93 research outputs found

    The effect of patient, provider and financing regulations on the intensity of ambulatory physical therapy episodes: a multilevel analysis based on routinely available data.

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    BACKGROUND: Many studies have found considerable variations in the resource intensity of physical therapy episodes. Although they have identified several patient- and provider-related factors, few studies have examined their relative explanatory power. We sought to quantify the contribution of patients and providers to these differences and examine how effective Swiss regulations are (nine-session ceiling per prescription and bonus for first treatments). METHODS: Our sample consisted of 87,866 first physical therapy episodes performed by 3,365 physiotherapists based on referrals by 6,131 physicians. We modeled the number of visits per episode using a multilevel log linear regression with crossed random effects for physiotherapists and physicians and with fixed effects for cantons. The three-level explanatory variables were patient, physiotherapist and physician characteristics. RESULTS: The median number of sessions was nine (interquartile range 6-13). Physical therapy use increased with age, women, higher health care costs, lower deductibles, surgery and specific conditions. Use rose with the share of nine-session episodes among physiotherapists or physicians, but fell with the share of new treatments. Geographical area had no influence. Most of the variance was explained at the patient level, but the available factors explained only 4% thereof. Physiotherapists and physicians explained only 6% and 5% respectively of the variance, although the available factors explained most of this variance. Regulations were the most powerful factors. CONCLUSION: Against the backdrop of abundant physical therapy supply, Swiss financial regulations did not restrict utilization. Given that patient-related factors explained most of the variance, this group should be subject to closer scrutiny. Moreover, further research is needed on the determinants of patient demand

    Determinants of new drugs prescription in the Swiss healthcare market.

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    Drug markets are very complex and, while many new drugs are registered each year, little is known about what drives the prescription of these new drugs. This study attempts to lift the veil from this important subject by analyzing simultaneously the impact of several variables on the prescription of novelty. Data provided by four Swiss sickness funds were analyzed. These data included information about more than 470,000 insured, notably their drug intake. Outcome variable that captured novelty was the age of the drug prescribed. The overall variance in novelty was partitioned across five levels (substitutable drug market, patient, physician, region, and prescription) and the influence of several variables measured at each of these levels was assessed using a non-hierarchical multilevel model estimated by Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. More than 92% of the variation in novelty was explained at the substitutable drug market-level and at the prescription-level. Newer drugs were prescribed in markets that were costlier, less concentrated, included more insured, provided more drugs and included more active substances. Over-the-counter drugs were on average 12.5 years older while generic drugs were more than 15 years older than non-generics. Regional disparities in terms of age of prescribed drugs could reach 2.8 years. Regulation of the demand has low impact, with little variation explained at the patient-level and physician-level. In contrary, the market structure (e.g. end of patent with generic apparition, concurrence among producers) had a strong contribution to the variation of drugs ages

    The Bland-Altman method should not be used when one of the two measurement methods has negligible measurement errors.

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    The Bland-Altman limits of agreement (LoA) method is almost universally used to compare two measurement methods when the outcome is continuous, despite warnings regarding the often-violated strong underlying statistical assumptions. In settings where only a single measurement per individual has been performed and one of the two measurement methods is exempt (or almost) from any measurement error, the LoA method provides biased results, whereas this is not the case for linear regression. Thus, our goal is to explain why this happens and illustrate the advantage of linear regression in this particular setting. For our illustration, we used two data sets: a sample of simulated data, where the truth is known, and data from a validation study on the accuracy of a smartphone image-based dietary intake assessment tool. Our results show that when one of the two measurement methods is exempt (or almost) from any measurement errors, the LoA method should not be used as it provides biased results. In contrast, linear regression of the differences on the precise method was unbiased. The LoA method should be abandoned in favor of linear regression when one of the two measurement methods is exempt (or almost) from measurement errors

    Rate of undesirable events at beginning of academic year: retrospective cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an increase in the rate of undesirable events occurs after care provided by trainees at the beginning of the academic year. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using administrative and patient record data. SETTING: University affiliated hospital in Melbourne, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: 19,560 patients having an anaesthetic procedure carried out by first to fifth year trainees starting work for the first time at the hospital over a period of five years (1995-2000). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Absolute event rates, absolute rate reduction, and rate ratios of undesirable events. RESULTS: The rate of undesirable events was higher at the beginning of the academic year compared with the rest of the year (absolute event rate 137 v 107 per 1000 patient hours, relative rate reduction 28%, P<0.001). The overall adjusted rate ratio for undesirable events was 1.40, 95% confidence interval 1.24 to 1.58. This excess risk was seen for all residents, regardless of their level of seniority. The excess risk decreased progressively after the first month, and the trend disappeared fully after the fourth month of the year (rate ratio for fourth month 1.21, 0.93 to 1.57). The most important decreases were for central and peripheral nerve injuries (relative difference 82%), inadequate oxygenation of the patient (66%), vomiting/aspiration in theatre (53%), and technical failures of tracheal tube placement (49%). CONCLUSIONS: The rate of undesirable events was greater among trainees at the beginning of the academic year regardless of their level of clinical experience. This suggests that several additional factors, such as knowledge of the working environment, teamwork, and communication, may contribute to the increase

    Reproducibility of diabetes quality of care indicators as reported by patients and physicians.

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    INTRODUCTION: Self-report of diabetes care has moderate validity and is prone to under- and over-reporting. We assessed reproducibility of a range of processes and outcomes of diabetes care as reported by patients and physicians. METHODS: In a Swiss community-based survey, patients with diabetes and physicians independently reported past 12 months processes of care (HbA1c, lipids, microalbuminuria, blood pressure, weight, foot and eye examinations) and last measured values of HbA1c, height, weight and blood pressure. For dichotomous variables, we assessed reliability by Cohen's kappa and agreement by uniform kappa. For continuous measures, we used Lin's concordance correlation coefficient and limits of agreement, respectively. RESULTS: Mean age of the 210 patients was 65 years; 40% were women, and 51% had diabetes for >10 years. Agreement was good for recommended processes of care such as blood pressure (uniform kappa = 0.94), HbA1c (0.93), weight (0.88) and lipid (0.78), but lower for microalbuminuria, foot and eye examinations (all <0.50). Cohen's kappa values were all low (<0.25). Comparisons of reported continuous variables showed large limits of agreement for height (±6 cm) and weight (8-10 kg) despite high concordance correlation coefficients (0.93 and 0.97). Concordance correlation coefficients were smaller for HbA1c (0.72) and blood pressure (0.5-0.6), with large limits of agreement (±2% and ±25 mmHg). CONCLUSION: While agreement of routine processes of care was good, agreement was less satisfactory for microalbuminuria, foot and eye examinations. Reports of continuous outcomes yielded good reliability but too wide limits of agreement. Quality of care evaluation relying on self-report only should be made cautiously

    The probability of having advanced medical interventions is associated with age in out-of-hospital life-threatening situations.

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    The use of out-of-hospital emergency medical services by old and very old individuals is increasing. These patients frequently require complex evaluation and decision-making processes to determine a strategy of care, therapeutic choices or withdrawal of care in life-threatening situations. During out-of-hospital missions, thorough decision-making is difficult because of the limited amount of time and lack of direct access to medical charts or to pre-existing advance directives. In this setting, age may be used as a proxy to determine strategy of care, therapeutic choices or withdrawal of care, particularly in relation to advanced medical interventions. We aimed to determine how an emergency physician's initiation of out-of-hospital advanced medical interventions varies with the patient's age. We performed a retrospective analysis of the missions conducted by the emergency physicians-staffed emergency medical services in a Swiss region. We used logistic regression analysis to determine whether the probability of receiving an advanced medical intervention was associated with the patient's age. Among 21,922 out-of-hospital emergency adult missions requiring an emergency physician, the probability of receiving an advanced medical intervention decreased with age. It was highest among those aged 18 - 58 years and significantly lower among those aged ≥ 89 years (OR = 0.66; 95 % CI: 0.53 - 0.82). The probability of cardiopulmonary resuscitation attempts progressively decreased with age and was significantly lower for the three oldest age deciles (80 - 83, 84 - 88 and ≥ 89 years). The number of out-of-hospital advanced medical interventions significantly decreased for patients aged ≥ 89 years. It is unknown whether this lower rate of interventions was related only to age or to other medical characteristics of these patients, such as the number or severity of comorbidities. Thus, further studies are needed to confirm whether this observation corresponds to underuse of advanced medical interventions in very old patients

    Impact of an interdisciplinary strategy on antibiotic use: a prospective controlled study in three hospitals

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    Objectives: Evaluation of the impact of the implementation of practice guidelines, with or without their reinforcement by a pharmacist, on the intra-hospital use of antibiotics. Materials and methods: The duration of antibiotic treatment, their cost, and the length of patient stay were compared in three secondary-care hospitals, before and after interventions that were designed to promote rational antibiotic use. After randomization, hospital A received no intervention (control), local practice guidelines were implemented in hospital B (low grade intervention), and these guidelines were reinforced by a clinical pharmacist in hospital C (high grade intervention). Adherence to the guidelines was measured in hospitals B and C. Multivariable statistical analyses were carried out to adjust for confounding factors. Results: None of the outcomes measured in the 1200 included patients decreased between the two study periods in any hospital. Hospital A was significantly and independently associated with an increase in the duration of antibiotic treatments, the cost of antibiotics (acquisition and global costs), and the length of stay. Although these differences were not statistically significant, increases in hospital B were higher than in hospital C. Adherence to guidelines was significantly higher in hospital C. Conclusions: Even though interdisciplinary interventions aiming at rationalizing antibiotic use could not diminish the duration of treatments, their costs or the length of stay, they proved useful to control the progression of these parameter

    Interscalene brachial plexus block for surgical repair of clavicle fracture: a matched case-controlled study.

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    Innervation of the clavicle is complex and debated, with scarce data on the analgesic and clinical impact of regional anaesthesia after surgical repair of clavicle fracture. In order to assess the analgesic efficiency of an interscalene brachial plexus block (ISB) for surgical repair of clavicle fracture, 50 consecutive patients scheduled for surgical fixation of middle/lateral clavicle fracture under general anaesthesia with ISB were prospectively enrolled. This cohort was compared to a historical control of 76 retrospective patients without regional block. The primary outcome was total intravenous morphine equivalent consumption at 2 postoperative hours. To assess the ISB impact, both an overall cohort analysis and a case-matched analysis with each ISB-treated patient matched to a Non-ISB-treated patient was performed. Matching employed a 1-to-1, nearest-neighbour approach using the Mahalanobis metric. In the overall cohort, patients with ISB had significantly lower i.v. morphine equivalent consumption at 2 postoperative hours (0.7 mg (95% CI 0.1 to 1.2) versus controls 8.8 mg (95% CI 7.1 to 10.4); P < 0.0001). These results persisted after case-matching the cohorts (mean difference for the primary outcome: 8.3 mg (95% CI 6.5 to 10.0); P < 0.001). ISB provides effective analgesia after surgical fixation of middle and lateral clavicle fracture. These results should help physicians in establishing an analgesic strategy for this type of surgery. Further research is needed to identify the optimal regional technique for medial third clavicle fractures and the clinically relevant contributions of the cervical and brachial plexus. Clinicaltrials.gov - NCT02565342, October 1st 2015

    Sodium intake and blood pressure in children and adolescents: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In adults, high sodium intake is associated with elevated blood pressure. In children, experimental studies have shown that reducing sodium intake can reduce blood pressure. However, their external validity is limited, notably because the sodium reduction was substantial and not applicable in a real-life setting. Observational studies, on the other hand, allow assess the association between blood pressure and sodium intake across usual levels of consumption. There is also evidence that the association differs between subgroups of children according to age and body weight. Our objective is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental and observational studies on the association between sodium intake and blood pressure in children and adolescents and to assess whether the association differs according to age and body weight. A systematic search of the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL databases will be conducted and supplemented by a manual search of bibliographies and unpublished studies. Experimental and observational studies involving children or adolescents between 0 and 18 years of age will be included. The exposure will be dietary sodium intake, estimated using different methods including urinary sodium excretion. The outcomes will be systolic and diastolic blood pressure, elevated blood pressure and hypertension. If appropriate, meta-analyses will be performed by pooling data across all studies together and separately for experimental and observational studies. Subgroup meta-analyses by age and body weight will be also conducted. Moreover, separate meta-analyses for different sodium intake levels will be conducted to investigate the dose-response relationship. This systematic review and meta-analysis will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. A report will be prepared for national authorities and other stakeholders in the domains of nutrition, public health, and child health in Switzerland. CRD42016038245

    Improving blood pressure control through pharmacist interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

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    BACKGROUND: Control of blood pressure (BP) remains a major challenge in primary care. Innovative interventions to improve BP control are therefore needed. By updating and combining data from 2 previous systematic reviews, we assess the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP and identify potential determinants of heterogeneity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effect of pharmacist interventions on BP among outpatients with or without diabetes were identified from MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and CENTRAL databases. Weighted mean differences in BP were estimated using random effect models. Prediction intervals (PI) were computed to better express uncertainties in the effect estimates. Thirty-nine RCTs were included with 14 224 patients. Pharmacist interventions mainly included patient education, feedback to physician, and medication management. Compared with usual care, pharmacist interventions showed greater reduction in systolic BP (-7.6 mm Hg, 95% CI: -9.0 to -6.3; I(2)=67%) and diastolic BP (-3.9 mm Hg, 95% CI: -5.1 to -2.8; I(2)=83%). The 95% PI ranged from -13.9 to -1.4 mm Hg for systolic BP and from -9.9 to +2.0 mm Hg for diastolic BP. The effect tended to be larger if the intervention was led by the pharmacist and was done at least monthly. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist interventions - alone or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals - improved BP management. Nevertheless, pharmacist interventions had differential effects on BP, from very large to modest or no effect; and determinants of heterogeneity could not be identified. Determining the most efficient, cost-effective, and least time-consuming intervention should be addressed with further research