529 research outputs found

    La Horqueta Shear Zone, Sierra de Velasco, NW Argentina: petrography, geochemistry, structures and tectonic significance

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    La Faja de Deformación La Horqueta (FDLH) es la sexta faja de cizalla reconocida en la sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas, NO de Argentina. Esta faja separa dos tipos de metagranitoides de características petrográficas y geoquímicas contrastadas: metagranodioritas, hacia el SO, consisten en granodioritas con biotita-allanita-titanita débilmente peraluminosas que se asemejan a los granitoides tipo I del sur de la sierra de Velasco y de sierras aledañas pertenecientes al arco magmático famatiniano, mientras que los metagranitos, hacia el NE, consisten en monzogranitos con biotita-muscovita fuertemente peraluminosos idénticos al Ortogneis Antinaco del norte de la sierra de Velasco, el cual pertenece a un cinturón de granitoides tipo S interno, respecto del arco famatiniano. La FDLH, desarrollada a partir de estos dos protolitos, tiene un espesor de 1 a 2 km y está compuesta por protomilonitas y milonitas que desarrollan una fuerte foliación milonítica de rumbo NNO y fuerte inclinación al E. El análisis cinemático indicaría un régimen deformacional transpresivo principal con componente inverso-sinestral, acompañado por una componente de transcurrencia destral N-S subordinada, que habría puesto en contacto ambos ambientes geotectónicos.The La Horqueta Shear Zone (LHSZ) is the sixth shear zone recognized in the Sierra de Velasco, Sie- rras Pampeanas, NW Argentina. This shear zone separates two types of metagranitoids of contrasting petrographical and geochemical characteristics: metagranodiorites, outcropping towards the SW, consist in weakly peraluminous biotite-allanite-titanite granodiorites similar to the I-type granitoids of southern Sierra de Velasco and of neighboring ranges that are part of the Famatinian magmatic arc, while metagranites, outcropping towards the NE, consist of strongly peraluminous biotite-muscovite monzogranites identical to the Antinaco Orthogneis of northern Sierra de Velasco, which is part of an inner S-type granitoid belt. The LHSZ, developed from these two protoliths, has a thickness of 1 to 2 km and is composed of protomyloni- tes and mylonites with strong NNW trending and E dipping mylonitic foliation. Cinematic analysis indicates a main transpressive deformational regime with an inverse-sinistral component, accompanied by a subordi- nate dextral transcurrent component, which possibly placed the two tectonic settings in contact.Fil: López, J. P.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Grosse, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Toselli, Alejandro Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentin

    Maturity related differences in body composition assessed by classic and specific bioimpedance vector analysis among male elite youth soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the efficiency of classic and specific bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) in the assessment of maturity related differences in body composition among male elite youth soccer players, and to provide bioelectrical impedance reference data for this category. A group of 178 players (aged 12.1 \ub1 1.6 years) were registered in a professional Italian soccer team participating in the first division (Serie A). They were divided into three groups according to their maturity status while bioelectrical resistance and reactance were obtained. The classic and specific BIVA procedures were applied, which correct bioelectrical values for body height and body geometry, respectively. Percentage of fat mass (FM%) and total body water (TBW (L)) were estimated from bioelectrical values. Age-specific z-scores of the predicted age at peak height velocity identified 29 players as earlier-, 126 as on time-, and 23 as later-maturing. TBW was higher (p < 0.01) in adolescents classified as \u201cearly\u201d maturity status compared to the other two groups and classic BIVA confirmed these results. Conversely, no differences in FM% were found among the groups. Specific vector length showed a higher correlation (r = 0.748) with FM% compared with the classic approach (r = 0.493). Classic vector length showed a stronger association (r = 120.955) with TBW compared with specific (r = 120.263). Specific BIVA turns out to be accurate for the analysis of FM% in athletes, while classic BIVA shows to be a valid approach to evaluate TBW. An original data set of bioelectric impedance reference values of male elite youth soccer players was provided

    Editorial: New Training Strategies and Evaluation Methods for Improving Health and Physical Performance

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    Physical activity is among the most effective methods for improving health, body composition, and physical function, and its practice is suitable for every population [...]

    Comparison of the effect of different resistance training frequencies on phase angle and handgrip strength in obese women: A randomized controlled trial

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    Phase angle (PA) is a strong predictor of sarcopenia, fragility, and risk of mortality in obese people, while an optimal muscular function and handgrip strength (HS) are required to perform different daily activities. Although there is a general agreement that resistance training improves health status in obese people, the optimal weekly training frequency forPA and physical performance parameters is not clear.This study aimed to compare the effects of different weekly resistance training frequencies performed over a 24week exercise program on PA and HSin obese people. Forty-two women (56.2 \ub1 9.1 years, body mass index (BMI) 37.1 \ub1 4.9 kg/m2) were randomly allocatedto one of two groups: a group with a highweekly training frequency of three times a week (HIGH, n= 21) and a group that performed only one weekly session (LOW, n= 21). The groups trained with an identical exercise intensity and volume per session for 6 months. Before and after the intervention period, the participants were assessed for anthropometric measures, bioimpedance analysis, and HS. There was a significant group 7 time interaction (p<0.05) for waist circumference, bioimpedance reactance divided by body height (Xc/H), PA, and HS measures. In addition, only the HIGH group increased Xc/H, PA, and HS after the intervention period (p<0.05), even after adjusting for weight loss and menopausal status. Physical exercise performed three times a week promotes better adaptations in PA and HSwhen compared with the same program performed once a week in obese women

    Evaluation of plant derivatives of Meliaceae family as a source of nitrogen for trees

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    Soil application of fresh organic matter is a way to increase soil organic matter and provide nutrients to trees. The effect of application of organic matter depends on the interaction among soil, root and microbial biomass. The aim of this research was to evaluate the potential release of N for hybrid GF677 (P. persica x P. dulcis) uptake, of 6 neemcakes available on the Italian market compared with fresh leaves of Melia azedarach, an ornamental tree that grows in the area of investigation. The release of N, and consequently root uptake was related to C:N ratio, the lower the ratio the higher the N concentration in plant tissues and plant growth. Using the 15N isotope technique, we found that up to 30% of the N applied with fresh Melia leaves, was accumulated in the tree, however the mineral N concentration in soil and plant and plant growth was not affected by the application of plant derivatives

    Petrología y geoquímica de los granitoides peralumínicos de la Faja TIPA, en el borde occidental de Gondwana, sistema de Famatina, Argentina

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    Main pretrological and geochemistry characteristics of the rocks of Copacabana, Paimán and Velasco Ranges are shown, constituent of the important deformative structure developed in the east border of Famatinian System. This structure is relationed with Ocloyic-Taconic Collision between Gondwana and Laurentia, during Upper Ordovicic-Lower Siluric and Lower Carbonic, in response to a compressive regimen with vergence to the East.En este trabajo se presentan las principales características petrográficas y geoquímicas de las rocas que constituyen las Sierra de Copacabana, flanco oriental de la Sierra de Paimán y extremo NW de la Sierra de Velasco, dentro de la importante estructura deformativa que se desarrolla en el borde oriental del Sistema de Famatina y da lugar a la Faja Deformada TIPA. Tales rocas corresponden a una tendencia evolutiva de características calcoalcalinas y son netamente peraluminosas, con presencia de minerales como biotita, muscovita, sillimanita, cianita, cordierita y granate. Esta estructura se vincularía con la colisión oclóyica-tacónica entre Gondwana y Laurentia (Dalla Salda el al., 1993) en niveles no muy profundos de la corteza, dentro de un ambiente tectónico transicional entre regiones de arco volcánico y sin-colisional. Este evento colisional habría tenido lugar entre el Ordovícico superior-Silúrico inferior y el Carbónico inferior, respondiendo a un régimen compresivo con vergencia al E

    Effect of biofertilizers application on soil biodiversity and litter degradation in a commercial apricot orchard

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    The aim of the present experiment was to determine if the supply of biofertilizers could differently stimulate the native microbiota, thus determining different patterns of organic material decomposition processes. The microbial composition of soil and litter was investigated by next generation sequencing using a metabarcoding approach. The chemical structure of the decomposing litterbags was investigated through the TG-DTA analysis and NIR spectroscopy. The study was conducted in an apricot orchard in Italy, and two different type of biofertilizers (AMF and Trichoderma spp.) were compared to unfertilized control over one year. Bacteria and fungi in soil, 162 days from litter deposition, evidenced differentiated clusters for control and both biofertilizers; on the other hand, only fungal composition of litterbags was modified as a consequence of Trichoderma spp. supply; no effect was observed in the bacterial community of litterbags. NIR and TG-DTA analysis evidenced a significant change over time of the chemical composition of litterbags with a faster degradation as a consequence of Trichoderma spp. supply testified by a higher degradation coefficient (1.9) than control (1.6) and AMF (1.7). The supply of biofertilizers partially modified the bacteria community of soil, while Trichoderma spp. Influenced the fungal community of the litter. Moreover, Trichoderma spp. Evidenced a faster and higher degradation of litter than AMF-biofertilizers, laying the foundation for an efficient use in orchard

    Faja de Deformación La Horqueta, sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas, NO de Argentina: petrografía, geoquímica, estructuras y significado tectónico

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    The La Horqueta Shear Zone (LHSZ) is the sixth shear zone recognized in the Sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas, NW Argentina. This shear zone separates two types of metagranitoids of contrasting petrographical and geochemical characteristics: metagranodiorites, outcropping towards the SW, consist in weakly peraluminous biotite-allanite-titanite granodiorites similar to the I-type granitoids of southern Sierra de Velasco and of neighboring ranges that are part of the Famatinian magmatic arc, while metagranites, outcropping towards the NE, consist in strongly peraluminous biotite-muscovite monzogranites identical to the Antinaco Orthogneis of northern Sierra de Velasco, which is part of an inner S-type granitoid belt. The LHSZ, developed from these two protoliths, has a thickness of 1 to 2 km and is composed of protomylonites and mylonites with strong NNW trending and E dipping mylonitic foliation. Cinematic analyses indicates a main transpressive deformational regime with an inverse-sinistral component, accompanied by a subordinate dextral transcurrent component, which possibly placed the two tectonic settings in contact.La Faja de Deformación La Horqueta (FDLH) es la sexta faja de cizalla reconocida en la sierra de Velasco, Sierras Pampeanas, NO de Argentina. Esta faja separa dos tipos de metagranitoides de características petrográficas y geoquímicas contrastadas: metagranodioritas, hacia el SO, consisten en granodioritas con biotita-allanita-titanita débilmente peraluminosas que se asemejan a los granitoides tipo I del sur de la sierra de Velasco y de sierras aledañas pertenecientes al arco magmático famatiniano, mientras que los metagranitos, hacia el NE, consisten en monzogranitos con biotita-muscovita fuertemente peraluminosos idénticos al Ortogneis Antinaco del norte de la sierra de Velasco, el cual pertenece a un cinturón de granitoides tipo S interno, respecto del arco famatiniano. La FDLH, desarrollada allí a partir de estos dos protolitos, tinen un espesor de 1 a 2 km y está compuesta por protomiolonitas y milonitas que desarrollan una fuerte foliación milonítica de rumbo NNO y fuerte inclinación al E. El análisis cinemático indicaría un régimen deformacional transpresivo principal con componente inverso-sinestral, acompañado por una componente de transcurrencia destral N-S subordinada, que habría puesto en contacto ambos ambiente geotectónicos

    Effects of quarantine on Physical Activity prevalence in Italian Adults: a pilot study

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    Background: COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that caused a global pandemic status in March 2020. Due to its fast diffusion, many governments adopted forced solutions including social restrictions, which could negatively affect citizens’ habits as physical activity. Our study aimed to investigate how and why the physical activity prevalence varied from the period before the quarantine up to the period after it, and understand what citizens thought of physical inactivity COVID-19 related to and whether they were satisfied with physical activity promotion during the lockdown. Methods: A new questionnaire was created and administered online. A sample of 749 interviews (female = 552 (73.7%), male = 197 (26.3%)) was collected and analysed. Results: The prevalence of people who were older than 50 years reduced both during and after the lockdown (P < 0.05) and the most common reason for which they have quitted physical activity practice was related to psychological problems (lockdown = 64.57%; post-lockdown = 62.17%). In addition, youngers seemed to be more sensitive than elders to unhealthy consequences generated by forced isolation (P < 0.05), and they believed that children/adolescents and older adults practised an insufficient amount of physical activity and/or sport, which could negatively impact public health. Conclusions: Although many strategies were implemented during the lockdown to promote regular physical activity practice, several results suggested that quarantine negatively affected citizens’ habits. The future government should focus on adequate measures to improve health behaviours