1,281 research outputs found

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    Dynamical resonant structures in meteoroid stream orbits

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    ABSTRACT Herein we use the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR) data set to search for evidence of a resonant swarm in the Taurid meteoroid stream at the 7:2 Jovian resonance. We use a numerical method to estimate the reduction in radar orbit measurement uncertainty required to detect this feature in a data set. This is highly dependent on the proportion of observed particles that are members of the resonant swarm. However, we find that a meteor radar with uncertainties a factor of 10 lower than those of the current CMOR will be sufficient for detection to be possible, if the meteor shower consists of more than 5 per cent resonant particles (considered likely given the results of visual meteor studies). Such an improvement will require accurate removal of deceleration errors from pre-atmospheric meteor velocities, and improvement to the robustness of echo inflection point identification algorithms and interferometric measurements

    Literacy practices of primary education children in Andalusia (Spain): a family-based perspective

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    Primary school children develop literacy practices in various domains and situations in everyday life. This study focused on the analysis of literacy practices of children aged 8–12 years from the perspec- tive of their families. 1,843 families participated in the non-experimental explanatory study. The children in these families speak Spanish as a first language and are schooled in this language. The instrument used was a self-report questionnaire about children’s home-literacy practices. The data obtained were analysed using categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results show the complex relationship between literacy practices developed by children in the domains of home and school and the limited development of a literacy-promoting ‘third space’. In conclusion, the families in our study had limited awareness of their role as literacy- promoting agents and thought of literacy learning as restricted to formal or academic spaces

    ‘I will not be thrown out of the country because I’m an immigrant’: Eastern European migrants’ responses to hate crime in a semi-rural context in the wake of Brexit

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    This article examines Eastern European migrants’ experiences of and responses to hate crime. Following the UK European Union Membership Referendum (‘Brexit’ vote), there was an increase in reported hate crimes against immigrants. The study focuses on the experiences of migrants in Lincolnshire, a region of England which has a significant migrant population, and which had one of the highest ‘leave’ votes. The focus on white migrants in this semi-rural setting offers an original perspective in the field of hate crime studies. We draw on semi-structured interviews and observations to identify temporal, spatial, and relational factors in responses to hate crime. We uncover the insecure occupation of a ‘third space’ constituted by material, discursive, and emotional practices. This positioning was destabilised post referendum; but there was also evidence of the operation of agency within processes of ‘othering’, suggesting a transition from victim identity to emergent political subject

    ‘I will not be thrown out of the country because I’m an immigrant’: Eastern European migrants’ responses to hate crime in a semi-rural context in the wake of Brexit

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    This article examines Eastern European migrants’ experiences of and responses to hate crime. Following the UK European Union Membership Referendum (‘Brexit’ vote), there was an increase in reported hate crimes against immigrants. The study focuses on the experiences of migrants in Lincolnshire, a region of England which has a significant migrant population, and which had one of the highest ‘leave’ votes. The focus on white migrants in this semi-rural setting offers an original perspective in the field of hate crime studies. We draw on semi-structured interviews and observations to identify temporal, spatial, and relational factors in responses to hate crime. We uncover the insecure occupation of a ‘third space’ constituted by material, discursive, and emotional practices. This positioning was destabilised post referendum; but there was also evidence of the operation of agency within processes of ‘othering’, suggesting a transition from victim identity to emergent political subject

    Affinities and Beyond! Developing Ways of Seeing in Online Spaces

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    This article presents an insider view of an online community of adults involved in sharing digital photography through a host website, Flickr. It describes how reciprocal teaching and learning partnerships in a dynamic multimodal environment are achieved through the creation of a ‘Third Space’ or ‘Affinity Space’, where ‘Funds of Knowledge’ are shared and processed in such a way that new meanings and discourses are generated. It is argued that this process is evidence of valuable learning and of the deepening of global understandings within the local space of Flickr. The new understandings are at least partly identifiable on the Flickr space, through the co-constructed ‘folksonomy’ or ‘online taxonomy’ of ways of looking at the world. Further, the article provides evidence for broadening existing definitions of literacy, at a time when the visual mode increasingly works interactively with verbal cues and explanations

    Highgate Cemetery heterotopia: A Creative Counterpublic Space

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    Highgate Cemetery is nominally presented as a heterotopia, constructed, and theorized through the articulation of three “spaces.” First, it is configured as a public space which organizes the individual and the social, where the management of death creates a relationship between external space and its internal conceptualization. This reveals, enables, and disturbs the sociocultural and political imagination which helps order and disrupt thinking. Second, it is conceived as a creative space where cemetery texts emplace and materialize memory that mirrors the cultural capital of those interred, part of an urban aesthetic which articulates the distinction of the metropolitan elite. Last, it is a celebritized counterpublic space that expresses dissent, testimony to those who have actively imagined a better world, which is epitomized by the Marx Memorial. Representation of the cemetery is ambiguous as it is recuperated and framed by the living with the three different “spaces” offering heterotopic alliances

    Investigating pupils’ interactions around digital texts: a spatial perspective on the ‘classroom-ness’ of digital literacy practices in schools

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    This paper complements debates around use of new technologies and literacy in education by proposing a focus on “classroom-ness.” It highlights the significance of incidental, everyday and ephemeral practices associated with classroom technology-use. Using examples from a study of primary pupils’ interactions around digital texts, it argues that we must acknowledge the distinctiveness of technology-use in classroom contexts but also see the spaces associated with those contexts as continually constructed, relational and heterogeneous. This helps us look beyond binary distinctions – between in/out of school and global/local practices, on/off-screen and on/offline activity, material/virtual contexts and official/unofficial discourses – to recognise the complex and nuanced ways that children make meaning around new technologies. It is proposed that this theoretical lens – in recognising the complexity of classroom-ness – can help us better understand the barriers and opportunities associated with effective integration of new technologies in educational contexts

    Report of the IAU/IAG Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth Rotation and Validation

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    This report focuses on some selected scientific outcomes of the activities developed by the IAU/IAG Joint Working Group on Theory of Earth rotation and validation along the term 2015–2019. It is based on its end-of-term report to the IAG Commission 3 published in the Travaux de l’IAG 2015–2019, which in its turn updates previous reports to the IAG and IAU, particularly the triennial report 2015–2018 to the IAU Commission A2, and the medium term report to the IAG Commission 3 (2015–2017). The content of the report has served as a basis for the IAG General Assembly to adopt Resolution 5 on Improvement of Earth rotation theories and models.JMF, AE, and JG were partially supported by Spanish Project AYA2016-79775-P (AEI/FEDER, UE). The work of RSG described in this paper was performed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Support for that work was provided by the Earth Surface and Interior Focus Area of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
