22 research outputs found

    Connection between Caspian sea level variability and ENSO

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    The problem of the world greatest lake, the Caspian Sea, level changes attracts the increased attention due to its environmental consequences and unique natural characteristics. Despite the huge number of studies aimed to explain the reasons of the sea level variations the underlying mechanism has not yet been clarified. The important question is to what extent the CSL variability is linked to changes in the global climate system and to what extent it can be explained by internal natural variations in the Caspian regional hydrological system. In this study an evidence of a link between the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon and changes of the Caspian Sea level is presented. This link was also found to be dominating in numerical experiments with the ECHAM4 atmospheric general circulation model on the 20th century climate

    Cloud feedback in atmospheric general circulation models: An update

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    Six years ago, we compared the climate sensitivity of 19 atmospheric general circulation models and found a roughly threefold variation among the models; most of this variation was attributed to differences in the models' depictions of cloud feedback. In an update of this comparison, current models showed considerably smaller differences in net cloud feedback, with most producing modest values. There are, however, substantial differences in the feedback components, indicating that the models still have physical disagreements


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    Existing mobile facilities, which are used violator for changing by information and co-ordinations their own action under mass disturbances are considered.  Methods of the reluctance mobile facility under mass disturbances, as well as offers, concerning participations of the Ukraine’s Interior Troops MIA in organizations of the reluctance mobile facility under mass disturbances are brought.Розглянуто існуючі мобільні засоби, які використовуються порушниками для обміну інформацією та координації своїх дій під час масових безладь. Наведено методи протидії мобільним засобам під час масових безладь, а також пропозиції  щодо участі внутрішніх військ МВС України в організації протидії мобільним засобам під час масових безладь