531 research outputs found

    Early postnatal development of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- and peptide histidine isoleucine-immunoreactive structures in the cat visual cortex.

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    The early postnatal development of neurons containing vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) has been analyzed in visual areas 17 and 18 of cats aged from postnatal day (P) 0 to adulthood. Neuronal types are established mainly by axonal criteria. Both peptides occur in the same neuronal types and display the same postnatal chronology of appearance. Several cell types are transient, which means that they are present in the cortex only for a limited period of development. According to their chronology of appearance the VIP/PHI-immunoreactive (ir) cell types are grouped into three neuronal populations. The first population comprises six cell types which appear early in postnatal life. The pseudohorsetail cells of layer I possess a vertically descending axon which initially gives rise to recurrent collaterals, then forms a bundle passing layers III to V, and finally, horizontal terminal fibers in layer VI. The neurons differentiate at P 4 and disappear by degeneration around P 30. The neurons with columnar dendritic fields of layers IV/V are characterized by a vertical arrangement of long dendrites ascending or descending parallel to each other, thus forming an up to 600 μm long dendritic column. Their axons always descend and terminate in broad fields in layer VI. The neurons appear at P 7 and are present until P 20. The multipolar neurons of layer VI occur in isolated positions and have broad axonal territories. The neurons differentiate at P 7 and persist into adulthood. Bitufted to multipolar neurons of layers II/III have axons descending as a single fiber to layer VI, where they terminate. The neurons appear at P 12 and persist into adulthood. The four cell types described above issue a vertically oriented fiber architecture in layers II-V and a horizontal terminal plexus in layer VI which is dense during the second, third and fourth week. Concurrent with the disappearance of the two transient types the number of descending axonal bundles and the density of the layer VI plexus is reduced, but the latter is maintained during adulthood by the two persisting cell types. Two further cell types belong to the first population: The transient bipolar cells of layers IV, V, and VI have long dendrites which extend through the entire cortical width. Their axons always descend, leave the gray matter, and apparently terminate in the upper white matter. The neurons differentiate concurrently with the pseudohorsetail cells at P 4, are very frequent during the following weeks, and eventually disappear at P 30. The persisting bipolar cells of layers II/III and IV have shorter dendrites and issue a diffuse axon plexus which largely remains intralaminarly. The neurons are recognizable from P 12 and persist, although in the adult cat cortex they are rare. The second population comprises two cell types. The neurons with uertically descending main axon and horizontal collaterals of layers II/III and IV form diffuse axon plexuses by means of horizontal and oblique collaterals. They seem to terminate in the form of en passant boutons on pyramidal cell bodies. The neurons appear a t P 18 and persist into adulthood. The neurons of layer I have broad dendritic fields and unconspicuous short axons which diffusely distribute in superficial layers. The cells are recognizable from P 25 onwards. The appearance of the second population initiates a change from the so far vertically organized architecture to a more diffuse innervation pattern. The change is complete when the transient innervation patterns have become superseded during the second postnatal month by the basket cells of layers II/III and IV, which constitute the third population. These neurons by far outnumber all other cell types and, until the end of the second month, fill these layers with a dense terminal plexus. Thereafter, the number of somata and the terminal density is reduced in layer IV, so that in adult animals most neurons and the densest plexus reside in layers II/III. The innervation now is less dense in layer IV and only loose in deeper cortical layers. In summary, transient VIP- and PHI-ir cell types dominate the early postnatal cortex. They form a largely vertical fiber architecture, and degener- ate and become eliminated by probably cell death around the end of the first month. Concurrently with their disappearance and during the second postnatal month, the persisting cell types form a completely different innervation pattern which reaches an adult state late postnatally

    Aesthetic preference for art emerges from a weighted integration over hierarchically structured visual features in the brain

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    It is an open question whether preferences for visual art can be lawfully predicted from the basic constituent elements of a visual image. Moreover, little is known about how such preferences are actually constructed in the brain. Here we developed and tested a computational framework to gain an understanding of how the human brain constructs aesthetic value. We show that it is possible to explain human preferences for a piece of art based on an analysis of features present in the image. This was achieved by analyzing the visual properties of drawings and photographs by multiple means, ranging from image statistics extracted by computer vision tools, subjective human ratings about attributes, to a deep convolutional neural network. Crucially, it is possible to predict subjective value ratings not only within but also across individuals, speaking to the possibility that much of the variance in human visual preference is shared across individuals. Neuroimaging data revealed that preference computations occur in the brain by means of a graded hierarchical representation of lower and higher level features in the visual system. These features are in turn integrated to compute an overall subjective preference in the parietal and prefrontal cortex. Our findings suggest that rather than being idiosyncratic, human preferences for art can be explained at least in part as a product of a systematic neural integration over underlying visual features of an image. This work not only advances our understanding of the brain-wide computations underlying value construction but also brings new mechanistic insights to the study of visual aesthetics and art appreciation

    VIP- and PHI-immunoreactivity in olfactory centers of the adult cat.

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the morphology and distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- and peptide histidine isoleucine-immunoreactive (VIP- and PHI-ir) neurons and innervation patterns in the main and accessory olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, and piriform cortex of the adult cat. In these centers, VIP- and PHI-immunoreactive material are present in the same neuronal types, respectively, therefore summarized as VIP/PHI-ir neurons. In the main olfactory bulb, the majority of VIP/PHI-ir neurons are localized in the external plexiform layer. These neurons give rise to two or more locally branching axons. They form boutons on mitral and external tufted cell bodies. According to the morphology and location, we have classified these neurons as Van Gehuchten cells. Some VIP/PHI-ir neurons are present in the glomerular layer. They have small somata and give rise to dendrites branching exclusively into glomeruli. We have classified these neurons as periglomerular cells. In the granule cell layer, neurons with long apical dendrites and one locally projecting axon are present. In the accessory olfactory bulb, VIP/PHI-ir neurons are localized in the mixed external/mitral/internal plexiform layer. They represent Van Gehuchten cells. In the anterior olfactory nucleus and piriform cortex, VIP/PHI-ir bipolar basket neurons are present. They are localized mainly in layers II/III. These neurons are characterized by a bipolar dendritic pattern and by locally projecting axons forming basket terminals on large immunonegative cell somata. Because of their common morphological features, we summarize them as the retrobulbar VIP/PHI-ir interneuron population. The PHI-ir neurons display the same morphology as the VIP-ir cells. However, they are significantly lower in number with a ratio of VIP-ir to PHI-ir cells about 2:1 in the main and accessory olfactory bulb and in the anterior olfactory nucleus. By contrast, in the piriform cortex the ratio is about 1:1

    Aesthetic preference for art emerges from a weighted integration over hierarchically structured visual features in the brain

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    It is an open question whether preferences for visual art can be lawfully predicted from the basic constituent elements of a visual image. Moreover, little is known about how such preferences are actually constructed in the brain. Here we developed and tested a computational framework to gain an understanding of how the human brain constructs aesthetic value. We show that it is possible to explain human preferences for a piece of art based on an analysis of features present in the image. This was achieved by analyzing the visual properties of drawings and photographs by multiple means, ranging from image statistics extracted by computer vision tools, subjective human ratings about attributes, to a deep convolutional neural network. Crucially, it is possible to predict subjective value ratings not only within but also across individuals, speaking to the possibility that much of the variance in human visual preference is shared across individuals. Neuroimaging data revealed that preference computations occur in the brain by means of a graded hierarchical representation of lower and higher level features in the visual system. These features are in turn integrated to compute an overall subjective preference in the parietal and prefrontal cortex. Our findings suggest that rather than being idiosyncratic, human preferences for art can be explained at least in part as a product of a systematic neural integration over underlying visual features of an image. This work not only advances our understanding of the brain-wide computations underlying value construction but also brings new mechanistic insights to the study of visual aesthetics and art appreciation

    Kleine verschillen tussen toegelaten I&R-gebruiksmerken

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    De in 1996 toegelaten I&R-gebruiksmerken zijn allemaal geschikt om mee te werken. Deze zeven typen merken verschillen nauwelijks ten aanzien van werktijd, verliezen, oorbeschadigingen en gebruikservaringen. Er is wel verschil in leesbaarheid van de volgnummers

    Verschillen in werktijd voor aanbrengen ER-gebruiksmerken minimaal

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    Het aanbrengen van I&R-gebruiksmerken kost de zeugenhouder ongeveer een half uur per 100 biggen. Het grootste verschil tussen de zeven toegelaten merken bedraagt 2,5 minuut per 100 biggen. Het plaatsen van het merk in de tang levert de belangrijkste bijdrage aan dit verschil

    Fuzzy cellular model for on-line traffic simulation

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    This paper introduces a fuzzy cellular model of road traffic that was intended for on-line applications in traffic control. The presented model uses fuzzy sets theory to deal with uncertainty of both input data and simulation results. Vehicles are modelled individually, thus various classes of them can be taken into consideration. In the proposed approach, all parameters of vehicles are described by means of fuzzy numbers. The model was implemented in a simulation of vehicles queue discharge process. Changes of the queue length were analysed in this experiment and compared to the results of NaSch cellular automata model.Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Early Life History and a Modeling Framework for Lobster (Homarus Americanus) Populations in the Gulf of Maine

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    Beginning in the late 1980s, lobster (Homarus americanus) landings for the state of Maine and the Bay of Fundy increased to levels more than three times their previous 20-year means. Reduced predation may have permitted the expansion of lobsters into previously inhospitable territory, but we argue that in this region the spatial patterns of recruitment and the abundance of lobsters are substantially driven by events governing the earliest life history stages, including the abundance and distribution of planktonic stages and their initial settlement as Young-of-Year (YOY) lobsters. Settlement densities appear to be strongly driven by abundance of the pelagic postlarvae. Postlarvae and YOY show large-scale spatial patterns commensurate with coastal circulation, but also multi-year trends in abundance and abrupt shifts in abundance and spatial patterns that signal strong environmental forcing. The extent of the coastal shelf that defines the initial settlement grounds for lobsters is important to future population modeling. We address one part of this definition by examining patterns of settlement with depth, and discuss a modeling framework for the full life history of lobsters in the Gulf of Maine