300 research outputs found

    Node-like excitations in superconducting PbMo6S8 probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    We present the first scanning tunneling spectroscopy study on the Chevrel phase PbMo6S8, an extreme type II superconductor with a coherence length only slightly larger than in high-Tc cuprates. Tunneling spectra measured on atomically flat terraces are spatially homogeneous and show well-defined coherence peaks. The low-energy spectral weight, the zero bias conductance and the temperature dependence of the gap are incompatible with a conventional isotropic s-wave interpretation, revealing the presence of low-energy excitations in the superconducting state. We show that our data are consistent with the presence of nodes in the superconducting gap.Comment: To appear in PRB; 5 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-band Superconductivity in the Chevrel Phases SnMo6S8 and PbMo6S8

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    Sub-Kelvin scanning tunnelling spectroscopy in the Chevrel Phases SnMo6S8 and PbMo6S8 reveals two distinct superconducting gaps with Delta_1 = 3 meV, Delta_2 ~ 1.0 meV and Delta_1 = 3.1 meV, Delta_2 ~ 1.4 meV respectively. The gap distribution is strongly anisotropic, with Delta_2 predominantly seen when scanning across unit-cell steps on the (001) sample surface. The spectra are well-fitted by an anisotropic two-band BCS s-wave gap function. Our spectroscopic data are confirmed by electronic heat capacity measurements which also provide evidence for a twin-gap scenario.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Phonon Mode Spectroscopy, Electron-Phonon Coupling and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional M2Mo6Se6

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    We present electronic structure calculations, electrical resistivity data and the first specific heat measurements in the normal and superconducting states of quasi-one-dimensional M2Mo6Se6 (M = Tl, In, Rb). Rb2Mo6Se6 undergoes a metal-insulator transition at ~170K: electronic structure calculations indicate that this is likely to be driven by the formation of a dynamical charge density wave. However, Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6 remain metallic down to low temperature, with superconducting transitions at Tc = 4.2K and 2.85K respectively. The absence of any metal-insulator transition in these materials is due to a larger in-plane bandwidth, leading to increased inter-chain hopping which suppresses the density wave instability. Electronic heat capacity data for the superconducting compounds reveal an exceptionally low density of states DEF = 0.055 states eV^-1 atom^-1, with BCS fits showing 2Delta/kBTc >= 5 for Tl2Mo6Se6 and 3.5 for In2Mo6Se6. Modelling the lattice specific heat with a set of Einstein modes, we obtain the approximate phonon density of states F(w). Deconvolving the resistivity for the two superconductors then yields their electron-phonon transport coupling function a^2F(w). In Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6, F(w) is dominated by an optical "guest ion" mode at ~5meV and a set of acoustic modes from ~10-30meV. Rb2Mo6Se6 exhibits a similar spectrum; however, the optical phonon has a lower intensity and is shifted to ~8meV. Electrons in Tl2Mo6Se6 couple strongly to both sets of modes, whereas In2Mo6Se6 only displays significant coupling in the 10-18meV range. Although pairing is clearly not mediated by the guest ion phonon, we believe it has a beneficial effect on superconductivity in Tl2Mo6Se6, given its extraordinarily large coupling strength and higher Tc compared to In2Mo6Se6.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Structural effect of heavy ion irradiation on GdBaCuO ceramics

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    The influence of twin boundaries as sinks on defects induced by 480 keV Kr ion irradiation in GdBaCuO crystals was observed in situ at 40 and 300 K. The interaction of the dislocations with the twin boundaries followed on a video recording. A crystalline to amorphous transition was observed above a total fluence of ∼ 4 - 5 x 10^12 Kr/cm2. A comparison between orthorhombic (Os) crystals and a monoclinic structure (Ms) (close to Os and whose parameters were calculated) shows that the behaviour of irradiation-induced extended defects does not depend on a small initial deformation of the orthorhombic cell. In both case, an occasional orthorhombic (or monoclinic) to tetragonal phase transition only occurs when the amorphization process has begun

    Two-neutron halo nuclei in one dimension: dineutron correlation and breakup reaction

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    We propose a simple schematic model for two-neutron halo nuclei. In this model, the two valence neutrons move in a one-dimensional mean field, interacting with each other via a density-dependent contact interaction. We first investigate the ground state properties, and demonstrate that the dineutron correlation can be realized with this simple model due to the admixture of even- and odd-parity single-particle states. We then solve the time-dependent two-particle Schr\"odinger equation under the influence of a time-dependent one-body external field, in order to discuss the effect of dineutron correlation on nuclear breakup processes. The time evolution of two-particle density shows that the dineutron correlation enhances the total breakup probability, especially for the two-neutron breakup process, in which both the valence neutrons are promoted to continuum scattering states. We find that the interaction between the two particles definitely favours a spatial correlation of the two outgoing particles, which are mainly emitted in the same direction.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Toward a complete theory for predicting inclusive deuteron breakup away from stability

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    We present an account of the current status of the theoretical treatment of inclusive (d,p)(d,p) reactions in the breakup-fusion formalism, pointing to some applications and making the connection with current experimental capabilities. Three independent implementations of the reaction formalism have been recently developed, making use of different numerical strategies. The codes also originally relied on two different but equivalent representations, namely the prior (Udagawa-Tamura, UT) and the post (Ichimura-Austern-Vincent, IAV) representations. The different implementations have been benchmarked, and then applied to the Ca isotopic chain. The neutron-Ca propagator is described in the Dispersive Optical Model (DOM) framework, and the interplay between elastic breakup (EB) and non-elastic breakup (NEB) is studied for three Ca isotopes at two different bombarding energies. The accuracy of the description of different reaction observables is assessed by comparing with experimental data of (d,p)(d,p) on 40,48^{40,48}Ca. We discuss the predictions of the model for the extreme case of an isotope (60^{60}Ca) currently unavailable experimentally, though possibly available in future facilities (nominally within production reach at FRIB). We explore the use of (d,p)(d,p) reactions as surrogates for (n,γ)(n,\gamma) processes, by using the formalism to describe the compound nucleus formation in a (d,pγ)(d,p\gamma) reaction as a function of excitation energy, spin, and parity. The subsequent decay is then computed within a Hauser-Feshbach formalism. Comparisons between the (d,pγ)(d,p\gamma) and (n,γ)(n,\gamma) induced gamma decay spectra are discussed to inform efforts to infer neutron captures from (d,pγ)(d,p\gamma) reactions. Finally, we identify areas of opportunity for future developments, and discuss a possible path toward a predictive reaction theory

    Cooper pair sizes in 11Li and in superfluid nuclei: a puzzle?

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    We point out a strong influence of the pairing force on the size of the two neutron Cooper pair in 11^{11}Li, and to a lesser extent also in 6^6He. It seems that these are quite unique situations, since Cooper pair sizes of stable superfluid nuclei are very little influenced by the intensity of pairing, as recently reported. We explore the difference between 11^{11}Li and heavier superfulid nuclei, and discuss reasons for the exceptional situation in 11^{11}Li.Comment: 9 pages. To be published in J. of Phys. G special issue on Open Problems in Nuclear Structure (OPeNST

    Is there a rationale for the continuous infusion of cefepime? A multidisciplinary approach

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    This review is the fruit of multidisciplinary discussions concerning the continuous administration of β-lactams, with a special focus on cefepime. Pooling of the analyses and viewpoints of all members of the group, based on a review of the literature on this subject, has made it possible to test the hypothesis concerning the applicability of this method of administering cefepime. Cefepime is a cephalosporin for injection which exhibits a broader spectrum of activity than that of older, third-generation cephalosporins for injection (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime). The specific activity of cefepime is based on its more rapid penetration (probably due to its zwitterionic structure, this molecule being both positively and negatively charged) through the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, its greater affinity for penicillin-binding proteins, its weak affinity for β-lactamases, and its stability versus certain β-lactamases, particularly derepressed cephalosporinases. The stability of cefepime in various solutions intended for parenteral administration has been studied, and the results obtained demonstrated the good compatibility of cefepime with these different solutions. These results thus permit the administration of cefepime in a continuous infusion over a 24-h period, using two consecutive syringes
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