92 research outputs found

    The Weibull-Exponential Distribution: Its Properties and Applications

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    A three parameter probability model, the so called Weibull-exponential distribution was proposed using the Weibull Generalized family of distributions. Some important models in the literature were found to be sub models of the new model. Explicit expressions for some of its basic mathematical properties like moments, moment generating function, reliability analysis, limiting behavior and order statistics were derived. The method of maximum likelihood estimation was proposed in estimating its parameters and real life applications were provided to illustrate its flexibility and potentiality over the exponential distribution

    A Comparative Study of the Use of Statistical Process Control in Monitoring Health Care Delivery

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    ABSTRACT: To control and improve on the quality of products and services is an important business strategy. Hence, the yearnings for quality services in all sector is not just a call from the consumers, clients or patients but an act to maintain the integrity of the manufacturer or service providers. In this research, the importance of statistical process control to health care delivery is being re-iterated with application to a real data set. The p-chart is being used and results compared with other results/findings in the literature

    Optimization of Production Plan of Hebron Drinks using Operational Research Technique

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    Manufacturing companies frequently face challenging operational problems. In such business environment, operations that compete for the same resources must be planned in a way that deadlines are met. Certain expertise in optimization is often required for successful solution of these problems. In this paper, we attempted to optimize the production plan of a manufacturing company - Hebron Drinks, by minimizing the Labour hours, Marching hours and Materials used in producing six different types of products. Linear programming technique was use to model the production plan of Hebron Drinks. The resulted model was solved using simplex method with the aid of computer software (LIP Solver 1.11.1 and 1.11.0). The optimal value obtained shows a reduction in the total cost of production for the period considered

    Crude Oil Importation and Exportation in Nigeria: An Exploratory and Comparative Study

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    Nigeria is an oil producing country and crude oil is an important asset to its economy. This research focuses on the analysis of importation and exportation of crude oil products (measured in million barrels). Comparisons between the total importation and exportation were made and descriptive analysis was performed on the crude oil components. Poisson regression was used to establish the relationship between total importation and the importation of the petroleum products under consideration. The results show that Nigeria makes more importation than exportation of these products

    Classes of Ordinary Differential Equations Obtained for the Probability Functions of Kumaraswamy Kumaraswamy Distribution

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    Kumaraswamy Kumaraswamy distribution was obtained by compounding two Kumaraswamy random variables. In this paper, homogenous ordinary differential equations (ODES) of different orders were obtained for the probability density function, quantile function, survival function and hazard function of Kumaraswamy Kumaraswamy distribution. This is possible since the aforementioned probability functions are differentiable. Differentiation and modified product rule were used to obtain the required ordinary differential equations, whose solutions are the respective probability functions. The different conditions necessary for the existence of the ODEs were obtained and it is almost in consistent with the support that defined the various probability functions considered. The parameters that defined each distribution greatly affect the nature of the ODEs obtained. This method provides new ways of classifying and approximating other probability distributions apart from Kumaraswamy Kumaraswamy distribution considered in this research

    Classes of Ordinary Differential Equations Obtained for the Probability Functions of Exponentiated Generalized Exponential Distribution

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    In this paper, the differential calculus was used to obtain some classes of ordinary differential equations (ODE) for the probability density function, quantile function, survival function, inverse survival function, hazard function and reversed hazard function of the exponentiated generalized exponential distribution. The stated necessary conditions required for the existence of the ODEs are consistent with the various parameters that defined the distribution. Solutions of these ODEs by using numerous available methods are new ways of understanding the nature of the probability functions that characterize the distribution. The method can be extended to other probability distributions and can serve an alternative to approximatio

    A novel intelligent system for securing cash levels using Markov random fields

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    Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Universities "Disruptive group decision making systems in fuzzy context: Applications in smart energy and people analytics" (PID2019-103880RB-I00), and Junta de Andalucia (SEJ340) is gratefully acknowledged.The maintenance of cash levels under certain security thresholds is key for the health of the banking sector. In this paper, the monitoring process of branch network cash levels is performed using a single intelligent system which should provide an alert when there are cash shortages at any point of the network. Such an integral solution would provide a unified insight that guarantees that branches with similar cash features are secured as a whole. That is to say, a triggered alarm at a specific branch would indicate that attention must also be paid to similar (in-cash-feature) branches. The system also incorporates a (complementary) specific treatment for individual branches. The Early Warning System for securing cash levels presented in this paper (cash level EWS) is deliberately free of local demographic specifications, thereby overcoming the current lack of worldwide definitions for local demographics. This aspect would be particularly valuable for banking institutions with branch networks all over the world. A further benefit is the cost reductions that are a result of replacing several approaches with a single global one. Instead of local demographic parameters, a solid theoretical model based on Markov random fields (MRFs) has been developed. The use of MRFs means a reduction in the amount of information required. This would mean a higher processing speed as well as a significant reduction in the amount of storage capacity required. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first time that MRFs have been applied to cash monitoring.Spanish Ministry of Universities PID2019-103880RB-I00Junta de Andalucia SEJ34

    The Kumaraswamy-Power Distribution: A Generalization of the Power Distribution

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    We introduce a generalization referred to as the Kumaraswamy Power distribution. The proposed model serves as a generalization of the two-parameter Power distribution using the Kumaraswamy Generalized family of distributions. We investigate some of its statistical properties; the Generalized Power distribution, Exponentiated Power distribution and the Power distribution are found to be sub-models of the proposed distribution. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is proposed in estimating the parameters of the mode

    Potential of the Coupled WRF/WRF-Hydro Modeling System for Flood Forecasting in the Ouémé River (West Africa)

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    Since the beginning of the 2000s, most of the West-African countries, particularly Benin, have experienced an increased frequency of extreme flood events. In this study, we focus on the case of the OuĂ©mĂ© river basin in Benin. To investigate flood events in this basin for early warning, the coupled atmosphere–hydrology model system WRF-Hydro is used, and analyzed for the period 2008–2010. Such a coupled model allows exploration of the contribution of atmospheric components into the flood event, and its ability to simulate and predict accurate streamflow. The potential of WRF-Hydro to correctly simulate streamflow in the OuĂ©mĂ© river basin is assessed by forcing the model with operational analysis datasets from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Atmospheric and land surface processes are resolved at a spatial resolution of 5 km. The additional surface and subsurface water flow routing are computed at a resolution of 500 m. Key parameters of the hydrological module of WRF-Hydro are calibrated offline and tested online with the coupled WRF-Hydro. The uncertainty of atmospheric modeling on coupled results is assessed with the stochastic kinetic energy backscatter scheme (SKEBS). WRF-Hydro is able to simulate the discharge in the OuĂ©mĂ© river in offline and fully coupled modes with a Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE) around 0.70 and 0.76, respectively. In the fully coupled mode, the model captures the flood event that occurred in 2010. A stochastic perturbation ensemble of ten members for three rain seasons shows that the coupled model performance in terms of KGE ranges from 0.14 to 0.79. Additionally, an assessment of the soil moisture has been developed. This ability to realistically reproduce observed discharge in the OuĂ©mĂ© river basin demonstrates the potential of the coupled WRF-Hydro modeling system for future flood forecasting applications

    Review on the Reliability of Medical Contents on YouTube

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    Social media and YouTube, in particular, has become an avenue for quick dissemination of information. Patients now search the YouTube website for information on diseases, treatment options, surgery, and general health information. This paper reviews the different reliability methods, results, conclusions and recommendations of contributions on the medical videos on YouTube. A keyword search was done on different databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar to generate articles related to the subject matter. No eligibility criteria were defined because the research is partly systematic. Descriptive statistics were used to present the information obtained from the analysis of the previously published papers in this context. The results are as follows: (i). DISCERN, JAMAS and GQS are the most frequent assessment tools used by authors in the determination of the reliability of medical videos on YouTube. (ii). 60% of the independent reviewers that assessed the reliability of the YouTube videos are often two in number. (iii). 65% of the articles concluded that medical videos on YouTube contain misleading information. (iv). User engagements for low and high-quality videos are 58% and 42% respectively. (v). 36.3 % of the total videos were uploaded by trusted sources such as medical and health professionals from recognized or prestigious hospitals, while 63.7% were uploaded by other sources whose affiliations cannot be independently verified. (vi). Out of the total 2675 medical videos assessed, 1589 (59%) are categorized as having useful contents that can influence positively on patient education while 1086 (41%) are categorized as misleading and (vii). Only 35% of the papers strongly recommended that medical videos on YouTube are useful and can be a good source of patient education. Awareness is needed to educate patients on the benefits and dangers of assessing medical videos on YouTube. Videos uploaded by authentic medical personnel or organizations are strongly recommended
