20 research outputs found

    Is Tuberculosis Increasing Blood Pressure?

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    This research’s purpose was to understand the association between TB status with blood pressure’s differences in Indonesia in 2013. This research used data from Riskesdas. Linear regression analysis and logistic regression were used on 38.002 sample subject regardless of the TB status whose blood pressure and glucose rate were examined. The result of this research showed that there’s an association between TB and blood pressure. With the decreasing of systolic blood pressure as 2.3 mmHg and subjects with TB are 1.1 times most likely also suffer hypertension. The results of this study showed that the blood pressure in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status is lower 1.9 mmHg (95% CI-6.0 – 2.2) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB. Hypertension odds ratios in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status was 0.94 lower (95% CI 0.58 to 1.52) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB. Keywords: Hypertension; Tuberculosis; Blood pressur

    The Role of Couple Discussion on Modern Contraceptive Used for Spacing Pregnancy (Analyzed of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey/IDHS 2012)

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    The desired to have more child is higher among mothers who have one child, so they need contraceptive use for spacing the next pregnancy to avoid the risk of close pregnancy. Couple discussion about family planning is believed to be able to contribute the use of contraceptive, but the role of discussion with husband to encouragecontraceptive for spacing pregnancy was unclear. This study analyzed 8.359 from 45.607 of reproductive women aged 15 to 49 years old, data collected in Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012, who had married or living together and had one child that still lived because to do spacing pregnancy, at least mothers already had one child. There were 50.2% of mothers who had used modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Mothers who discussed family planning with her husband was 1.61 higher to use modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy than those who didn’t discuss, controlled by the level of mothers education, husband’s occupation, economic status, and family planning information source (Adjusted odds ratio = 1.61, 95% CI: 1.35 – 1.92). The couple discussion had a role to influence the use of modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Thus, it’s not the only woman who had to involve in family planning and Behavior Change Communication targets to motivate couple to discuss, but also the husband. Keywords: couple discussion, modern contraceptive, spacing pregnanc

    Pengaruh Rejimen terhadap Ketidakpatuhan Berobat Tuberkulosis

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    Beban tuberkulosis di Indonesia termasuk lima tertinggi di dunia. Temuan kasus dan pengobatan adalah pilar utama program penanggulangan tuberkulosis. Survei nasional menunjukkan peningkatan penggunaan rejimen tidak standar dari 16,8% (2010) menjadi 55,6% (2013). Peningkatan penggunaan rejimen tidak standar diduga berpengaruh terhadap ketidakpatuhan berobat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari ketidakpatuhan berobat pada orang dengan tuberkulosis yang menerima rejimen tidak standar dan rejimen standar. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010. Analisis logistik multivariabel dilakukan pada sampel 971 orang dengan tuberkulosis yang selesai mendapatkan pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada kecenderungan orang dengan tuberkulosis yang menerima rejimen tidak standar memiliki ketidakpatuhan berobat lebih tinggi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan odds untuk tidak menyelesaikan pengobatan lebih tinggi pada orang yang menerima rejimen tidak standar dibandingkan orang yang menerima rejimen standar, yaitu odds ratio terkontrol 2,4 (95% CI odds ratio: 1,7-3,5). Dalam upaya menjamin kepatuhan berobat tuberkulosis, mutu program pengobatan perlu ditingkatkan; di antaranya adalah ketersediaan rejimen standar, penyetaraan standar pengobatan antara fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan swasta dan publik, serta sistem pemantauan minum obat.The influence of Regimen on Poor Adherence of Tuberculosis TreatmentIndonesia is one of five highest tuberculosis burden countries. Case finding and treatment are the main pillars of tuberculosis control program. National survey reported that the USAge of nonstandarized regimen is increased from 16,8% (2010) to 55,6% (2013). Increase use of nonstandarized regimen is associated with poor adherence tuberculosis treatment. This study purposed to compare the poor adherence of tuberculosis treatment among people who received standarized regimen and people who received nonstandarized regimen. The study used secondary data of National Health Survey 2010. Analysis used multivariable logistic through 971 people who completed tuberculosis treatment. This study found that people who received nonstandarized regimen had higher poor adherence of tuberculosis treatment than people who received standarized regimen. The result also showed that the odds of not to complete the treatment was higher in people who received nonstandarized regimen than who received standarized regimen, adjusted OR was 2,4 (95% CI OR: 1,7-3,5). To assure the adherence to tuberculosis treatment is to strengthen tuberculosis treatment program; such as the availability of standarized regimen, the equality of standard tuberculosis treatment among public and private health services, and the system of observed treatment

    Pengaruh Status Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan Terhadap Perilaku Ibu Selama Kehamilan Dan Setelah Kelahiran Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Sdki 2012)

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    Background: The status of unintended pregnancies is an important concern as unintended pregnancy can affect mother and infant health. Objective: This study aimed to determine the description and influence of unintended pregnancies towards mothers' behaviour during prenatal and postnatal within different economic status. Methods: An analysis of secondary data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012 is conducted. A sample of 11.742 respondents qualified into inclusive criteria were women aged 15-49 years who had pregnant and gave birth to single births since January 2007 until the time of the survey. The analysis was performed with logistic regression and stratified multivariate logistic regression. Results: The results showed that mothers who experienced an unintended pregnancy were 1.79 more likely to not conduct prenatal care compared to those who didn't, and had the same opportunities of not having behaviour of exclusive breastfeeding and not giving complete basic immunization as those who didn't. The study also obtained results that behaviour of obstetric care, exclusive breastfeeding and complete basic immunization also influenced by economic status. Conclusion: Unintended pregnancy affected behaviour of antenatal care (ANC) visit whereas exclusive breastfeeding and complete basic imunization were not different compare to intended pregnancy. Effect unintended pregnanvy toward materna; behavior's mother are vary according economics status

    Pengaruh Tahu Status HIV terhadap Penggunaan Kondom Konsisten pada Lelaki yang Seks dengan Lelaki di YOGYAKARTA dan Makassar (Analisis Data Surveilans Terpadu Biologi dan Perilaku Tahun 2013)

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    Hubungan seks yang berisiko menularkan HIV adalah hubungan seks dengan banyak pasangan dan berganti-ganti pasangan yang sebagian besar didominasi dengan hubungan seks komersial, baik pada kelompok heteroseksual maupun pada kelompok homoseksual atau sejenis. Kelompok yang paling berisiko tertular HIV adalah kelompok homoseksual dan biseksual yang biasa dikategorikan sebagai lelaki seks lelaki atau disebut LSL. Di banyak bagian wilayah, HIV di kalangan LSL muncul dengan penularan HIV yang sangat cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tahu status HIV terhadap penggunaan kondom konsisten pada LSL di Yogyakarta dan Makassar dan melihat adakah perbedaan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode RDS dan non RDS terhadap indikator program. Penelitian ini menggunakan data STBP 2013. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa di Yogyakarta ada pengaruh tahu status HIV terhadap penggunaan kondom konsisten dengan OR sebesar 6,6 dan 95% CI 2,1-20,9, sedangkan di Makassar belum dapat diketahui pengaruh tahu status HIV dengan penggunaan kondom konsisten dengan OR sebesar 1,6 dan 95% CI 0,6 - 4,4. Ada perbedaan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode RDS dan non RDS terhadap indikator program. Terdapat pengaruh tahu status HIV dengan penggunaan kondom konsisten pada lelaki yang seks dengan lelaki di Yogyakarta sedangkan di Makassar belum dapat diketahui pengaruh tahu status HIV dengan penggunaan kondom konsisten. Terdapat perbedaan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode RDS dan non RDS terhadap indikator program

    Hubungan Antara Pembesaran Kelenjar Gondok Yang Tampak Dengan Gangguan Pertumbuhan Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Daerah Gondok Endemik

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    Salah satu spektrum gangguan akibat iodium (GAKI) adalah gangguan pertumbuhan ragawi. Pembesaran kelenjar gondok, disatu pihak merupakan salah satu manifestasi kekurangan iodium, sementara di lain pihak, defisit tinggi badan merupakan petunjuk gangguan pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian Bautista et.al. dan Koutras et.al. tidak menunjukkan hubungan antara pembesaran kelenjar gondok dengan postur tubuh. Penelitian untuk konfirmasi hasil penelitian tersebut dengan keadaan di Indonesia telah dilakukan di daerah gondok endemik di Kecamatan Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Sebanyak 1110 siswa sekolah dasar (7 SD) diperiksa pembesaran gondoknya dengan palpasi dan diukur tinggi badannya secara antropometri. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kasus-kontrol dan distratifikasi menurut jenis kelamin dan umur. Kasus adalah anak penderita gangguan pertumbuhan pada nilai Z-skor 2.51 dari sebaran tinggi badan NCHS/WHO. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa resiko anak yang terganggu pertumbuhannya karena menderita kekurangan iodium sama besar dengan resiko anak yang pertumbuhannya normal (rasio odd, OR=0.84); demikian pula resiko pertumbuhan, pada anak perempuan (OR=0.90) hampir sama besar dengan pada anak laki-laki (OR=0.81). Efek umur, tampaknya, juga tidak menunjukkan perbedaan resiko. Disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian ini menegaskan hasil penelitian Bautista et.al. dan Koutras et.al

    Newcomers in a hazardous environment; a qualitative inquiry of sex worker vulnerability to HIV in Bali, Indonesia

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    Background Women new to sex work and those with a greater degree of mobility have higher risk of HIV infection. Using social capital as a theoretical framework, we argue that better understanding of the interactions of micro-level structural factors can be valuable in reshaping and restructuring health promotion programmes in Bali to be more responsive to the concerns and needs of newcomer and mobile female sex workers (FSWs). Methods We conducted interviews with 11 newcomer FSWs (worked  six months). The interviews explored women’s experience of sex work including how and why they came to sex work, relationships with other FSWs and their HIV prevention practices. Results A thematic framework analysis revealed newcomer FSWs faced multiple levels of vulnerability that contributed to increased HIV risk. First, a lack of knowledge and self-efficacy about HIV prevention practices was related to their younger age and low exposure to sexual education. Second, on entering sex work, they experienced intensely competitive working environments fuelled by economic competition. This competition reduced opportunities for positive social networks and social learning about HIV prevention. Finally, the lack of social networks and social capital between FSWs undermined peer trust and solidarity, both of which are essential to promote consistent condom use. For example, newcomer FSWs did not trust that if they refused to have sex without a condom, their peers would also refuse; this increased their likelihood of accepting unprotected sex, thereby increasing HIV risk. Conclusions Public health and social welfare interventions and programmes need to build social networks, social support and solidarity within FSW communities, and provide health education and HIV prevention resources much earlier in women’s sex work careers.School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australi

    Is Tuberculosis Increasing Blood Pressure?

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    This research's purpose was to understand the association between TB status with blood pressure's differences in Indonesia in 2013. This research used data from Riskesdas. Linear regression analysis and logistic regression were used on 38.002 sample subject regardless of the TB status whose blood pressure and glucose rate were examined. The result of this research showed that there's an association between TB and blood pressure. With the decreasing of systolic blood pressure as 2.3 mmHg and subjects with TB are 1.1 times most likely also suffer hypertension. The results of this study showed that the blood pressure in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status is lower 1.9 mmHg (95% CI-6.0 – 2.2) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB. Hypertension odds ratios in subjects who were diagnosed with tuberculosis after adjusting for blood glucose. Age. Sex. And economic status was 0.94 lower (95% CI 0.58 to 1.52) than the subjects who were not diagnosed with TB. Keywords: Hypertension; Tuberculosis; Blood pressur

    The Role of Couple Discussion on Modern Contraceptive Used for Spacing Pregnancy (Analyzed of Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey/IDHS 2012)

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    The desired to have more child is higher among mothers who have one child, so they need contraceptive use for spacing the next pregnancy to avoid the risk of close pregnancy. Couple discussion about family planning is believed to be able to contribute the use of contraceptive, but the role of discussion with husband to encouragecontraceptive for spacing pregnancy was unclear. This study analyzed 8.359 from 45.607 of reproductive women aged 15 to 49 years old, data collected in Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012, who had married or living together and had one child that still lived because to do spacing pregnancy, at least mothers already had one child. There were 50.2% of mothers who had used modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Mothers who discussed family planning with her husband was 1.61 higher to use modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy than those who didn't discuss, controlled by the level of mothers education, husband's occupation, economic status, and family planning information source (Adjusted odds ratio = 1.61, 95% CI: 1.35 – 1.92). The couple discussion had a role to influence the use of modern contraceptive for spacing pregnancy. Thus, it's not the only woman who had to involve in family planning and Behavior Change Communication targets to motivate couple to discuss, but also the husband. Keywords: couple discussion, modern contraceptive, spacing pregnanc

    Bone mineral content in a sample of Indonesian population

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