576 research outputs found

    The host galaxy of GRB010222: The strongest damped Lyman-alpha system known

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    Analysis of the absorption lines in the afterglow spectrum of the gamma-ray burst GRB010222 indicates that its host galaxy (at a redshift of z=1.476) is the strongest damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) system known, having a very low metallicity and modest dust content. This conclusion is based on the detection of the red wing of Lyman-alpha plus a comparison of the equivalent widths of ultraviolet Mg I, Mg II, and Fe II lines with those in other DLAs. The column density of H I, deduced from a fit to the wing of Lyman-alpha, is (5 +/- 2) 10^22 cm^-2. The ratio of the column densities of Zn and Cr lines suggests that the dust content in our line of sight through the galaxy is low. This could be due to either dust destruction by the ultraviolet emission of the afterglow or to an initial dust composition different to that of the diffuse interstellar material, or a combination of both.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS 12 page

    SCUBA observations of the host galaxies of four dark gamma-ray bursts

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    We present the results of a search for submillimetre-luminous host galaxies of optically dark gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We made photometry measurements of the 850-micron flux at the location of four `dark bursts', which are those with no detected optical afterglow despite rapid deep searches, and which may therefore be within galaxies containing substantial amounts of dust. We were unable to detect any individual source significantly. Our results are consistent with predictions for the host galaxy population as a whole, rather than for a subset of dusty hosts. This indicates that optically dark GRBs are not especially associated with very submillimetre-luminous galaxies and so cannot be used as reliable indicators of dust-enshrouded massive star-formation activity. Further observations are required to establish the relationship between the wider GRB host galaxy population and SCUBA galaxies.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    SCUBA Observations of the Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    In recent years, a population of galaxies with huge infrared luminosities and dust masses has been discovered in the submillimetre. Observations suggest that the AGN contribution to the luminosities of these submillimetre-selected galaxies is low; instead their luminosities are thought to be mainly due to strong episodes of star formation following merger events. Our current understanding of GRBs as the endpoints in the life of massive stars suggest that they will be located in such galaxies.We have observed a sample of well-located GRB host galaxies in the submillimetre. Comparing the results with the general submillimetre-selected galaxy population, we find that at low fluxes (S850 ≤ 4 mJy), the two agree well. However, there is a lack of bright GRB hosts in the submillimetre. This finding is reinforced when the results of other groups are included. Possible explanations are discussed. These results help us assess the roles of both GRB host galaxies and submillimetre-selected galaxies in the evolution of the Universe

    The early and late-time spectral and temporal evolution of GRB 050716

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    We report on a comprehensive set of observations of Gamma Ray Burst 050716, detected by the Swift satellite and subsequently followed-up rapidly in X-ray, optical and near infra-red wavebands. The prompt emission is typical of long-duration bursts, with two peaks in a time interval of T90 = 68 seconds (15 - 350 keV). The prompt emission continues at lower flux levels in the X-ray band, where several smaller flares can be seen, on top of a decaying light curve that exhibits an apparent break around 220 seconds post trigger. This temporal break is roughly coincident with a spectral break. The latter can be related to the extrapolated evolution of the break energy in the prompt gamma-ray emission, and is possibly the manifestation of the peak flux break frequency of the internal shock passing through the observing band. A possible 3 sigma change in the X-ray absorption column is also seen during this time. The late-time afterglow behaviour is relatively standard, with an electron distribution power-law index of p = 2 there is no noticable temporal break out to at least 10 days. The broad-band optical/nIR to X-ray spectrum indicates a redshift of z ~> 2 for this burst, with a host-galaxy extinction value of E(B-V) ~ 0.7 that prefers an SMC-like extinction curve.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 8 pages, 5 figure

    VLT observations of GRB 990510 and its environment

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    We present BVRI photometry and spectrophotometry of GRB990510 obtained with the ESO VLT/Antu telescope during the late decline phase. Between days 8 and 29 after the burst, the afterglow faded from R=24.2 to ~26.4. The spectral flux distribution and the light curve support the interpretation of the afterglow as synchrotron emission from a jet. The light curve is consistent with the optical transient alone but an underlying SN with maximum brightness R>27.4 or a galaxy with R>27.6 (3-sigma upper limits) cannot be ruled out. To a 5-sigma detection threshold of R=26.1, no galaxy is found within 6'' of the transient. A very blue V~24.5 extended object which may qualify as a starburst galaxy is located 12'' SE, but at unknown redshift.Comment: 5 pages A&A Latex, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Testing the standard fireball model of GRBs using late X-ray afterglows measured by Swift

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    We show that all X-ray decay curves of GRBs measured by Swift can be fitted using one or two components both of which have exactly the same functional form comprised of an early falling exponential phase followed by a power law decay. The 1st component contains the prompt gamma-ray emission and the initial X-ray decay. The 2nd component appears later, has a much longer duration and is present for ~80% of GRBs. It most likely arises from the external shock which eventually develops into the X-ray afterglow. In the remaining ~20% of GRBs the initial X-ray decay of the 1st component fades more slowly than the 2nd and dominates at late times to form an afterglow but it is not clear what the origin of this emission is. The temporal decay parameters and gamma/X-ray spectral indices derived for 107 GRBs are compared to the expectations of the standard fireball model including a search for possible "jet breaks". For ~50% of GRBs the observed afterglow is in accord with the model but for the rest the temporal and spectral indices do not conform to the expected closure relations and are suggestive of continued, late, energy injection. We identify a few possible jet breaks but there are many examples where such breaks are predicted but are absent. The time, T_a, at which the exponential phase of the 2nd component changes to a final powerlaw decay afterglow is correlated with the peak of the gamma-ray spectrum, E_peak. This is analogous to the Ghirlanda relation, indicating that this time is in some way related to optically observed break times measured for pre-Swift bursts.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Variable polarization in the optical afterglow of GRB 021004

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    We present polarimetric observations of the afterglow of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 021004, obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) between 8 and 17 hours after the burst. Comparison among the observations shows a 45 degree change in the position angle from 9 hours after the burst to 16 hours after the burst, and comparison with published data from later epochs even shows a 90 degree change between 9 and 89 hours after the burst. The degree of linear polarization shows a marginal change, but is also consistent with being constant in time. In the context of currently available models for changes in the polarization of GRBs, a homogeneous jet with an early break time of t_b ~ 1 day provides a good explanation of our data. The break time is a factor 2 to 6 earlier than has been found from the analysis of the optical light curve. The change in the position angle of the polarization rules out a structured jet model for the GRB.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Published in A&A letter

    The discovery of polarization in the afterglow of GRB 990510 with the ESO Very Large Telescope

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    Following a BeppoSAX alert (Piro 1999a) and the discovery of the OT at SAAO (Vreeswijk et al. 1999a), we observed GRB 990510 with the FORS instrument on ESO's VLT Unit 1 (`Antu'). The burst is unremarkable in gamma rays, but in optical is the first one to show good evidence for jet-like outflow (Stanek et al. 1999, Harrison et al. 1999). We report the detection of significant linear polarization in the afterglow: it is (1.6 +/- 0.2)% 0.86 days after trigger, and after 1.81 days is consistent with that same value, but much more uncertain. The polarization angle is constant on a time scale of hours, and may be constant over one day. We conclude that the polarization is intrinsic to the source and due to the synchrotron nature of the emission, and discuss the random and ordered field geometries that may be responsible for it.Comment: submitted to ApJ Lett., 5 pages including 2 figures, uses emulateapj.st

    The first Swift X-ray Flash: The faint afterglow of XRF 050215B

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    We present the discovery of XRF 050215B and its afterglow. The burst was detected by the Swift BAT during the check-out phase and observations with the X-ray telescope began approximately 30 minutes after the burst. These observations found a faint, slowly fading X-ray afterglow near the centre of the error box as reported by the BAT. Infrared data, obtained at UKIRT after 10 hours also revealed a very faint K-band afterglow. The afterglow appear unusual since it is very faint, especially in the infrared with K>20 only 9 hours post burst. The X-ray and infrared lightcurves exhibit a slow, monotonic decay with alpha=0.8 and no evidence for steepening associated with the jet break to 10 days post burst. We discuss possible explanations for the faintness and slow decay in the context of present models for the production of X-ray Flashes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows as Probes of Environment and Blastwave Physics II: The Distribution of p and Structure of the Circumburst Medium

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    We constrain blastwave parameters and the circumburst media of a subsample of BeppoSAX Gamma-Ray Bursts. For this sample we derive the values of the injected electron energy distribution index, p, and the density structure index of the circumburst medium, k, from simultaneous spectral fits to their X-ray, optical and nIR afterglow data. The spectral fits have been done in count space and include the effects of metallicity, and are compared with the previously reported optical and X-ray temporal behaviour. Assuming the fireball model, we can find a mean value of p for the sample as a whole of 2.035. A statistical analysis Of the distribution demonstrates that the p values in this sample are inconsistent with a single universal value for p at the 3sigma level or greater. This approach provides us with a measured distribution of circumburst density structures rather than considering only the cases of k = 0 (homogeneous) and k = 2 (wind-like). We find five GRBs for which k can be well constrained, and in four of these cases the circumburst medium is clearly wind-like. The fifth source has a value of 0 less than or equal to k less than or equal to 1, consistent with a homogeneous circumburst medium
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