3,612 research outputs found

    On Soliton Automorphisms in Massive and Conformal Theories

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    For massive and conformal quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions with a global gauge group we consider soliton automorphisms, viz. automorphisms of the quasilocal algebra which act like two different global symmetry transformations on the left and right spacelike complements of a bounded region. We give a unified treatment by providing a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence and Poincare' covariance of soliton automorphisms which is applicable to a large class of theories. In particular, our construction applies to the QFT models with the local Fock property -- in which case the latter property is the only input from constructive QFT we need -- and to holomorphic conformal field theories. In conformal QFT soliton representations appear as twisted sectors, and in a subsequent paper our results will be used to give a rigorous analysis of the superselection structure of orbifolds of holomorphic theories.Comment: latex2e, 20 pages. Proof of Thm. 3.14 corrected, 2 references added. Final version as to appear in Rev. Math. Phy

    Topological analysis of the particle production in hadronic Z decays

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    The production of charged particles, K0s and Lambdas in hadronic Z decays is measured with the ALEPH detector at LEP 1 in 2 and 3-jet events. This production is well described in the framework of the QCD Modified Leading Log Approximation assuming Local Parton Hadron Duality where the topology of the events is taken into account.

    Disentangling Confused Stars at the Galactic Center with Long Baseline Infrared Interferometry

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    We present simulations of Keck Interferometer ASTRA and VLTI GRAVITY observations of mock star fields in orbit within ~50 milliarcseconds of Sgr A*. Dual-field phase referencing techniques, as implemented on ASTRA and planned for GRAVITY, will provide the sensitivity to observe Sgr A* with infrared interferometers. Our results show an improvement in the confusion noise limit over current astrometric surveys, opening a window to study stellar sources in the region. Since the Keck Interferometer has only a single baseline, the improvement in the confusion limit depends on source position angles. The GRAVITY instrument will yield a more compact and symmetric PSF, providing an improvement in confusion noise which will not depend as strongly on position angle. Our Keck results show the ability to characterize the star field as containing zero, few, or many bright stellar sources. We are also able to detect and track a source down to mK~18 through the least confused regions of our field of view at a precision of ~200 microarcseconds along the baseline direction. This level of precision improves with source brightness. Our GRAVITY results show the potential to detect and track multiple sources in the field. GRAVITY will perform ~10 microarcsecond astrometry on a mK=16.3 source and ~200 microarcsecond astrometry on a mK=18.8 source in six hours of monitoring a crowded field. Monitoring the orbits of several stars will provide the ability to distinguish between multiple post-Newtonian orbital effects, including those due to an extended mass distribution around Sgr A* and to low-order General Relativistic effects. Early characterizations of the field by ASTRA including the possibility of a precise source detection, could provide valuable information for future GRAVITY implementation and observation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Topology Dependence of Event Properties in Hadronic Z Decays

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    Three-jet events are studied for different event topologies. Experimental evidence is presented that the multiplicities of quark and gluon jets depend both on the jet energy and on the angles between the jets

    Periodic variations in the colours of the classical T Tauri star RW Aur A

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    The classical T Tauri star RW Aur A is an irregular variable with a large amplitude in all photometric bands. In an extended series of photometric data we found small-amplitude periodic variations in the blue colours of the star, with a period of 2.64 days. The period was relatively stable over several years. The amplitude of the periodic signal is 0.21 mag in U-V, 0.07 mag in B-V, and about 0.02 mag in V-R and V-I. No periodicity was found in the V magnitude. The relevance of this photometric period to the recently discovered periodicity in spectral features of the star is discussed, and the hypothesis of a hot spot is critically considered.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, uses new aa.cls, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multiple protostellar systems. II. A high resolution near-infrared imaging survey in nearby star-forming regions

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    (abridged) Our project endeavors to obtain a robust view of multiplicity among embedded Class I and Flat Spectrum protostars in a wide array of nearby molecular clouds to disentangle ``universal'' from cloud-dependent processes. We have used near-infrared adaptive optics observations at the VLT through the H, Ks and L' filters to search for tight companions to 45 Class I and Flat Spectrum protostars located in 4 different molecular clouds (Taurus-Auriga, Ophiuchus, Serpens and L1641 in Orion). We complemented these observations with published high-resolution surveys of 13 additional objects in Taurus and Ophiuchus. We found multiplicity rates of 32+/-6% and 47+/-8% over the 45-1400 AU and 14-1400 AU separation ranges, respectively. These rates are in excellent agreement with those previously found among T Tauri stars in Taurus and Ophiuchus, and represent an excess of a factor ~1.7 over the multiplicity rate of solar-type field stars. We found no non-hierarchical triple systems, nor any quadruple or higher-order systems. No significant cloud-to-cloud difference has been found, except for the fact that all companions to low-mass Orion protostars are found within 100 AU of their primaries whereas companions found in other clouds span the whole range probed here. Based on this survey, we conclude that core fragmentation always yields a high initial multiplicity rate, even in giant molecular clouds such as the Orion cloud or in clustered stellar populations as in Serpens, in contrast with predictions of numerical simulations. The lower multiplicity rate observed in clustered Class II and Class III populations can be accounted for by a universal set of properties for young systems and subsequent ejections through close encounters with unrelated cluster members.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Electromigration in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic: nanoconstrictions, local heating, and direct and wind forces

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    Current Induced Resistance Switching (CIS) was recently observed in thin tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes \emph{i.e} FM/I/FM. This effect was attributed to electromigration of metallic atoms in nanoconstrictions in the insulating barrier (I). Here we study how the CIS effect is influenced by a thin non-magnetic (NM) Ta layer, deposited just below the AlOx_x insulating barrier in tunnel junctions of the type FM/NM/I/FM (FM=CoFe). Enhanced resistance switching occurs with increasing maximum applied current (\Imax), until a plateau of constant CIS is reached for \Imax\sim65 mA (CIS\sim60%) and above. However, such high electrical currents also lead to a large (\sim9%) irreversible resistance decrease, indicating barrier degradation. Anomalous voltage-current characteristics with negative derivative were also observed near \pm\Imax and this effect is here attributed to heating in the tunnel junction. One observes that the current direction for which resistance switches in FM/NM/I/FM (clockwise) is opposite to that of FM/I/FM tunnel junctions (anti-clockwise). This effect will be discussed in terms of a competition between the electromigration contributions due to the so called direct and wind forces. It will be shown that the direct force is likely to dominate electromigration in the Ta (NM) layers, while the wind contribution likely dominates in the CoFe (FM) layers

    The coupling of a young stellar disc with the molecular torus in the Galactic centre

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    The Galactic centre hosts, according to observations, a number of early-type stars. About one half of those which are orbiting the central supermassive black hole on orbits with projected radii \gtrsim 0.03 pc form a coherently rotating disc. Observations further reveal a massive gaseous torus and a significant population of late-type stars. In this paper, we investigate, by means of numerical N-body computations, the orbital evolution of the stellar disc, which we consider to be initially thin. We include the gravitational influence of both the torus and the late-type stars, as well as the self-gravity of the disc. Our results show that, for a significant set of system parameters, the evolution of the disc leads, within the lifetime of the early-type stars, to a configuration compatible with the observations. In particular, the disc naturally reaches a specific - perpendicular - orientation with respect to the torus, which is indeed the configuration observed in the Galactic centre. We, therefore, suggest that all the early-type stars may have been born within a single gaseous disc.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Schwarzschild Atmospheric Processes: A Classical Path to the Quantum

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    We develop some classical descriptions for processes in the Schwarzschild string atmosphere. These processes suggest relationships between macroscopic and microscopic scales. The classical descriptions developed in this essay highlight the fundamental quantum nature of the Schwarzschild atmospheric processes.Comment: to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Non-commutative fermion mass matrix and gravity

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    The first part is an introductory description of a small cross-section of the literature on algebraic methods in non-perturbative quantum gravity with a specific focus on viewing algebra as a laboratory in which to deepen understanding of the nature of geometry. This helps to set the context for the second part, in which we describe a new algebraic characterisation of the Dirac operator in non-commutative geometry and then use it in a calculation on the form of the fermion mass matrix. Assimilating and building on the various ideas described in the first part, the final part consists of an outline of a speculative perspective on (non-commutative) quantum spectral gravity. This is the second of a pair of papers so far on this project.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A Previous title: An outlook on quantum gravity from an algebraic perspective. 39 pages, 1 xy-pic figure, LaTex Reasons for new version: added references, change of title and some comments more up-to-dat