4,533 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de estrategias pedag?gicas teniendo en cuenta la memoria Ind?gena Muisca, destinadas a la conservaci?n de la cuenca baja del rio Tunjuelito En El Colegio Mixto Villa Carolina

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    81 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa propuesta de investigaci?n titulada ? Desarrollo de estrategias pedag?gicas teniendo en cuenta la memoria ind?gena muisca; destinadas a la conservaci?n de la cuenca baja del rio Tunjuelito en el Colegio Mixto Villa Carolina?. Surge como parte de la observaci?n directa del gran deterioro de la cuenca baja del rio a trav?s de los tiempos; en el cual el sentido de compromiso y conservaci?n de los espacios a inmediaciones de la cuenca del rio Tunjuelito no se hace manifiesto en su totalidad. El alto ?ndice de contaminaci?n se hace notar en el arrojo continuo de residuos s?lidos, basuras, escombros entre otros tipos de materiales que afectan dr?sticamente la cuenca del rio; dicho reconocimiento se evidencia a trav?s de los a?os en la cual la recopilaci?n de experiencias propias de los ind?genas muiscas que all? viven desde sus asentamientos hist?ricos demuestran un incuestionable grado de contaminaci?n. Por su parte, se hace un reconocimiento a los valores propios del cabildo ind?gena muisca del sector; que a partir de la ayuda de los gestores ambientales mantienen un perfil orientado a aquellos valores que resaltan en su diario vivir as? como en la manera en que a trav?s de sus experiencias de vida, ellos contribuyen a forjar y mantener espacios de conservaci?n ambiental formando parte esencial de la propuesta de investigaci?n. Cabe mencionar que el constructivismo hace parte fundamental de la propuesta de investigaci?n; en la cual, mediante acciones y estrategias as? como actividades y metodolog?as proactivas propias planteadas por los investigadores, se obtendr?n resultados en cuanto a la transformaci?n y desarrollo de un conocimiento en torno a la conservaci?n del medio ambiente tanto dentro de la instituci?n como fuera de ella Palabras claves: Vig?a ambiental, Estrategias pedag?gicas, manual, memoria muisca, rio Tunjuelito, constructivista.The research proposal entitled "Development of teaching strategies taking into account the indigenous muisca memory; for the conservation of the lower basin of the river Tunjuelito in the Joint Villa Carolina College ". It emerges as part of the direct observation of significant deterioration of the lower basin of the river through time; in which the sense of commitment and conservation of the spaces near the river basin Tunjuelito not manifest in full. The high rate of contamination is noted in the continuous dumping of solid waste, garbage, debris and other types of materials that drastically affect the river basin; this recognition is evidenced through the years in which the collection of own muiscas Indians who live there from their historical experiences settlements; demonstrate an unquestionable degree of contamination. For its part, there is recognition of the indigenous council own values of the sector muisca; that from the help of environmental managers remain a profile oriented to values which stand in their daily lives, as well as in the way through their life experiences, they contribute to build and maintain environmental conservation spaces forming an essential part of the proposed profile investigation. It is worth mentioning that constructivism is an essential part of the research proposal; which, through actions and own strategies as well as proactive activities and methodologies raised by researchers, will be obtained results regarding the transformation and development of knowledge about the conservation of the environment within both inside and outside the institution. Keywords: Environmental Vigia, Teaching strategies, manual, muisca memoir, Tunjuelito river, constructivism

    Helioseismic analysis of the solar flare-induced sunquake of 2005 January 15. II: A magneto-seismic study

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    On 2005 January 15, the active region AR10720 produced an X1.2 solar flare that induced high levels of seismicity into the photospheric layers. The seismic source was detected using helioseismic holography and analysed in detail in Paper I. Egression power maps at 6 mHz with a 2 mHz bandwidth revealed a compact acoustic source strongly correlated with the footpoints of the coronal loop that hosted the flare. We present a magneto-seismic study of this active region in order to understand, for the first time, the magnetic topological structure of a coronal field that hosts an acoustically active solar flare. The accompanying analysis attempts to answer questions such as: Can the magnetic field act as a barrier and prevent seismic waves from spreading away from the focus of the sunquake? And, what is the most efficient magnetic structure that would facilitate the development of a strong seismic source in the photosphere?Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted in MNRA
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