3,606 research outputs found

    Breaking of the overall permutation symmetry in nonlinear optical susceptibilities of one-dimensional periodic dimerized Huckel model

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    Based on infinite one-dimensional single-electron periodic models of trans-polyacetylene, we show analytically that the overall permutation symmetry of nonlinear optical susceptibilities is, albeit preserved in the molecular systems with only bound states, no longer generally held for the periodic systems. The overall permutation symmetry breakdown provides a fairly natural explanation to the widely observed large deviations of Kleinman symmetry for periodic systems in off-resonant regions. Physical conditions to experimentally test the overall permutation symmetry break are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Nonequilibrium Steady State of Photoexcited Correlated Electrons in the Presence of Dissipation

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    We present a framework to determine nonequilibrium steady states in strongly correlated electron systems in the presence of dissipation. This is demonstrated for a correlated electron (Falicov-Kimball) model attached to a heat bath and irradiated by an intense pump light, for which an exact solution is obtained with the Floquet method combined with the nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory. On top of a Drude-like peak indicative of photometallization as observed in recent pump-probe experiments, new nonequilibrium phenomena are predicted to emerge, where the optical conductivity exhibits dip and kink structures around the frequency of the pump light, a midgap absorption arising from photoinduced Floquet subbands, and a negative attenuation (gain) due to a population inversion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Using Wave-Packet Interferometry to Monitor the External Vibrational Control of Electronic Excitation Transfer

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    We investigate the control of electronic energy transfer in molecular dimers through the preparation of specific vibrational coherences prior to electronic excitation, and its observation by nonlinear wave-packet interferometry. Laser-driven coherent nuclear motion can affect the instantaneous resonance between site-excited electronic states and thereby influence short-time electronic excitation transfer (EET). We first illustrate this control mechanism with calculations on a dimer whose constituent monomers undergo harmonic vibrations. We then consider the use of nonlinear wave-packet interferometry (nl-WPI) experiments to monitor the nuclear dynamics accompanying EET in general dimer complexes following impulsive vibrational excitation by a sub-resonant control pulse (or control pulse sequence). In measurements of this kind, two pairs of polarized phase-related femtosecond pulses following the control pulse generate superpositions of coherent nuclear wave packets in optically accessible electronic states. Interference contributions to the time- and frequency-integrated fluorescence signal due to overlaps among the superposed wave packets provide amplitude-level information on the nuclear and electronic dynamics. We derive the basic expression for a control-pulse-dependent nl-WPI signal. The electronic transition moments of the constituent monomers are assumed to have a fixed relative orientation, while the overall orientation of the complex is distributed isotropically. We include the limiting case of coincident arrival by pulses within each phase-related pair in which control-influenced nl-WPI reduces to a fluorescence-detected pump-probe difference experiment. Numerical calculations of pump-probe signals based on these theoretical expressions are presented in the following paper

    Hawking radiation from "phase horizons" in laser filaments?

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    Belgiorno et al have reported on experiments aiming at the detection of (the analogue of) Hawking radiation using laser filaments [F. Belgiorno et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 203901 (2010)]. They sent intense focused Bessel pulses into a non-linear dielectric medium in order to change its refractive index via the Kerr effect and saw creation of photons orthogonal to the direction of travel of the pluses. Since the refractive index change in the pulse generated a "phase horizon" (where the phase velocity of these photons equals the pulse speed), they concluded that they observed the analogue of Hawking radiation. We study this scenario in a model with a phase horizon and a phase velocity very similar to that of their experiment and find that the effective metric does not quite correspond to a black hole. The photons created in this model are not due to the analogue of black hole evaporation but have more similarities to cosmological particle creation. Nevertheless, even this effect cannot explain the observations -- unless the pulse has significant small scale structure in both the longitudinal and transverse dimensions.Comment: 13 pages RevTeX, 2 figure

    Hierarchy of integrable Hamiltonians describing of nonlinear n-wave interaction

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    In the paper we construct an hierarchy of integrable Hamiltonian systems which describe the variation of n-wave envelopes in nonlinear dielectric medium. The exact solutions for some special Hamiltonians are given in terms of elliptic functions of the first kind.Comment: 17 page

    Piracy in a Contested Periphery: Incorporation and the Emergence of the Modern World-System in the Colonial Atlantic Frontier

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    This article uses world-systems analysis to examine the role that pirates and privateers played in the competition between European core states in the Atlantic and Caribbean frontier during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Piracy was an integral part of core-periphery interaction, as a force that nations could use against one another in the form of privateers, and as a reaction against increasing constraints on freedom of action by those same states, thus forming a semiperiphery. Although modern portrayals of pirates and privateers paint a distinct line between the two groups, historical records indicate that their actual status was rather fluid, with particular people moving back and forth between the two. As a result, the individuals were on a margin between legality and treason, often crossing from one to the other. In this study we discuss how pirates and privateers fit into the margins of society in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, also known as the Golden Age of Piracy, specifically using the example of Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard. The present analysis can contribute to our understanding not only of piracy, but also of the structure of peripheries and semiperipheries that in some ways reflect resistance to incorporation

    Confined magnetic guiding orbit states

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    We show how snake-orbit states which run along a magnetic edge can be confined electrically. We consider a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined into a quantum wire, subjected to a strong perpendicular and steplike magnetic field B/−BB/-B. Close to this magnetic step new, spatially confined bound states arise as a result of the lateral confinement and the magnetic field step. The number of states, with energy below the first Landau level, increases as BB becomes stronger or as the wire width becomes larger. These bound states can be understood as an interference between two counter-propagating one-dimensional snake-orbit states.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Linear response functions for a vibrational configuration interaction state

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    Linear response functions are implemented for a vibrational configuration interaction state allowing accurate analytical calculations of pure vibrational contributions to dynamical polarizabilities. Sample calculations are presented for the pure vibrational contributions to the polarizabilities of water and formaldehyde. We discuss the convergence of the results with respect to various details of the vibrational wave function description as well as the potential and property surfaces. We also analyze the frequency dependence of the linear response function and the effect of accounting phenomenologically for the finite lifetime of the excited vibrational states. Finally, we compare the analytical response approach to a sum-over-states approac

    Structure of multiphoton quantum optics. II. Bipartite systems, physical processes, and heterodyne squeezed states

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    Extending the scheme developed for a single mode of the electromagnetic field in the preceding paper ``Structure of multiphoton quantum optics. I. Canonical formalism and homodyne squeezed states'', we introduce two-mode nonlinear canonical transformations depending on two heterodyne mixing angles. They are defined in terms of hermitian nonlinear functions that realize heterodyne superpositions of conjugate quadratures of bipartite systems. The canonical transformations diagonalize a class of Hamiltonians describing non degenerate and degenerate multiphoton processes. We determine the coherent states associated to the canonical transformations, which generalize the non degenerate two--photon squeezed states. Such heterodyne multiphoton squeezed are defined as the simultaneous eigenstates of the transformed, coupled annihilation operators. They are generated by nonlinear unitary evolutions acting on two-mode squeezed states. They are non Gaussian, highly non classical, entangled states. For a quadratic nonlinearity the heterodyne multiphoton squeezed states define two--mode cubic phase states. The statistical properties of these states can be widely adjusted by tuning the heterodyne mixing angles, the phases of the nonlinear couplings, as well as the strength of the nonlinearity. For quadratic nonlinearity, we study the higher-order contributions to the susceptibility in nonlinear media and we suggest possible experimental realizations of multiphoton conversion processes generating the cubic-phase heterodyne squeezed states.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure
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