781 research outputs found

    Integrated care management of patients with atrial fibrillation-far from optimal

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    La forma e l'impronta del dolore. Percorsi nella fotografia della sofferenza.

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    L'articolo discute l'uso dell imagine da part di alcune ONG nei logo website e gallery. Oggi, infatti, le ONG sono diventate uno dei soggetti principali di enunciazione del discorso dei diritti umani e della sua retorica. Questa retorica risulta strettamente connessa ad un'esperienza visiva delle atrocità e ad una rappresentazione "concerned" della sofferenza umana. L'espressione “concerned photography” si riferisce così a tutte quelle immagini che ritraggono le violazioni dei diritti umani attraverso una messa in scena del dolore e della sofferenza. Per quanto riguarda l'uso di fotografie "concerned" da parte delle ONG, queste immagini rappresentano una sorta di "genere" che assolve principalmente a tre obiettivi: "far conoscere" al mondo le sofferenze degli altri (livello cognitivo), "far sentire" il loro dolore (livello passionale) e "far agire" (livello pragmatico). Il nostro contributo si focalizza in particolare su un aspetto di questo complesso "genere testuale" (la relazione tra "ritratti della sofferenza" e paesaggio) e su due casi studio (una fotografia di 3 bambini pachistani scattata durante l'inondazione del 2010 e le immagini delle vittime di Srebrenica)

    Spaces of Memory

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    In the last decade, museums, memorials and monuments have become the battlefield for competing and conflicting visions of the past and the hegemonic or counter memories of the so-called “difficult heritage” or “traumatic heritage”. Far from being mere spaces of musealization that freeze and fix dominant narratives of the past, spaces of memory are increasingly turning into sites of negotiations and reconfigurations of meaning in which social and political identities are debated, strengthened, or weakened in reference to the traumatic experiences of the past which they “represent”. Yet, what does it mean to spatially represent a (traumatic) memory, and what is a space of memory? In expanding and, simultaneously, problematizing Pierre Nora’s (Nora 1996) category of lieu de mémoire, the way we think of spaces of memory aims at an in-depth examination of the peculiar yet specific ways of re-thinking the nexus between space and memory: how do we elaborate, activate, and make visible spaces for memory? This question points to the dynamic construction that underlines the production and connection of spatiality and memory, as well as to the coexistence of a plurality of meanings and experiences that characterize spaces of memory

    gp91phox-dependent expression of platelet CD40 ligand

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    Background-CD40 ligand (CD40L) expression on platelets is mediated by agonists, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. Methods and Results-CD40L expression was measured in platelets from healthy subjects both with and without the addition of antioxidants or a phospholipase A2 (PLA2) inhibitor and in platelets from 2 patients with an inherited deficiency of gp91phox. Immunoprecipitation analysis was also performed to determine whether normal platelets showed gp91phox expression. Unlike catalase and mannitol, superoxide dismutase inhibited agonist-induced platelet CD40L expression in healthy subjects. Immunoprecipitation analysis also showed that platelets from healthy subjects expressed gp91phox. In 2 male patients with inherited gp91phox deficiency, collagen-, thrombin-, and arachidonic acid-stimulated platelets showed an almost complete absence of superoxide anion (O2-) and CD40L expression. Incubation of platelets from healthy subjects with a PLA2 inhibitor almost completely prevented agonist-induced O2- and CD40L expression. Conclusions-These data provide the first evidence that platelet CD40L expression occurs via arachidonic acid-mediated gp91phox activation

    Vitamin C inhibits platelet expression of CD40 ligand

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    Upon stimulation with agonists, platelets express CD40 ligand (CD40L), a transmembrane protein implicated in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic disease. We have recently discovered that oxidative stress plays a major role in platelet CD40L expression. In this study, we sought to determine whether vitamin C, a known antioxidant, is able to influence platelet CD40L expression. In vitro experiments were done by stimulating platelets with collagen in the presence or absence of vitamin C (50-100 mu M) or vehicle as control. An in vivo study was done in 10 healthy subjects who were randomized to intravenous infusion of placebo or 1 g vitamin C for 45 min in a crossover design. At the end of infusion platelet CD40L and O2- were measured. The in vitro study demonstrated that vitamin C dose dependently inhibited platelet CD40L expression without affecting agonist-induced platelet aggregation. In subjects treated with placebo no changes of platelet CD40L and O2- were observed; conversely, vitamin C infusion caused a significant and parallel decrease of platelet O2- (-70%, P < 0.001) and CD40L (-68%, P < 0.001). Platelet aggregation was not modified by either treatment. This study suggests that water-soluble antioxidants, which scavenge superoxide radicals, may reduce platelet CD40L expression. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Oxidative stress-mediated platelet CD40 ligand upregulation in patients with hypercholesterolemia: effect of atorvastatin

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    Objectives: We speculated that in patients with hypercholesterolemia CD40L overexpression could depend on low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-induced enhanced intraplatelet formation of O-2(.-) and statin could reduce platelet CD40L via interference with platelet O-2(.-) production. Background: CD40L is a protein with inflammatory and thrombotic properties. CD40L is upregulated in platelets from hypercholesterolemic (HC) patients but the underlying mechanism is unclear. Methods: Collagen-induced platelet CD40L and platelet O-2(.-) expression were investigated in 40 HC patients and 40 healthy subjects. HC patients were then randomized to either a diet (n = 20) (group A) or atorvastatin 10 mg day (n = 20) (group B); the above variables were measured at baseline and after 3 and 30 days of treatment. O-2(.-) and CD40L were also measured in vitro in LDL-treated platelets with or without nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor or atorvastatin added. Results: Compared with controls, HC patients showed higher values of platelet CD40L (P < 0.001) and O-2(.-) (P < 0.001). Platelet CD40L was significantly correlated with O-2(.-) (P < 0.001). The interventional trial showed no changes in group A and a significant and parallel decrease in platelet CD40L (P < 0.001) and O-2(.-) (P < 0.001) in group B. In vitro studies demonstrated that LDL-induced platelet CD40L and GP IIb/IIIa (PAC1 binding) activation via the NADPH oxidase pathway. CD40L upregulation was counteracted by atorvastatin in a dose-dependent fashion. Conclusions: This study suggests that in patients with hypercholesterolemia platelet CD40L is upregulated via NADPH oxidase-dependent O-2(.-) generation. Atorvastatin downregulated CD40L with an oxidative stress-mediated mechanism likely involving platelet NADPH oxidase, an effect that seemed to be independent of its cholesterol-lowering action

    Platelet isoprostane overproduction in diabetic patients treated with aspirin

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    Aspirin modestly influences cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), but the reason is unclear. The aim of the study was to determine whether in T2DM patients aspirin enhances platelet isoprostanes, which are eicosanoids with proaggregating properties derived from arachidonic acid oxidation by platelet NOX2, the catalytic subunit of reduced NAD phosphate oxidase. A cross-sectional study was performed comparing T2DM patients, treated (n = 50) or not treated (n = 50) with 100 mg/day aspirin, with 100 nondiabetic patients, matched for age, sex, atherosclerosis risk factors, and aspirin treatment. A short-term (7 days) treatment with 100 mg/day aspirin also was performed in 36 aspirin-free diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Higher platelet recruitment, platelet isoprostane, and NOX2 activation was found in diabetic versus nondiabetic patients and in aspirin-treated diabetic patients versus nontreated patients (P < 0.001). Platelet thromboxane (Tx) A(2) (P < 0.001) was inhibited in all aspirin-treated patients. In the interventional study, aspirin similarly inhibited platelet TxA(2) in diabetic and nondiabetic patients (P < 0.001). Platelet recruitment, isoprostane levels, and NOX2 activation showed a parallel increase in diabetic patients (P < 0.001) and no changes in nondiabetic patients. These findings suggest that in aspirin-treated diabetic patients, oxidative stress-mediated platelet isoprostane overproduction is associated with enhanced platelet recruitment, an effect that mitigates aspirin-mediated TxA(2) inhibition