474 research outputs found

    The Impact of Mercury Selection and Conjugative Genetic Elements on Community Structure and Resistance Gene Transfer

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    Carriage of resistance genes can underpin bacterial survival, and by spreading these genes between species, mobile genetic elements (MGEs) can potentially protect diversity within microbial communities. The spread of MGEs could be affected by environmental factors such as selection for resistance, and biological factors such as plasmid host range, with consequences for individual species and for community structure. Here we cultured a focal bacterial strain,Pseudomonas fluorescensSBW25, embedded within a soil microbial community, with and without mercury selection, and with and without mercury resistance plasmids (pQBR57 or pQBR103), to investigate the effects of selection and resistance gene introduction on (1) the focal species; (2) the community as a whole; (3) the spread of the introducedmerresistance operon. We found thatP. fluorescensSBW25 only escaped competitive exclusion by other members of community under mercury selection, even when it did not begin with a mercury resistance plasmid, due to its propensity to acquire resistance from the community by horizontal gene transfer. Mercury pollution had a significant effect on community structure, decreasing alpha diversity within communities while increasing beta diversity between communities, a pattern that was not affected by the introduction of mercury resistance plasmids byP. fluorescensSBW25. Nevertheless, the introducedmerAgene spread to a phylogenetically diverse set of recipients over the 5 weeks of the experiment, as assessed by epicPCR. Our data demonstrates how the effects of MGEs can be experimentally assessed for individual lineages, the wider community, and for the spread of adaptive traits.Peer reviewe

    Antimicrobial Transformation Products in the Aquatic Environment: Global Occurrence, Ecotoxicological Risks, and Potential of Antibiotic Resistance

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    The global spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) isconcerningfor the health of humans, animals, and the environment in a One Healthperspective. Assessments of AMR and associated environmental hazardsmostly focus on antimicrobial parent compounds, while largely overlookingtheir transformation products (TPs). This review lists antimicrobialTPs identified in surface water environments and examines their potentialfor AMR promotion, ecological risk, as well as human health and environmentalhazards using in silico models. Our review also summarizesthe key transformation compartments of TPs, related pathways for TPsreaching surface waters and methodologies for studying the fate ofTPs. The 56 antimicrobial TPs covered by the review were prioritizedvia scoring and ranking of various risk and hazard parameters. Mostdata on occurrences to date have been reported in Europe, while littleis known about antibiotic TPs in Africa, Central and South America,Asia, and Oceania. Occurrence data on antiviral TPs and other antibacterialTPs are even scarcer. We propose evaluation of structural similaritybetween parent compounds and TPs for TP risk assessment. We predicteda risk of AMR for 13 TPs, especially TPs of tetracyclines and macrolides.We estimated the ecotoxicological effect concentrations of TPs fromthe experimental effect data of the parent chemical for bacteria,algae and water fleas, scaled by potency differences predicted byquantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) for baselinetoxicity and a scaling factor for structural similarity. Inclusionof TPs in mixtures with their parent increased the ecological riskquotient over the threshold of one for 7 of the 24 antimicrobialsincluded in this analysis, while only one parent had a risk quotientabove one. Thirteen TPs, from which 6 were macrolide TPs, posed arisk to at least one of the three tested species. There were 12/21TPs identified that are likely to exhibit a similar or higher levelof mutagenicity/carcinogenicity, respectively, than their parent compound,with tetracycline TPs often showing increased mutagenicity. Most TPswith increased carcinogenicity belonged to sulfonamides. Most of theTPs were predicted to be mobile but not bioaccumulative, and 14 werepredicted to be persistent. The six highest-priority TPs originatedfrom the tetracycline antibiotic family and antivirals. This review,and in particular our ranking of antimicrobial TPs of concern, cansupport authorities in planning related intervention strategies andsource mitigation of antimicrobials toward a sustainable future

    VIP21, a 21-kD membrane protein is an integral component of trans-Golgi-network-derived transport vesicles

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    In simple epithelial cells, apical and basolateral proteins are sorted into separate vesicular carriers before delivery to the appropriate plasma membrane domains. To dissect the putative sorting machinery, we have solubilized Golgi-derived transport vesicles with the detergent CHAPS and shown that an apical marker, influenza haemagglutinin (HA), formed a large complex together with several integral membrane proteins. Remarkably, a similar set of CHAPS-insoluble proteins was found after solubilization of a total cellular membrane fraction. This allowed the cloning of a cDNA encoding one protein of this complex, VIP21 (Vesicular Integral-membrane Protein of 21 kD). The transiently expressed protein appeared on the Golgi-apparatus, the plasma membrane and vesicular structures. We propose that VIP21 is a component of the molecular machinery of vesicular transport

    Antimicrobial resistance and the environment : assessment of advances, gaps and recommendations for agriculture, aquaculture and pharmaceutical manufacturing

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    A roundtable discussion held at the fourth International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR4) considered key issues concerning the impact on the environment of antibiotic use in agriculture and aquaculture, and emissions from antibiotic manufacturing. The critical control points for reducing emissions of antibiotics from agriculture are antibiotic stewardship and the pre-treatment of manure and sludge to abate antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotics are sometimes added to fish and shellfish production sites via the feed, representing a direct route of contamination of the aquatic environment. Vaccination reduces the need for antibiotic use in high value (e.g. salmon) production systems. Consumer and regulatory pressure will over time contribute to reducing the emission of very high concentrations of antibiotics from manufacturing. Research priorities include the development of technologies, practices and incentives that will allow effective reduction in antibiotic use, together with evidence-based standards for antibiotic residues in effluents. All relevant stakeholders need to be aware of the threat of antimicrobial resistance and apply best practice in agriculture, aquaculture and pharmaceutical manufacturing in order to mitigate antibiotic resistance development. Research and policy development on antimicrobial resistance mitigation must be cognizant of the varied challenges facing high and low income countries.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis of Aminoglycoside-2 '-O-Methyl Oligoribonucleotide Fusions

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    Phosphoramidite building blocks of ribostamycin (3 and 4), that may be incorporated at any position of the oligonucleotide sequence, were synthesized. The building blocks, together with a previously described neomycin-modified solid support, were applied for the preparation of aminoglycoside-2'-O-methyl oligoribonucleotide fusions. The fusions were used to clamp a single strand DNA sequence (a purine-rich strand of c-Myc promoter 1) to form triple helical 2'-O-methyl RNA/DNA-hybrid constructs. The potential of the aminoglycoside moieties to stabilize the triple helical constructs were studied by UV-melting profile analysis

    Zinc Ion-Dependent Peptide Nucleic Acid-Based Artificial Enzyme that Cleaves RNABulge Size and Sequence Dependence

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    In this report, we investigate the efficiency and selectivity of a Zn2+-dependent peptide nucleic acid-based artificial ribonuclease (PNAzyme) that cleaves RNA target sequences. The target RNAs are varied to form different sizes (3 and 4 nucleotides, nt) and sequences in the bulge formed upon binding to the PNAzyme. PNAzyme-promoted cleavage of the target RNAs was observed and variation of the substrate showed a clear dependence on the sequence and size of the bulge. For targets that form 4-nt bulges, we identified systems with an improved efficacy (an estimated half-life of ca 7-8 h as compared to 11-12 h for sequences studied earlier) as well as systems with an improved site selectivity (up to over 70% cleavage at a single site as compared to 50-60% with previous targets sequences). For targets forming 3-nt bulges, the enhancement compared to previous systems was even more pronounced. Compared to a starting point of targets forming 3-nt AAA bulges (half-lives of ca 21-24 h), we could identify target sequences that were cleaved with half-lives three times lower (ca 7-8 h), i.e., at rates similar to those found for the fastest 4-nt bulge system. In addition, with the 3-nt bulge RNA target site selectivity was improved even further to reach well over 80% cleavage at a specific site

    Passive methods for spent fuel characterisation at the Finnish geological repository

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    Development of the Passive Gamma Emission Tomography (PGET) and Passive Neutron Albedo Reactivity (PNAR) methods in the context of the Finnish geological repository for spent nuclear fuel has shown that they provide, for BWR fuel assemblies, the comprehensive verification needed to meet the nuclear safeguards objectives of the repository. The principles of the PGET and PNAR methods and the design and operation of the respective instruments are presented. A few results from measurements at the spent fuel storage pools at the Finnish nuclear power plants are discussed. The directions of ongoing and future developments are indicated

    Acetylated and Methylated beta-Cyclodextrins as Viable Soluble Supports for the Synthesis of Short 2 '-Oligodeoxyribo-nucleotides in Solution

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    Novel soluble supports for oligonucleotide synthesis 11a-c have been prepared by immobilizing a 5'-O-protected 3'-O-(hex-5-ynoyl) thymidine (6 or 7) to peracetylated or permethylated 6-deoxy-6-azido-beta-cyclodextrins 10a or 10b by Cu(I)-promoted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. The applicability of the supports to oligonucleotide synthesis by the phosphoramidite strategy has been demonstrated by assembling a 3'-TTT-5' trimer from commercially available 5'-O-(4,4'-dimethoxytrityl) thymidine 3'-phosphoramidite. To simplify the coupling cycle, the 5'-O-(4,4'-dimethoxytrityl) protecting group has been replaced with an acetal that upon acidolytic removal yields volatile products. For this purpose, 5'-O-(1-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-protected 3'-(2-cyanoethyl-N, N-diisopropyl-phosphoramidite) s of thymidine (5a), N-4-benzoyl-2'-deoxycytidine (5b) and N-6-benzoyl-2'-deoxyadenosine (5c) have been synthesized and utilized in synthesis of a pentameric oligonucleotide 3'-TTCAT-5' on the permethylated cyclodextrin support 11c

    Unraveling the diversity of sedimentary sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) across Tibetan saline lakes using epicPCR

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    Sulfate reduction is an important biogeochemical process in the ecosphere; however, the major taxa of sulfate reducers have not been fully identified. Here, we used epicPCR (Emulsion, Paired Isolation, and Concatenation PCR) technology to identify the phylogeny of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) in sediments from Tibetan Plateau saline lakes. A total of 12,519 OTUs and 883 SRP-OTUs were detected in ten lakes by sequencing of 16S rRNA gene PCR amplicons and epicPCR products of fused 16S rRNA plus dsrB gene, respectively, with Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes being the dominant phyla in both datasets. The 120 highly abundant SRP-OTUs (>1% in at least one sample) were affiliated with 17 described phyla, only 7 of which are widely recognized as SRP phyla. The majority of OTUs from both the whole microbial communities and the SRPs were not detected in more than one specific lake, suggesting high levels of endemism. The -diversity of the entire microbial community and SRP sub-community showed significant positive correlations. The pH value and mean water temperature of the month prior to sampling were the environmental determinants for the whole microbial community, while the mean water temperature and total nitrogen were the major environmental drivers for the SRP sub-community. This study revealed there are still many undocumented SRP in Tibetan saline lakes, many of which could be endemic and adapted to specific environmental conditions.Peer reviewe
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