897 research outputs found

    A Minimal Model for Vorticity and Gradient Banding in Complex Fluids

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    A general phenomenological reaction-diffusion model for flow-induced phase transitions in complex fluids is presented. The model consists of an equation of motion for a nonconserved composition variable, coupled to a Newtonian stress relations for the reactant and product species. Multivalued reaction terms allow for different homogeneous phases to coexist with each other, resulting in banded composition and shear rate profiles. The one-dimensional equation of motion is evolved from a random initial state to its final steady-state. We find that the system chooses banded states over homogeneous states, depending on the shape of the stress constitutive curve and the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient. Banding in the flow gradient direction under shear rate control is observed for shear-thinning transitions, while banding in the vorticity direction under stress control is observed for shear-thickening transitions.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Eur Phys J

    Two-dimensional perturbations in a scalar model for shear banding

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    We present an analytical study of a toy model for shear banding, without normal stresses, which uses a piecewise linear approximation to the flow curve (shear stress as a function of shear rate). This model exhibits multiple stationary states, one of which is linearly stable against general two-dimensional perturbations. This is in contrast to analogous results for the Johnson-Segalman model, which includes normal stresses, and which has been reported to be linearly unstable for general two-dimensional perturbations. This strongly suggests that the linear instabilities found in the Johnson-Segalman can be attributed to normal stress effects.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, to appear in EPJE, available online first, click DOI or http://www.springerlink.com/content/q1q0187385017628

    Perspectives on the viscoelasticity and flow behavior of entangled linear and branched polymers

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    We briefly review the recent advances in the rheology of entangled polymers and identify emerging research trends and outstanding challenges, especially with respect to branched polymers. Emphasis is placed on the role of well-characterized model systems, as well as the synergy of synthesis-characterization, rheometry and modeling/simulations. The theoretical framework for understanding the observed linear and nonlinear rheological phenomena is the tube model which is critically assessed in view of its successes and shortcomings, whereas alternative approaches are briefly discussed. Finally, intriguing experimental findings and controversial issues that merit consistent explanation, such as shear banding instabilities, multiple stress overshoots in transient simple shear and enhanced steady-state elongational viscosity in polymer solutions, are discussed, whereas future directions such as branch point dynamics and anisotropic monomeric friction are outlined.Comment: 25 pages, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (August 2015

    A non-monotonic constitutive model is not necessary to obtain shear banding phenomena in entangled polymer solutions

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    In 1975 Doi and Edwards predicted that entangled polymer melts and solutions can have a constitutive instability, signified by a decreasing stress for shear rates greater than the inverse of the reptation time. Experiments did not support this, and more sophisticated theories incorporated Marrucci's idea (1996) of removing constraints by advection; this produced a monotonically increasing stress and thus stable constitutive behavior. Recent experiments have suggested that entangled polymer solutions may possess a constitutive instability after all, and have led some workers to question the validity of existing constitutive models. In this Letter we use a simple modern constitutive model for entangled polymers, the non-stretching Rolie-Poly model with an added solvent viscosity, and show that (1) instability and shear banding is captured within this simple class of models; (2) shear banding phenomena is observable for weakly stable fluids in flow geometries that impose a sufficiently inhomogeneous total shear stress; (3) transient phenomena can possess inhomogeneities that resemble shear banding, even for weakly stable fluids. Many of these results are model-independent.Comment: 5 figure

    Micro- vs. macro-phase separation in binary blends of poly(styrene)-poly(isoprene) and poly(isoprene)-poly(ethylene oxide) diblock copolymers

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    In this paper we present an experimentally determined phase diagram of binary blends of the diblock copolymers poly(styrene)-poly(isoprene) and poly(isoprene)-poly(ethylene oxide). At high temperatures, the blends form an isotropic mixture. Upon lowering the temperature, the blend macro-phase separates before micro-phase separation occurs. The observed phase diagram is compared to theoretical predictions based on experimental parameters. In the low-temperature phase the crystallisation of the poly(ethylene oxide) block influences the spacing of the ordered phase

    The Johnson-Segalman model with a diffusion term in Couette flow

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    We study the Johnson-Segalman (JS) model as a paradigm for some complex fluids which are observed to phase separate, or ``shear-band'' in flow. We analyze the behavior of this model in cylindrical Couette flow and demonstrate the history dependence inherent in the local JS model. We add a simple gradient term to the stress dynamics and demonstrate how this term breaks the degeneracy of the local model and prescribes a much smaller (discrete, rather than continuous) set of banded steady state solutions. We investigate some of the effects of the curvature of Couette flow on the observable steady state behavior and kinetics, and discuss some of the implications for metastability.Comment: 14 pp, to be published in Journal of Rheolog

    Undulation instability in a bilayer lipid membrane due to electric field interaction with lipid dipoles

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    Bilayer lipid membranes [BLMs] are an essential component of all biological systems, forming a functional barrier for cells and organelles from the surrounding environment. The lipid molecules that form membranes contain both permanent and induced dipoles, and an electric field can induce the formation of pores when the transverse field is sufficiently strong (electroporation). Here, a phenomenological free energy is constructed to model the response of a BLM to a transverse static electric field. The model contains a continuum description of the membrane dipoles and a coupling between the headgroup dipoles and the membrane tilt. The membrane is found to become unstable through buckling modes, which are weakly coupled to thickness fluctuations in the membrane. The thickness fluctuations, along with the increase in interfacial area produced by membrane buckling, increase the probability of localized membrane breakdown, which may lead to pore formation. The instability is found to depend strongly on the strength of the coupling between the dipolar headgroups and the membrane tilt as well as the degree of dipolar ordering in the membrane.Comment: 29 pages 8 fig

    Unfolding dynamics of proteins under applied force

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    Understanding the mechanisms of protein folding is a major challenge that is being addressed effectively by collaboration between researchers in the physical and life sciences. Recently, it has become possible to mechanically unfold proteins by pulling on their two termini using local force probes such as the atomic force microscope. Here, we present data from experiments in which synthetic protein polymers designed to mimic naturally occurring polyproteins have been mechanically unfolded. For many years protein folding dynamics have been studied using chemical denaturation, and we therefore firstly discuss our mechanical unfolding data in the context of such experiments and show that the two unfolding mechanisms are not the same, at least for the proteins studied here. We also report unexpected observations that indicate a history effect in the observed unfolding forces of polymeric proteins and explain this in terms of the changing number of domains remaining to unfold and the increasing compliance of the lengthening unstructured polypeptide chain produced each time a domain unfolds

    Statistical mechanics far from equilibrium: prediction and test for a sheared system

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    We report the complete statistical treatment of a system of particles interacting via Newtonian forces in continuous boundary-driven flow, far from equilibrium. By numerically time-stepping the force-balance equations of a model fluid we measure occupancies and transition rates in simulation. The high-shear-rate simulation data verify the invariant quantities predicted by our statistical theory, thus demonstrating that a class of non-equilibrium steady states of matter, namely sheared complex fluids, is amenable to statistical treatment from first principles.Comment: 4 pages plus a 3-page pdf supplemen

    Validation of the Jarzynski relation for a system with strong thermal coupling: an isothermal ideal gas model

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    We revisit the paradigm of an ideal gas under isothermal conditions. A moving piston performs work on an ideal gas in a container that is strongly coupled to a heat reservoir. The thermal coupling is modeled by stochastic scattering at the boundaries. In contrast to recent studies of an adiabatic ideal gas with a piston [R.C. Lua and A.Y. Grosberg, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 6805 (2005); I. Bena et al., Europhys. Lett. 71, 879 (2005)], the container and piston stay in contact with the heat bath during the work process. Under this condition the heat reservoir as well as the system depend on the work parameter lambda and microscopic reversibility is broken for a moving piston. Our model is thus not included in the class of systems for which the nonequilibrium work theorem has been derived rigorously either by Hamiltonian [C. Jarzynski, J. Stat. Mech. (2004) P09005] or stochastic methods [G.E. Crooks, J. Stat. Phys. 90, 1481 (1998)]. Nevertheless the validity of the nonequilibrium work theorem is confirmed both numerically for a wide range of parameter values and analytically in the limit of a very fast moving piston, i.e., in the far nonequilibrium regime
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