451 research outputs found

    Strong coupling theory for tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven bistable systems

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    A study of the dynamics of a tunneling particle in a driven bistable potential which is moderately-to-strongly coupled to a bath is presented. Upon restricting the system dynamics to the Hilbert space spanned by the M lowest energy eigenstates of the bare static potential, a set of coupled non-Markovian master equations for the diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix, within the discrete variale representation, is derived. The resulting dynamics is in good agreement with predictions of ab-initio real-time path integral simulations. Numerous results, analytical as well as numerical, for the quantum relaxation rate and for the asymptotic populations are presented. Our method is particularly convenient to investigate the case of shallow, time-dependent potential barriers and moderate-to-strong damping, where both a semi-classical and a Redfield-type approach are inappropriate.Comment: 37 pages, 23 figure

    Driven Tunneling Dynamics: Bloch-Redfield Theory versus Path Integral Approach

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    In the regime of weak bath coupling and low temperature we demonstrate numerically for the spin-boson dynamics the equivalence between two widely used but seemingly different roads of approximation, namely the path integral approach and the Bloch-Redfield theory. The excellent agreement between these two methods is corroborated by a novel efficient analytical high-frequency approach: it well approximates the decay of quantum coherence via a series of damped coherent oscillations. Moreover, a suitably tuned control field can selectively enhance or suppress quantum coherence.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Blocking transport resonances via Kondo entanglement in quantum dots

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    Many-body entanglement is at the heart of the Kondo effect, which has its hallmark in quantum dots as a zero-bias conductance peak at low temperatures. It signals the emergence of a conducting singlet state formed by a localized dot degree of freedom and conduction electrons. Carbon nanotubes offer the possibility to study the emergence of the Kondo entanglement by tuning many-body correlations with a gate voltage. Here we quantitatively show an undiscovered side of Kondo correlations, which counterintuitively tend to block conduction channels: inelastic cotunneling lines in the magnetospectrum of a carbon nanotube strikingly disappear when tuning the gate voltage. Considering the global \SUT\ \otimes \SUT\ symmetry of a carbon nanotube coupled to leads, we find that only resonances involving flips of the Kramers pseudospins, associated to this symmetry, are observed at temperatures and voltages below the corresponding Kondo scale. Our results demonstrate the robust formation of entangled many-body states with no net pseudospin.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Phase diffusion as a model for coherent suppression of tunneling in the presence of noise

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    We study the stabilization of coherent suppression of tunneling in a driven double-well system subject to random periodic δ\delta-function ``kicks''. We model dissipation due to this stochastic process as a phase diffusion process for an effective two-level system and derive a corresponding set of Bloch equations with phase damping terms that agree with the periodically kicked system at discrete times. We demonstrate that the ability of noise to localize the system on either side of the double-well potenital arises from overdamping of the phase of oscillation and not from any cooperative effect between the noise and the driving field. The model is investigated with a square wave drive, which has qualitatively similar features to the widely studied cosinusoidal drive, but has the additional advantage of allowing one to derive exact analytic expressions.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Strong coupling theory for driven tunneling and vibrational relaxation

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    We investigate on a unified basis tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven dissipative multistable systems described by their N lowest lying unperturbed levels. By use of the discrete variable representation we derive a set of coupled non-Markovian master equations. We present analytical treatments that describe the dynamics in the regime of strong system-bath coupling. Our findings are corroborated by ``ab-initio'' real-time path integral calculations.Comment: 4 LaTeX pages including 3 figure

    Creation and manipulation of entanglement in spin chains far from equilibrium

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    We investigate creation, manipulation, and steering of entanglement in spin chains from the viewpoint of quantum communication between distant parties. We demonstrate how global parametric driving of the spin-spin coupling and/or local time-dependent Zeeman fields produce a large amount of entanglement between the first and the last spin of the chain. This occurs whenever the driving frequency meets a resonance condition, identified as "entanglement resonance". Our approach marks a promising step towards an efficient quantum state transfer or teleportation in solid state system. Following the reasoning of Zueco et al. [1], we propose generation and routing of multipartite entangled states by use of symmetric tree-like structures of spin chains. Furthermore, we study the effect of decoherence on the resulting spin entanglement between the corresponding terminal spins.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Iterative algorithm versus analytic solutions of the parametrically driven dissipative quantum harmonic oscillator

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    We consider the Brownian motion of a quantum mechanical particle in a one-dimensional parabolic potential with periodically modulated curvature under the influence of a thermal heat bath. Analytic expressions for the time-dependent position and momentum variances are compared with results of an iterative algorithm, the so-called quasiadiabatic propagator path integral algorithm (QUAPI). We obtain good agreement over an extended range of parameters for this spatially continuous quantum system. These findings indicate the reliability of the algorithm also in cases for which analytic results may not be available a priori.Comment: 15 pages including 11 figures, one reference added, minor typos correcte

    Tunable coupling of superconducting qubits

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    We study an LC-circuit implemented using a current-biased Josephson junction (CBJJ) as a tunable coupler for superconducting qubits. By modulating the bias current, the junction can be tuned in and out of resonance and entangled with the qubits coupled to it. One can thus implement two-qubit operations by mediating entanglement. We consider the examples of CBJJ and charge--phase qubits. A simple recoupling scheme leads to a generalization to arbitrary qubit designs.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 3 figure

    Landscape, Environmental Sustainability, and Climate Instability—The EDUSCAPE Project: University Research for Innovation in School Education

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    This article presents the main contents, methods, and results of the European project EDUSCAPE (Erasmus+) developed by a team of international researchers from four countries, just over a year and a half after its launch with a focus on SAAD/UNICAM contributions. Into the scientific-disciplinary frame of environmental education and climate adaptation, EDUSCAPE aims to integrate the polysemic, transversal, and multidisciplinary concept of landscape and its decline, as a promoter of new forms of knowledge in response to emerging dynamics, within the educational offer of school programs (6-15 years). This paper presents the general structure of the project, the methodology experimented (PBL educational approach), and the qualitative and quantitative intermediate results obtained so far (literature review, curriculum analysis, and needs analysis). To integrate landscape into school curricula and renew them, EDUSCAPE is preparing Didactic Units (DUs) as the final result of the project to provide theoretical foundations and practical solutions supporting teaching which will be tested in the schools of the partnership network. In general, this paper explores the possibility to disseminate the pedagogical and social role of the landscape through a new way of teaching based on a deeper exploration of the theme that can stimulate critical thinking in current and future generations regarding the global/local challenges of the 21st century