282 research outputs found

    Fertimetro, a Principle and Device to Measure Soil Nutrient Availability for Plants by Microbial Degradation Rates on Differently-Spiked Buried Threads

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    A novel patented method (PCT/IB2012/001157: Squartini, Concheri, Tiozzo, University of Padova) and the corresponding application devices, suitable to measure soil fertility, are presented. The availability or deficiency of specific nutrients for crops is assessed by monitoring the kinetics of progressive weakening of cotton or silk threads due to in situ microbial activity. The method is based on a nutrient-primed incremented substrate degradation principle. Threads are buried as is or pre-impregnated with N or P solutions, and the acceleration of the degradation rate for the N-supplemented or P-supplemented thread, in comparison to the untreated thread, is proportional to the lack of the corresponding nutrient in that soil. Tests were validated on corn crops in plots receiving increasing fertilizer rates in a historical rotation that has been established since 1962. The measurement carried out in May significantly correlated with the subsequent crop yields recorded in October. The analysis allows an early, inexpensive, fast, and reproducible self-assessment at field level to improve fertilization rates. The device is envisaged as a user-friendly tool for agronomy, horticulture, and any environmental applications where organic matter cycling, soil quality, and specific nutrients excess or deficiency are critical considerations

    Chicory and Jerusalem artichoke productivity in different areas of Italy, in relation to water availability and time of harvest

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    Inulin is an important polysaccharide synthesised by different crops, which, in the EU has been included in the system of sugar quotas since 1994. Currently, one of the major problems of the agro-industry is the need to extend the length of the sugar crop harvest season. It was therefore decided, also in relation to the increased demand for inulin, to study the two main inulin producing crops in Italy (chicory and Jerusalem artichoke), to verify yield and quality potential and stability in relation to some important agronomic factors such as irrigation and time of harvest. The work was conducted in 1999 and 2000 in four areas of Italy (Udine, Rovigo, Bologna and Bari). The effects evaluated were time of harvest (3 for chicory and 2 for Jerusalem artichoke) and irrigation system (evapotranspiration replacement and dry regime, with irrigation applied only when strictly necessary) on the production of storage organs, sugars and inulin in the two crops. The highest chicory root yield was in Bologna, with an average production of 65.6 t ha -1 (fresh weight), compared to Rovigo (54.4 t ha -1 ), Bari (46.5 t ha -1 ) and Udine (38.7 t ha -1). For final tuber yield in Jerusalem artichoke, Bari was the most productive environment with an average of 80 t ha -1 , followed by Bologna (61 t ha -1 ) and Udine (55.5 t ha -1 ). However, when this crop is whole-plant harvested (stalks and tubers) at pre-flowering, Bologna, with high stalk yields (58.7 t ha -1) appeared to be the most suitable environment. This type of harvesting was also shown to be more productive in terms of sugar and inulin yield. The total sugar content in the different organs analysed (roots, stalk and tubers) was always higher in Udine compared to Bologna, for both crops. Lastly, the length of the inulin chain (average degree of polymerisation [DP]) diminishes with the delaying of the harvest in both crops. The Bologna area had the highest potential in terms of chicory root production, while for the tubers yield of Jerusalem artichoke, the Bari environment was the most productive. But, when Jerusalem artichoke is instead considered as a crop for whole-plant harvest (stalks and tubers), Bologna, with a very high stalk yields, becomes the most suitable area. The highest sugar content in roots, stalks and tubers of both crops was found in the Udine tria

    Expression of tumour necrosis factors during chick lens development

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    During development of the lens, epithelial cells at the lens equator begin a differentiation process to become secondary fibre cells. The differentiating cells elongate and migrate towards the centre of the lens where they envelop the older, central fibre cells. Differentiation into fibre cells is accompanied by the breakdown of all organelles, such as the mitochondria. All organelle degradation is completed and denucleation occurs at the border of the organelle free zone (OFZ) which contains the central, terminally differentiated, fibre cells. The differentiation pathway is not well characterised, though it is believed to have similarities to an attenuated form of apoptosis supported by the identification of apoptosis related genes, such as TNF, in the lens. This study continues the search for and characterisation of apoptosis related genes expressed during lens development, focusing on TNFs and their extended family. Reverse Transcriptase-(RT-) PCR was carried out, identifying a number of TNF and extended family member genes in the chick lens, expression studies established novel, statistically significant differential expression for TRAF2 and TRAF3. TRAF2 protein expression from western blotting, similar to RT-PCR expression was found to decline as the lens developed. TRAF2 localisation studies showed limited expression in the equatorial region but there was extensive signalling found in the developing iris, a region in the corneal-scleral boundary and some staining was also detected in the ciliary body. TRAF3 protein and RT-PCR expression were similar, with increasing expression as the lens developed. Western blotting identified two bands and subcellular fractionation confirmed different localisation for the two isoforms. Immunofluorescence identified increasing TRAF3 staining in the cortical fibre cells, this staining was found to be similar to proteins that were reported to be involved in lens fibre cell remodelling and maintenance, suggesting a possibly similar role for TRAF3. Following interest in TRAIL as a gene therapy for Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO) its expression was examined using RT-PCR and Western blotting which showed low, similar levels of expression throughout the stages of lens development studied. Peroxidase staining showed interesting staining in the equatorial epithelial cells and those just beginning to differentiate at the transition zone. Novel nuclear staining was identified at all time points in both epithelial and fibre cells containing nuclei. Characterisation of whole lens culture was undertaken to discover the optimum culture system for the whole chick lens. Of the published research using whole chick lens culture none stated the basic morphology of the developing lens in organ culture, though each lab had their preferred methodology. The characterisation resulted in the preference of E10 chick lenses being grown with vitreous attached in medium containing glucose. Understanding the morphology of lenses in culture will be invaluable when undertaking the functional studies required to clarify the roles in the lens of the newly identified genes, specifically TRAF2 and TRAF3.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Capital and culture : an investigation into New Labour cultural policy and the European Capital of Culture 2008

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    This thesis is an investigation into the relationship between culture in New Labour policy and within the competition for the European Capital of Culture 2008. The study interrogates a policy paradigm which it identifies as a 'creative city/urban planning' approach to urban regeneration. It locates this approach within a wider New Labour 'Third Way' politics, in that it attempts to reconcile economic instrumentalism with a rhetorical commitment to a politics of the social. Based on elite interviews and documentary analysis, this thesis argues that this approach to urban regeneration draws on a misappropriation of the work of cultural theorist Raymond Williams. It demonstrates how this misappropriation results in an unbounded anthropological definition, whereby culture colonises all areas of economic and social life. Within this template, culture becomes a surrogate economic and social policy. This is illustrated in the case-study of Liverpool's bidding for, winning of and plans for Capital of Culture 2008. This analysis shows how culture without parameters is usurped within both a neo-liberal economic agenda, and a policy template which recasts social inequality as a personal cultural deficit. Within Liverpool's urban strategy, culture is conceived as a social and economic panacea. However, when culture comes to mean everything, it invariably means nothing. This thesis attempts to put Raymond Williams' 'vague and baggy monster' back in its theoretical cage.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Special nuclear material detection studies with the SMANDRA mobile system

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    The detection of special nuclear material has been studied with the SMANDRA mobile inspection system used both as a high sensitivity passive neutron/gamma spectroscopic tool and as an active inspection device using tagged neutrons. The detection of plutonium samples is possible with passive interrogation, the passive detection of uranium being much more difficult because of the low neutron yield and of the easiness of shielding the gamma rays. However, we show that active interrogation with tagged neutrons is able to provide signatures for the discrimination of uranium against other materials

    The Exposure to Osteoarthritic Synovial Fluid Enhances the Immunomodulatory Profile of Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome

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    Objective. Several clinical studies have proposed the infusion of adipose mesenchymal stem cells (AMSCs) as an alternative therapy for joint diseases with inflammatory components, such as osteoarthritis. Indeed, AMSCs are able to stimulate tissue repair through a paracrine activity and the interaction with the inflammatory microenvironment seems to have a critical role. Design. To reproduce the inflammatory microenvironment, AMSCs were exposed to osteoarthritic synovial fluid (SF) for 48 h and the effect of their secretome on differentiation of monocytes (M0) into macrophages M1-like and mature dendritic cells (mDCs) was evaluated. Furthermore, the effect of the secretome of AMSCs exposed to SF was evaluated on the T cell population in terms of T cell proliferation and expansion of T regulatory cells (T reg). Results. Our data show that the exposure of AMSCs to SF activates cells and promotes the release of immunosuppressive factors, which induce macrophage polarization of M0 into the M2-like phenotype and inhibit differentiation of monocytes into mature dendritic cells (mDCs). Only the secretome of exposed AMSCs was able to inhibit T cell proliferation and promote T reg expansion. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the microenvironment plays a fundamental role for the development of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of AMSCs

    Efficacy and Safety of Human Retinal Progenitor Cells.

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    PURPOSE: We assessed the long-term efficacy and safety of human retinal progenitor cells (hRPC) using established rodent models. METHODS: Efficacy of hRPC was tested initially in Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) dystrophic rats immunosuppressed with cyclosporine/dexamethasone. Due to adverse effects of dexamethasone, this drug was omitted from a subsequent dose-ranging study, where different hRPC doses were tested for their ability to preserve visual function (measured by optokinetic head tracking) and retinal structure in RCS rats at 3 to 6 months after grafting. Safety of hRPC was assessed by subretinal transplantation into wild type (WT) rats and NIH-III nude mice, with analysis at 3 to 6 and 9 months after grafting, respectively. RESULTS: The optimal dose of hRPC for preserving visual function/retinal structure in dystrophic rats was 50,000 to 100,000 cells. Human retinal progenitor cells integrated/survived in dystrophic and WT rat retina up to 6 months after grafting and expressed nestin, vimentin, GFAP, and βIII tubulin. Vision and retinal structure remained normal in WT rats injected with hRPC and there was no evidence of tumors. A comparison between dexamethasone-treated and untreated dystrophic rats at 3 months after grafting revealed an unexpected reduction in the baseline visual acuity of dexamethasone-treated animals. CONCLUSIONS: Human retinal progenitor cells appear safe and efficacious in the preclinical models used here. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE: Human retinal progenitor cells could be deployed during early stages of retinal degeneration or in regions of intact retina, without adverse effects on visual function. The ability of dexamethasone to reduce baseline visual acuity in RCS dystrophic rats has important implications for the interpretation of preclinical and clinical cell transplant studies

    A dual-omics approach for profiling plant responses to biostimulant applications under controlled and field conditions

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    A comprehensive approach using phenomics and global transcriptomics for dissecting plant response to biostimulants is illustrated with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom and Rio Grande) plants cultivated in the laboratory, greenhouse, and open field conditions. Biostimulant treatment based on an Ascophyllum nodosum extract (ANE) was applied as a foliar spray with two doses (1 or 2 l ha-1) at three different phenological stages (BBCH51, BBCH61, and BBCH65) during the flowering phase. Both ANE doses resulted in greater net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, and fruit yield across all culture conditions. A global transcriptomic analysis of leaves from plants grown in the climate chamber, revealed a greater number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with the low ANE dose compared to the greater one. The second and third applications induced broader transcriptome changes compared to the first one, indicating a cumulative treatment effect. The functional enrichment analysis of DEGs highlighted pathways related to stimulus-response and photosynthesis, consistent with the morpho-physiological observations. This study is the first comprehensive dual-omics approach for profiling plant responses to biostimulants across three different culture conditions

    Expression profiling of candidate genes in sugar beet leaves treated with leonardite-based biostimulant

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    Leonardite-based biostimulants are a large class of compounds, including humic acid substances. Foliar application of biostimulants at field level improves plant growth, yield and quality through metabolic changes and stimulation of plant proton pumps. The present study aimed at identifying optimum dosage of BLACKJAK, a humic acid-based substance, which is able to modify genes involved in sugar beet growth. Thirty-three genes belonging to various biochemical pathway categories were tested in leaves of treated sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) samples to assess gene expression profiling in response to BLACKJAK. Seedlings of a diploid and multigerm variety were grown in plastic pots and sprayed with two dilutions of BLACKJAK (dilution 1:500-1.0 mg C L-1 and dilution 1:1000-0.5 mg C L-1). Leaf samples were collected after 24, 48, and 72 h treatment with BLACKJAK for each dilution. RNA was extracted and the quantification of gene expression was performed while using an OpenArray platform. Results of analysis of variance demonstrated that, 15 genes out of a total of 33 genes tested with OpenArray qPCR were significantly affected by treatment and exposure time. Analysis for annotation of gene products and pathways revealed that genes belonging to the mitochondrial respiratory pathways, nitrogen and hormone metabolisms, and nutrient uptake were up-regulated in the BLACKJAK treated samples. Among the up-regulated genes, Bv_PHT2;1 and Bv_GLN1 expression exerted a 2-fold change in 1:1000 and 1:500 BLACKJAK concentrations. Overall, the gene expression data in the BLACKJAK treated leaves demonstrated the induction of plant growth-related genes that were contributed almost to amino acid and nitrogen metabolism, plant defense system, and plant growth

    Registration of FC1740 and FC1741 multigerm, rhizomania-resistant sugar beet germplasm with resistance to multiple diseases

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    FC1740 (Reg No. GP-293, PI 681717) and FC1741 (Reg No. GP-294, PI 681718) sugar beet germplasm (Beta vulgaris L.) were developed by the USDA-ARS at Fort Collins, CO, Salinas, CA, and Kimberly, ID, in cooperation with the Beet Sugar Development Foundation, Denver, CO. These germplasm are diploid, multigerm sugar beet populations in normal cytoplasm, segregating for self-sterility (Sf:SsSs), genetic male sterility (A:aa), and hypocotyl color (R:rr). FC1740 and FC1741 have excellent resistance to rhizomania (Beet necrotic yellow vein virus). FC1740 was selected as homozygous resistant to markers linked to both Rz1 and Rz2 genes for rhizomania resistance. FC1741 was selected as homozygous to the marker linked to the Rz2 gene for resistance. Both germplasm also have resistance to beet curly top (Beet curly top virus) and Fusarium yellows (Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. f. sp. betae (D. Stewart) W. C. Snyder & H. N. Hans. and other Fusarium spp.), as well as moderate resistance to Aphanomyces root rot (Aphanomyces cochlioides Drechs.). Neither line exhibited resistance to Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), Rhizoctonia crown and root rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn.) or sugar beet root aphid (Pemphigus spp.). These germplasm provide sources from which to select disease-resistant, multigerm pollinator parents with either or both of the Rz1 and Rz2 sources of rhizomania resistance. Because they are from the same population, they also are useful as controls of known genetic background in comparing entries screened for rhizomania resistance conditioned by Rz1 or Rz2