132 research outputs found

    Distribuirani obrambeni mehanizmi za clone napade temeljeni na algoritmu za istraživanje gravitacije (GSA) u WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are often deployed in hostile environment and are vulnerable to attacks because of the resource constrained nature of the sensors. Clone attack in WSN is one of the major issues where the messages are eavesdropped, the captured node is cloned, and multiple nodes with same identity are produced by attacker. In order to overcome these issues, in this paper, a Distributed Defense Mechanism for Clone Attacks based on Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in WSN is proposed. For efficiently detecting the suspect nodes, the nodes in the channel can be divided into witness node and the claimer node. The witness nodes are responsible for the suspect nodes detection, whereas the claimer nodes should provide their identities for the detection process. For the witness nodes selection, we utilize the GSA to pick out the best witness nodes set. After selecting the witness nodes, clone attack detection is performed by observing the behavior of the neighbor nodes. On detecting the clone attack, revocation procedure is triggered to revoke the clone attack in the witness nodes. By simulation results, it can be concluded that the proposed algorithm provides better protection to clone attacks by reducing the packet drop and increasing the packet delivery ratio.Bežične senzorske mreže (WSN) često su raspoređene u neprijateljskom okruženju i ranjive su na napade zbog prirode senzora koji su tehnološki ograničeni. Clone napad u WSN jedan je od glavnih problema gdje se poruke prisluškuju, zarobljeni čvor se klonira te napadač proizvede višestruke čvorove istog identiteta. Kako bi nadvladali te probleme, ovaj rad predlaže distribuirani obrambeni mehanizam za clone napade temeljen na algoritmu za istraživanje gravitacije (GSA) u WSN. Kako bi se sumnjivi čvorovi efikasno detektirali, čvorovi u kanalu mogu se podijeliti u čvorove svjedoke i tražene čvorove. Čvorovi svjedoci odgovorni su za otkrivanje sumnjivih čvorova, dok traženi čvorovi trebaju za potrebe procesa detekcije navesti svoj identitet. Za izbor čvorova svjedoka, koristi se GSA kako bi se izabrala grupa čvorova koji su najprikladniji. Nakon izbora čvorova svjedoka, otkivanje clone napada vrši se promatranjem ponašanja susjednih čvorova. Otkrivanjem clone napada aktivira se proces opoziva kako bi se opozvao clone napad u čvorovima svjedocima. Prema rezultatima dobivenim iz simulacije može se zaključiti kako predloženi algoritam pruža bolju zaštitu od clone napada smanjivanjem odbacivanja paketa i povećavanjem omjera isporuke paketa


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To assess the relationship between salivary pH and periodontitis in subjects with and without diabetes mellitus. The relationship betweendiabetes mellitus and salivary pH has been assessed. The relationship between periodontitis and salivary pH has been assessed.But the relationshipbetween diabetes mellitus, periodontitis and salivary pH among adults has received less attention.Methods: A total of sixty subjects were evaluated in the study with no history of diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, with periodontitis but no historyof diabetes mellitus, with periodontitis and diabetes mellitusas twenty in each group.pH strips were used to measure the salivary pH.Results: The results show that a decreased salivary pHwas seen in subjects having periodontitis with diabetes as compared to subjects havingperiodontitis without diabetes.Conclusion: Thus diabetes mellitus have a direct effect on salivary pH, reducing it from normal levels.Keywords: Periodontitis, Diabetes mellitus, Salivary pH

    A prospective, randomized study to assess the effect of pneumoperitoneum on arterial and endtidal carbondioxide pressure gradient during laparoscopic surgery in adults

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    INTRODUCTION: During laparoscopic surgery, Carbondioxide pneumoperitoneum is created resulting in hypercarbia which has complex effects on various systems of our body. PURPOSE: To assess the effects of pneumoperitoneum on arterial and end tidal carbondioxide pressure gradient during laparoscopic surgery in adults. METHODOLOGY: 60 patients of ASA 1 & 2 between the age of 20 to 60 years posted for elective laparoscopic appendicectomy or cholecystectomy were selected. They were anaesthesized, Intubated, paralysed and ventilated with constant ventilator settings (TV=10ml/kg, RR=12 to 14/mins). Intra abdominal pressure was maintained between 10-12 mmHg. Arterial blood sample were collected preinsufflation of CO2 and also intra operatively 15 minutes after CO2 pneumoperitoneum. We decided to study the changes in PaCO2, ETCO2, P(a-Et)CO2 gradient, and PH and bicarbonate. Also studied the hemodynamic changes due to pneumoperitoneum. RESULTS: There was significant increase in ETC02, PaCO2, P(a-Et)CO2 gradient, after CO2 insufflation but within clinically normal range. There was decrease in pH without change in bicarbonate concentration. And also slight increase in heart rate and diastolic blood pressure. CONCLUSION: There was increase in ETCO2 and PaCO2, P(a-Et)CO2 gradient significantly higher than pre insufflation value but with in physiological range. The arterial and endtidal carbondioxide pressure gradients are under the normal limits even after CO2 pneumoperitoneum in ASA 1 and 2 patients. The normal pressure P(a-Et)CO2 gradient implies adequate ventilation to alveoli and perfusion. ETCO2 correlate well with PaCO2. So it is best parameter to diagnose hyper carbia

    Saturation properties and incompressibility of nuclear matter: A consistent determination from nuclear masses

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    Starting with a two-body effective nucleon-nucleon interaction, it is shown that the infinite nuclear matter model of atomic nuclei is more appropriate than the conventional Bethe-Weizsacker like mass formulae to extract saturation properties of nuclear matter from nuclear masses. In particular, the saturation density thus obtained agrees with that of electron scattering data and the Hartree-Fock calculations. For the first time using nuclear mass formula, the radius constant r0r_0=1.138 fm and binding energy per nucleon ava_v = -16.11 MeV, corresponding to the infinite nuclear matter, are consistently obtained from the same source. An important offshoot of this study is the determination of nuclear matter incompressibility KK_{\infty} to be 288±\pm 28 MeV using the same source of nuclear masses as input.Comment: 14 latex pages, five figures available on request ( to appear in Phy. Rev. C

    Masses of Multiquark Droplets

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    The mass formulae for finite lumps of strange quark matter with uu, dd and ss quarks, and non-strange quark matter consisting of uu and dd quarks are derived in a non-relativistic potential model. The finite-size effects comprising the surface, curvature and even, the Gauss curvature were consistently obtained, which shows a converging trend. It is found that there is a possibility for the formation of metastable strangelets of large mass. The model predicts low charge to mass ratio as the characteristic signature of strange matter in agreement with the relativistic studies. This study also yields an independent estimate for the bag energy density BB, which is in agreement with the M.I.T bag model value.Comment: 24pages + 5 figures available upon request,Latex,IP/BBSR/93-3

    Origin of subthreshold K^+ production in heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the origin of subthreshold K+K^+ production in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies. In particular we study the influence of the pion induced K+K^+ creation processes. We find that this channel shows a strong dependence on the size of the system, i.e., the number of participating nucleons as well as on the incident energy of the reaction. In an energy region between 1--2 GeV/nucleon the pion induced processes essentially contribute to the total yield and can even become dominant in reactions with a large number of participating nucleons. Thus we are able to reproduce recent measurements of the KaoS Collaboration for 1 GeV/nucleon Au on Au reactions adopting a realistic momentum dependent nuclear mean field.Comment: 6 pages Latex using RevTex, revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Role of isospin dependent mean field in pion production in heavy ion reactions

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    The importance of a isospin dependent nuclear mean field (IDMF) in regard to the pion production mechanism is studied for the reaction Au+AuAu+Au at 1 GeV/nucleon using the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model. In particular, the effect of the IDMF on pion spectra and the charged pion ratio are analyzed. It is found that the inclusion of a IDMF considerably suppresses the lowpt-p_t pions, thus, leading to a better agreement with the data on pion spectra. Moreover, the rapidity distribution of the charged pion ratio appears to be sensitive to the isospin dependence of the nuclear mean field.Comment: 16 pages, using RevTex, 6 PS-Figure