6 research outputs found
Etological and physiological tests were realized on 48 horses. There were observed following activities: spontaneous kinetic activity, voice display; the elimination behavior (excretion and urination) and motionless standing. The horses were observed in 40 minute periods during the morning hours. The horses were classed into the following groups: EHB+ - crossing more than 220 sq. per 40 min. (high sensitiveness to stress), EHB+/- - crossing 131 - 220 sq. per 40 min. (mean sensitiveness to stress), EHB- - crossing 130 and less sq. per 40 min. (low sensitiveness to stress). After the evaluating of mineral, energetic, lipid, nitrogen, and enzymatic profile of sport horses there were not observed significant differences from the reference values
Etological and physiological tests were realized on 48 horses. There were observed following activities: spontaneous kinetic activity, voice display; the elimination behavior (excretion and urination) and motionless standing. The horses were observed in 40 minute periods during the morning hours. The horses were classed into the following groups: EHB+ - crossing more than 220 sq. per 40 min. (high sensitiveness to stress), EHB+/- - crossing 131 - 220 sq. per 40
min. (mean sensitiveness to stress), EHB- - crossing 130 and less sq. per 40 min. (low sensitiveness to stress). After the evaluating of mineral, energetic, lipid, nitrogen, and enzymatic profile of sport horses there were not observed significant differences from the reference values.V etologických a fyziologických pokusoch testovaných koní sme sa zameriavali na zistenie procesu habituácie za použitia behaviorálneho open field testu podľa metodiky MEDVECKY, HALO, NOVACKY (1992) a porovnanie zistených výsledkov s výsledkami
výkonnosti. Na základe výskytu frekvencie motorickej aktivity v etologických pokusoch sme 48 koní plemena slovenský športový pony kategorizovali do nasledujúcich skupín: EHB+ - s prechodom nad 220 štvorcov za 40 min. (vysoko citlivé na stres); EHB+/- - s prechodom od 131 do 220 štvorcov za 40 min. (stredne citlivé na stres); EHB- - s prechodom do 130 štvorcov za 40 min. (nízko
citlivé na stres). Na základe biochemických vyšetrení sme mapovali fyziologický stav sledovaných zvierat počas tréningového procesu v rámci prípravy na skúšky výkonnosti a športovú testáciu. Počas fyziologických pozorovaní sme sa ďalej pokúsili zistiť existenciu vzťahov medzi kategorizáciou testovaných koní na základe
excitability do skupín EHB+, EHB+/- a EHB- a vybranými biochemicko-hematologickými ukazovateľmi adaptácie
na tréningovú záťaž. Pri posúdení minerálneho, energetického, lipidového, dusíkového a enzymatického profilu športových koní sme nezaznamenali výraznejšie zmeny oproti referenčným normám. Podľa nášho názoru a dosiahnutých výsledkov testované kone záťaž
stanovenú tréningovým procesom znášali vyrovnane a nespôsobovala im výraznejšie problémy. Štatisticky významné rozdiely medzi jednotlivými skupinami v závislosti od excitability sme zaznamenali vo frekvencii motorickej aktivity medzi jedincami EHB+ a EHB- (v prospech EHB+), medzi EHB+ a EHB+/- (v prospech EHB+/-) a medzi EHB+/- a EHB- (v prospech jedincov EHB+/-)
Genetic association between longevity and linear type traits of Holstein cows
Longevity is a desirable trait in the dairy industry because of its relationship to profitability. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for longevity measurements related to productive life, or life in the herd, and linear type traits of Brazilian Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008. The (co) variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability for measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from 0.05 to 0.07 and 0.08 to 0.39, respectively. The genetic correlations between measurements of longevity and linear type traits ranged from -0.39 to 0.31. Direct selection for longevity does not necessarily lead to long-lived cows, due to low heritability. Indirect genetic selection for udder depth, bone quality, udder height, rear teat placement and conformation traits showed the highest genetic correlations with measurements of time between birth and last milk record and time from first calving to last milk record
ABSTRACT This paper is focused on the evaluation of milkability of Slovak Pinzgau cattle, using mobile measuring device called Lactocorder. The main group of Slovak Pinzgau dairy cows was divided according to the order of lactation (according to parity) into the experimental groups in order to carry out a comparison of traits and parameters of milkability, obtained by Lactocoder within these groups. An important objective of our study was to detect the length and the thickness of the left rear teat of the cow after each measuring by Lactocorder and also to collect the samples of milk for somatic cell count. Totally 94 Slovak Pinzgau dairy cows were evaluated. All measurements were carried out during one weak on a farm located in the eastern Slovakia. The average total milk yield was 8.13 ± 2.42 kg per milking, with an average milk flow rate of 1.76 ± 0.49 kg.min -1 and average maximum milk flow rate of 3.08 ± 0.90 kg.min -1 . The total milk yield showed a positive correlations with average milk flow rate (r = 0.69+++) and with maximal milk flow rate (r = 0.42+++). Based on so called milk flow curves provided by Lactocorder, the course of milking can be evaluated. The milk flow curves display the occurrence of bimodality and duration of each phase of the milking process. The occurrence of bimodality (which can be characterised as a steep decrease of milk flow in time up to 96 seconds after the beginning of milking) was 32.98 %. Positive correlation was found between bimodality and duration of the incline phase (r = 0.74+++) and negative correlation was found between bimodality and quantity of milk acquired during first minute of milking (r = -0.46+++). The mean somatic cell count in our experiment was 297 426 cells.ml -1 . The average length of the teat was 50.84 ± 9.19 mm and the average thickness was 25.17 ± 2.55 mm. Information and results concerning milkability and milking, provided by Lactocorder can be very helpful for a farmer in connection with displacing the mistakes, which could be made during milking process or milking readiness
Genetic relationship of lactation persistency with milk yield, somatic cell score, reproductive traits, and longevity in Slovak Holstein cattle
The objective of this study was to estimate the breeding values (BVs) of
lactation persistency, the test day of milk yield, the somatic cell score,
reproductive traits (calving interval, days open), longevity in Slovak
Holstein dairy cattle. BVs were used for the detection of relationships among
the persistency of lactation and other selected traits. Data for the estimation of BVs of milk production and somatic cell score were collected from 855 240
cows. BVs for reproductive traits were estimated for 352 712 cows and for
longevity for 528 362 cows. The highest correlations were confirmed between
the BV of persistency and the BV of test day milk yield at 100, 200, and 305 days (−0.88, −0.65, and −0.61). Correlations between the BV of lactation persistency and the BV of somatic cell score at day 305 or the BV of somatic cell score persistency were favorable: −0.05 and −0.12, respectively. The relationship between the BV of persistency and the BV of the calving interval or the BV of days open was 0.11 and 0.10 respectively. The selection for the persistency of lactation may not improve longevity because there is no relation between the BV of persistency and
the BV of longevity (<i>r</i><sub>g</sub> = 0.06)