446 research outputs found

    Psychological Case History Record

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    A Case of Mania: The patient was found to be normal 2 ½ months back. He was working as a driver. He was indulged in election work. During that time, he return back to home at mid night and worked day and night for the election. He started complaining of body pain and abdominal pain. Following that he started developing sleep disturbances 2 ½ months back. Before the onset of this illness, he had the habit of going to the bed at about 10 P.M. and woke up at 6 A.M. He fell asleep immediately after going to the bed. There was no interruption during sleep. But for the past 2 ½ months he went to bed as usual but fell asleep only around 12.00 and got up at 1.30 A.M. and then would be sitting on the bed/rolling over the bed and looking at the roof. He disturbed others early in the morning and shouted at them. He is pacing up and down during day time and not sits in one place. He voluntarily calls the persons who crosses the street and started to talk excessively and boastfully. He talks in loud voice with new persons as if he knows them previously. He did not go for work and if somebody insisted that he become irritated and abusing them and some times assaulting them. He does not take care of his wife and children. He told that he was possessed by God Pandisamy and started giving blessings to people throughout the day. At times he was singing songs with dancing movements. He was hyper religious and applied kumkum and holyash on the forehead. He collected Lord Siva’s photographs and praying in his house. He used to visit temples twice a day. He used to take bath twice daily and frequently change his dresses about ten dresses per day. He avoids wearing old dresses and started using dresses in the trunk box. He spends more money for buying colourful dresses, chapels and watch. For that his wife fights with him. He expressed anger outbursts towards his family members and beaten them also. Due to worsening of symptoms, his wife brought him here. No history of head injury/ loss of consciousness. No history of Seizures. No history of suspiciousness/hearing voices. A Case of Depression: The patient apparently normal 1½ months back. She is staying with her husband and children. She did her household work regularly. She started developing sleep disturbances 1½ months back. Before the onset of this illness, she had the habit of going to the bed at about 10.30 P.M. and woke up at 6 A.M. There was no interruption during sleep. But for the past 1½ months she went to bed as usual but fell asleep only around 12.00 mid-night and got up at 4.30 A.M. and then would be sitting on the bed/rolling over the bed. She had difficulty in initiation and continuation of sleep. She does not feel fresh on getting up. She feels very low mood in the morning and she is not interested in preparing food. She felt somewhat better in the evening. She started to lamenting about her sleep disturbances and expressed loss of interest in her household works. Previously she used to watch T.V serials regularly and very much interested in hearing songs in radio. During the period of illness she is not interested in watching T.V and hearing songs in radio. She used to talk with her neighbours during free times. But during the period of illness she is not interested in talking with others. At times she cried and expressed fatigability even for simple works. She is not taking care of her children and husband. Her food intake was decreased and she was persuaded to take food by her husband. She has lost weight. She frequently expressed worthlessness and suicidal wishes. 3 days back she was admitted for fatigability at Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. She was referred to Psychiatry Out Patient department from medical ward. No history of head injury / loss of consciousness. No history of cold intolerance. No history of constipation. No history of suspiciousness. No history of hearing voice. No history of talking or laughing to herself. A Case of Delusional Disorder: The patient is a widow and stayed in her son’s house. She is usually careful regarding the cleanliness of the house and her personal hygiene. One year back she said that insects are present in scalp and skin. She started to combing her hair repeatedly and searching for insects in her hair. Family members thought that she had lice in her hair and joked to her about it and even encouraged her to search harder and clean herself. After a few weeks they found that her behaviour was slightly out of the ordinary and that she was spending excessive time trying to find these insects. Even when guests are in the house, she used to scratch her head. She was asked not to do, but she continued, saying it is full of insects. After two months she slowly started feeling crawling sensation of insects under the skin extending from the scalp through her body up to her limbs. She started scratching her skin all over the body with the comb throughout the day. This aroused suspicion in her son, who questioned her closely. Initially she tried to brush it off. After persistent questioning, she admitted that her skin is full of insects, crawling here and there. And that she is trying to get rid of them. When family members asked her to show at least one insect, she said that as soon as she catches them, it flies. And that she is yet to see even one insect. Family members tried convincing her that nothing is wrong with her, but she simply did not accept it. She had intermittent sleep disturbances. She used to initiate sleep with difficulty, she used to get up with in a hour, due to intolerable itching and keeping combing her hair and body throughout the night, she used to get up 3-4 times in the night. Due to continuous itching sensation she could not concentrate in her regular house hold activities. She was then taken to a nearby general practitioner, who treated her with injection and tablets. He ordered a few investigations (details not known) which turned out to be normal. In spite of that she did not improved. He then referred her to a skin specialist, who also treated her without any improvement. Because of treatment failures, patient was taken to various temples and other such places for treatment. But they all failed. Finally she was brought to Skin Department, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. After investigation (which are within normal limits), she was referred to Psychiatry Out Patient Department for evaluation. No history of loss memory or way finding difficulty. No history of Suicidal ideas/attempts. No history of talking to self / laughing to self No history of suspiciousness/crying spells No other behaviour abnormalities noticed. No history of drug intake. A Case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Patient was apparently normal 6 months back. He is living with his parents. He was appearing IX standard annual examination, when he had a doubt recording question paper. He had 10 questions, he knew the ninth question well. He had a doubt whether to write the first or ninth. He repeatedly asked to his friend and the school teacher about it. They scolded him for that. From the time onwards, he had recurrent doubts in filling the forms, writing serial numbers etc., for example: If he has to write numbers 1,2,3,4,…he would have a doubt whether to leave space in between or fill continuously. Recording writing his name, he would have a doubt whether the first letter should start with capital followed by small letters or the whole name should be written in capital letters. He also had problem in writing sentences. He would write the sentence and have a doubt if it was correct and then rub it off, and write it again. He would do so for 2 to 3 times. After completing the examination or test papers he would repeatedly check if he has written all the questions, serial numbers correctly, his name, register number about five times before handing over. He would also repeatedly check whether he has locked his cycle or not. After parking the cycle he would go to class room and come back for 3 to 4 times to check whether the cycle is locked or not. For this activity the teachers scolded him many times. A few days later, he started taking bath for prolonged period about 2 hours. He would keep wiping with a towel for a long time. When his mother asked him why he was doing so, he would tell that dirt particles were present in his body. He also had fear of contamination with germs. One month back he went to a swimming pool and stayed inside the water for hours. After coming back, he repeatedly washed his hands and legs every 15 minutes, and fearing of contamination and germ infection. A Case of Paranoid Schizophrenia: 25 Yrs. old Male patient was apparently normal 9 months back. He was working as driver and stayed with his wife and parents. 9 months back he started developing sleep disturbances. His wife noticed that he woke up mid night and goes nearer to the window and watching outside. She enquired about that. He did not replied for that. Following that his wife noticed that he was withdrawn and not communicating with family members. He started avoiding to going outside. When family members enquired, he replied that people are try to harm him and planed for that. He told that people are watching him and if he goes out of home, they will try to kill him. He slowly stopped going for work. At day time he simply sits inside the home without talking with any one. At night times he kept his bed nearer to the door and frequently gets up and check the door and windows whether they were locked are not. His wife asked about that he told that people are standing outside and tries to harm him. Wife verified and seen no body was there. But he was not convinced. He looks fearful at night time and avoids going outside even for urination. Wife noticed that he started to talking to himself and at times laughing also. Wife asked about it. He replied that hearing voices of unknown persons, says that they are tries to kill him. At times he closes his ears. Whenever he walks in the street he told that people are talking about him. He started to expresses aggressive and assaultive towards others. He sits in front of the home and scolded the people who are all crossing his home. He stopped going to work and stayed inside the home in day time also. He locked the door inside and sits in the bed and always talking to himself. His food intake was decreased and his wife persuaded him to take food. He started suspicious that his wife will mix poison with food to kill him. He slowly avoids taking food given by his wife. His personal care also very deteriorated and he brushes teeth and takes bath once in a week after his wife’s compulsion. Due to worsening of his personal care, his family members brought him for magicoreligious treatment. But he was not improved. Then his wife brought him to Govt. Rajaji Hopital, Madurai. No history of head injury/fever. No history of seizures. No history of frequently taking bath. No history of excessive spending No history of suicidal wishes

    Unity Attractors Inspired Programmable Cellular Automata and Barnacles Swarm Optimization-Based Energy Efficient Data Communication for Securing IoT

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the innovative technology that covers wide range of application that possesses high potential merits such as long-term operation, unmonitored network access, data transmission, and low implementation cost. In this context, Internet of Things (IoT) have evolved as an exciting paradigm with the rapid advancement of cellular mobile networks, near field communications and cloud computing. WSNs potentially interacts with the IoT devices based on the sensing features of web devices and communication technologies in sensors. At this juncture, IoT need to facilitate huge amount of data aggregation with security and disseminate it to the reliable path to make it reach the required base station. In this paper, Unity Attractors Inspired Programmable Cellular Automata and Barnacles Swarm Optimization-Based Energy Efficient Data Communication Mechanism (UAIPCA-BSO) is proposed for  Securing data and estimate the optimal path through which it can be forwarded in the IoT environment. In specific, Unity Attractors Inspired Programmable Cellular Automata is adopted for guaranteeing security during the data transmission process. It also aids in determining the optimal path of data transmission based on the merits of Barnacles Swarm Optimization Algorithm (BSOA), such that data is made to reach the base station at the required destination in time. The simulation results of UAIPCA-BSO confirmed minimized end-to-end delay , accuracy and time taken for malicious node detection, compared to the baseline approaches used for comparison


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to establish the micromorphological characters of Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. ex Schweinf. belonging to the family Portulacaceae.Methods: The fresh plant parts were selected for micromorphological studies, and the air-dried plant powder was used for powder analysis as per the standard techniques [1-3].Results: Results revealed the presence of diagnostic characters like calcium oxalate crystals in the parenchyma cells of the leaf, which are druses with spiny surface that occurs in ordinary parenchyma cells. Stomata are paracytic which are present in both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf. The powder contains fragments of leaf epidermis, densely distributed stomata in laminar portions of the leaf.Conclusion: The present study provides the valuable information and also acts as pharmacognostical standards to standardize the study plant scientifically

    Study of Spilled Oil Behavior on the Topsoil Induced by Thermal Diffusion

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    The fate and transport of oil spilled in soil has long been a focus for experimental and theoretical research in subsurface hydrology. Oil transport in the soil is affected by a large number of physical, chemical and microbial processes; and the properties of the media. This study is a two layer problem containing horizontal oil layer overlying the subsurface topsoil region saturated with oil and water (native fluid). To explain the method by which the convective flow in the oil region affect the transportation of oil, modeling is carried out in two regions (oil and topsoil). The two dimensional, transient oil flow equations for both the regions include thermal and concentration buoyancy effects. The species equations include the effects of energy flux caused by the temperature gradient on the unsteady advective-diffusion equation. The resulting fluid flow, heat and mass transfer processes are discussed numerically with the aid of graphs. The validity of the results obtained is verified by comparison with available results and good agreement is found

    Mathematical model to study The spread of spilled oil in the soil

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    A mathematical model describing the spread of spilled oil through the soil is discussed. The spread of spilled oil in soil is controlled by the flow of water and is described by multiphase equations. In this context, the two-phase flow characteristics of oil-water flow with varying viscosity in the subsurface coupled to an advective-diffusion equation are examined to study the transport of oil. The terms that model the interaction between the multiple phases are introduced at the boundary, such as the slip condition at the porous-fluid interface, shear stress condition at the fluid-fluid interface, and the continuity of velocity at both the interfaces. The effect of various physical parameters such as Schmidt number, retardation factor, viscosity ratio, porous and slip parameter on the velocity and concentration profiles are discussed in detail with the help of graphs. The surface plots of velocity and concentration of oil against axial distance at different time are also analyzed. The obtained results show that the velocity of oil accelerates linearly with axial length and there is a decrease in the concentration of the spilled oil through the media. The validity of the results obtained is verified by comparison with available experimental result, and good agreement is found

    A Clinical Study for the Role of Eustachian Tube Function for Successful Mastoidectomy and Middle Ear Surgeries

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    INTRODUCTION: The Eustachian tube plays an important role in; 1. Aeration and pressure maintenance, 2. Drainage of the Middle ear thro its mucociliary activity, 3. Protects from reflux of sound and material from the nasopharynx1. The proper functions of the tube like secretory, ciliary, and dilatory actions are essential for optimal conduction of sound through the middle ear cavity. Eustachian tube acts as a pathway of clearance for fluid buildup within the middle ear cavity. Middle ear secretions or infections are removed by two primary mechanisms. The first mechanism involves mucociliary clearance, much similar to the pulmonary system. The ciliated columnar epithelium lines the nasopharyngeal end of the tube, whereas the osseous and superior portion of the tube is lined by the cuboidal epithelium. These ciliated epithelial cells provide a mucociliary elevator to push debris and secretions down the Eustachian tube and into the nasopharynx. The second mechanism of clearance involves muscular pumping. Muscular pumping of the pharyngotympanic tube occurs as the tubal valve progressively closes from the isthmus toward the nasopharyngeal orifice, when the tensor veli palatini muscle relaxes. Both the mechanisms work simultaneously to clear out the secretions and infections from the tympanic cavity to nasopharynx where they can be swallowed or expectorated. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the ventilatory and mucociliary function of Eustachian tube in all the patients of chronic suppurative otitis media who are all planned for the surgery. 2. To study about the success rate of the tympanoplasty in relation to the Eustachian tube function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted at the department of ENT AND HEAD & NECK SURGERY, THANJAVUR MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, THANJAVUR, TAMILNADU for a period of two years from august 2012- August, 2014. The study group consists of 60 patients of chronic suppurative otitis media of both Mucosal and Squamous type. The detailed history was taken & clinical features of CSOM are noted. Inclusion Criteria: 1. CSOM- tubotympanic inactive and quiescent stage, 2. CSOM-atticoantral type. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Age less than 15 years. 2. Fungal infections of the ear 3. Any tumour or mass in the nasopharynx causing the Eustachian tube dysfunction. 4. Complete ENT examinations were performed to rule out any Systemic disease which affects the end result of mastoid and middle ear surgeries. The patient (under study) planned for the tympanoplasty was subjected to the following investigations. SUMMARY: The study conducted in our hospital for a period of two years with an objective to find the role of tubal function in the outcome of tympanoplasty. 1. Our study comprises of 60 patients, of which 18 were males and 42 were females. Most of them belong to the lower middle class, living in the rural areas. 2. The unsafe pathology is more common with higher incidence of absent tubal function (73.33%). 3. The mean age of presentation is 20-29 about 46.67% of our study group. 4. The methylene blue dye test and saccharin tests is the simple and cost effective test to assess the mucociliary activity of the tube. 5. Preoperative and preoperative measures to retrieve the tubal function add the success rate in patients of tympanoplasty regardless of disease type. 6. Proper post operative follow up with the Valsalva exercise is mandatory to maintain the patency of tubal patency. 7. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common pathogen isolated from our study group. CONCLUSION: Preoperative evaluation of Eustachian tube function is mandatory for all the patients planned for tympanoplasty. Preoperative and intraoperative corrective measures should be taken in patients with partial and absent tubal function to improve the success rate. Regular postoperative follow up and Valsalva exercises is essential to maintain the patency of Eustachian tube

    Adulterants Screening in Herbal Formutaions Using Mordern Analytical Instrument

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    High performance thin layer chromatography method was developed for the screening and quantification of Glimepiride, Gliclazide and Glibenclamide present in Herbal Anti-diabetic Formulation as adulterant. The method was developed using silics60 F254 aluminium plate using mobile phase comprising of Ethyl acetate:Petroleum ether: Formic acid (0.4%) (8:2:0.5) and the detection was carried out at 254nm. The developed method can be used to fingerprint the Glimepiride, Gliclazide and Glibenclamide present as adulterant in the Selected Herbal Formulations under optimum parameters. The proposed method has high degree of repeatability and will provide fast and cost-effective control for analysis

    What motivates and deters the ‘crowd’ in crowdfunding in Malaysia?

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    Objective: This study intends to theorize about how values and the perception of risk of the supporters of a crowdfunding project affect the success of the project. Methodology: A review of prior literature is carried out to identify the different dimensions of the decision making process. Implication: This research presents a conceptual framework to describe the influence of perceived values and risk on the success of crowdfunding in Malaysia. The crowdfunding phenomenon is relatively new in Malaysia and there is a lack of knowledge about the decision making of the ‘crowd’.  The success and sustainability of the crowdfunding phenomenon depends on the supporters of the funds

    Friction Stir Welding of Similar Metals by Taguchi Optimization Technique -A Review

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    In order to meet the global competition and the survival of products in the market a new way of thinking is necessary to change and improve the existing technology and to develop products at economical price.This paper discusses use taguchi experiment design technique for maximizing tensile strength of friction stir welding AA6061 and AA6061. In friction stir welding, the joints are formed in the solid state by utilizing the heat generated by friction. The objectives of this study are obtaining friction weld element of aluminium 6061 to aluminium 6061 and optimising the friction stir welding parameters in order to establish the weld quality. Effect of tensile strength of friction stir welding process parameter (Rotational speed, travel speed, axial force and tilt angle) is evaluated and optimum welding condition for maximum tensile strength is determined
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