46,977 research outputs found

    Esoteric City: Theological Hermeneutics in Plato's Republic

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    Polytheism and the Euthyphro

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    In this reading of the Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro are seen less in a primordial conflict between reason and devotion, than as sincere Hellenic polytheists engaged in an inquiry based upon a common intuition that, in addition to the irreducible agency of the Gods, there is also some irreducible intelligible content to holiness. This reading is supported by the fact that Euthyphro does not claim the authority of revelation for his decision to prosecute his father, but rather submits it to elenchus, and that Euthyphro does not embrace the ā€˜solutionā€™ of theological voluntarism when Socrates explicitly offers it. Since the goal of this inquiry is neither to eliminate the noetic content of the holy, nor to eliminate the Godsā€™ agency, the purpose of the elenchus becomes the effort to articulate the results of this productive tension between the Gods and the intelligible on the several planes of Being implied by each conception of the holy which is successively taken up and dialectically overturned to yield the conception appropriate to the next higher plane, a style of interpretation characteristic of the ancient Neoplatonists

    Activities of Agents Under the McCarran Act

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    Transformation and Individuation in Giordano Bruno's Monadology

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    The essay explores the systematic relationship in the work of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) between his monadology, his metaphysics as presented in works such as De la causa, principio et uno, the mythopoeic cosmology of Lo spaccio de la bestia trionfante, and practical works like De vinculis in genere. Bruno subverts the conceptual regime of the Aristotelian substantial forms and its accompanying cosmology with a metaphysics of individuality that privileges individual unity (singularity) over formal unity and particulars over substantial forms without sacrificing a metaphysical perspective on the cosmos. The particular is individuated as a unique site of desire, continually transforming but able to entrain itself and others through phantasmatic ā€˜bondingā€™, the new source of regularity in Brunoā€™s polycentric universe. Bruno thus tries to do justice to the demands of intelligibility as well as transformative eros. The essay concludes with a note on Brunoā€™s geometry as it relates to his general conception of form

    Plotinian Henadology

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    Plotinusā€™ famous treatise against the Gnostics (33), together with contemporary and thematically related treatises on Intelligible Beauty (31), on Number (34), and on Free Will and the Will of the One (39), can be seen as providing the essential components of a Plotinian defense of polytheism against conceptual moves that, while associated for him primarily with Gnostic sectarians overlapping with Platonic philosophical circles, will become typical of monotheism in its era of hegemony. When Plotinusā€™ Gnostics ā€˜contractā€™ divinity into a single God, they not only devalue the cosmos for its multiplicity and diversity, but also multiply intelligible principles unreasonably. This is because they have foreclosed the distinction, which is to become increasingly explicit in the later antique Platonists, between the intelligible and that which is given existentially, the domain belonging to Plotinusā€™ indeterminate multiplicity of ā€˜intelligible Godsā€™, as opposed to the dialectically determinate number of intelligible principles. Plotinus is prescient in recognizing that incipient monotheism threatens to erase the distinction between philosophy and theology, and between both of these and psychology, the final outcome of which can only be solipsism or nihilism. The defense of polytheism is seen in this fashion to be essential to the preservation of the space for philosophical discourse

    The Henadic Origin of Procession in Damascius

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    Activities of Agents Under the McCarran Act

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    This paper will deal with un timed deterministic or nondeterministic models and they will all be modeled as polynomial difference equations

    Probing Hadronic Structure with The Decay Ī”ā†’Nl+lāˆ’\Delta\rightarrow Nl^+l^-

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    We compute the branching ratio for Ī”ā†’Ne+eāˆ’\Delta\rightarrow Ne^+e^- and Ī”ā†’NĪ¼+Ī¼āˆ’\Delta\rightarrow N\mu^+\mu^- in chiral perturbation theory and find that both decays should be observable at CEBAF. With sufficiently low thresholds on the e+eāˆ’e^+e^- invariant mass a branching ratio of āˆ¼10āˆ’5\sim 10^{-5} may be observed for Ī”ā†’Ne+eāˆ’\Delta\rightarrow Ne^+e^-. For the Ī”ā†’NĪ¼+Ī¼āˆ’\Delta\rightarrow N\mu^+\mu^- decay mode we predict a branching ratio of 3Ɨ10āˆ’73\times 10^{-7}. The dependence of the M1 and E2 amplitudes on the momentum transfer will provide a useful test of chiral perturbation theory which predicts āˆ¼20%\sim 20\% variation over the allowed kinematic range.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, UCSD/PTH 93-06, QUSTH-93-02, Duke-TH-93-4

    Resonator-induced dissipation of transverse nuclear-spin signals in cold nanoscale samples

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    The back action of typical macroscopic resonators used for detecting nuclear magnetic resonance can cause a reversible decay of the signal, known as radiation damping. A mechanical resonator that is strongly coupled to a microscopic sample can in addition induce an irreversible dissipation of the nuclear-spin signal, distinct from radiation damping. We provide a theoretical description of resonator-induced transverse relaxation that is valid for samples of a few nuclear spins in the low-temperature regime, where quantum fluctuations play a significant role in the relaxation process, as well as for larger samples and at higher temperatures. Transverse relaxation during free evolution and during spin locking are analyzed, and simulations of relaxation in example systems are presented. In the case where an isolated spin 1/2 interacts with the resonator, transverse relaxation is exponential during free evolution, and the time constant for the relaxation is T_2=2/R_h, where R_h is the rate constant governing the exchange of quanta between the resonator and the spin. For a system of multiple spins, the time scale of transverse relaxation during free evolution depends on the spin Hamiltonian, which can modify the relaxation process through the following effects: (1) changes in the structure of the spin-spin correlations present in the energy eigenstates, which affect the rates at which these states emit and absorb energy, (2) frequency shifts that modify emission and absorption rates within a degenerate manifold by splitting the energy degeneracy and thus suppressing the development of resonator-induced correlations within the manifold, and (3) frequency shifts that introduce a difference between the oscillation frequencies of single-quantum coherences Ļ_(ab) and Ļ_(cd) and average to zero the transfers between them. This averaging guarantees that the spin transitions responsible for the coupling between Ļ_(ab) and Ļ_(cd) cause irreversible loss of order rather than a reversible interconversion of the coherences. In systems of a few spins, transverse relaxation is accelerated by a dipolar Hamiltonian that is either the dominant term in the internal spin Hamiltonian or a weak perturbation to the chemical-shift Hamiltonian. A pure chemical-shift Hamiltonian yields exponential relaxation with T_2=2/R_h in the case where the Larmor frequencies of the spins are distinct and sufficiently widely spaced. During spin locking with a nutation frequency fast enough to average the evolution under the internal spin Hamiltonian but not the interactions occurring during the correlation time of the resonator, relaxation of the spin-locked component is exponential with time constant T_(1Ļ)=2/R_h

    A note on log-convexity of q-Catalan numbers

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    The q-Catalan numbers studied by Carlitz and Riordan are polynomials in q with nonnegative coefficients. They evaluate, at q=1, to the Catalan numbers: 1, 1, 2, 5, 14,..., a log-convex sequence. We use a combinatorial interpretation of these polynomials to prove a q-log-convexity result. The sequence of q-Catalan numbers is not q-log-convex in the narrow sense used by other authors, so our work suggests a more flexible definition of q-log convex be adopted
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