441 research outputs found

    Vleesconsumptie en klimaatbeleid

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    In deze studie wordt de mogelijke invloed van dieetveranderingen op de kosten van ambitieuze klimaatdoelstellingen verkend. Doel van de studie is uitsluitend om in te schatten wat de wereldwijde bijdrage van dieetverandering kan zijn. De vleesconsumptie wordt aangepast in vier varianten van dieetverandering: GeenHerkauwers (geen vlees van herkauwers), GeenVlees (geheel geen vlees), GeenDierproducten (geen enkel dierlijk product) en WilettDieet (een 'gezond' dieet). Hiervoor wordt het geĆÆntegreerde model IMAGE (Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment) gebruikt. Ook worden resultaten voor landgebruik en biodiversiteit gegeve

    Effects of nitrogen fertilization on diazotrophic activity of microorganisms associated with Sphagnum magellanicum

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    In pristine ombrotrophic Sphagnum-dominated peatland ecosystems nitrogen (N) is often a limiting nutrient, which is replenished by biological N-2 fixation and atmospheric N deposition. It is, however, unclear which impact long-term N deposition has on microbial N-2 fixing activity and diazotrophic diversity, and whether phosphorus (P) modulates the response. Therefore, we studied the impact of increased N deposition and N depletion on microbial N-2 fixation and diazotrophic diversity associated with the peat moss Sphagnum magellanicum, and their interaction with P availability.Nitrogenase activities of S. magellanicum-associated microorganisms were determined by acetylene reduction assays (ARA) and N-15(2) tracer methods on mosses from two geographically distinct locations with different N deposition histories, high or low N deposition, and in samples depleted in N (grown 3 years in the greenhouse) versus recent field samples. The short-term response to increased N deposition was tested for mosses differing in N and P fertilization histories. In addition, diversity of diazotrophic microorganisms was assessed by nifH gene amplicon sequencing of N-depleted mosses.We showed distinct and persistent differences in diazotrophic communities and their activities associated with S. magellanicum from sites with high versus low N deposition. Initially, diazotrophic activity was six times higher for the low N site. During incubation and repeated ARA, however, this activity strongly decreased, while it remained stable for the high N site. Activity for the high N site could not be increased by long-term experimental N deprivation. Short-term, experimental N application had an inhibitory effect on N-2 fixation for both sites, which was not observed in mosses with high indirect P availability.We conclude that although N deposition negatively affects N-2 fixation as also shown in previous studies, long-term effects of N deprivation on the diazotrophic activity and community are more complex. Furthermore, our results indicated that P availability might be an important factor in modulating the response of Sphagnum-associated diazotrophs to N deposition.</p

    Kanamycin resistance during in vitro development of pollen from transgenic tomato plants

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    Effects of kanamycin on pollen germination and tube growth of pollen from non-transformed plants and from transgenic tomato plants containing a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene were determined. Germination of pollen was not affected by the addition of kanamycin to the medium in both genotypes. Kanamycin, however, severely affected tube growth of pollen from non-transformed plants, while pollen from plants containing the chimaeric gene were less sensitive and produced significantly longer tubes at kanamycin concentrations between 200-400 mg l-1. Apparently, this resistance for kanamycin correlates with the expression of the chimaeric gene during male gametophytic development.

    POMT2 mutations cause alpha-dystroglycan hypoglycosylation and Walker-Warburg syndrome

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    Background: Walker-Warburg syndrome (WWS) is an autosomal recessive condition characterised by congenital muscular dystrophy, structural brain defects, and eye malformations. Typical brain abnormalities are hydrocephalus, lissencephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, fusion of the hemispheres, cerebellar hypoplasia, and neuronal overmigration, which causes a cobblestone cortex. Ocular abnormalities include cataract, microphthalmia, buphthalmos, and Peters anomaly. WWS patients show defective O-glycosylation of Ī±-dystroglycan (Ī±-DG), which plays a key role in bridging the cytoskeleton of muscle and CNS cells with extracellular matrix proteins, important for muscle integrity and neuronal migration. In 20% of the WWS patients, hypoglycosylation results from mutations in either the protein O-mannosyltransferase 1 (POMT1), fukutin, or fukutin related protein (FKRP) genes. The other genes for this highly heterogeneous disorder remain to be identified. Objective: To look for mutations in POMT2 as a cause of WWS, as both POMT1 and POMT2 are required to achieve protein O-mannosyltransferase activity. Methods: A candidate gene approach combined with homozygosity mapping. Results: Homozygosity was found for the POMT2 locus at 14q24.3 in four of 11 consanguineous WWS families. Homozygous POMT2 mutations were present in two of these families as well as in one patient from another cohort of six WWS families. Immunohistochemistry in muscle showed severely reduced levels of glycosylated Ī±-DG, which is consistent with the postulated role for POMT2 in the O-mannosylation pathway. Conclusions: A fourth causative gene for WWS was uncovered. These genes account for approximately one third of the WWS cases. Several more genes are anticipated, which are likely to play a role in glycosylation of Ī±-DG

    The implications of carbon dioxide and methane exchange for the heavy mitigation RCP2.6 scenario under two metrics

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    Greenhouse gas emissions associated with Representative Concentration Pathway RCP2.6 could limit global warming to around or below a 2 Ā°C increase since pre-industrial times. However this scenario implies very large and rapid reductions in both carbon dioxide (CO2) and non-CO2 emissions, and suggests a need to understand available flexibility between how different greenhouse gases might be abated. There is a growing interest in developing a greater understanding of the particular role of shorter lived non-CO2 gases as abatement options. We address this here through a sensitivity study of different methane (CH4) emissions pathways to year 2100 and beyond, by including exchanges with CO2 emissions, and with a focus on related climate and economic advantages and disadvantages. Metrics exist that characterise gas equivalence in terms of climate change effect per tonne emitted. We analyse the implications of CO2 and CH4 emission exchanges under two commonly considered metrics: the 100-yr Global Warming Potential (GWP-100) and Global Temperature Potential (GTP-100). This is whilst keeping CO2-equivalent emissions pathways fixed, based on the standard set of emissions usually associated with RCP2.6. An idealised situation of anthropogenic CH4 emissions being reduced to zero across a period of two decades and with the implementation of such cuts starting almost immediately gives lower warming than for standard RCP2.6 emissions during the 21st and 22nd Century. This is despite exchanging for higher CO2 emissions. Introducing Marginal Abatement Cost (MAC) curves provides an economic assessment of alternative gas reduction strategies. Whilst simpler than utilising full Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), MAC curves are more transparent for illustrative modelling. The GWP-100 metric places a relatively high value on climate change prevented for methane emission reduction, as compared to an equivalent mass of CO2 reduction. This in combination with the strong non-linearity in MAC curves (moving quickly from relatively cheap removal to emissions difficult to cut at any cost) causes little change under cost minimisation from standard RCP2.6 emissions. This reflects the original development of RCP2.6 standard emissions from similar minimisation. With gas exchange under GTP-100, however, we find much less methane is abated, resulting in higher temperatures, whilst costs are slightly lower. Our results also highlight the point at which greater methane mitigation would become beneficial from both a climate and economic aspect. If by 2030 removal of all methane were to become possible at an average cost less than $1000 per tonne of CH4, then this would be the cheapest option, for GWP-100 metric and our CO2 MAC curve. Critically this would increase the possibility of constraining warming to two degrees

    Updated nationally determined contributions collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening further to keep Paris goals within reach

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    By January 2022, 156 countries had submitted new or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. This study analyses the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and macroeconomic impacts of the new NDCs. The total impact of the updated unconditional and conditional NDCs of these countries on global emission levels by 2030 is an additional reduction of about 3.8 and 3.9 GtCO2eq, respectively, compared to the previously submitted NDCs as of October 2020. However, this total reduction must be about three times greater to be consistent with keeping global temperature increase to well below 2 Ā°C, and even seven times greater for 1.5 Ā°C. Nine G20 economies have pledged stronger emission reduction targets for 2030 in their updated NDCs, leading to additional aggregated GHG emission reductions of about 3.3 GtCO2eq, compared to those in the previous NDCs. The socio-economic impacts of the updated NDCs are limited in major economies and largely depend on the emission reduction effort included in the NDCs. However, two G20 economies have submitted new targets that will lead to an increase in emissions of about 0.3 GtCO2eq, compared to their previous NDCs. The updated NDCs of non-G20 economies contain further net reductions. We conclude that countries should strongly increase the ambition levels of their updated NDC submissions to keep the climate goals of the Paris Agreement within reach
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