4,119 research outputs found

    Hydraulic actuator motion limiter ensures operator safety

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    Device regulates action of hydraulic linkage to control column to minimize hazard to operator. Primary components of device are flow rate control valve, limiter accumulator, and shutoff valve. Limiter may be incorporated into other hydraulic systems to prevent undue wear on hydraulic actuators and associated components

    Energy limiter for hydraulic actuators Patent

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    System to control speed of hydraulically movable members by limiting energy applied to actuators with hydraulic servo loo

    Dark Halo and Disk Galaxy Scaling Laws in Hierarchical Universes

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    We use cosmological N-body/gasdynamical simulations that include star formation and feedback to examine the proposal that scaling laws between the total luminosity, rotation speed, and angular momentum of disk galaxies reflect analogous correlations between the structural parameters of their surrounding dark matter halos. The numerical experiments follow the formation of galaxy-sized halos in two Cold Dark Matter dominated universes: the standard Omega=1 CDM scenario and the currently popular LCDM model. We find that the slope and scatter of the I-band Tully-Fisher relation are well reproduced in the simulations, although not, as proposed in recent work, as a result of the cosmological equivalence between halo mass and circular velocity: large systematic variations in the fraction of baryons that collapse to form galaxies and in the ratio between halo and disk circular velocities are observed in our numerical experiments. The Tully-Fisher slope and scatter are recovered in this model as a direct result of the dynamical response of the halo to the assembly of the luminous component of the galaxy. We conclude that models that neglect the self-gravity of the disk and its influence on the detailed structure of the halo cannot be used to derive meaningful estimates of the scatter or slope of the Tully-Fisher relation. Our models fail, however, to match the zero-point of the Tully-Fisher relation, as well as that of the relation linking disk rotation speed and angular momentum. These failures can be traced, respectively, to the excessive central concentration of dark halos formed in the Cold Dark Matter cosmogonies we explore and to the formation of galaxy disks as the final outcome of a sequence of merger events. (abridged)Comment: submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Solar comparison spectra, 1.0-2.5 mu, from altitudes 1.5-12.5 km

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    Solar and telluric infrared spectra from altitudes between 1.5 and 12.5 k

    The Calculated and Measured Performance Characteristics of a Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Meter for Measuring Icing Severity

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    Ground tests have been made of an instrument which, when assembled in a more compact form for flight installation, could be used to obtain statistical flight data on the liquid-water content of icing clouds and to provide an indication of icing severity. The sensing element of the instrument consists of an electrically heated wire which is mounted in the air stream. The degree of cooling of the wire resulting from evaporation of the impinging water droplets is a measure. of the liquid-water content of the cloud. Determination of the value of the liquid-water content from the wire temperature at any instant requires a knowledge of the airspeed, altitude, and air temperature. An analysis was made of the temperature response of a heated wire exposed to an air stream containing water drops. Comparisons were made of the liquid-water content as measured with several heated wires and absorbent cylinders in an artificially produced cloud. For one of the wires, comparative tests were made with a rotating-disk icing-rate meter in an icing wind tunnel. From the test results, it was shown that an instrument for measuring the concentration of liquid water in an air stream can be built using an electrically heated wire of known temperatureresistance characteristics, and that the performance of such a device can be predicted using appropriate theory. Although an instrument in a form suitable for gathering statistical data in flight was not built, the practicability of constructing such an instrument was illustrated. The ground-test results indicated that a flight heated-wire instrument would be simple and durable, would respond rapidly to variations in liquid-water content, and could be used for the measurement of water content in clouds which are above freezing temperature, as well as in icing clouds

    Quantum dynamical response of ultracold few boson ensembles in finite optical lattices to multiple interaction quenches

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    The correlated non-equilibrium quantum dynamics following a multiple interaction quench protocol for few-bosonic ensembles confined in finite optical lattices is investigated. The quenches give rise to an interwell tunneling and excite the cradle and a breathing mode. Several tunneling pathways open during the time interval of increased interactions, while only a few occur when the system is quenched back to its original interaction strength. The cradle mode, however, persists during and in between the quenches, while the breathing mode possesses dinstinct frequencies. The occupation of excited bands is explored in detail revealing a monotonic behavior with increasing quench amplitude and a non-linear dependence on the duration of the application of the quenched interaction strength. Finally, a periodic population transfer between momenta for quenches of increasing interaction is observed, with a power-law frequency dependence on the quench amplitude. Our results open the possibility to dynamically manipulate various excited modes of the bosonic system.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    The cosmological origin of the Tully-Fisher relation

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    We use high-resolution cosmological simulations that include the effects of gasdynamics and star formation to investigate the origin of the Tully-Fisher relation in the standard Cold Dark Matter cosmogony. Luminosities are computed for each model galaxy using their full star formation histories and the latest spectrophotometric models. We find that at z=0 the stellar mass of model galaxies is proportional to the total baryonic mass within the virial radius of their surrounding halos. Circular velocity then correlates tightly with the total luminosity of the galaxy, reflecting the equivalence between mass and circular velocity of systems identified in a cosmological context. The slope of the relation steepens slightly from the red to the blue bandpasses, and is in fairly good agreement with observations. Its scatter is small, decreasing from \~0.45 mag in the U-band to ~0.34 mag in the K-band. The particular cosmological model we explore here seems unable to account for the zero-point of the correlation. Model galaxies are too faint at z=0 (by about two magnitudes) if the circular velocity at the edge of the luminous galaxy is used as an estimator of the rotation speed. The Tully-Fisher relation is brighter in the past, by about ~0.7 magnitudes in the B-band at z=1, at odds with recent observations of z~1 galaxies. We conclude that the slope and tightness of the Tully-Fisher relation can be naturally explained in hierarchical models but that its normalization and evolution depend strongly on the star formation algorithm chosen and on the cosmological parameters that determine the universal baryon fraction and the time of assembly of galaxies of different mass.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, submitted to ApJ (Letters

    Star Formation, Supernovae Feedback and the Angular Momentum Problem in Numerical CDM Cosmogony: Half Way There?

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    We present a smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulation that reproduces a galaxy that is a moderate facsimile of those observed. The primary failing point of previous simulations of disk formation, namely excessive transport of angular momentum from gas to dark matter, is ameliorated by the inclusion of a supernova feedback algorithm that allows energy to persist in the model ISM for a period corresponding to the lifetime of stellar associations. The inclusion of feedback leads to a disk at a redshift z=0.52z=0.52, with a specific angular momentum content within 10% of the value required to fit observations. An exponential fit to the disk baryon surface density gives a scale length within 17% of the theoretical value. Runs without feedback, with or without star formation, exhibit the drastic angular momentum transport observed elsewhere.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter