1,428 research outputs found

    Hydromagnetic stability of the magnetosphere boundary

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    Hydromagnetic stability of magnetosphere-solar wind interfac

    Two-stream instability in gravitating plasmas with magnetic field and rotation

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    Gas stream instability investigated using moment equations in gravitating plasma clouds with magnetic field and uniform rotation - plasma physic

    Magnetogravitational instability of anisotropic plasma with Hall effect

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    Magnetogravitational instability of anisotropic plasma with Hall effec

    Studies on the food and feeding relationships of the halfbeak fishes (Hemirhamphidae) from the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    As a part of the investigations of the biology of the hemirhamphids in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay from 1957-59, the contents of 2221 guts belonging to four species, viz., Hyporhamphus georgii (C.V.), H. quoyi (C.V.), Hemirhamphus marginatus (Forsk.) and H. far (Forsk.) were examined. No detailed information on the food and feeding habits of the half beaks is available and the accounts given by Schlesinger (1909), Uchida (1930), Smith (1933), Devanesan (1933), Graham (1938), Suyehiro (1942), Gnanamuthu (1943), Chacko (1949), Tham Ah Kow (1950), Thompson (1957 and 1959), Vijayaraghavan (1957) and Kuthalingam (1958) relate mainly to observations confined to limited periods in a year and do not give a picture of the variations of the seasonal composition of the gut contents. The present study deals with the seasonal composition of the food items of four species of halfbeaks and its relation to the environmental biota and their stages of sexual maturity

    A destiny to fulfill

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    Prevention of AIDS and sexually-transmitted infections

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    Abnormal vaginal discharge due to reproductive tract infections (RTls) is widely prevalent in the country. According to WHO, over 300 million new cases of sexually-transmitted infections (excluding HIV) occur each year. In addition to these, HIV infection is spreading rapidly in the country with over 3.7 million sero-positive cases (from zero) within 15 years. The predominant mode of transmission of HIV is by heterosexual route. The multidrug regime for treatment is expensive (about $10.000 per year) which is beyond the reach of most of the people. No viable vaccine preventing AIDS infection is in sight. Under these circumstances, safe sex is the best recourse, which demands consistent and proper use of condoms. This does not take place to the extent necessary for preventing the transmission of HIV and other sexually-transmitted infections. A polyherbal tablet for intravaginal use by women has been developed. and a polyherbal cream, for use by both men and women, which has a wide spectrum antimicrobial action. Amongst others, these inhibit the growth of Neisseria gonorrhea (including strains resistant to penicillin). normal and multidrug-resistant isolates of urinary tract E. coli, Candida albicans. Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis. Applied intravaginally, these prevent the transmission of Herpes simplex 2 and Chlamydia trachomatis in progestin-sensitised mice. Studies conducted at the lnstitut Pasteur. Paris and Conrad Norfolk, USA, have demonstrated high virucidal action of these formulations against HIVI. Both formulations have undergone phase I clinical trials in five major centres in lndia and abroad. which have indicated the complete safety of these products without any local or systemic side effects. The Drug Controller of India and the Institutional Ethics Committees have approved phase [I clinical trials. The first of these trials was conducted in 88 women with abnormal vaginal discharge due to genital pathogens at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and research. C handigarh. Every woman who used the praneem polyherbals, once every night for seven days, experienced relief clinically, irrespective of the nature of the causative pathogen

    Radial Pulsations of an Infinite Cylinder in the Presence of Magnetic Field

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    Prevention of hormone action by local application of actinomycin D

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    Effect of vitamin A and undernutrition on the susceptibility of rodents to a malarial parasite Plasmodium berghei

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    The ability of vitamin A deficient rats to resist infection with P. berghei was investigated. When 10×106 erythrocytes bearing the parasite/100 g body weight were given to the vitamin A protein energy undernourished rats, parasitemia developed in these animals at a faster pace than the controls. A high number (60% to 95% ) of red blood cells (RBC) carrying the parasite were noticeable within 6 to 7 days after infection, at which time most animals in this group died. The pair-fed controls (protein-energy undernourished but supplemented with vitamin A) fared perceptibly better with an equivalent load of infection. Control ad libitum fed littermates were able to restrict the infection and neither high parasitemia nor death was noted in this group. Oral supplements of retinyl acetate to vitamin A deficient rats enabled the animals to recover from infection. A subclinical dose of 500 parasitized RBC given at an early stage of the vitamin A deficiency precipitated the deficiency symptoms at a faster rate and led to the development of higher order of parasitemia in these rats beginning from the 10th day after infection as compared to pair fed controls. The yield of glass adhering cells obtainable from peritoneal exudates was low in deficient rats. In vitro experiments further suggest a decrease in the capacity of the glass adhering peritoneal exudate cells in vitamin A deficient mice to clear the infection. This capacity was improved by addition of non glass adhering cells from sensitized control mice