63 research outputs found

    Conventional and Radiation Synthesis of Polymeric Nano- and Microgels and Their Possible Applications

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    Soft nanomaterials – polymeric nanogels and microgels – have made a fast and brilliant career, from an unwanted by-product of polymerization processes to an important and fashionable topic of interdisciplinary research in the fields of polymer chemistry and physics, materials science, pharmacy and medicine. Together with their larger analogues – macroscopic gels, most known in the form of water-swellable hydrogels – they have a broad field of actual and potential applications ranging from filler materials in coating industry to modern biomaterials.  A multitude of techniques has been described for the synthesis of polymeric nano- and microgels. Most of them can be classified in two groups. The first one are techniques based on concomitant polymerization and crosslinking (where the substrates are monomers or their mixtures), called by some authors "crosslinking polymerization". The second group are methods based on intramolecular crosslinking of macromolecules (where the starting material is not a monomer, but a polymer). The possibilities of employing macroscopic polymer gels as biomaterials, mostly in the form of hydrogels based on synthetic polymers, have been explored since 1960's, when these materials were first synthesized [1]. Since then, a number of products reached the stage of commercial application, soft contact lenses, drug delivery systems and wound dressings being the most widely known examples. Given the number of research groups involved and progress being made in this field, one may anticipate that in the future the number of hydrogel-based biomedical products on the market will be constantly increasing

    Dual Stimuli-Responsive Polysaccharide Hydrogels Manufactured by Radiation Technique

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    Featured Application Stimuli-responsive hydrogels encompassing biobased polymers are anticipated for utilization in various fields, starting from drug delivery systems through temporal actuators and water reservoirs to biodegradable microelements and nutrient delivery depots. This paper describes the results of the radiation-induced crosslinking of polysaccharides modified with hydroxypropyl and carboxymethyl functional groups, hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), respectively, without and with poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) as a crosslinking agent, to obtain dual stimuli-responsive hydrogels. The gels were characterized in terms of water uptake and gel fraction, parameters that mainly depend on the HPC-CMC compositions, but also on the macromer crosslinker content and the absorbed dose. The swelling of hydrogels is controlled by both the temperature, due to the amphiphilic character of HPC and pH, due to the anionic functional groups of CMC. In spite of a similar degree of substitution in both cellulose derivatives, 1.4 for HPC and 1.2 for CMC, the pH response of hydrogels with an equal content of both polysaccharides is considerably higher-a reduction in swelling of up to 95% with a decrease in the pH to 2 was recorded-than the response to thermal-stimulus-wherein a reduction in swelling of less than 70% with an increasing in temperature to 55 degrees C was found. These biopolymers-based hydrogels of specific, stimuli-responsive swelling properties are anticipated in applications where a combination of two stimuli is essential and biodegradation may be required

    Polymerization reactions and modifications of polymers by ionizing radiation

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    Ionizing radiation has become the most effective way to modify natural and synthetic polymers through crosslinking, degradation, and graft polymerization. This review will include an in-depth analysis of radiation chemistry mechanisms and the kinetics of the radiation-induced C-centered free radical, anion, and cation polymerization, and grafting. It also presents sections on radiation modifications of synthetic and natural polymers. For decades, low linear energy transfer (LLET) ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays, X-rays, and up to 10 MeV electron beams, has been the primary tool to produce many products through polymerization reactions. Photons and electrons interaction with polymers display various mechanisms. While the interactions of gamma ray and X-ray photons are mainly through the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair-production, the interactions of the high-energy electrons take place through coulombic interactions. Despite the type of radiation used on materials, photons or high energy electrons, in both cases ions and electrons are produced. The interactions between electrons and monomers takes place within less than a nanosecond. Depending on the dose rate (dose is defined as the absorbed radiation energy per unit mass), the kinetic chain length of the propagation can be controlled, hence allowing for some control over the degree of polymerization. When polymers are submitted to high-energy radiation in the bulk, contrasting behaviors are observed with a dominant effect of cross-linking or chain scission, depending on the chemical nature and physical characteristics of the material. Polymers in solution are subject to indirect effects resulting from the radiolysis of the medium. Likewise, for radiation-induced polymerization, depending on the dose rate, the free radicals generated on polymer chains can undergo various reactions, such as inter/intramolecular combination or inter/intramolecular disproportionation, b-scission. These reactions lead to structural or functional polymer modifications. In the presence of oxygen, playing on irradiation dose-rates, one can favor crosslinking reactions or promotes degradations through oxidations. The competition between the crosslinking reactions of C-centered free radicals and their reactions with oxygen is described through fundamental mechanism formalisms. The fundamentals of polymerization reactions are herein presented to meet industrial needs for various polymer materials produced or degraded by irradiation. Notably, the medical and industrial applications of polymers are endless and thus it is vital to investigate the effects of sterilization dose and dose rate on various polymers and copolymers with different molecular structures and morphologies. The presence or absence of various functional groups, degree of crystallinity, irradiation temperature, etc. all greatly affect the radiation chemistry of the irradiated polymers. Over the past decade, grafting new chemical functionalities on solid polymers by radiation-induced polymerization (also called RIG for Radiation-Induced Grafting) has been widely exploited to develop innovative materials in coherence with actual societal expectations. These novel materials respond not only to health emergencies but also to carbon-free energy needs (e.g., hydrogen fuel cells, piezoelectricity, etc.) and environmental concerns with the development of numerous specific adsorbents of chemical hazards and pollutants. The modification of polymers through RIG is durable as it covalently bonds the functional monomers. As radiation penetration depths can be varied, this technique can be used to modify polymer surface or bulk. The many parameters influencing RIG that control the yield of the grafting process are discussed in this review. These include monomer reactivity, irradiation dose, solvent, presence of inhibitor of homopolymerization, grafting temperature, etc. Today, the general knowledge of RIG can be applied to any solid polymer and may predict, to some extent, the grafting location. A special focus is on how ionizing radiation sources (ion and electron beams, UVs) may be chosen or mixed to combine both solid polymer nanostructuration and RIG. LLET ionizing radiation has also been extensively used to synthesize hydrogel and nanogel for drug delivery systems and other advanced applications. In particular, nanogels can either be produced by radiation-induced polymerization and simultaneous crosslinking of hydrophilic monomers in “nanocompartments”, i.e., within the aqueous phase of inverse micelles, or by intramolecular crosslinking of suitable water-soluble polymers. The radiolytically produced oxidizing species from water, •OH radicals, can easily abstract H-atoms from the backbone of the dissolved polymers (or can add to the unsaturated bonds) leading to the formation of C-centered radicals. These C-centered free radicals can undergo two main competitive reactions; intramolecular and intermolecular crosslinking. When produced by electron beam irradiation, higher temperatures, dose rates within the pulse, and pulse repetition rates favour intramolecular crosslinking over intermolecular crosslinking, thus enabling a better control of particle size and size distribution. For other water-soluble biopolymers such as polysaccharides, proteins, DNA and RNA, the abstraction of H atoms or the addition to the unsaturation by •OH can lead to the direct scission of the backbone, double, or single strand breaks of these polymers

    Self-Aligned Bilayers for Flexible Free-Standing Organic Field-Effect Transistors

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    [Image: see text] Free-standing and flexible field-effect transistors based on 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)-pentacene (TIPS-pentacene)/polystyrene bilayers are obtained by well-controlled phase separation of both components. The phase separation is induced by solvent vapor annealing of initially amorphous blend films, leading to crystallization of TIPS-pentacene as the top layer. The crystallinity and blend morphology strongly depend on the molecular weight of polystyrene, and under optimized conditions, distinct phase separation with a well-defined and trap-free interface between both fractions is achieved. Due to the distinct bilayer morphology, the resulting flexible field-effect transistors reveal similar charge carrier mobilities as rigid devices and additionally pronounced environmental and bias stress stabilities. The performance of the flexible transistors remains stable up to a strain of 1.8%, while above this deformation, a close relation between current and strain is observed that is required for applications in strain sensors

    Minimalism in Radiation Synthesis of Biomedical Functional Nanogels

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    A scalable, single-step, synthetic approach for the manufacture of biocompatible, functionalized micro- and nanogels is presented. In particular, poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)-grafted-(aminopropyl)methacrylamide microgels and nanogels were generated through e-beam irradiation of PVP aqueous solutions in the presence of a primary amino-group-carrying monomer. Particles with different hydrodynamic diameters and surface charge densities were obtained at the variance of the irradiation conditions. Chemical structure was investigated by different spectroscopic techniques. Fluorescent variants were generated through fluorescein isothiocyanate attachment to the primary amino groups grafted to PVP, to both quantify the available functional groups for bioconjugation and follow nanogels localization in cell cultures. Finally, a model protein, bovine serum albumin, was conjugated to the nanogels to demonstrate the attachment of biologically relevant molecules for targeting purposes in drug delivery. The described approach provides a novel strategy to fabricate biohybrid nanogels with a very promising potential in nanomedicine

    A review on radiation-induced nucleation and growth of colloidal metallic nanoparticles

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    This review presents an introduction to the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles by radiation-induced method, especially gamma irradiation. This method offers some benefits over the conventional methods because it provides fully reduced and highly pure nanoparticles free from by-products or chemical reducing agents, and is capable of controlling the particle size and structure. The nucleation and growth mechanism of metallic nanoparticles are also discussed. The competition between nucleation and growth process in the formation of nanoparticles can determine the size of nanoparticles which is influenced by certain parameters such as the choice of solvents and stabilizer, the precursor to stabilizer ratio, pH during synthesis, and absorbed dose

    Dexamethasone intravitreal implant in previously treated patients with diabetic macular edema : Subgroup analysis of the MEAD study

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    Background: Dexamethasone intravitreal implant 0.7 mg (DEX 0.7) was approved for treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME) after demonstration of its efficacy and safety in the MEAD registration trials. We performed subgroup analysis of MEAD study results to evaluate the efficacy and safety of DEX 0.7 treatment in patients with previously treated DME. Methods: Three-year, randomized, sham-controlled phase 3 study in patients with DME, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 34.68 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters (20/200.20/50 Snellen equivalent), and central retinal thickness (CRT) 65300 \u3bcm measured by time-domain optical coherence tomography. Patients were randomized to 1 of 2 doses of DEX (0.7 mg or 0.35 mg), or to sham procedure, with retreatment no more than every 6 months. The primary endpoint was 6515-letter gain in BCVA at study end. Average change in BCVA and CRT from baseline during the study (area-under-the-curve approach) and adverse events were also evaluated. The present subgroup analysis evaluated outcomes in patients randomized to DEX 0.7 (marketed dose) or sham based on prior treatment for DME at study entry. Results: Baseline characteristics of previously treated DEX 0.7 (n = 247) and sham (n=261) patients were similar. In the previously treated subgroup, mean number of treatments over 3 years was 4.1 for DEX 0.7 and 3.2 for sham, 21.5 % of DEX 0.7 patients versus 11.1 % of sham had 6515-letter BCVA gain from baseline at study end (P = 0.002), mean average BCVA change from baseline was +3.2 letters with DEX 0.7 versus +1.5 letters with sham (P = 0.024), and mean average CRT change from baseline was -126.1 \u3bcm with DEX 0.7 versus -39.0 \u3bcm with sham(P < 0.001). Cataract-related adverse events were reported in 70.3 % of baseline phakic patients in the previously treated DEX 0.7 subgroup; vision gains were restored following cataract surgery. Conclusions: DEX 0.7 significantly improved visual and anatomic outcomes in patients with DME previously treated with laser, intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide, or a combination of these therapies. The safety profile of DEX 0.7 in previously treated patients was similar to its safety profile in the total study population

    Pulse radiolysis of polymers in aqueous solution. Kinetics study

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    The rate constant of OH• reaction with polymers depends both on the concentration and the molecular weight of the polymer. Experiments on dilute poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) solutions indicate that this dependence can be derived on the basis of Smoluchowski equation taking into consideration the dimensions of polymer coils. For polyelectrolytes this rate constant depends on the pH and on the ionic strength, too. The higher is pH, the higher is the rate constant of the OH• reaction with poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). The process of the decay of macroradicals derived from various polymers does not follow classical second-order kinetics, but it may be described with time-dependent rate constant