368 research outputs found

    Specific alterations of tyrosine hydroxylase immunopositive cells in the retina of NT-4 knock out mice

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    AbstractTo assess the effect of NT-4 deprivation on maturation of retinal circuitry, we investigated a mouse with targeted deletion of the gene encoding nt-4 (nt-4−/−). In particular, we studied neurons immunostained by an antibody recognizing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate limiting enzyme for dopamine (DA) synthesis. We found that TH immunopositive processes were altered in the retina of nt-4−/−. Alteration of TH immunopositive processes in nt-4−/− mice resulted in changes of DA turnover, as assessed by high-pressure liquid chromatography measurements. These findings suggest that retinal NT-4 plays a role in the morphological maturation of dopaminergic retinal cells

    Activation of PKA leads to mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition and loss of tumor-initiating ability

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition enables carcinoma cells to acquire malignancy-associated traits and the properties of tumor-initiating cells (TICs). TICs have emerged in recent years as important targets for cancer therapy, owing to their ability to drive clinical relapse and enable metastasis. Here, we propose a strategy to eliminate mesenchymal TICs by inducing their conversion to more epithelial counterparts that have lost tumor-initiating ability. We report that increases in intracellular levels of the second messenger, adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate, and the subsequent activation of protein kinase A (PKA) induce a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) in mesenchymal human mammary epithelial cells. PKA activation triggers epigenetic reprogramming of TICs by the histone demethylase PHF2, which promotes their differentiation and loss of tumor-initiating ability. This study provides proof-of-principle for inducing an MET as differentiation therapy for TICs and uncovers a role for PKA in enforcing and maintaining the epithelial state

    Impact of germline and somatic missense variations on drug binding sites.

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    Advancements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are generating a vast amount of data. This exacerbates the current challenge of translating NGS data into actionable clinical interpretations. We have comprehensively combined germline and somatic nonsynonymous single-nucleotide variations (nsSNVs) that affect drug binding sites in order to investigate their prevalence. The integrated data thus generated in conjunction with exome or whole-genome sequencing can be used to identify patients who may not respond to a specific drug because of alterations in drug binding efficacy due to nsSNVs in the target protein\u27s gene. To identify the nsSNVs that may affect drug binding, protein-drug complex structures were retrieved from Protein Data Bank (PDB) followed by identification of amino acids in the protein-drug binding sites using an occluded surface method. Then, the germline and somatic mutations were mapped to these amino acids to identify which of these alter protein-drug binding sites. Using this method we identified 12 993 amino acid-drug binding sites across 253 unique proteins bound to 235 unique drugs. The integration of amino acid-drug binding sites data with both germline and somatic nsSNVs data sets revealed 3133 nsSNVs affecting amino acid-drug binding sites. In addition, a comprehensive drug target discovery was conducted based on protein structure similarity and conservation of amino acid-drug binding sites. Using this method, 81 paralogs were identified that could serve as alternative drug targets. In addition, non-human mammalian proteins bound to drugs were used to identify 142 homologs in humans that can potentially bind to drugs. In the current protein-drug pairs that contain somatic mutations within their binding site, we identified 85 proteins with significant differential gene expression changes associated with specific cancer types. Information on protein-drug binding predicted drug target proteins and prevalence of both somatic and germline nsSNVs that disrupt these binding sites can provide valuable knowledge for personalized medicine treatment. A web portal is available where nsSNVs from individual patient can be checked by scanning against DrugVar to determine whether any of the SNVs affect the binding of any drug in the database.The Pharmacogenomics Journal advance online publication, 26 January 2016; doi:10.1038/tpj.2015.97

    Lifetime measurements of Triaxial Strongly Deformed bands in 163^{163}Tm

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    With the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method, quadrupole transition moments, QtQ_t, were determined for the two recently proposed Triaxial Strongly Deformed (TSD) bands in 163^{163}Tm. The measured QtQ_t moments indicate that the deformation of these bands is larger than that of the yrast, signature partners. However, the measured values are smaller than those predicted by theory. This observation appears to be valid for TSD bands in several nuclei of the regionComment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Outflow Facility Effects of 3 Schlemm’s Canal Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery Devices

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    Purpose To study the effect of 3 Schlemm’s canal (SC) microinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) devices on outflow facility. Design Paired comparisons, randomized design, baseline-controlled study. Participants Thirty-six pairs of dissected anterior segments from donated human eye bank eyes without glaucoma were studied. A baseline measurement was collected from each eye to serve as its control. Methods Using a constant pressure perfusion method, outflow facility was measured in paired eyes from human donors. Measurements were made at perfusion pressures of 10 mmHg, 20 mmHg, 30 mmHg, and 40 mmHg. Outflow facility was measured before (baseline control) and after the implantation of an SC glaucoma drainage device or sham procedure. Three sets of experiments were carried out comparing 1 and 2 iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stents and 2 iStent Inject implants with the Hydrus Microstent. Main Outcome Measures Change in outflow facility from baseline or contralateral eye. Results After Hydrus placement, the outflow facility increased from 0.23±0.03 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury at baseline to 0.38±0.03 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury (P < 0.001). The percent increase in outflow facility was 79±21% for the Hydrus and 11±16% for the 2 iStent Inject devices, a difference that was significant (P = 0.018). Outflow facility with 1 iStent (0.38±0.07 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury) was greater than baseline (0.28±0.03 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury; P = 0.031). The 1 iStent showed a greater increase in outflow facility from baseline (0.10±0.04 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury) compared with the sham procedure (–0.08±0.05 μl/minute per millimeter of mercury; P = 0.042). No other significant differences were found. Conclusions The longer the MIGS device, and thus the more SC that it dilates, the greater the outflow facility

    Analog E1 transitions and isospin mixing

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    We investigate whether isospin mixing can be determined in a model-independent way from the relative strength of E1 transitions in mirror nuclei. The specific examples considered are the A=31 and A=35 mirror pairs, where a serious discrepancy between the strengths of 7/2--->5/2+ transitions in the respective mirror nuclei has been observed. A theoretical analysis of the problem suggests that it ought to be possible to disentangle the isospin mixing in the initial and final states given sufficient information on experimental matrix elements. With this in mind, we obtain a lifetime for the relevant 7/2- state in 31S using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. We then collate the available information on matrix elements to examine the level of isospin mixing for both A=31 and A=35 mirror pairs

    Voronoia: analyzing packing in protein structures

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    The packing of protein atoms is an indicator for their stability and functionality, and applied in determining thermostability, in protein design, ligand binding and to identify flexible regions in proteins. Here, we present Voronoia, a database of atomic-scale packing data for protein 3D structures. It is based on an improved Voronoi Cell algorithm using hyperboloid interfaces to construct atomic volumes, and to resolve solvent-accessible and -inaccessible regions of atoms. The database contains atomic volumes, local packing densities and interior cavities calculated for 61 318 biological units from the PDB. A report for each structure summarizes the packing by residue and atom types, and lists the environment of interior cavities. The packing data are compared to a nonredundant set of structures from SCOP superfamilies. Both packing densities and cavities can be visualized in the 3D structures by the Jmol plugin. Additionally, PDB files can be submitted to the Voronoia server for calculation. This service performs calculations for most full-atomic protein structures within a few minutes. For batch jobs, a standalone version of the program with an optional PyMOL plugin is available for download. The database can be freely accessed at: http://bioinformatics.charite.de/voronoia

    Принципы стратегического планирования деятельности нефтяной компании Кот Д’Ивуар

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    В процессе исследования проводился: анализ современных мировых тенденций развития нефтегазовой промышленности; были проанализированы основные принципы и методы стратегического планирования развития компаний российского нефтегазового комплекса; на примере конкретных компаний; проведен сравнительный анализ методов и принципов стратегического планирования НГК России и нефтегазового сектора Кот-д’Ивуара.In the process of the study, the analysis of the current global trends in the development of the oil and gas industry was carried out; the main principles and methods of strategic planning for the development of companies of the Russian oil and gas complex were analyzed; on the example of specific companies; a comparative analysis of the methods and principles of strategic planning of the Russian oil and gas industry and the oil and gas sector in Cote d'Ivoire