591 research outputs found

    Modal Decomposition of Feedback Delay Networks

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    Feedback delay networks (FDNs) belong to a general class of recursive filters which are widely used in sound synthesis and physical modeling applications. We present a numerical technique to compute the modal decomposition of the FDN transfer function. The proposed pole finding algorithm is based on the Ehrlich-Aberth iteration for matrix polynomials and has improved computational performance of up to three orders of magnitude compared to a scalar polynomial root finder. We demonstrate how explicit knowledge of the FDN's modal behavior facilitates analysis and improvements for artificial reverberation. The statistical distribution of mode frequency and residue magnitudes demonstrate that relatively few modes contribute a large portion of impulse response energy

    Terahertz local oscillator sources: performance and capabilities

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    Frequency multiplier circuits based on planar GaAs Schottky diodes have advanced significantly in the last decade. Useful power in the >1 THz range has now been demonstrated from a complete solid-state chain. This paper will review some of the technologies that have led to this achievement along with a brief look at future challenges

    An exploration of the impact of celebrity on the HIV/AIDS pandemic

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    The framework we present in this article separates into three generations the celebrity/personality involvement in the AIDS movement that has been steadily building momentum over the past 25 years. We analyze the celebrification of HIV/AIDS and the role of the media in the process. We contend the relationship between celebrity, the public and HIV/AIDS is multipurpose: celebrities maintain a positive public presence between projects while allowing themselves and their supporting fans to feel good about taking on and affecting a meaningful cause. Celebrities are vehicles and embodiments of concern that act as proxies for their various audiences. And this is their power–celebrities are embodiments of their audiences. The awareness that celebrities have brought to the HIV/AIDS epidemic has resulted in better treatment for victims and increased government support for medical research, and yet has also distracted the public’s attention from the scope of the epidemic. It is the third generation of celebrities who are refocusing efforts on worldwide prevention and a cure for HIV/AIDS

    Prefrontal Pathways Provide Top-Down Control of Memory for Sequences of Events

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    We remember our lives as sequences of events, but it is unclear how these memories are controlled during retrieval. In rats, the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is positioned to influence sequence memory through extensive top-down inputs to regions heavily interconnected with the hippocampus, notably the nucleus reuniens of the thalamus (RE) and perirhinal cortex (PER). Here, we used an hM4Di synaptic-silencing approach to test our hypothesis that specific mPFC→RE and mPFC→PER projections regulate sequence memory retrieval. First, we found non-overlapping populations of mPFC cells project to RE and PER. Second, suppressing mPFC activity impaired sequence memory. Third, inhibiting mPFC→RE and mPFC→PER pathways effectively abolished sequence memory. Finally, a sequential lag analysis showed that the mPFC→RE pathway contributes to a working memory retrieval strategy, whereas the mPFC→PER pathway supports a temporal context memory retrieval strategy. These findings demonstrate that mPFC→RE and mPFC→PER pathways serve as top-down mechanisms that control distinct sequence memory retrieval strategies

    Influence of Grain Size on the Band-gap of Annealed SnS Thin Films

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    The manuscript reports the variation in optical band-gap of vacuum annealed SnS thin films. The samples were characterized by using X-Ray Diffraction, UV-visible Spectroscopy and Raman Analysis. Results show that while annealing does not effect the nano-crystalline sample's lattice structure or unit cell size it does control the grain size. The band-gap (Eg) decreases with increase in grain size. Eg values were found to be very high (1.8-2.5 eV) for samples studied

    Enhanced Immersion for Binaural Audio Reproduction of Ambisonics in Six-Degrees-of-Freedom: The Effect of Added Distance Information

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    The immersion of the user is of key interest in the reproduction of acoustic scenes in virtual reality. It is enhanced when movement is possible in six degrees-of-freedom, i.e., three rotational plus three translational degrees. Further enhancement of immersion can be achieved when the user is not only able to move between distant sound sources, but can also move towards and behind close sources. In this paper, we employ a reproduction method for Ambisonics recordings from a single position that uses meta information on the distance of the sound sources in the recorded acoustic scene. A subjective study investigates the benefit of said distance information. Different spatial audio reproduction methods are compared with a multi-stimulus test. Two synthetic scenes are contrasted, one with close sources the user can walk around, and one with far away sources that can not be reached. We found that for close or distant sources, loudness changing with the distance enhances the experience. In case of close sources, the use of correct distance information was found to be important

    Alteration of Lung Physiology with the Administration of Convalescent Plasma in ARDS Patients Intubated with COVID-19 Pneumonia

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    **Background:** It remains unknown to what degree lung physiology is altered by administration of convalescent plasma in patients intubated with ARDS due to COVID-19 pneumonia. Although no longer clinically used as treatment for COVID-19, convalescent plasma therapy could be deployed again should new virus threats emerge in the future. **Aim:** To evaluate changes in ventilator physiologic variables in response to convalescent plasma transfusion using a retrospective, observational, case control study of intubated patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. **Methods:** Patients who were receiving mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19 at the time of administration of convalescent plasma therapy (CPT) were matched to control patients who did not receive convalescent plasma. Ventilatory data such as compliance, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), FiO~2~ administered, PaO~2~/FiO~2~ ratio, and tidal volume were collected pre and post administration. Panel-level random-effects linear regression models were used to assess the mean difference and interactions between CPT and cases vs controls over time. **Results:** 12 patients received CPT while intubated and were matched to 35 intubated control patients who did not receive CPT. In total, 857 separate measurements of static compliance were obtained over time. No significant difference in static compliance was seen after CPT. In cases, adjusted mean static compliance was 30.8 (95% CI (23.3, 38.4))mL/cm H~2~O before CPT and 28.2 (95% CI (20.7,35.6)) mL/cm H~2~O afterwards. Controls adjusted mean static compliance was 33.9 (95% CI (29.5, 38.4)) mL/cm H~2~O before versus 32.2 (95% CI (27.9, 36.5)) mL/cm H~2~O afterwards. Variables that had small but statistically significant differences pre vs post CPT among cases and controls were systolic and diastolic blood pressure, FiO~2~, heart rate, applied PEEP, and respiratory rate. **Conclusion:** While some statistically significant physiologic effects were seen with CPT in mechanically ventilated patients, these were deemed to be small and clinically insignificant. This is consistent with prior research on less acutely ill COVID-19 patients

    Light-field-driven electronics in the mid-infrared regime: Schottky rectification

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    The speed of an active electronic semiconductor device is limited by RC timescale, i.e., the time required for its charging and discharging. To circumvent this ubiquitous limitation of conventional electronics, we investigate diodes under intense mid-infrared light-field pulses. We choose epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide as a metal/semiconductor pair, acting as an ultrarobust and almost-transparent Schottky diode. The usually dominant forward direction is suppressed, but a characteristic signal occurs in reverse bias. For its theoretical description, we consider tunneling through the light-field–modulated Schottky barrier, complemented by a dynamical accumulation correction. On the basis only of the DC parametrization of the diode, the model provides a consistent and accurate description of the experimentally observed infrared phenomena. This allows the conclusion that cycle-by-cycle dynamics determines rectification. As the chosen materials have proven capabilities for transistors, circuits, and even a full logic, we see a way to establish light-field-driven electronics with rapidly increasing functionality
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