186 research outputs found

    Self assembled nanocages from DNA-protoporphyrin hybrid molecules

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    DNA-organic hybrid molecular building blocks are generated by covalent conjugation of the carboxyl groups of protoporphyrin IX with the amine functional groups of modified DNA oligomers. The hybrids are used to engineer DNA nanocages by self-assembly of the complementary DNA-organic molecule conjugates. The nanocages were found to be lined up in head to tail fashion under the selective ionic strength of the solution. Computational approach revealed the area and volume acquired by each DNA-organic hybrid nanocages


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    ABSTRACTCellular carriers possess great potential and merits in various modules of drug delivery. Among such cellular carriers, erythrocytes have been foundto possess huge merits for the targeted and controlled drug delivery since they are non-immunogenic, non-toxic and their circulation can be readilycontrolled and could be manipulated with reference to time. Erythrocytes mediated drug delivery has been reported with therapeutic enzymesand antiviral agents to maximize therapeutic performance, reduce the side effects, as circulating depots for controlled drug release, drug targeting,treatment of parasitic diseases, hepatic tumors, removal of toxic agents etc. In this review, isolation of carrier erythrocytes, methods of drug loading,characterization parameters methods and clinical applications of resealed erythrocytes were presented.Keywords: Resealed erythrocyte, Drug targeting, Controlled release, Carrier mediated drug delivery system

    A Study on Etiology, Management of Ptosis in Middle Age Population and its Surgical Outcome

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    BACKGROUND: Blepharoptosis indicates drooping of upper lid. The causes can be either congenital or acquired. Acquired ptosis can be neurogenic, myogenic, traumatic, senile or mechanical. Management of ptosis depends upon the cause. Treatment of ptosis depends upon age, etiology, severity of ptosis and the levator function. Ptosis surgery restores functional stability to the eyelid. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1.To study the etiology of ptosis between 20 – 50 years of age. 2.Management of various types of ptosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Evaluation done with good history taking, and complete general examination and ocular examination. Ocular examination includes visual acuity testing, anterior segment evaluation, ptosis evaluation and posterior segment evaluation. Ptosis evaluation includes examination of Head Posture, Vertical Palpebral Height, Margin Reflex Distance, Lid Crease Level, Levator Palpebrae Superioris Action, Bell’s Phenomenon, Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Phenomenon, Ice Pack Test, Fatiguability Test, Strabismus Evaluation and Extra Ocular Muscles Motility. Based on clinical examination a clinical diagnosis is arrived and further investigations are done to aid in etiological diagnosis. Patients will also be referred to other departments like neurology department whenever indicated. Patients will be treated accordingly and if managed surgically then the outcome of the surgery is also assessed. RESULTS: Out of 30 cases, the most common ptosis was congenital ptosis (37%) followed by aponeurotic ptosis (26%). The most common acquired ptosis was aponeurotic followed by myogenic (13%), neurogenic (10%), traumatic (7%) and mechanical(7%) ptosis. The most common surgery for congenital ptosis was frontalis sling surgery and for aponeurotic ptosis was levator advancement surgery. All surgeries had good functional outcome. Undercorrection was the most common complication. CONCLUSION: The congenital ptosis incidence was more in 20s while aponeurotic was above 35 years of age indicating etiopathological significance. Surgery forms the main treatment of choice for management of ptosis


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    Objective: To assess the rationale use of benzodiazepines among various departments in a multi-speciality hospital. Methods: A prospective study was conducted with a sample size of 200 for a period of six months. Data was collected from patients based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Naranjo Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale and Drug Interaction Probability Scale (DIPS) were used as a study tool to measure the causality of adverse drug reactions and drug interactions. Based on the dosage of various benzodiazepines DDD was calculated and compared with WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification Defined Daily Dose (DDD). Results: BZD’s were mostly prescribed in males (74.5%) and married patients (86.5%) were more exposed to benzodiazepines compared to others. Lorazepam (70.1%) was found to be the most commonly used drug, mainly prescribed for sedation, followed by anxiety. DDD was calculated and majority of patients had DDD in accordance with WHO standard. Based on cost analysis, Clobazam was found to be the high cost and Lorazepam being the low-cost drug. The results of drug utilization evaluation of benzodiazepines study were compiled and reported to the respected department physician and their feedback was collected. Conclusion: The study showed a rational utilization of benzodiazepines and the negative outcomes of BZDs can be reduced by providing drug-related information to the prescribers and consumers

    Outpatient prescription audit in a tertiary care hospital at Puducherry

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    Background: Rational use of medicines promotes good health practices and prevents inappropriate use of medicines, polypharmacy, unnecessary use of antimicrobials, injections, and also encourages use of medicines from essential medicine list and dispensing by generic names. The aim of the study was to analyze the outpatient prescriptions of a tertiary care centre by utilizing World Health Organization (WHO) core drug use prescribing indicators.Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care health setup at Puducherry, South India. Outpatient prescriptions from all the major clinical departments were analyzed using WHO prescribing indicators and they were compared with some similar studies.Results: The average number of drugs per prescription was 2.74. The percentage of prescriptions with antibiotics was 20.33% and the percentage of prescriptions with injections was 0.16%. The percentage of drugs prescribed by generic names and from essential medicine list was 83.13% and 87.9 respectively. Further antibiotic utilization was found to be higher in the department of ENT (56.67%), respiratory medicine (45%) and surgery (40%). Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic names in pediatrics and respiratory medicine were found to be 67.88% and 65.27% and percentage of drugs prescribed from essential medicine list in dermatology was 69.62%.Conclusions: Prescription pattern followed in our Institute almost adheres to the guidelines laid down by the WHO. Moreover, it is also implied that a routine audit of this type should be done in health care setups to ensure that they adhere to the WHO guidelines for better health care

    Foraging Signals Promote Swarming in Starving <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known for exhibiting diverse forms of collective behaviors, like swarming motility and bio-film formation. Swarming in P. aeruginosa is a collective movement of the bacterial population over a semisolid surface, but specific swarming signals are not clear. We hypothesize that specific environmental signals induce swarming in P. aeruginosa. We show that under nutrient-limiting conditions, a low concentration of ethanol provides a strong ecological motivation for swarming in P. aeruginosa strain PA14. Ethanol serves as a signal and not a source of carbon under these conditions. Moreover, ethanol-driven swarming relies on the ability of the bacteria to metabolize ethanol to acetaldehyde using a periplasmic quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase, ExaA. We found that ErdR, an orphan response regulator linked to ethanol oxidation, is necessary for the transcriptional regulation of a cluster of 17 genes, including exaA, during swarm lag. Further, we show that P. aeruginosa displays characteristic foraging motility on a lawn of Cryptococcus neoformans, a yeast species, in a manner dependent on the ethanol dehydrogenase ErdR and on rhamnolipids. Finally, we show that ethanol, as a volatile, could induce swarming in P. aeruginosa at a distance, suggesting long-range spatial effects of ethanol as a signaling molecule.</p

    Cognitive function of older adults engaging in physical activity

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    Background: Physical activity can be classified as open-skilled or closed-skilled. Open-skilled physical activity, such as tennis, require participants to perform within a dynamic setting and respond to unpredictable and frequent environmental changes throughout the activity. Closed-skilled types of physical activity, such as swimming, are predictable and self-directed. However, the benefits of cognitive function in these two types of physical activities to older adults are unknown. This study examined the effects of participation in open- and closed-skilled physical activity on the cognitive function of older adults. Methods: The study recruited a total of 61 participants aged 65 years and over. Participant recruitment was achieved by distributing flyers asking for volunteers in various sports venues. Participants self-reported to be without medical conditions affecting their physical and cognitive function. All participants underwent a two-hour assessment session involving the completion of seven standardised cognitive function assessments, which were used to assess a range of cognitive function. Results: Overall mean scores across all of the assessments showed superior performance for the open- or closed-skilled participants when compared with the no-physical-activity group. The results of 61 adults who participated in this study showed that closed-skilled physical activity was associated with better selective attention and visuospatial function while open-skilled physical activity was associated with better inhibition and cognitive flexibility function. No significant difference in self-regulation ability was found between the open- or closed-skilled groups. Conclusions: Open-skilled physical activity was associated with better inhibition, visual tracking, and cognitive flexibility while closed-skilled physical activity was associated with better selective attention and visuospatial perception. The findings have important practical implications for the health and quality of life of ageing populations, knowing which particular types of physical activity might affect the cognitive function

    Aesthetic Smile Designing

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    ‘Smile is a universal language, shared by people all over the world’. It conveys a lot without saying anything at all. Our smile is of utmost importance and dental aesthetics play a vital role to create it. Smile designing (SD) consists of various components that aim to develop the overall personality of a patient. To create an aesthetic, smile is an organised and systematic approach that is required to evaluate, diagnose and resolve the problems associated with it. The ultimate goal of an aesthetic make-over is to ensure a stable masticatory system, where the oral hard and soft tissues remain in harmony. Hence this chapter aims to focus on various aspects of SD that includes its goals, components, procedure and future prospects