772 research outputs found

    Permeability of commercial landscapes: integrating plantation forest trackways into ecological networks

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    Context: Reconnecting fragmented habitat is a major challenge in biodiversity conservation. It is especially important in landscapes that have undergone significant change through agriculture and forestry conversion. This is particularly prevalent within heathland regions across Western Europe where remaining fragments are significantly isolated in intensely managed landscapes. Objectives: This study examines to what extent forest trackways can facilitate connectivity between open patches, and how invertebrate dispersal ability (terrestrial or aerial) influences functional landscape connectivity. We also investigate a range of management scenarios to examine the efficacy of landscape management plans to facilitate connectivity for vulnerable invertebrate communities. Methods: We develop the Path-Cost Index (PCI) that combines multiple environmental factors to quantify species-specific habitat suitability within forestry trackways. The PCI generates dispersal cost values for resistance-based connectivity models that represent specific forest environments and species/guild responses. We demonstrate the use of this index through the modelling of least-cost pathways for heathland invertebrates and test management scenarios (clustered and contiguous habitat improvements) developed to support heathland biodiversity. Results: The plantation landscape provided significant barriers for vulnerable heathland invertebrate guilds. Landscape metrics indicate that management plans incorporating contiguous corridors would provide significantly greater improvements over clustered corridors for target invertebrate guilds in our study landscape. Conclusion: The PCI presented in this study delivered easily definable resistance costs allowing comparative assessment of landscape enhancements plans. The PCI can be easily adapted to other linear features and landscapes, affording a low-cost tool to assist the evaluation of management plans and biological networks

    Plantation clear-fell patches benefit heathland arthropods

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    Plantation forests constitute a significant amount of the wooded area in many parts of the globe. However, the extent of biological provision conferred by plantation forest depends on regional conservation priorities and biogeographical context. Here, we evaluate the arthropod biodiversity in a chronosequence of pine plantation (clear-felled, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 21-years) in the largest lowland conifer forest in the UK. We compare the assemblage within 37 plantation stands and eight important open habitat remnants in a formerly heathland dominated region. We also assess the configuration and potential isolation of ephemeral open early growth stage habitat across a 60-year plantation rotation. Carabid and spider assemblages changed throughout the sampled chronosequence. In the early growth stages (1–7 years) before canopy closure, arthropod assemblages contained many individuals and species associated with dry-open habitats, greater numbers of rare species than closed canopy plantation and had similar composition (non-metric multidimensional scaling) to heathland samples. Early growth stages and heathlands primarily differed in the additional presence of generalist species in the plantation. Species associated with woodland increased in abundance as the plantation aged, but remained far less numerous than dry-open or generalist species. The spatial distribution of young growth stages across the rotation cycle was significantly clustered in the early and late rotation phases. Plantation landscapes often support high species richness but we highlight their value for vulnerable heathland biodiversity early in the rotation cycle. To increase plantation value regional conservation priorities should be supported with appropriate consideration of growth stage configuration across the full rotation

    Nature and origins of unique high diversity reef faunas in the Bay of Tomini, Central Sulawesi: the ultimate "Centre of Diversity"?

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    The staghorn corals (Acropora spp.) of the Bay of Tomini in eastern Central Sulawesi may typify the maximal marine biodiversity associated with the idea of a "centre of diversity" in the central Indo-Pacific: other faunal groups have variable diversity, but unexpected species composition. Faunal assemblages from several phyla in this bay were assessed against phylogenetic and biogeographic data and biotic and environmental parameters in order to compare several hypotheses about the origins of the unusual species composition. It was found that the Togian Islands within the bay support a fauna with strong affinities to sites in the western equatorial Pacific, in all the studied groups except Stomatopoda. Both species composition and distribution of ecological functional groups is influenced by unusually calm and oligotrophic conditions in the islands and populations within the islands have various levels of genetic connectively to populations in other parts of Sulawesi, including complete isolation of some populations. It is proposed that these islands represent lagoonal refugia from Pleistocene lowstands, with affinities to similar refugia in the western Pacific. Additionally, the bay is possibly influenced by larval distributions from the Pacific through-flow current and there is little or no influence from the Indian Ocean

    A proteomic approach for the rapid, multi-informative and reliable identification of blood

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    Blood evidence is frequently encountered at the scene of violent crimes and can provide valuable intelligence in the forensic investigation of serious offences. Because many of the current enhancement methods used by crime scene investigators are presumptive, the visualisation of blood is not always reliable nor does it bear additional information. In the work presented here, two methods employing a shotgun bottom up proteomic approach for the detection of blood are reported; the developed protocols employ both an in solution digestion method and a recently proposed procedure involving immobilization of trypsin on hydrophobin Vmh2 coated MALDI sample plate. The methods are complementary as whilst one yields more identifiable proteins (as biomolecular signatures), the other is extremely rapid (5 minutes). Additionally, data demonstrate the opportunity to discriminate blood provenance even when two different blood sources are present in a mixture. This approach is also suitable for old bloodstains which had been previously chemically enhanced, as experiments conducted on a 9-year-old bloodstain deposited on a ceramic tile demonstrate

    The falling chain of Hopkins, Tait, Steele and Cayley

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    A uniform, flexible and frictionless chain falling link by link from a heap by the edge of a table falls with an acceleration g/3g/3 if the motion is nonconservative, but g/2g/2 if the motion is conservative, gg being the acceleration due to gravity. Unable to construct such a falling chain, we use instead higher-dimensional versions of it. A home camcorder is used to measure the fall of a three-dimensional version called an xyzxyz-slider. After frictional effects are corrected for, its vertical falling acceleration is found to be ax/g=0.328±0.004a_x/g = 0.328 \pm 0.004. This result agrees with the theoretical value of ax/g=1/3a_x/g = 1/3 for an ideal energy-conserving xyzxyz-slider.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Long-Term Functionality of Rural Water Services in Developing Countries: A System Dynamics Approach to Understanding the Dynamic Interaction of Causal Factors

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    Research has shown that sustainability of rural water infrastructure in developing countries is largely affected by the dynamic and systemic interactions of technical, social, financial, institutional, and environmental factors that can lead to premature water system failure. This research employs systems dynamic modeling, which uses feedback mechanisms to understand how these factors interact dynamically to influence long-term rural water system functionality. To do this, the research first identified and aggregated key factors from literature, then asked water sector experts to indicate the polarity and strength between factors through Delphi and cross impact survey questionnaires, and finally used system dynamics modeling to identify and prioritize feedback mechanisms. The resulting model identified 101 feedback mechanisms that were dominated primarily by three and four-factor loops that contained some combination of the factors: Water System Functionality, Community, Financial, Government, Management, and Technology. These feedback mechanisms were then scored and prioritized, with the most dominant feedback mechanism identified as Water System Functionality – Community – Finance – Management. This research offers insight into the dynamic interaction of factors impacting sustainability of rural water infrastructure through the identification of these feedback mechanisms and makes a compelling case for future research to longitudinally investigate the interaction of these factors in various contexts

    Assertive outreach treatment versus care as usual for the treatment of high-need, high-cost alcohol related frequent attenders: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Alcohol-related hospital admissions have doubled in the last ten years to >1.2m per year in England. High-need, high-cost (HNHC) alcohol-related frequent attenders (ARFA) are a relatively small subgroup of patients, having multiple admissions or attendances from alcohol during a short time period. This trial aims to test the effectiveness of an assertive outreach treatment (AOT) approach in improving clinical outcomes for ARFA, and reducing resource use in the acute setting. Methods: One hundred and sixty ARFA patients will be recruited and following baseline assessment, randomly assigned to AOT plus care as usual (CAU) or CAU alone in equal numbers. Baseline assessment includes alcohol consumption and related problems, physical and mental health comorbidity and health and social care service use in the previous 6 months using standard validated tools, plus a measure of resource use. Follow-up assessments at 6 and 12months after randomization includes the same tools as baseline plus standard measure of patient satisfaction. Outcomes for CAU+AOT and CAU at 6 and 12months will be compared, controlling for pre-specified baseline measures. Primary outcome will be percentage of days abstinent at 12months. Secondary outcomes include emergency department (ED) attendance, number and length of hospital admissions, alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, other health service use, mental and physical comorbidity 6 and 12months post intervention. Health economic analysis will estimate the economic impact of AOT from health, social care and societal perspectives and explore cost-effectiveness in terms of quality adjusted life years and alcohol consumption at 12-month follow-up. Discussion: AOT models piloted with alcohol dependent patients have demonstrated significant reductions in alcohol consumption and use of unplanned National Health Service (NHS) care, with increased engagement with alcohol treatment services, compared with patients receiving CAU. While AOT interventions are costlier per case than current standard care in the UK, the rationale for targeting HNHC ARFAs is because of their disproportionate contribution to overall alcohol burden on the NHS. No previous studies have evaluated the clinical and costeffectiveness of AOT for HNHC ARFAs: this randomized controlled trial (RCT) targeting ARFAs across five South London NHS Trusts is the first. Trial registration: International standard randomized controlled trial number (ISRCTN) registry: ISRCTN67000214, retrospectively registered 26/11/2016

    Measuring quality of life of people with predementia and dementia and their caregivers: a systematic review protocol

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    Introduction Dementia is the fastest growing major cause of disability globally and may have a profound impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of both the patient with dementia and those who care for them. This review aims to systematically identify and synthesise the measurements of HRQoL for people with, and their caregivers across the full spectrum of, dementia from its preceding stage of predementia to end of life. Methods and analysis A systematic literature review was conducted in Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online , ExcerptaMedicadataBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect, National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database and PsycINFO between January 1990 and the end of April 2017. Two reviewers will independently assess each study for inclusion and disagreements will be resolved by a third reviewer. Data will be extracted using a predefined data extraction form following best practice. Study quality will be assessed with the Effective Public Health Practice Project quality assessment tool. HRQoL measurements will be presented separately for people with dementia and caregivers by instrument used and, when possible, HRQoL will be reported by disease type and stage of the disease. Descriptive statistics of the results will be provided. A narrative synthesis of studies will also be provided discussing differences in HRQoL measurements by instrument used to estimate it, type of dementia and disease severity. Ethics and dissemination This systematic literature review is exempt from ethics approval because the work is carried out on published documents. The findings of the review will be disseminated in a related peer-reviewed journal and presented at conferences. They will also contribute to the work developed in the Real World Outcomes across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum for better care: multimodal data access platform (ROADMAP)
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