119 research outputs found

    Molecular structure of t-butyloxycarbonyl-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-methyl ester, a fragment of alamethicin and suzukacillin: A 3<SUB>10</SUB>-helical pentapeptide

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    The pentapeptide Boc-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-OMe, a fragment of alamethicin and suzukacillin, crystallizes in the space group P21, with a = 11.034 (2), b = 10.894 (2), c = 15.483 (2) &#197;, &#946;= 104.80 (2)&#176; and Z = 2. The crystal structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.069. The peptide backbone folds into a right-handed 310-helical conformation, stabilized by two intramolecular 4&#8594; 1 hydrogen bonds between the Leu(1) CO and Val(4) NH and Aib(2) CO and Aib(5) NH groups. The solid-state conformation is consistent with results of spectroscopic analysis in solution

    Penjadwalan Mubaligh Online pada Persatuan Mubaligh Dumai (Pmd) Kota Dumai

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    Persatuan Mubaligh Dumai atau yang disingkatkan dengan nama PMD Kota Dumai merupakan wadah seluruh kegiatan Mubaligh yang ada dikota Dumai yang sudah diatur dan dijadwal. Dalam menjadwal Mubalig ini masih sering salah memberikan jadwal kepada mubalig hal ini disebabkan masih menggunakan penulisan pada kertas untuk menyusun jadwal, perlu adanya sistem penjadwalan mubaligh berbasis website dengn menggunakan pemrogmran php yang datanya tersimpan di dalam database dan penyajian informasi dapat langsung dilihat pada website yang tersedia. Sehingga hal ini dapat mempermudah mubalig dalam melihat jadwal ceramah tidak perlu lagi datang kekantor

    Community Work: theories, experiences and challenges

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    'Community Work: Theories, Experiences and Challenge' provides an insightful knowledge to human service professionals to work with communities. This compendium includes reflective writings on practices of diverse ways of working with communities to mitigate challenges posed by ecological, political, economic, social and cultural environment in the 21st century. This collaborative effort of academics and practitioners from Asia Pacific region is to promote and expand community work in the wider society

    Pengolahan Data Pasien Rawat Jalan Puskesmas Bumi Ayu Kota Dumai Berbasis Web

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    Rawat jalan merupakan pelayanan medis kepada seorang pasien untuk pengobatan yang dilakukan tanpa pasien menginap di rumah sakit, Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Bumi Ayu Dumai dimana permasalahan yang dijadikan dasar dalam penelitian ini adalah Pengolahan data Pasien rawat jalan Puskesmas Bumi Ayu Dumai di input secara terpisah-pisah sehingga mengakibatkan kerangkapan data dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam pemrosesan data. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan pada aplikasi pembuatan pengolahan data pasien rawat jalan pada Puskesmas Bumi ayu Dumai berbasis web adalah model waterfall. Sedangkan software yang digunakan adalah PHP sebagai bahasa pemograman. MySQL sebagai pengelola database. Maka hasil laporan yang dihasilkan akan baik dan juga mendapatkan laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan secara efektif dan efesien

    Exploring the Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer compounds from the leaves of Acalypha indica

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    Abstract: Acalypha indica (Euphorbiaceae) is commonly known as Indian Copperleaf and India

    Polymorphisms in the BER and NER pathways and their influence on survival and toxicity in never-smokers with lung cancer

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    Polymorphisms in DNA repair pathways may play a relevant role in lung cancer survival in never-smokers. Furthermore, they could be implicated in the response to chemotherapy and toxicity of platinum agents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of various genetic polymorphisms in the BER and NER DNA repair pathways on survival and toxicity in never-smoker LC patients. The study included never-smokers LC cases diagnosed from 2011 through 2019, belonging to the Lung Cancer Research In Never Smokers study. A total of 356 never-smokers cases participated (79% women; 83% adenocarcinoma and 65% stage IV). Survival at 3 and 5 years from diagnosis was not associated with genetic polymorphisms, except in the subgroup of patients who received radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy, and presented with ERCC1 rs3212986 polymorphism. There was greater toxicity in those presenting OGG1 rs1052133 (CG) and ERCC1 rs11615 polymorphisms among patients treated with radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy, respectively. In general, polymorphisms in the BER and NER pathways do not seem to play a relevant role in survival and response to treatment among never-smoker LC patients