forecasting

    Critical Temperature for the Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition

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    The charge distribution of the intermediate mass fragments produced in p (8.1 GeV) + Au collisions is analyzed in the framework of the statistical multifragmentation model with the critical temperature for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition TcT_c as a free parameter. It is found that Tc=20±3T_c=20\pm3 MeV (90% CL).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Negative specific heat in a thermodynamic model of multifragmentation

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    We consider a soluble model of multifragmentation which is similar in spirit to many models which have been used to fit intermediate energy heavy ion collision data. In this model cvc_v is always positive but for finite nuclei cpc_p can be negative for some temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, negative values of cpc_p can be obtained in canonical treatment. One does not need to use the microcanonical ensemble. Negative values for cpc_p can persist for systems as large as 200 paticles but this depends upon parameters used in the model calculation. As expected, negative specific heats are absent in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: Revtex, 13 pages including 6 figure

    Assortativity Decreases the Robustness of Interdependent Networks

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    It was recently recognized that interdependencies among different networks can play a crucial role in triggering cascading failures and hence system-wide disasters. A recent model shows how pairs of interdependent networks can exhibit an abrupt percolation transition as failures accumulate. We report on the effects of topology on failure propagation for a model system consisting of two interdependent networks. We find that the internal node correlations in each of the two interdependent networks significantly changes the critical density of failures that triggers the total disruption of the two-network system. Specifically, we find that the assortativity (i.e. the likelihood of nodes with similar degree to be connected) within a single network decreases the robustness of the entire system. The results of this study on the influence of assortativity may provide insights into ways of improving the robustness of network architecture, and thus enhances the level of protection of critical infrastructures

    First and second order clustering transitions for a system with infinite-range attractive interaction

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    We consider a Hamiltonian system made of NN classical particles moving in two dimensions, coupled via an {\it infinite-range interaction} gauged by a parameter AA. This system shows a low energy phase with most of the particles trapped in a unique cluster. At higher energy it exhibits a transition towards a homogenous phase. For sufficiently strong coupling AA an intermediate phase characterized by two clusters appears. Depending on the value of AA the observed transitions can be either second or first order in the canonical ensemble. In the latter case microcanonical results differ dramatically from canonical ones. However, a canonical analysis, extended to metastable and unstable states, is able to describe the microcanonical equilibrium phase. In particular, a microcanonical negative specific heat regime is observed in the proximity of the transition whenever it is canonically discontinuous. In this regime, {\it microcanonically stable} states are shown to correspond to {\it saddles} of the Helmholtz free energy, located inside the spinodal region.Comment: 4 pages, Latex - 3 EPS Figs - Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Non equilibrium effects in fragmentation

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    We study, using molecular dynamics techniques, how boundary conditions affect the process of fragmentation of finite, highly excited, Lennard-Jones systems. We analyze the behavior of the caloric curves (CC), the associated thermal response functions (TRF) and cluster mass distributions for constrained and unconstrained hot drops. It is shown that the resulting CC's for the constrained case differ from the one in the unconstrained case, mainly in the presence of a ``vapor branch''. This branch is absent in the free expanding case even at high energies . This effect is traced to the role played by the collective expansion motion. On the other hand, we found that the recently proposed characteristic features of a first order phase transition taking place in a finite isolated system, i.e. abnormally large kinetic energy fluctuations and a negative branch in the TRF, are present for the constrained (dilute) as well the unconstrained case. The microscopic origin of this behavior is also analyzed.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure
